On the meaning of words by by Rosana Agudo

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Nikolay Kryachkov

Mar 7, 2011, 3:47:52 PM3/7/11
to KnowledgePersons

an interesting article:

Saturday, January 01, 2011

On the meaning of words

by Rosana Agudo, Manager Director, TTi Tecnología para la
Transformación Interior


Whilst my comment there is under moderation of 'clubofamsterdam' I
share it with you here:

"Sure, Knowledge Society starts for those who can deal with different
meanings of words which compose wordings of actions - the knowledge.
And since there is no more borders between work and free time if to
deal with knowledge these Knowledge Persons are the very Knowledge

I doubt that money as usual and as a current legacy of the past leads
to ART because it is impossible to separate an artefact from its
author completely. Any artefact is a kind of copy of author's mind-
set. The same is true for any knowledge and I would not like to see
separated ART (from human being) as the END. And you?

But ART itself is a central point of Knowledge Society, indeed. The
question is in level of ART - classical or pop ART - and the puzzle is
which kind of ART will reflect which kind of Knowledge Society? "


Nikolay Kryachkov

Mar 8, 2011, 2:58:53 AM3/8/11
to KnowledgePersons

a bit more in Russian:

"О значении слов, о вопросах и ответах, о знаниевом обществе, о
деньгах и искусстве"


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