Presidential Prosecutions

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Bob Hurt

Jun 26, 2019, 9:24:25 PM6/26/19
to Lawmen
Exclusive On-line VIDEO Series Part 5
The Prosecutor & the Presidency
Why Presidential Prosecutions Don't Work
                          & Hufstedler
LOS ANGELES-- The Full Disclosure Network presents exclusive interviews with former U S Attorney General Edwin Meese III and 9th Circuit Court Judge Shirley Hufstedler who share their views on why Presidential Prosecutions have failed. This is part 5 of a 13 hour historical series entitled "The Prosecutor & The Presidency" featuring all the U.S. Attorneys General & Special and Independent Prosecutors involved in Presidential Investigations from Watergate to Whitewater and beyond

Click HERE to watch a one minute trailer from the interviews. The entire series is available for viewing with a 5 day Free subscription.

Quotes From Interviews:
HUFSTEDLER: So far I think the investigation of Presidents during their time they are in office has not produced results, that have been good ones for the country. It is entirely too distracting, to be sure.
MEESE: Well that whole investigation conducted by (Judge) Lawrence Walsh certainly went far beyond what had been originally intended (7 years) and occupied much more time. It was the most costly investigation on record, and went far beyond the allegations that were originally presented. 

  • Here is a link to the website to sign up for a 5 day FreeTrial to view the entire series:

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