Highlights of Reliance Power chairman's speech at the co's AGM

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K.Karthik Raja

Sep 23, 2008, 7:55:46 AM9/23/08
to Kences1
Highlights of Reliance Power chairman's speech at the co's AGM
Tuesday, Sep 23

MUMBAI - Below are highlights of the speech delivered by Anil
Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Power Ltd at the company's Annual General
Meeting Tuesday:
* Eyes exclusive pact with solar power tech cos.
* Planning 100MW solar power plant.
* Exploring manufacture of reformer-based fuel cells.
* In talks with foreign cos for hydrogen fuel tech.
* Sees 10 mln carbon credits/year from all projects.
* In power sale talks with 250 cos for Butibori.
* To double capacity of planned 300 MW Butibori unit.
* Land buy for 300MW Butibori captive project over.
* 4,000 MW Krishnapatnam unit fincl close this year.
* Dadri project progress held up on dispute with RIL.
* Sasan UMPP financial closure seen this year.
* Rosa plant to be completed 6 months before schedule.
* In talks with foreign cos for N-power tech.
* Reiterates to set up 28,000 MW capacity in 8 years.
* Qualified to bid for Jharkhand UMPP.
* Aims increasing solar, wind power portfolio.
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