[Lift] bnd4sbt 0.1 released

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Heiko Seeberger

Apr 29, 2010, 3:51:00 AM4/29/10
to simple-b...@googlegroups.com, Akka User List, liftweb, scala-user List

I have been working on a BND plug-in for SBT (OSGi support) and just released the first version: http://wiki.github.com/weiglewilczek/bnd4sbt/
Let me say that working with and extending SBT is pure fun. Rock on!


Company: weiglewilczek.com
Blog: heikoseeberger.name
Follow me: twitter.com/hseeberger
OSGi on Scala: scalamodules.org
Lift, the simply functional web framework: liftweb.net
Stambecco, highly scalable computing: stambecco.org

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CISSE Amadou

Apr 29, 2010, 11:13:44 AM4/29/10
to lif...@googlegroups.com
This'll make writing scala osgi bundles real fun. I download it and build a bundle with a simple activator in a blink.

How will this relate to lift-osgi?

Thanks for this nice plugin.
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