Wells: Greater White-fronted Goose...

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Josh Fecteau

Mar 21, 2017, 1:14:42 AM3/21/17
to Maine Birds
Hi all,

I followed up on Fletch's earlier report and was able to observe the
adult GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE this afternoon in the Little River
marsh visible from the south overlook of the Farley Trail at the Wells
Reserve (aka Laudholm Farm) in Wells.

I've added a few photos to my eBird checklist:

Great find, Fletch!


Inspiring Nature Connection in New England
joshfecteau.com | patreon.com/JoshFecteau

Scott Richardson

Mar 21, 2017, 12:46:41 PM3/21/17
to Maine Birds
Thanks, Fletch and Josh. The GWF Goose was still present between 8 and 8:30 this morning, with 37 Canada geese in the marsh grasses behind the foredune on the far side of the Little River mouth. In about 10 minutes scoping, I had just a few seconds with an identifiable view.

Most of the snow is hard packed and doesn't require snowshoes, but decent boots and careful stepping will help prevent ankle twists.

Scott Richardson

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