Fwd: [granthraj] Gurudev Nectar on Chaturshloki Bhagavatam - Part 1

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Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)

Aug 15, 2010, 11:48:29 PM8/15/10

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From: Abirami Nagalingam <abi_...@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:06 PM
Subject: [granthraj] Gurudev Nectar on Chaturshloki Bhagavatam - Part 1
To: gran...@yahoogroups.com


Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.
Today I was listening to a Bhagavatam class given by our beloved spiritual master HDG Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj in Malaysia on 19th March 1992 in Kaula Lumpur Malaysia. 
Maharaj relished singing the  first seed verse of Bhagavatam - verse 2.9.33 and requested everyone to repeat after the verse, word-to-word equivalents and the translation after him.
aham evaasam evaagre / naanyad yat sad-asat param
pashcaad aham yad etac ca / yo 'vashishyeta so 'smy aham
Brahma, it is I, the Personality of Godhead, who was existing before the creation, when there was nothing but Myself. Nor was there the material nature, the cause of this creation. That which you see now is also I, the Personality of Godhead, and after annihilation what remains will also be I, the Personality of Godhead.
'This verse proves the first verse of Brahma samhita - 'ishavrah paramah krsna - saccidaananda vigraha anaadir aadi govinda sarva kaarana kaaranam". Lord clearly states here that before the creation, there was nothing else other than Him. With this creation, He is there and after annihilation of this creation again He will be there. That is why He is known as "Supreme transcendental". He has nothing to do with creation and annihiliation of these material universes. He is the cause. No doubt. But even then He is transcendental. He transcends these creations and annihilations. Because He transcends, He is known as transcendental. A very nice good example can be given. If we are driving on road, we have to follow the traffic rules - green means go - red means stop, we have to walk/drive on left side or right side of the road. We have to follow because we are on the ground. We are driving on the ground. So we are bound by the laws of the ground. But for aeroplane, these rules don't matter. No matter the aeroplane is flying over the city, but it doesn't stop near the traffic lights. It desn't have to do. Why ? It is because, it transcends the laws of the road. It is flying in the sky. So its not bound by road-rules. This is the position of the Lord. Lord is never bound by the laws of material natures. He is transcendental. These laws don't bind Him at all. We people who are on the ground here are bound by these material laws. This is the difference between our existence and His position. And because He transcends, He has nothing to do with creation or annihiliation. Whether it is created or not, He is still there. From this verse, all verses glorifying the Lord emanate. That is the beauty of the seed verses. And with this the purport is beautiful by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. So many Puranas and Upanishad verses, he has quoted. Please somehow find time and go through these 4 verses. Now lets read the second  seed verse - 2.9.34
rte 'rtham yat prateeyeta / na prateeyeta caatmani
tad vidyaad aatmano maayaam / yathaabhaaso yathaa tamah
O Brahma, whatever appears to be of any value, if it is without relation to Me, has no reality. Know it as My illusory energy, that reflection which appears to be in darkness.
The second verse in chaturshloki Bhagavatam ios very important. Please repeat after me. (Gurudev recites the verse again). In repeating, the Sanskrit words, we  must have devotion. Don't repeat mechanically. (Gurudev continues with recitation of word-to-word and translation and devotees repeat after him). This clearly indicates that anything without relation of Lord is completely null and void. Our life also, if it is without the Lord, then it is useless. mogham paartha sa jivati. It is very nicely described in Srimad Bhagavatam,
evam pravrttitam cakram / na anuvartayati iha yah 
aghaayu indriyaaramo / mogham paartha sa jivati
 Beautiful verse. evam means - like this. pravarttitam means shown by sages, saints and scriptures, cakram means this path. This path has been shown by our saints sages guru etc and na anuvartayati means - we don't follow. iha means - in this bodily existence. If we don't follow the path followed by the experienced persons, self-realised persons and the shastras, which are the Deities. Shastras are Deities. You know shastras are worshipped. In India whenever Bhagavat Saptahs are conducted, devotees carry the granth respectfully by placing it on their head in a procession. But if people do  Bhagavata saptahs, in a professional way for money, Srila Prabhupada condemns that thoroughly. That is why he insists that we should study Bhagavatam day in and day out with devotion. Else if you conduct saptahs for money, then you simply freak out. The jist of this verse is very important.  Anything without relationship with Lord is completely useless. There are millions of house in Kaula Lumpur. But as soon as people come here, they say - "Oh - this is Jagannath temple." Because our life is associated with Krishna, our building is used for Krishna, it has got some significance. Thats why people assemble here. Otherwise people will not come. They are not mad. They know that this is in relation with Lord and till we are related with Lord our life has some value. As soon as we go away from the Lord, the value is lost. If there is no Krishna consciousness, your life is useless. Follow Srila Prabhupada's way. He was only one. Sun is only one and we worship him. He never complains that he is alone and has no company. No. Never he rises late. Never it happens that he doesn't set. He is always punctual and regularly rises in the morning. He is doing his prescribed duty whatever is set by the Lord perfectly and sincerely.  So we wait for him and worship him and our life is dependent on him. So like the sun we must always be sincere. We should use our place for Krishna. If our life, our building, whatever we have - if its not connected with the Lord, then we are completely dead.'
Krishna willing, we shall continue to hear more nectar from Gurudev, in the forthcoming mails.
Thank you very much.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,
Sudarshana devi dasi.


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