A miracle

22 vues
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Laura Fiori

non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 13:19:3030/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
It's unbelievable...omg... new lively is for real. Doesn't work much yet...but it exists...check it out


non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 14:51:5930/12/2008
à livelyzens
He//o folks,
Yup, its real...I'm not sure where i first saw the link, on the Google
Lively Help groups i think.
It smelled bad, smelled fishy, so i did the "Whois" and the registrant
put down their address as
1800 Amphiteater Way
California 12345

so a little bit of screwy / clearly inaccurate information there,
which adds to the smell factor, BUT

Fair Warning Disclaimer: Attempt the Following at your own risk, i
don't endorse this.

Once you install the thing, it actually works, not like the original,
but someone has taken a serious stab at trying to recreate the
original Lively
Yes, the room called Embers Again is actually mine, its what i was
using to check out what the hell this is all about.

Interesting? Yes
Unfinished? yes
Strange? yes
Happy New Year? Yes

i think i saw Oriste and Kosmik in there

Anyone else brave enough to try it?

Happy Holidays Livelyzens -


KosmiK Guru

non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 15:04:2130/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Yes, i tried it, and while I do not know if the site will remain up given the close replication of Lively, I am quite impressed that who ever did this could put this together in less than a month.  It feels like a combination of clubcooee and lively - lively background/objects/web interface and clubcooee like avatars (not too bad ...still no eye blinking though) .  It also allows arrow keys for moving and space bar for jumping up and down.  The english spellings on the site indicate that it is a non-native english speaker who has created this.    Will be interesting to see where this goes and Google's reaction to it!


non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 15:07:3430/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Tried it, tend to agree with Kos, I see it vanishing judging on how close it reflects Googles Lively, we will see.....


KosmiK Guru

non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 15:33:2430/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
If you happen to try it and wonder why you dont see your chat bubbles,  move your camera view to look above you and you'll see it..... one of the many bugs .....
Kosmik Guru

"Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
"To know is good, to live is better, to be, that is perfect." The Mother


non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 16:52:0930/12/2008
à livelyzens
Yes I tried it too....hmm
I am impressed with the dreadful amount of work that somebodies have
put into it.
Many late nights and rushed R/L activities.
A creation date I noticed on object is Dec.24th.
Now which of us has the time, the AMBITION,the ability to go all out
to do such a thing.
Whoever is not doing it for fame and glory I think.
Someone this clever can have a great life in some other VR world!
Obviously it is an attempt to answer our prayers...
Sure I'm "brave" enough! There was nothing left anyway....
So THANKYOU Whoever.
Good luck with it, and I don't care if my PC falls to bits through
installing it
By the way...it works pretty fast!

Thomas Digranes

non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 17:50:3430/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
This is good news!

I tried it! and I liked it.
It is similar, but different, but I can not find the bear avatar 
But who are the producers of this? there are some from Livelyzens group? I would like to be with. If there is any way I can help them.

If they need web servers, or similar, hosting. So I want to help them. I own a web server company.

Best regards:
The Gooble Bear form Norway

Thomas Digranes

non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 18:12:3530/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
I have found the owner information to newlively. Should we contact them?

click on the link below to see the owner information:

2008/12/30 Thomas Digranes <jee...@gmail.com>


non lue,
30 déc. 2008, 18:54:5730/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Well...I say go ahead and contact them and see what they say.  Never hurts right?

You do not have to foresee the future, but to allow it...

< Cristal >

non lue,
31 déc. 2008, 10:34:1731/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
(it look the same, is amazinG)
I can't sign in... is it normal, did it happened to you too?

< Cristal >

non lue,
31 déc. 2008, 10:38:1731/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com

I'm in...

"I could bear, though not without pain, the death of all my love, but I would go mad if all my friends die!"
Fernando Pessoa

Matt Dodson

non lue,
31 déc. 2008, 12:25:2131/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
There is something fishy here folks... the whois lists a FAKE address. Google HQ is 1600 Amphitheater... not 1800. 1800 is nonexistent.  the phone number is incomplete, and the zip code is wrong. So this NOT a Google sponsored reprieve.

If this was legit. the owner would have contacted this group and asked for our support. I suggest you stay off the site and update your antivirus and anti spyware countermeasures. Until and unless the owner come forward and expalins themselves and their plan.

Best of luck,

Matt Dodson

the rest of the hi


KosmiK Guru

non lue,
31 déc. 2008, 12:52:1031/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
This certainly does not legit or google sponsored - however the guy who created this did contact our group through our contact us form as well as spoke to some livelyzens in some Lively rooms. 
Overall, while what he did is not legally correct, I personally do not think this is phishing or spyware....in anycase it is best that all livelyzens do not use passwords that you may use on your other accounts in this site.


non lue,
31 déc. 2008, 13:56:5331/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
The guy who created it has another website registered called morelively.com
which is linked to newlively.com. According to it's whois, it was created back in July and the address is located in China.
Just sharing what I found.


non lue,
31 déc. 2008, 16:40:1631/12/2008
à livel...@googlegroups.com
0.o. so.. what we gonna do? im arleady download the client an try to be there..
nothing happend.(bad i mean).
dunno. maybe is someone how was in lively project and wanna keep it going...

2008/12/31 Ciby <cib...@gmail.com>

Kevin Houlihan

non lue,
1 janv. 2009, 11:53:3501/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
It looks like the fishy software we've all downloaded and run is a web browser with vrml and jabber support built in. You can run the browser on it's own and use it to view any web page, but you have to log in to the browser! Quite bizarre. It seems to have been around since January 08 or so. Newlively is just content it can view like the games and stuff on their website.


Their website & a translation:

Some articles on the browser:

Some stuff about the browser from their forums:

And the obligatory whois (henhao.com redirects to cc6.com) with a couple more addresses:

I'm not sure a fake address indicates any more than a concern for privacy. It looks quite innocent to me, almost like a publicity stunt.

*puts away shovel*



non lue,
1 janv. 2009, 14:32:3301/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Yesterday I had a pleasant chat with Liuyichang (the name you'll find on the domain registration, aka "liuyc" in newlively) who told me he was the project lead of a team of about 10, who have been working continuously for the last month to bring us this technology. He's very interested in getting in touch with other Livelyzens. 

Btw, the address information in the domain registry has now been changed, it was meant as a joke, and now reads:
         Not in Amphitheatre Parkway
         Not in Mountain View CA 12345,CA,US 9606

after i mentioned to him that it caused some people to doubt the legitimacy of the operation.

Liu appears as an extremely friendly, open, pleasant to talk with young man. There was the usual language barrier that caused some of my questions to go unanswered, but i'm sure those will be cleared up in the days or weeks to come (among them were the financing mode of the operation, monetizing plans and his take on the fact that they had copied the room skeletons from Lively). They do have plans for games being able to play in a room. And, more importantly (at least from my point of view) they are working (mind you, working, not planning) on a version for Macintosh and Linux! Wooohooo!

In newlively I finally managed to change my avatar, some clothing (all still limited in choice at this stage), and the text input and balloons were visible too for a change (after some restarts of the browser). Moving around is still jerky and animations are not yet implemented. I have the impression that the system is updated on a continuous schedule. I certainly intend to keep an eye on this development.

Happy this year!



I have found the owner information to newlively.<360.gif> Should we contact them?

click on the link below to see the owner information:

2008/12/30 Thomas Digranes <jee...@gmail.com>

This is good news!

I tried it! and I liked it.<360.gif>
It is similar, but different, but I can not find the bear avatar <33A.gif>


KosmiK Guru

non lue,
1 janv. 2009, 17:18:2401/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Great information there Random... and thanks for filling us in on your conversation Oriste.
I personally feel that if they let it stay around, it has potential.  I'll keep an eye on it as well.

Kevin Houlihan

non lue,
1 janv. 2009, 20:25:2001/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
I met him in lively today as well. He was very relucant to answer questions on the currency system hinted at in the EULA, even after being asked multiple times by me and others what their plans were for that. He's also surprisingly unconcerned about the potential legal issues of what they've done. He did confirm though that all the objects are recreations of lively objects rather than being converted from googles files, which may make it less of an issue? He seems genuine enough though, and has a sense of humour, so I think we'll get answers soon enough.

On that note, he said he'll answer questions by email or even in gtalk if anyone wants to contact him that way. Emma Goldman suggested setting up something on livelyzens.com or newlively.com where we can ask questions in a way that everyone gets to see the answers, so that might be something we could do if he doesn't take the initiative himself.

That's awesome that they're working on a linux version... I can't believe I forgot to ask that! I've been on windows toooo long...



non lue,
2 janv. 2009, 07:16:2302/01/2009
à livelyzens
When I was in newLively yesterday, there was an avatar called
dizziebanjo talking to liu, the project lead. Dizziebanjo mentioned
that he was in the Google Lively trusted content developer program.
Today he has posted about newLively on his blog at:

On metaverse3d.com there is an article in French on newLively:

> > are working (mind you, *working*, not planning) on a version for Macintosh
> > and Linux! Wooohooo!
> > In newlively I finally managed to change my avatar, some clothing (all
> > still limited in choice at this stage), and the text input and balloons were
> > visible too for a change (after some restarts of the browser). Moving around
> > is still jerky and animations are not yet implemented. I have the impression
> > that the system is updated on a continuous schedule. I certainly intend to
> > keep an eye on this development.
> > Happy this year!
> > oriste
> > On 1 Jan, 2009, at 18:53, Kevin Houlihan wrote:
> > It looks like the fishy software we've all downloaded and run is a web
> > browser with vrml and jabber support built in. You can run the browser on
> > it's own and use it to view any web page, but you have to log in to the
> > browser! Quite bizarre. It seems to have been around since January 08 or so.
> > Newlively is just content it can view like the games and stuff on their
> > website.
> > Links!:
> > Their website & a translation:
> >http://cc6.com/
> >
> > Some articles on the browser:
> >http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fb...
> >http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaosh...
> > Some stuff about the browser from their forums:
> >http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.henhao...
> >
> > And the obligatory whois (henhao.com redirects to cc6.com) with a couple
> > more addresses:
> >http://www.whois.net/whois_new.cgi?d=henhao&tld=com
> >http://www.aboutus.org/Cc6.com
> > I'm not sure a fake address indicates any more than a concern for privacy.
> > It looks quite innocent to me, almost like a publicity stunt.
> > *puts away shovel*
> > --
> > random
> > On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Ciby <ciby...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> The guy who created it has another website registered called
> >> morelively.com
> >> which is linked to newlively.com. According to it's whois, it was created
> >> back in July and the address is located in China.
> >> Just sharing what I found.
> >> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:52 PM, KosmiK Guru <kosmikg...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >>> This certainly does not legit or google sponsored - however the guy who
> >>> created this did contact our group through our contact us form as well as
> >>> spoke to some livelyzens in some Lively rooms.
> >>> Overall, while what he did is not legally correct, I personally do not
> >>> think this is phishing or spyware....in anycase it is best that all
> >>> livelyzens do not use passwords that you may use on your other accounts in
> >>> this site.
> >>> ~Kos
> >>> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Matt Dodson <
> >>> MattDodson.SpaceCa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> There is something fishy here folks... the whois lists a FAKE address.
> >>>> Google HQ is 1600 Amphitheater... not 1800. 1800 is nonexistent.  the phone
> >>>> number is incomplete, and the zip code is wrong. So this NOT a Google
> >>>> sponsored reprieve.
> >>>> If this was legit. the owner would have contacted this group and asked
> >>>> for our support. I suggest you stay off the site and update your antivirus
> >>>> and anti spyware countermeasures. Until and unless the owner come forward
> >>>> and expalins themselves and their plan.
> >>>> Best of luck,
> >>>> Matt Dodson
> >>>> the rest of the hi
> >>>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Imajika <imaj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>> Well...I say go ahead and contact them and see what they say.  Never
> >>>>> hurts right?
> >>>>> Imajika
> >>>>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Thomas Digranes <jee...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >>>>>> I have found the owner information to newlively.<360.gif> Should we
> >>>>>> contact them?
> >>>>>> click on the link below to see the owner information:
> >>>>>>http://gooble.no/index.php?side=whois&sted=newlively.com
> >>>>>> 2008/12/30 Thomas Digranes <jee...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>> This is good news!
> >>>>>>> I tried it! and I liked it.<360.gif>
> >>>>>>> It is similar, but different, but I can not find the bear avatar
> >>>>>>> <33A.gif>
> >>>>>>> But who are the producers of this? there are some from Livelyzens
> >>>>>>> group? I would like to be with. If there is any way I can help them.
> >>>>>>> If they need web servers, or similar, hosting. So I want to help
> >>>>>>> them. I own a web server company.
> >>>>>>>  Best regards:
> >>>>>>> The Gooble Bear form Norway
> >>>>>>> 2008/12/30 belava...@gmail.com <belava...@gmail.com>
> ...
> read more »

Thomas Digranes

non lue,
2 janv. 2009, 07:35:5202/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
A Norwegian article about Lively Miracle: http://gooble.no/index.php?side=nyheter&sted=lively_mirakel 

2009/1/2 oriste <ori...@gmail.com>


non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 12:07:1104/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Hi guys, Ive been chatting with liu about his team and their objectives.  They are clearly working on the fact it so buggy right now,an developing the avatars more! But he posed the question about what games we as homeless Lively bods would like to see introduced to such a site.....

Just wondered what anyones feedback was....



non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:04:1704/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
I wanna play scrabble with naboo!



non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:05:3504/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
OMG yes, lol

Do you remember Musical Chairs in Lively Ori? hahaha

Laura Fiori

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:05:3504/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
As for me, I'm not interested in playing games; what is important to me, is what we had on lively: pretty, funny avs, good animations, lots of stuff to choose from to build rooms and to customize avs, and lots of good shells. I find online games extremely boring.
Hey Liu...just give us what we had on lively! Thanks!
-------Original Message-------


non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:09:1404/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
He recognises that, as do i, but its still an aspect they are adding because their are ppl that do want more from a 3d world like Lively.

Yichang Liu

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:20:4504/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com

You opinion is very important to us. 
We will give you what you had on lively. I promise and we are working on it.

But some users like playing games with friends in his rooms. I think maybe give these users an  option to play games is not a bad thing.
Online games is boring if it is just games, but  playing  games with friends have more fun.
Interesting or boring, it depends on with whom you are playing:-)  


Laura Fiori

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:24:4604/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
good point!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/01/2009 19.20.55
Subject: [Livelyzens] Re: A miracle

< Cristal >

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:26:4604/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
First of all.. Thank You Liu...
Second..mmm I can't remember any games now..but it would sure be fun to play games there... :)
Third... Thank You Again!!!
Hope it all goes well!!
Lets Stay aLively...

Yichang Liu

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:28:2804/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com

Yichang Liu

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:33:2504/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
it is difficult to cater for all tastes,  but small, light weight games are ok
we never expect to play World Of Warcraft in newlively rooms:-)

Thank you again and again @_@


non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:46:0004/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Don't worry about WoW, liu, we (new)Livelizens are World of Lovecraft!



non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:48:3804/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Indeed :)


Yichang Liu

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 13:48:3904/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Great! World of Lovecraft


non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 21:54:1204/01/2009
à livelyzens
As a matter of fact..I agree with Laura here.
We had the extreme ease of CREATION!
and I hate bouncing in the air when i try to enter a SPACE in chat!
Also the man Av has stupid looking girl tight pants...
OR you can be a daft looking GNOME?
OR a girl who has built in movements like she is lost in some subway?
PLEEZ if yr going to do it, look at lively...

On Jan 4, 1:05 pm, "Laura Fiori" <casadeiga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As for me, I'm not interested in playing games; what is important to me, is
> what we had on lively: pretty, funny avs, good animations, lots of stuff to
> choose from to build rooms and to customize avs, and lots of good shells. I
> find online games extremely boring.
> Hey Liu...just give us what we had on lively! Thanks!
> laura  
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Cherry
> Date: 04/01/2009 18.07.25
> To: livel...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [Livelyzens] Re: A miracle
> Hi guys, Ive been chatting with liu about his team and their objectives.
> They are clearly working on the fact it so buggy right now,an developing the
> avatars more! But he posed the question about what games we as homeless
> Lively bods would like to see introduced to such a site.....
> Just wondered what anyones feedback was....
> Cherry
>  100104smile_37.gif
> < 1KViewDownload


non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 22:45:0504/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
And I agree with Belavar.
The fun part of Lively for me was the easy animations, the easy room customization, its interface with youtube and capabilities of showing pictures from the web,etc
I hope Liu can make it very similar to Lively.

Yichang Liu

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 22:50:5404/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
We will make it similar to lively, we need more weeks to do so

we also need your help to make it similar to lively



Yichang Liu

non lue,
4 janv. 2009, 23:03:1404/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
I agree with you and Laura
we'll give you ease of creation in several weeks
bouncing in the air when enter a spcae in chat is a known bug , we 'll fix it asap
now , some content developers have contacted with us ,  i think they will make good looking avatars , better and better

thanks a lot for your suggestions


Laura Fiori

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 07:49:4705/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Hi Liu,
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to do a wonderful job. I'm not saying this out  of kindness, but because it's apparent that you are full of enthusiasm, energy and the will to create something really nice. You know we are eager to help and support, so...keep on the good work!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 05/01/2009 5.03.24
Subject: [Livelyzens] Re: A miracle

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 07:57:3305/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com

I am moved by all the  friends from livelyzens. Your suggestions, bug reports ,and encouragement  already help us a lot.
We will release a new version in two days. 

Thanks again



non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 08:03:1005/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
anyone is having issues to get in?
my newlively dont open the page..

2009/1/5 Yichang Liu <liuyi...@gmail.com>

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 08:22:5005/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com

what's wrong with it? can you post the error message?




non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 08:26:1905/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
HI. you can call me juanpa31 lol
dunno.. the only way i could in was by the link in fist post of this treat.
i already in making a room lol.
no message.
just firefox cant connect. try i.e. too but no

2009/1/5 Yichang Liu <liuyi...@gmail.com>

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 09:00:4405/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Hi, juanpa31

I saw you on newlively, but just busy fixing a bug, so didn't reply your message:-)
now fixed




non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 09:02:3805/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
no problem.. se you tomorrow :)

2009/1/5 Yichang Liu <liuyi...@gmail.com>

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 09:03:2905/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
see you tomorrow

< Cristal >

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:05:4005/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Hey Livelizens
and New Livelizens.. (i guess we are all newbies now..hehehe)
Talking about bugs..
I can't change the name and description of my room...
It has the name NEW ROOM and i can't change it, no message, just can't even delete the NEW ROOM name.
And I can't save the thumb of the room either..
mmm all the other bugs , such as: can't sit anywhere (i got lazy legs.. must sit..hee), the furniture is huge next to the avatars, or the avatars are really small next to the furniture (lol).. well this bugs you all have notice right? lol
Keep the good work Liu and Team.. :)
Good Luck
Oh and...
Thank you... ;)

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:14:1705/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Hello ,Cristal,

Nice to hear from you.
I've forward the bugs to my team. Will give you a reply tomorrow.

You can't sit anywhere, not only you, I can't sit neither. It's not a bug, but works to do.

The furnitures are small, maybe the problem of models.



< Cristal >

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:21:0305/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Liu..

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:23:0705/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
You are welcome:-)

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 12:21 AM, < Cristal > <biccr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you Liu..

< Cristal >

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:25:0805/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Quick answer...
You Are Really fast!! ... :P
"I could bear, though not without pain, the death of all my love, but I would go mad if all my friends die!"
Fernando Pessoa

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:26:3505/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
you too....


non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:29:4405/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Hi Liu,

I have spoken with a number of users of Newlively, who all have bugs to report. As more users will enter newlively, they will encounter more bugs or what they perceive as bugs, and you are going to get a lot of unorganized bug reporting. 

Wouldn't it be a good time to install a bug reporting system that users can look up, in order to avoid all these duplicates? It would also make it easier to report about the status of these bugs back to the users.

As things develop you might even consider giving direct access to this reporting system to some "core" users that have enough tech savvy to make entries and describe bugs in a way that you or your team can use. 

Just a thought,


< Cristal >

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:32:1205/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Good Thought, Oriste.. :P

Yichang Liu

non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 11:33:0205/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
HI Oriste,

Good suggestion. We'll install such system soon. 




non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 13:22:1105/01/2009
à livelyzens
Oh no! H.P. Lovecraft was a horror writer!!


non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 13:30:1505/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
ROFL! How appropriate!


non lue,
5 janv. 2009, 14:09:0905/01/2009
à livelyzens
Some of us are into the craft of Love and some of us are into H. P.

I shudder to invoke the name of Dread Cthulhu.



non lue,
6 janv. 2009, 10:27:5106/01/2009
à livelyzens
So cool, that there will be a new live(ly)! I won´t check out more
other virtual worlds. They all are boring to me. I am looking forward
to meet everybody again. Thanks Yichang Liu.


non lue,
6 janv. 2009, 10:37:2106/01/2009
à livelyzens
You are welcome

what's your name in newlively?


non lue,
6 janv. 2009, 11:04:1606/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Run!  The Ancient Ones are coming!

I have a lot of emails to catch up on but I noticed a question about games in NewLively?  How about Go (wéiqí)?

See you all soon. 

You do not have to foresee the future, but to allow it...

Yichang Liu

non lue,
6 janv. 2009, 11:09:4806/01/2009
à livel...@googlegroups.com
Yes. We will develop Go chess when game room is ready.
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