BICKNELLS, etc (haven't been on in a while)

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Kayla Pelletier

Jun 9, 2013, 7:39:05 PM6/9/13
I haven't posted in a million years, but the Bicknells are singing in the Whites at last, despite the rainy weekend.

I heard a few on Mt Zealand which is a relatively easy hike.  You can just hike up to Z cliff which has a wonderful view, a hut nearby for water fill up/baked goods, and the way there is mostly flat (and a beautiful walk with a lot of warblers on the way).  They are also singing in the Presidentials, and probably all the other mountains as well. 

I have also been remarkably successful at pishing Magnolia warblers out in the mountains for whatever reason......

Speaking of warblers,  I have discovered an app called Larkwire that anyone trying to learn bird songs should download!  It makes you play a stupid game at first but once you get through it, you can build your own quizzes and it is REALLY wonderful and worth the money. 

Happy spring at last!

P.S.  Broke down and bought the Brome Squirrel buster and the squirrels don't even come into my yard anymore :)  Thanks Freeport Bird Supply for talking me into it :)
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