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7.0 RC1 amd64 -- no boot with 3ware 9650-2 port

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Rudy Rucker

Jan 16, 2008, 3:50:59 PM1/16/08

Not sure if it is the 3ware card or the motherboard (supermicro X7SBi)
that is holding up the boot.

BUT, when booting the freshly download RC1 ISO from IDE CDROM, the boot
stops ... last line is "da0" (the 3ware array).

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Support (Rudy)

Jan 16, 2008, 5:57:56 PM1/16/08
Rudy Rucker wrote:
> Not sure if it is the 3ware card or the motherboard (supermicro X7SBi)
> that is holding up the boot.
> BUT, when booting the freshly download RC1 ISO from IDE CDROM, the boot
> stops ... last line is "da0" (the 3ware array).

I pulled the 3ware card and still no install.

Output was something like this on the console:
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
-------------- STUCK HERE ---------------

So, I rebooted and put in a 7.0 RC1 i386 (instead of the amd64).
Same problem...

I tried with a 6.2 amd64 disk I had kicking around -- works fine. Gets
me to the install menu.

[1] Am I incorrect to assume that an 'amd64' disk will install on my
Intel Core DUO and give me a 64bit OS?

[2] Is this a compatibility issue with the SUpermicro x7DBi motherboard?

Hoping for answers,

Rudy Rucker

Jan 16, 2008, 6:07:41 PM1/16/08
Rudy Rucker wrote:
> Not sure if it is the 3ware card or the motherboard (supermicro X7SBi)
> that is holding up the boot.
> BUT, when booting the freshly download RC1 ISO from IDE CDROM, the boot
> stops ... last line is "da0" (the 3ware array).
> Rudy

I replaced the 1999 CD-ROM with a slightly newer one, and now it boots
fine. Must have been something with the OLD CDROM drive. Time to send
it to China and have it recycled. :(


Jan 19, 2008, 12:38:17 AM1/19/08

I can reboot, no problem. I got 7.0-RC1 on it (my CD-ROM drive was bad
too old ... it would boot up, but freeze at the 'acd0' line in the boot

Once installed, I removed the hard disk and got an error "No Operating
system". I pulled the second drive, and booted with just one disk in.
After it had booted, I plugged the SATA cable back into the running
machine (the SATA protocol is HOT-SWAP friendly) and ran atacontrol to
detect the added disk. Then I created a gmirror between the two disks.

Actually, I made two slices on the disks, one small for the OS, and a
larger one which now has zfs on it.

I used these instructions:
... those instructions are missing one step before:
gmirror insert gm0s1 /dev/ad0s1
It helps to have a partition table on your ad0... this command will do
fdisk -p ad1 | fdisk -f - ad0
(disks need to be the same size)

The x7sBi is working great. (send me some free motherboards, Supermicro
and I'll test them out!)


Martin Nilsson wrote:

> Support (Rudy) wrote:
>> [2] Is this a compatibility issue with the SUpermicro x7DBi motherboard?

> Are you able to reboot your X7SBi motherboard?
> Mine just sits there when I run: shutdown -r now - The Rebooting...
> line is not displayed and I have to hit the reset button. This is
> 8-CURRENT of a week ago.
> Best Regards,
> Martin

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