[ANN] Kivy 1.3.0 released

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Mathieu Virbel

2012年6月18日 晚上9:01:532012/6/18
Hi everyone,

We are pleased to announce Kivy 1.3.0.

Kivy is a full featured framework for creating novel and performant
user interfaces, such as multitouch applications, under the LGPL 3
license. The framework work on Windows, OSX, Linux, Android and iOS.
All downloads are available on the website:


What's new in this release ?

- New Kivy UI theme: we changed the previous theme in favor of a new
one, inspired by Android theme. Button, Slider, ProgressBar,
Switch got a fresh styling, making the default Kivy application
more readable!

- New Tabbed Panel widget: new experimental widget that provides a
way to manage different widgets in each tab.

- Interactive Launcher: you can now experiment to build Kivy UI in
live, within IPython or any others Python interpreter. It provides
an user-friendly python shell interface to an App, so that it can
be prototyped and debugged interactively.

As usual, any issues / features should be reported at:


Changelog - 1.3.0


- [#420] Fix pygame error when texture is too large
- [#450] Updated Sound class to use Kivy properties
- [#467] New Sound.length
- [#484] New kivy.interactive module: doesn't break REPL anymore
- [#487] Make default values in properties optionals
- [#489] Replaced all relative import with absolute imports
- [#498] Fixes Image to allow re-loading of image from disk
- [#503] Renamed unicode parameter to codepoint in all on_key_*
- Changed default screenshot to be PNG instead of JPEG
- Enhance Kv lang rules lookup
- Enhance Label initialitazion
- Fixes crash on App when the configuration file cannot be read
- Fixes for graphics reloading mechanism, force the GC before
flushing GL
- New default UI theme
- New kivy.utils.escape_markup() to escape untrusted text when
- Support MacOSX clipboard


- [#118] Fixes for glColorMask on android
- [#447] Add new ClearColor and ClearBuffers instructions
- [#463] Fixes glGetIntegerv with new Cython
- [#479] Fixes for Translate instance when args passed in on
- Avoid drawing of empty VBO
- Enhance Stencil instruction, you can nest up to 128 layers instead
of 8
- Fixes crash when texture is empty (0px width or height)
- Fixes Point instruction when new point is appended
- Fixes to enable support of NPOT texture on android/ios platform


- [#401] New Scatter.do_collide_after_children property
- [#419] New TabbedPanel widget
- [#437] New TextInput.readonly property
- [#447] Fix popup background resizing when Window resize
- [#480] Fixes StackLayout size_hint missing calculation
- [#485] Fixes VideoPlayer scrollbar with multitouch
- [#490] Fixes ToggleButton memory leak
- Add FileChooser.file_encodings for a better unicode conversion
- Better handling of mousewheel in Button
- Delayed Label texture creation
- Enhance RST widget to support :align: in image directive
- Fixes RST widget to use document root for loading images and
- New Popup.dismiss(animation) attribute to disable the fadeout when
- New RstDocument.goto(reference) for scrolling the document to a
specific section
- New Undo/Redo for TextInput


- Map BACK key to ESCAPE by default
- Partial fixes for black screen after wake-up


- Fixes preference order for the camera provider
- Fixes some GL crash on Windows due to missing dynamic lookup of
some functions (glGenerateMipMap, glGenFramebuffers, ...)


- [#468] New audio unit tests
- [#471] Add disable_multitouch option in mouse provider
- [#473] New kivy-mode for Emacs
- [#486] Fixes mouse.profile documentation
- [#488] Fixes for FreeBSD compilation
- Add layouts, progressbar to Showcase example
- Fixes Inspector keyboard shortcuts
- Fixes pyinstallers module list + new _MEIPASS support
- Lot of documentation fixes / enhancements, as always :)

A big thanks to Akshay Aurora, Brian Knapp, C�dric Krier, David
Fraser, Dean Serenevy, Edwin Marshall, Florent Paterno, Gabriel
Pettier, Jo�o Pinto, Martin Nowak, Punjab, Richard Jones for this
release !



2012年6月19日 凌晨3:57:252012/6/19
Thanks to the developers for all your hard work.
The new theme looks great & the tabbed panel will be very useful.
A big thanks to Akshay Aurora, Brian Knapp, C�dric Krier, David
Fraser, Dean Serenevy, Edwin Marshall, Florent Paterno, Gabriel
Pettier, Jo�o Pinto, Martin Nowak, Punjab, Richard Jones for this
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