IRS Frauds

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Bob Hurt

Dec 31, 2008, 4:18:47 AM12/31/08
to lawmen, citizensoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica_irs, natlawmandisc, lawmencalifornia
Marty Stricker sent me this list.  If you have more to add, let me know.

Bob Hurt
2460 Persian Drive #70
Clearwater, FL 33763
+1 (727) 669-5511, FAX +1 (206) 600-5958
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IRS FRAUD # 1: The IRS' favorite trick question is "Are you a U.S. citizen?" to which the naïve respondent usually answers "Yes". The IRS then says, "Well then, you are REQUIRED to pay income taxes." The TRUTH: per Hooven v. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 there are at least three such entities. They are all pronounced the same verbally, but each is distinctly different. As a Sovereign Citizen, "these united States" equals the 50 States united. The IRS is asking about "the United States", the CORPORATION incorporated in London, England in 1871, shortly after the Civil War (an oxymoron) principally for the newly created 14th Amendment "subject citizens" (newly freed slaves) and for residents of "the U.S." territories such as Washington, D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, N. Mariana Islands, and territories in the Pacific ocean. If YOU are a Sovereign Citizen of one of the 50 States (you cannot be a Citizen of all 50 States) you defeat your own Sovereignty by unknowingly volunteering to be a "subject citizen" under the Jurisdiction or Venue of the Corporate "United States". See 28 USC section 3002 (U.S. equals Federal Corporation).

IRS FRAUD # 2: The IRS falsely presumes that you are a subject citizen or resident (thing) of one of the various "U.S." owned Territories (Washington, D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico, etc), and/or a CORPORATE entity, spelling your name in all Capital letters in their IMF (Individual Master File) on you at IRS headquarters. If you use the Freedom of Information Act to request a copy of your file, and then have an honest attorney decode it for you, you will likely find that you are shown in those records as a "tire manufacturer" or a "distiller of alcohol" or a "drug runner between the U.S. mainland and the U.S. Virgin Islands", quite aside from the fact that you never engaged in any of those activities.

IRS FRAUD # 3: UNDISCLOSED TO YOU, when you sign a Form 1040 or an Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate (W-4), you are entering into a CONTRACT with "the United States" Corporation. You are also SURRENDERING your 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 13th and 14th Amendment Rights, which includes but is not limited to your Right to not bear witness against yourself, your Right to receive 100% Compensation for your Labor (which is 100% your property), and your Right to be FREE from INVOLUNTARY Servitude. TRUTH: Because the whole truth about that contract was not disclosed to you, that contract is fundamentally fraudulent and non-binding. You cannot be REQUIRED to surrender God-Given Unalienable Rights. Technically, you cannot even "volunteer" to give up Unalienable Rights. The writers of the u.S. Constitution specifically used the word Unalienable to MANDATE that government not impair or deprive you of God-Given Rights.

IRS FRAUD # 4: The IRS would like you to believe that there exists REGULATIONS which REQUIRE the average American Citizen to pay an income tax and that they have been Delegated AUTHORITY to collect such income taxes. TRUTH: Under Article I, section 8, clause 1 of the Constitution for these united States of America, the legal AUTHORITY for collecting taxes in the LEGISLATIVE CONGRESS, not the EXECUTIVE Secretary of the Treasury. And because of the "separation of powers" within our Constitution, this power granted to CONGRESS cannot be Delegated to another branch of government. See Synar v. U.S. 626 F. Sup. 1374 DDC. TRUTH: There is NO ACT OF CONGRESS or Published Regulations thereto that create any "liability" for an income tax upon the average American Citizen. Therefore, the IRS is acting as a renegade agency with NO AUTHORITY to collect taxes by distraint from the average American Citizen within the 50 States united.

IRS FRAUD # 5: The IRS would have you believe that they are agents of the Federal Government. TRUTH: IRS agents are agents for a foreign trust, Trust # 62 in "the U.S." possession of Puerto Rico. They collect taxes payable to "any F.R.B. Branch or Gen. Depository for Credit U.S. Treas." F.R.B. stands for Federal Reserve Bank. What are you getting in return for those taxes? Representation? NO! Those taxes are being credited toward the Corporate U.S. interest obligations on the massively compounding fraudulent national debt to a PRIVATE Banking Cartel passing themselves off as a "Federal" entity. "100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by the interest on the Federal debt and by Federal transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government" – Ronald Reagan 1984, based on Grace Commission Report. TRUTH: The INTENT of our founding fathers was clearly that any taxes imposed upon Citizens be ONLY for the maintenance of government, NOT for empire building or domination of the rest of the world.

IRS FRAUD # 6: The IRS would have you believe that they are merely collecting revenues for a U.S. government institution called the Federal Reserve. TRUTH: The Federal Reserve is NOT a u.S. nor a U.S. nor a Federal institution, nor a Reserve. The Federal Reserve is Privately owned by a group of primarily FOREIGN bankers who purchase currency directly from the U.S. Bureau of Engraving for about two and a half cents per note. This Federal Reserve then uses these virtually FREE notes to purchase U.S. Treasury Bonds. We the People are then obligated to pay off those bonds at FULL FACE VALUE, PLUS INTEREST, with tax dollars. The Federal Reserve then literally gives away (calling them "loans", of course, even though they will never be paid back) $50 Billion to Russian bureaucrats, $20 Billion to Mexico to prop up the weak peso, and $10 Billion a year to Israel to maintain a power presence in the oil rich region that "the U.S." has allowed themselves to become so dependent upon.

IRS FRAUD # 7: The IRS claims that it gains its right to tax people from the 16th Amendment to the "Constitution". TRUTH: Chief Justice John Marshall talked about TWO different Constitutions. So there may indeed be a fraudulent "Constitution" that seemingly allows IRS to tax anyone they feel like taxing. BUT, the 16 Amendment to the "Constitution for these united States of America" does NOT give the IRS any Right whatsoever to tax the average American Citizen. "The 16th Amendment conferred NO NEW POWER OF TAXATION, but simply prohibited the income tax from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged…" Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103. And yes, the cleverly written, vaguely defined 16th Amendment IS Constitutional (or more accurately "not unconstitutional") in spite of the FACT that it was never ratified by 3/4ths of the States united, because it applies ONLY to CORPORATIONS and ONLY to indirect excise taxes on PRIVILEGES and revenue taxable ACTIVITIES. This was true and constitutional before the 16th Amendment and simply remains true after the 16th Amendment. It is not the Amendment which is fundamentally flawed but rather the application it is given to those it does NOT apply to. Your God-Given Right to Labor in common occupations and to receive 100% of the fruits of your Labor are NOT corporate privileges and NOT taxable ACTIVITIES.

IRS FRAUD # 8: Despite the IRS' claim that it gains its right to tax people from the 16th Amendment, the 16th Amendment CANNOT CONTRADICT the u.S. Constitution's fundamental principles of taxation "directly by apportionment" or "indirectly by uniformity". It is the IRS' Implementation and Imposition of "taxing people directly by uniformity" that is the violative of the people's constitutionally protected Rights. TRUTH: There are three solid reasons why the 16th Amendment does NOT apply to the average American Citizen. First, there are NO IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS in regard to the 16th Amendment as required by law; Second, your Labor is NOT an income taxable ACTIVITY; and Third, the 16th Amendment cannot cancel out your Right to Labor and to receive 100% Compensation for Labor, since NONE of your Rights can be converted into privileges by government for the purpose of taxing them. The income tax is an "excise" tax, a tax on privileges, and CANNOT be imposed on Rights.

IRS FRAUD # 9: The IRS would like you to believe that they can interject themselves into the PRIVATE CONTRACT between you and the people who hired you and make themselves a third party to your private contract. TRUTH: Article I, section 10 of the Constitution for these united States of America specifically forbids government from impairing private contracts. Do not allow the IRS to become a third party to your private contracts by signing a W-4 form; use an in-lieu-of-W-4 form, or as a last resort sign the W-4 form "under Threat, Duress and Coercion". And be careful not to identify yourself as an "employee", as that term has a very specific "legal" meaning at Internal Revenue Code section 3401(c) and "includes" (meaning ONLY): "an officer, employee (redundant) or elected official of the United States (government corporation), a State or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing." Are YOU such an entity? Or are you merely a private sector worker receiving compensation for labor?

IRS FRAUD # 10: The IRS falsely presumes that your Labor is inherently worthless and that therefore everything that comes in to you is gain or profit. TRUTH: Neither Congress nor the IRS has the authority to declare your time, effort, knowledge and labor as "worthless" or to declare what you receive, in equal exchange for your labor, as "gain or profit". Only the judicial branch can define "income" and they have defined it as "gain or profit derived from capital" (i.e. separated from capital by sale or conversion of capital assets) – Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189. "There would seem to be no room to doubt that the word (income) must be given the same meaning, in all the Income Tax Acts of Congress, that it was given to it in the Corporation Excise Tax Act (of 1909) and what that meaning is has now become definitely settled by decisions of this court. It (income) should include (only) profits gained through a sale or conversion of capital assets." Merchants Loan & Trust Co. v. Smietanka 255 U.S. 509. "Income conveys the idea of gain or increase arising from corporate activities" Doyle v. Mitchell Bros. Co. 247 U.S. 179, at page 185.

IRS FRAUD # 11: The IRS bases their taxation of the average American Citizen on a false presumption that their victims are engaged in income taxable ACTIVITY. That, after all, is what the 16th Amendment tax is all about: an indirect "excise" tax on some taxable ACTIVITY, for example distilling alcohol, processing tobacco, manufacturing firearms, developing dangerous chemicals, fabricating tires. TRUTH: Your exercise of your Right to Labor in common occupations is not a regulatable ACTIVITY. Furthermore, the only PENALTIES applicable to noncompliance with paying taxes on regulatable activities comes from Title 27 (ATF) and they in no way apply to Title 26 Voluntary income taxes. The two are as different as day and night! Gail Sanocki, a woman who represented herself against the typical "tax evasion, willful failure to file" charges, challenged the courts subject matter jurisdiction on the basis that nowhere EVER in the complaint against her was any mention made of any "taxable ACTIVITY" in which she presumably engaged, that resulted in a "tax liability" with regard to the so-called "personal income tax". Gail was never brought to trial – on the Dismissal Order the charges were dropped!

IRS FRAUD # 12: The IRS wants the average American Citizen to believe that he/she is automatically LIABLE for personal income taxes. Asked what Internal Revenue Code spells out this alleged LIABILITY issue, they will typically answer: "We're not going to get into that." TRUTH: There is NO Internal Revenue Code that makes the average American Citizen LIABLE for personal income tax! The ONLY IRC Codes regarding Liability are sections 402(e)(1)(d), 1461, 3405(d)(1), 3505(a), 4401(c), 4980A&B, 5005, and 5703. NONE of these makes the average American Citizen LIABLE for personal income tax. Given that there is NO LAW that makes you personally LIABLE for an income tax, then how could you possibly BE Liable for it. And if you are not Liable for it, why would you need to file and falsely swear under oath that you are Liable?

IRS FRAUD # 13: The IRS invariably ignores Due Process of Law. TRUTH is, if you are incorporated, you automatically subject yourself to government regulation. BUT, if you are simply an average American Citizen, then you have every Right to Due Process of Law. You can and should "squarely challenge" jurisdiction and venue and these MUST be proven in writing by the IRS, not just presumed to exist. NO property can be taken from you without a 4th Amendment Warrant or without 5th Amendment Due Process of Law. Your Due Process of Law includes but is not limited to a Right to a VALID 23C Assessment, followed by a VALID Notice of Deficiency, followed by a VALID Notice of Lien based on an ACTUAL Lien, followed by a VALID "Warrant of Distraint". Rarely, if ever, are any of these Due Process elements honored by the IRS. The judge in Flora v. U.S. 362 U.S. 145 stated very clearly: "our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint." This case has never been overturned!

IRS FRAUD # 14: The IRS would like you to believe that "INTERNAL Revenue Service" means Internal to these 50 united States of America. TRUTH: Treasury Delegation Order 150-10 published at 51 Fed. Reg. 9571 specifically states: "The Commissioner shall to the extent of authority invested in him, provide for the administration of "the United States" (corporation) internal revenue laws in the U.S. territories and insular possessions and other authorized areas of the world." NO MENTION of authority within these united States of America! And no definition of "other authorized areas of the world". Does that encompass China, Saudi Arabia, Russia? We are left to "imagine" what it means, but the law is not about what we "imagine"; the law is about what the law specifically and clearly spells out. One of the few places where income tax law is specifically and clearly spelled out is Treasury Delegation Order 1150-42 published as 21 Fed. Reg. 5852: "The Commissioner shall, to the extent of authority invested in him, provide for the administration of the United States (corporation) Internal revenue laws in the Panama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands." THAT is the extent of their Internal Authority! Even the IRS' own definition of "Revenue Agents" as spelled out by 27 CFR 250.11, is "Agents of the Dept. of Revenue of Puerto Rico" They are NOT agents of Internal Revenue within the fifty States united, except when and where they are dealing with Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and such government regulatable activities as that.

IRS FRAUD # 15: The IRS loves to combine the words "Voluntary" and "Compliance", in the hopes that you will overlook the first word and tremble upon hearing the second word. TRUTH: "Voluntary" means exactly what Chief Justice Earl Warren meant by it in Flora v. U.S., "done of one's own FREE will, not under distraint or force". In their 1040 Instructions, the IRS states "Our legal right to ask for information is Internal Revenue Code sections 6001, 6011, and 6012(a) and their regulations. They say that you must file a return or statement with us for any tax you are liable for." So, unless you are "liable" for income taxes, there is no legal cause for you to "comply" with anyone's request or demand to pay them. The Kind of Siam has a legal right to "ask" you for information and he doesn't need Internal Revenue Code of Siam to do so! Just because someone can "ask" you for information doesn't mean you are required to give them information.

IRS FRAUD # 16: The IRS will tell you outright that the Form 1040 is required of anyone earning over a certain amount of "income". But guess what? The Form 1040 itself is a FRAUD! TRUTH: The Paperwork Reduction Act clearly states that in order for a Form to be VALID, it must display ALL of the following 4 items: a VALID OMB#; a statement as to whether or not it is an approved form; an expiration date; and a statement as to whether it is voluntary or mandatory. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, if ALL FOUR items are not displayed, the form is to be regarded as a "bootleg request" and "is to be ignored by the public"! Furthermore, 26CFR section 1.1-1 allegedly reviews which individuals are "required" to file the 1040 form. But 26 CFR1.1-1 is NOT about a "1040" form, but rather about form 2555 "Foreign Earned Income" which sports an OMB # 1545-0067 (NOT the OMB # 1545-0074 shown on the 1040 form). Bottom line: the 1040 form is ONLY for "subject citizens" of "the U.S." territories, Foreigners, Corporations, and Aliens.

IRS FRAUD # 17: The IRS leads you to believe that your "employer" is an authorized withholding agent, as defined in IRC section 7701(a)(16). A withholding agent means "any person required to deduct and withhold any tax under provisions of sections 1441, 1442, 1443, or 1461." TRUTH: if you look up who those sections apply to, you will see that your employer is a withholding agent ONLY if he is dealing with FOREIGNERS (section 1441 is about nonresident aliens, 1442 is about foreign corporations, 1443 is about foreign income tax exempt organizations, and 1461 is about persons earning money for a foreigner). Furthermore, the words "employee" and "employer" are "words of art" painted by twisters of words (attorneys for the IRS). Section 3401(c) of IRC defines "employee": "the term employee includes (which means ONLY) an officer, employee (redundant) or elected official of the United States (corporation), A (federal) State (meaning one of the U.S. territories) or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing." Are YOU a federal employee or a foreigner? Is your boss dealing with a federal employee or a foreigner when he deals with you? If your boss is not truly a "withholding agent" pursuant to the IRS' own definition of that term, can he "legally" withhold your compensation for labor from you on behalf of an intruder into your private contract?

IRS FRAUD # 18: The greatest scam of all times was and is the private banking cartel, called the Federal Reserve, purchasing greenbacks at cost of printing and then loaning such out at full face value plus interest. TRUTH: the second greatest scam of all times is that IRS agents actually take a SOLEMN OATH to uphold the Constitution for these (50) united States of America, while at the same time acting as collection agents for and selling Americans down the river to the Federal Reserve, all the while knowing that the 16th Amendment "CHANGED NOTHING" and therefore disallows imposing an INDIRECT excise income tax DIRECTLY on the heads of American Citizens not engaged in income taxable ACTIVITIES. Do the terms "Perjury of Oath of Office" or "Treason against one's (alleged) country" come to mind here???

IRS FRAUD # 19: The IRS would like you to believe that when it comes to income tax issues, your Constitutional Rights are suspended, that there is no 4th Amendment requirement of Warrants to take your property, there is no 5th Amendment Right not to bear witness against yourself, no Right to Property, no Right to Due Process, and no 13th Amendment forbidding Involuntary Servitude to government. TRUTH: by their SOLEMN OATHS, IRS agents MUST honor all of your Constitutionally protected Rights, including but not limited to your Right NOT to Volunteer to Assess yourself, your Rights under the Fair Debt Collection Act, your Right to be Notified as to what is voluntary and what is Mandatory, your Right to see a valid Lien, if there is one, connected to their phony "Notice of Lien", and your Right NOT to be labeled a "taxpayer" or a "tax protestor" without valid court order declaring you as such.

IRS FRAUD # 20: The IRS concocts their own ASSESSMENTS for the American Citizen who does not "voluntarily" assess himself. In order to do so they make several FALSE assumptions: that you are a corporate thing, that you are effectively connected with a trade or business within the U.S. (Washington, D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico, etc), that you have signed some negotiable instrument payable to them (UCC 3-805) that makes them a holder in due course of your property, and that you are involved in some internal revenue taxable activity. TRUTH: It is highly unlikely that the average American Citizen meets ANY of the above false assumptions. IRC section 6201 states unequivocally: "The Secretary is authorized and required to make the inquiries, determination, and assessment of all taxes…

imposed by this title…which have not been duly paid by stamp at the time and in the manner provided by law." That means that the Secretary, not some flunky agent appointed by the District Director, is required to make the assessments. Furthermore, stamps apply first and foremost to alcohol, tobacco and firearms, NOT to personal income taxes, a clear indication that the intent of 6201 is to deal with ATF, not private American Citizens.

IRS FRAUD # 21: Contrary to section 6201 which requires the "Secretary" to make assessments, section 6203-1 states that "the district director of the regional service center shall appoint one or more assessment officers." This contradiction in law makes the law itself vague and therefore void. Section 6203-1 also spells out the FIVE (5) elements constituting a proper Due Process Assessment: (1) it must identify YOU as the specific person liable for the tax (there is NO IRC code making the average American Citizen "liable"); (2) it must state the exact type of tax "liability"; (3) it must state the date of assessment; (4) it must be signed by an assessment officer who was officially appointed by the district director or regional director, and (5) per section 6065, it must be signed under penalty of perjury! TRUTH: the IRS, in their typical laziness, skip (1) and (2), jump ahead to (3), and then proceed to ignore (4) and (5) and all other Due Process requirements they swore to uphold. Perhaps they fail to sign under penalty of perjury because they KNOW that signing such affidavit certifying assessment authority and applying it to American Citizens who have a right not to volunteer, would be an act of FELONY PERJURY. If all five steps are not followed regarding the 23C Assessment Certificate it is NOT a valid, proper 23C assessment certificate and there is NO Authority for the IRS to continue with their collection procedures. See Essex v. Vinal, 499 F.2d 226 (8th Cir. 1974); see also Christensen 90-1 USTC 83, 801.

IRS FRAUDS # 22 THRU 30: The IRS regularly files fraudulent "Notice of Lien" against average American Citizens who owe the IRS no taxes whatsoever and they do so with almost total disregard for Due Process. The TRUTH is:

a) No Act of Congress and published Regulations thereto have ever been Promulgated or Implemented creating any "liability" upon which debts or liens could be claimed; nor have any Regulations been Promulgated or Implemented authorizing any Assessment, Penalties, Interest, Seizure Levy, Summons, or any Restraint Authority for Part I Voluntary Income taxes.

b) The "Notice of Lien" is from 26 USC 6321-6331 BUT its alleged authority is FRAUDULENTLY from BATF's 27 CFR Part 70.

c) Agents who initiate a collection action are required by their own civil service codes to be of Rank E-7 or higher (Rarely happens!)

d) Fair Debt Collection Act requires that ALL collection agencies register with the State (IRS never does this)

e) "Notice of Lien" must be connected with some actual Lien (these simply do not exist, as no judge in his right mind would be fool enough to sign his name to such a fraudulent distraint)

f) "Notice of Lien" must be supported by a properly filed VALID 23C Assessment (never done)

g) "Notice of Lien" must be CERTIFIED to be true and correct by the Secretary of the Treasury or his or her delegate (never done).

h) The agent who files "Notice of Lien" on behalf of his fellow agents must have Power of Attorney to sign for them (never done) 

i) The filing of such fraudulent Notice of Lien is a CRIME committed within the State and, per Article III, section 2, clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, must be heard in a State Court and cannot be transferred to a Federal Court, as is IRS' customary response to a suit filed against them in the State Court.

IRS FRAUD # 31: The IRS typically proceeds from their fraudulent "Notice of Lien" to an equally fraudulent "Notice of Levy" in hopes of further intimidating their innocent victims into "voluntary" servitude. TRUTH: A "Notice of Levy" is NOT a "Levy", any more than a "Notice of Lien" is a "Lien". Nor is a Levy applicable to the average American Citizen. Per the IRS' own section 6331(a), which they "conveniently" leave off the Notice of Levy they provide to their victims: "Levy may be made upon the account, salary or wages of any officer, employee, or elected official of the United States (corporation), or the District of Columbia, by serving a notice of levy on the employer [as defined in 3401(d)] of such officer, employee, or elected official." Are you an officer or elected official of a "United States" Corporation? Are you an "employee" (review definition of "employee" at IRS Fraud # 9 above) of the "United States" corporation?

IRS FRAUD # 32: The IRS typically intimidates some 3rd Party into doing the actual THEFT of property from the non-volunteer. TRUTH: The IRS' "Notice of Levy" MUST be accompanied by a VALID Notice of Lien (with its own VALID Lien) and, more importantly, by a VALID Warrant of Distraint per 26 USC 7403©. See Stephens Equipment Co., Inc. debtor, 54 BR 626 (D.C. 1985). Furthermore, the IRS' own code at 26 CFR 301.6632-1(c) states in pertinent part: "Any person (bank, employer, etc.) who mistakenly surrenders to the United States property or Rights to property not properly subject to levy is not relieved from liability to a third party who owns the property." The individual who owns the property can file suit action in civil court collectively and personally for punitive as well as actual damages, as well as bring civil charges for Unlawful Conversion of Property and other possible criminal charges. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS DEMAND THE COURT ORDER SIGNED BY A JUDGE BEFORE TURNING ANY PROPERTY OVER TO THE IRS. NO judge in his right mind will sign a Court Order for the IRS because they all KNOW the IRS is operating from "foreign" jurisdiction and have no authority over volunteers within the 50 States united. That judge's job is on the line if he betrays a Citizen within his State.

IRS FRAUD # 33: The IRS tells American Citizens in the 1040 instructions booklet that taxpayers are to pay taxes on "income from whatever source derived". Well, GGGEEeeee, does that mean you have to pay taxes on all compensation for labor coming into you? ABSOLUTELY NOT! "Income" means ONLY corporate "gain" or "profit", not Compensation for Labor. And "derived" means separated out from the original capital or investment or principle. And "source" by the IRS' own definition means "wages paid by a U.S. Corporation to foreigners." See section 861 of Treasury Regs for evidence that Domestic Income generated in the u.S.A. is NOT taxable Income "source".

IRS FRAUD # 34: IRS equates income tax "avoidance" with income tax "evasion" and they typically call both "cheating". TRUTH: Income tax

"evasion" occurs when an American Citizen, not subject to the income tax, foolishly SIGNS a Form 1040 claiming he "owes" a tax, but then hides some of the details of what he allegedly owes or evades paying what he allegedly owes. TRUTH: As Federal Judge Cummings in U.S. v. Dickerson, 413 F.2d 1117 (1969) said: "Who would believe the ironic truth that the cooperative taxpayer fares much worse than the individual who relies upon his constitu- tional rights". REMEMBER: IRS misrepresentation notwithstanding, tax "avoidance" is LEGAL. "The legal right of the taxpayer to decrease the amount of what otherwise would be his taxes, or altogether avoid them, by means which the law permits cannot be doubted." Justice George Sutherland in Gregory v. Helvering 293 U.S. 465, 469. IRS Handbook for Special Agents, Chap. 412: "Avoidance of taxes is not a criminal offense."

IRS FRAUD # 35: Internal Revenue Code section 61(a) states "gross income means all income from whatever source derived." TRUTH: "We must reject in this case…the broad contention submitted in behalf of the Government that all receipts – everything that comes in – are income within the proper definition of the term 'gross income'…" – Southern Pacific Co. v. John Z. Lowe, Jr. 247 US 330, 335. Keep in mind the definitions of "income", "derived", and "source" touched upon in IRS FRAUD # 33. ONLY the Courts can legally define "income" and they have defined it as "profit" or "gain" as meant in the Corporation Excise Tax Act of 1909 (30 Stat. 112). "Derive" still means separated out from something proceeding it. And "source" still means gain or profit paid by a Corporation to a FOREIGN person. What part of that applies to YOU?

IRS FRAUD # 36: The IRS falsely presumes that what you earn in the way of compensation for labor is a "gain" or "profit" to you, as if your time, effort, knowledge, and labor were worth nothing and as if you didn't have a right to exchange that time, effort, knowledge, and labor for whatever you could fairly get for it. The IRS also falsely presumes that your boss pays you "money" for your time, effort, knowledge, and labor. TRUTH: Most bosses pay their workers in DEBT INSTRUMENTS, such as a check (an I.O.U. debt instrument). And when you go to the bank to cash the check, the bank pays you in Federal Reserve notes, which is still another DEBT instrument! Even the IRS will finally admit, if pressed hard enough on the issue, that a credit to your account by check and/or Federal Reserve notes are DEBT Instruments! It is impossible to pay a debt with a debt; you can only hope that the person receiving FRNs from you will have some confidence that the instruments will have some value to them when they con someone else into accepting them. Even the U.S. Supreme Court has held that a "debt" is not taxable because it is something that may never get paid. So are you dealing in "gain/profit" instruments or are you dealing in "debt" instruments? If you are dealing in debt instruments then you are probably committing at least three counts of perjury when you sign a 1040 form under Oath declaring that (1) you are a U.S. individual (a subject citizen of Washington, D.C. and/or the territories), (2) you received "income" rather than "debt instruments", and (3) you are "liable" for income taxes on some income taxable activity, even though you never engaged in any income taxable activities

While it may seem that the above is a diatribe against the IRS, the corrupt system is not entirely the fault of the IRS. Consider also that some allegedly human being WROTE the Code the IRS uses/abuses. The legislators were obviously attorneys (twisters of the truth) who deliberately chose inartistic tangles of jargon with double meanings or no clear meaning at all, intended to obscure the TRUTH so that their fellow lawyers could earn huge sums of money fighting things out in court, at the expense of the American people.

Check out every detail that you can regarding the TRUTHS set forth above before you take any action in submission to or in opposition to the IRS and their fraudulent tactics. At least if you know the whole truth, you will not be so easily buffaloed by their tiny little pieces of the truth that they present to you and to the public as if it is the "whole" truth. If you do have to face a jury on an income tax issue, ask them if they want to know the WHOLE TRUTH and nothing but the truth. And then make sure they get the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That is your Right and their Right.


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