At least 100 crows just flew into the trees near our office here in
Camden. They filled the trees bordering our parking lot. They didn't
appear to be mobbing anything, just perched and cawed for awhile,
shifting positions, with about several dozen of them standing together
in the road. Then they all flew off. It was a like a scene from "The
Birds." About 10 minutes after they left, they returned from the NW
and flew in a big swirling flock over the office and are now still
flying together en masse over Mount Battie.
We have a neighbor who feeds the local crows, so we wondered if they'd
told some friends, but they weren't focused on her house at all. Ah,
the mysterious, purposeful lives of corvids...
Kristen Lindquist
12 Mount Battie St.
Camden, ME 04843
"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
--HH the Dalai Lama