FCP Defendants Wait for Verdict in tax fraud case

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Bob Hurt

Nov 21, 2009, 4:46:20 PM11/21/09
to law...@googlegroups.com

Marcel Roy Benshadler just called me to inform me that USDC just sent to the jury the IRS tax fraud case against FCP (Freedom Privacy Committee) leaders.


The charge:  Violation of 18 USC 371 preparing fraudulent returns under 26 USC 1341


Marcel expects the jury to return its verdict before Thanksgiving.


Marcel thinks the jury will unanimously acquit him, Joe Saladino, Michael Goldman, and Richard Ortt.


I took the following notes of the phone conversation we had:


The Defense rested Wednesday.  Prosecution closing argument Wed afternoon 2.5 hours, Ms. Cristen let jurors know they heard from 30 witnesses they had called and they should only pay attention to testimony given during direct exam and ignore answers during cross.


Defense team turned, during cross, all DOJ witnesses in favor of defense, and, apparently all but 2 of the jurors.


Conspiracy to commit fraud – the DOJ never actually presented  evidence showing the defendants committed fraud.  DOJ provided two expert CPA IRS agents.  During cross, Defense asked how many of 1300 examinations had 6663 violations (fraud) in them.  They said NONE.


DOJ did closing, 2.5 hours.  Defense did their closing.  Mr. Garton of DOJ did rebuttal closing, first words out of mouth he lied, “I’ll be mercilessly brief” – 45 minutes later he finished.


Administrator Brown cannot be judge when she participates in DOJ’s fraud against the court. She asked “are you going to testify?”  Marcel told her 10 for minutes that she would not allow Marcel to testify because she had already instructed jury they would not let them hear the law, and they would consider law only as she explained it.


Marcel explained to court how, numerous times in this country, jurors refused to convict under unjust laws and that allowed them to change the law.  Slavery ended because jurors refused to convict under fugitives from slavery act because law itself was unjust.  Today was modern version of fugitives from slavery act.  They were on the record, but not in front of jury.


Defendant Richard F (sp) turned Benedict Arnold and took a plea bargain.  FCP showed the plea agreement to jury during his cross exam – he never admitted guilt to anything and has a stay out of jail free card.  He got permission to sue government under 1341 in same court before same judge after this trial, and his plea bargain prohibits him from getting sentenced till he’s done litigating the case – probably 10 to 15 years.  Took him 2 days to get lawsuit in to the court.  Lawsuit contends that 1341 is crap and its unlawful to impose frivolous filing penalty for following 1341.


Page 2 of frivolous filing letters tells you that you can sue in USDC or UC Court of Claims.  FPC Freedom Privacy Committee did multiple lawsuits.  The courts ignored them, and instead of answering their questions, the IRS sent more frivolous filing letters.  What they did was akin to making deposit to bank, and bank returns deposit and tells you your deposit was frivolous and you can go to admin proceeding without telling you what was frivolous about the filing.


FCP turned all DOJ witnesses into Defense witnesses, and so the DOJ stopped calling witnesses, and FCP got to cut some of their witnesses to save time.  Jury got case last Thursday, and still have it and are deliberating. 


Only Defense Attorney Nancy acted like she believed in Marcel’s innocence.  Other 3 counsel referred to Marcel as one of many kooky people out there who are kooks but didn’t commit a crime.


Judge Brown struck all but one DOJ motion in limine, and she committed fraud upon the court by not striking that one which sought to hide what the law is.  One of the motions if granted would have prevented FCP from making a defense.


Marcel will propound 4 counts of fraud against the court, 3 against Brown for knowing or should have known the DOJ committed fraud against the court.




BobHurtSuit200707smallBob Hurt
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+1 (727) 669-5511
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