Fwd: [granthraj] How to Attain Transcendental Love for Krishna ? - Part 4

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Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)

Aug 15, 2010, 11:04:46 PM8/15/10

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From: Abirami Nagalingam <abi_...@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 10:37 PM
Subject: [granthraj] How to Attain Transcendental Love for Krishna ? - Part 4
To: gran...@yahoogroups.com


Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.
This mail is in continuation of the series -"How to Attain Transcendental Love for Krishna ?", based on Bhagavad Gita class given by our beloved spiritual master HDG Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj on verse 4.10,  in Penang, West Malaysia, on 16th March 1992. In the previous mails we saw the three conditions which Lord has given in the verse 4.10 of Gita. Now lets hear from Gurudev remaining part of the class.
"The result is described in the fourth line. putaah - they are purified. Those who have knowledge and who perform penance are purified. The last line is mad bhaavam aagataah. They attain transcendental love for Me. Please repeat the verse after me.
veeta-raaga-bhaya-krodhaa / man-mayaa maam upaashritaah
bahavo jnaana-tapasaa / putaa mad-bhaavam aagataah
Because of knowledge and tapasya, they are purified, pavitra - that is putaah. Without knowledge and without tapasya, you can never be purified. You must have knowledge that we have to wake up early in the morning to have nice devotional service. And that knowledge is not useful until and unless we get up early. And to get up at 4 am is tapasya. If you have knowledge and tapasya, then you are completely purified -  putaah. As soon as you get up, you clean yourselves. Put on nice simple clothes and come in front of the Lord. Just by this activity, you are purified - putaa. There is nothing else needed. This activity is needed and if you do it, then the Lord gives you the result - mad bhaavam aagataah and this is the way to love the Supreme Absolute Truth. And this is the way. There is no alternative. This is "the" way. There is "no" alternative. Don't waste your time to find out the alternatives. Thats why Prabhupada agreed to so many things, but he did not change the mangala-arathi time. He forced us to get up at 4am. He knew that this is the process and that there is no alternative to it. Is it clear now ? Can you please try now  ?  (Devotees recite the whole shloka.) 
This is the way to remember the verse. It takes only 10 to 15 minutes to learn one verse. And in one hour you can learn 4 verses. And if you have this practise daily, then in a year you will learn 1400 verses. Bhagavad Gita has only 700 verses. So you will require 6 months. We had been to Zurich in Switzerland 2 months ago and the group was like this - studying Srimad Bhagavatam. I just asked them, "Do you people know any verses from Bhagavad Gita ?". No body raised the hand. But one meek and humble boy raised the hand. He is a Swiss boy - not of Indian origin even. I thought he might know few verses here and there. I asked him which verse he knows. He said 700 ! And really he knew 700 verses. I asked him to recite 11th chapter which is longest and difficult and to my surprise he recited 11th chapter and then I asked him how long did he take to learn Bhagavad Gita. He said in 12 months he learnt the verses and next 12 months he learnt the translation and the whole ocean of knowledge is just squeezed into his brain. Any verse you take, he just recites the verse and translation. May be it will take some time for him to get the full understanding of the verses. He is too young right now. Hardly 22 years. But slowly, because the verses are with him, sometime automatically it will be explained to him. This is the best way to use our time and this is the best way to understand these verses.
This verse I chose because this verse is meant for everybody and bahavo jnaana tapasaa means many people in the past have always been purified by knowledge and tapasya. So don't be under the impression that this is only good for Hare-Krishnas or only Hindus or Muslims etc. No. These are sects. Dharma is one. Dharma of fire - Where there is fire there will be definitely heat and light. Fire will not tell that I am in a Muslim's house and so I will not give heat.  Whether it is Muslim, Christian, Hindu or any other sect - fire's dharma is to give heat and light. Krishna's dharma is to purify you and these are the conditions. Those people who fulfill these conditions, they will be purified and they attain the love of God. Sect doesnt matter. Thats why Srila Prabhupada insisted that this is not a sectarian knowledge. But it is good for every living entity. Don't think that because you are occupied in your occupation or because you are married, you cannot understand this or only I can understand because I am in this. No. Its meant equally for every body. These ashrams and varnas, they don't matter at all."
Srila Prabhupada ki Jai ! Srila Gurudev ki Jai !
Thank you very much.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,
Sudarshana devi dasi.

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Sri Krishna Hari Das
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