West Orono Pine Grosbeaks

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Paul Markson

Nov 16, 2012, 11:25:29 AM11/16/12
to Maine Birds
PINE GROSBEAKS a plenty during my walk this morning. Several homes at Gould Landing, at the very end of Essex Street, have fruit trees which were filled with these birds. Hoping this is going to be a finchy winter.
Paul Markson
West Orono (the OTHER Orono)

Jeff Wells

Nov 16, 2012, 12:48:08 PM11/16/12
to Maine Birds

I’ve also had Pine Grosbeaks this week in South Gardiner in front of the Riverview School and in Waterville in the complex of doctor’s offices at the top of the hill on Kennedy Memorial Drive. Teachers at the elementary school on Gardiner on Route 201 also reported them there.


The flock of Cedar Waxwings in the park beside Johnson Hall in downtown Gardiner continues daily but no bigger ones in with them that I have seen yet!


Jeff Wells

Jeff Wells

Nov 16, 2012, 12:50:57 PM11/16/12
to Maine Birds

Allison and I saw a male Northern Pintail and an American Coot in the pond at the Damariscotta River Association farm headquarters late in the afternoon on Monday, Nov. 12. And they didn’t fly off despite the three wild boys that we had with us!


Jeff Wells

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