SBI officers to go on a nation-wide strike on Jun 6

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K.Karthik Raja

May 28, 2008, 8:23:33 AM5/28/08
to Kences1
SBI officers to go on a nation-wide strike on Jun 6
Wednesday, May 28

NEW DELHI - Nearly 65,000 officers of State Bank of India across
country will go on a one-day strike on June 6 to press their demands,
including higher pension.
"Officers starting up to assistant general manager will be on
strike on
Jun 6," T.N. Goel, president, All-India State Bank Officer's
Federation said.
The bank officers are also demanding lifting of a ban on new
"There is shortage of at least 15,000 officers in the bank, " Goel
The officers are also opposing abolition of zonal offices and
of some banking services.

K.Karthik Raja
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