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[imp] PGP encrypt by default -> reply

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Jan 18, 2009, 2:30:44 PM1/18/09

I'm currently testing an upgrade on our Horde installation. And our
version for IMP will jump from 4.1.6 to 4.3.2

We have by global default, that emails should be encrypted. Mainly to
make our users aware of GPG etc.

In our current version if you click on reply to an email, you get the
message window, you can write your reply and then if you click on send
the necessary keys are looked up and if not all keys could be found an
appropriate message is displayed.

However in the new version it looks now like the key lookup already
happens when clicking on reply. Therefore it can happen that the message
doesn't appear for a few seconds, as it is looking up the keys on the
This is on one way nice as it then changes the settings for encryption
and displays a message. On the other side it is somehow a bit annoying
if you have encryption on by default but are replying to someone who
doesn't have key, or to a list etc.

So is there any reasons why this happens now already when the message
window opens? Note that you might add/remove addresses while replying,
so it isn't sure that what imp is looking up first is the final address

Is this behaviour somehow configurable? I didn't find an option to tweak it.

Any other ideas/hints to avoid/circumvent the long waiting for the
compose window.

If not at all, do you think that this could easy be made configurable
and would you be interested in such a patch? Because I think it's fine
if you don't lookup the keys until sending the message and I could dig
into the code and make it configurable if you think it's a more or less
easy fix and that you would be interested in such an option.
Do you think it should be configurable at all, or wouldn't the old
behaviour be the preferred one, due to the reasons I outlined above.

cheers pete
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Jan Schneider

Jan 19, 2009, 9:20:25 AM1/19/09
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See why this has been changed.


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