Linux Power User group

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Beyond the horizon,a confluence of exceptional minds is imminent........
Only those who conquer it will leaves their footprints in the sands of time

 Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux !!

This group is created  for power users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. but you can disscuss about anything related to Linux & open source operating system's. You can upload & Download files eg:[ scripts, pdfs ,binary packages, rpms , configuration files ,linux wallpapers & anything related to opensource].

If you are interested in these operating systems then this is the right place to start. you can get all the essential tool's required to start learning & using these operating systems.

 1] Discuss on any topic related to opensource & Linux.

2] Ask for any opensource software & operating systems.

3] Oraganize a weekly meetings.

                 Human Knowledge Belong's To The  World   !!!