Using CalendarMonthView for an Appointment System

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Oct 15, 2009, 11:56:52 AM10/15/09
to Lift
Hi all-

I am currently attempting to build an appointment calendar in Lift.
I'm having a lot of trouble getting everything working correctly
(partially i think because of my ignorance of what functionality is
available through the js and widgets packages. Currently, on cell
click, I open a new window (since for some reason ModalWindow isnt
working) that holds an appt template. When that form is submitted, it
makes an ajax call to the server, creates an appt and responds. Then
the window closes. Then the main page needs to reload, or I need to
update the main page's calendar. Nonetheless I have two questions:

1) Has anyone experimented with getting a work appt. system up with
this object? Is there an easier way to do this?
2) Would it be easier just to integrate a jQuery plugin into the
system and use that (and if so, how would one do that?)



Oct 15, 2009, 12:22:14 PM10/15/09
to Lift
Calendar Widgets work with JQuery. You can see the demo by going in
the lift-widgets project and do a mvn jetty:run. ClaendarMonthView
currently handles 3 types of events: itemClick, dayClick, weekClick.
Please see the scaladocs of the render method. You can add any JS
function for those events.

MonthView doesn't have yet a built in system to manage calendars items
from javaScript, but we can/should definitely add this. You can open a
ticket for this. Other types of calendars like DayView or WeekView
have this support.

If you have suggestions for improvements please do let us know.



Oct 15, 2009, 1:47:33 PM10/15/09
to Lift

I have looked at the docs, and the method I described seemed the best
way to do it. I was just curious if there were any other ideas out
there. Thanks for the reply.



Oct 15, 2009, 1:58:19 PM10/15/09
to Lift
If you open that ticket the fix will allow you to submit the Ajax
request and populate the Calendar without having to reload the page.
Page reload for such cases is not very good experience.

I opened issue to
address this.

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