Testing the new KeepNote 0.6 (includes note-to-note linking)

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Aug 20, 2009, 3:49:48 PM8/20/09
to keepnote
Hi testers,

I have been working on a new version of KeepNote (version 0.6). It
has major new features related to note-to-note linking. Since it
includes lots of code changes, I would really appreciate thorough
testing before I release it publicly.

Files are available here:

You will need either python2.5 or python2.4+pysqlite (most likely this
is already satisfied). Windows users should note that dependencies
are already included in the KeepNote install. The sqlite library is
needed to support the new linking features. I am most interested in
feedback about any issues with using sqlite. There may be setups that
behave differently when sqlite is in use. I so far, have not had any
issues on my Linux, Windows, or Mac setups, but there could always be
something I am missing.

As always, please backup your notebooks before using a new version of
KeepNote. Since there are many new code changes, please backup often
while using this testing version. I have not experience any stability
issues, but there many always be surprises when running software on so
many different platforms. You can use either KeepNote's backup
feature, or simply copying the notebook folder to another location on
your hard drive should suffice.

New features to look for:
- added note-to-note links
- autocomplete for making links
- entry completion for note titles in search box
- can use copy treeview/listview and paste in editor to make links
- added note browsing history (back and forward buttons)
- remember note selections between closing and opening a notebook
- added recently used notebooks listed in file open menu
- beginnings of single process execution (can use "--cmd focus" to
raise an existing window)

Things to try:

1. select a note in the treeview or listview. Copy the note by press
Ctrl+C or using "Edit > Copy". Go another note and in the editor do a
paste operation. A new link to the copied note should now be in the

2. While editing a note, go into link mode (Ctrl+L or pressing the
link button) and start typing the title of any note in notebook, an
auto-complete list should appear below the link. When the desired
target note is in the list use the up and down arrow keys to select it
and use the enter key to create the link.

3. Try the recently opened notebook menu "File > Open Recent Notebook"

Remember, to follow a link, double click it or use Ctrl+Spacebar while
the cursor within a link. I found the auto-complete linking feature
to be a lot of fun. I will be adding documentation to the online
manual to make these features easier to understand and discover.

You can log bugs on the issue tracker:

Language notes:
- I added language translations with KeepNote 0.5.3 but made several
mistakes in packaging the final download. I will work to properly
include the French and Turkish translations that I have received from
translators in then next version (0.6). Additional translations are

Thanks for all your help and I look forward to your feedback,



Aug 20, 2009, 4:13:47 PM8/20/09
to keepnote
i can't install keepnote on my ubuntu 8.04 lpia (for Dell Inspiron 910
with Intel Atom) : although i have both python 2.5 and python-central
0.6.7 already installed, i've got that message :
error: dependancy is not satisfiable: python-central
when i try to install keepnote_0.6-1_all.deb


Aug 20, 2009, 7:37:23 PM8/20/09
to keepnote
If this is your only dependency problem (and it likely is if you have
KeepNote 0.5.3 running), you can force dpkg to ignore the version

sudo dpkg --force-depends-version -i keepnote_0.6-1_all.deb

This worked for me on Linux 2.6.24-24-386 # i686 GNU/Linux

Cheers, DrSAR


Aug 21, 2009, 9:06:43 AM8/21/09
to keepnote
I have just posted a bug/issue regarding the new link to note does not
work with unicode named notes. I hope that the google issue page is
where you wanted the feedback/bugs to go?

other then that keepnote 0.6 works really well so far



Aug 21, 2009, 9:52:14 AM8/21/09
to keepnote
At what point does it not work? Do the names not show up in auto-
complete menu? Can you still use the copy-and-paste method for
linking? That is, can you select the target note in the treeview
press ctrl+C and then press ctrl+V in the source note to create a
link? Or, does the link get created but you can't use the link.
Thanks for your feedback.



Aug 21, 2009, 9:54:48 AM8/21/09
to keepnote
Sorry Zeltak, I see that you have included the details in the bug
report on the issue tracker. That will do.

Thanks again,

thibaut bethune

Aug 21, 2009, 10:12:19 AM8/21/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
thanks but it didn't work for me :

$ sudo dpkg --force-depends-version -i keepnote_0.6-1_all.deb
[sudo] password for tb:
Sélection du paquet keepnote précédemment désélectionné.
(Lecture de la base de données... 101010 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Dépaquetage de keepnote (à partir de keepnote_0.6-1_all.deb) ...
dpkg : des problèmes de dépendances empêchent la configuration de keepnote :
 keepnote dépend de debhelper (>= 5.0.38) ; cependant :
  Le paquet debhelper n'est pas installé.
 keepnote dépend de cdbs (>= 0.4.49) ; cependant :
  Le paquet cdbs n'est pas installé.
 keepnote dépend de libgtk2.0-dev ; cependant :
  Le paquet libgtk2.0-dev n'est pas installé.
dpkg : erreur de traitement de keepnote (--install) :
 problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :

$ keepnote
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/keepnote", line 94, in <module>
    import keepnote
ImportError: No module named keepnote

2009/8/21 stefan <stefan.r...@gmail.com>

Logiciel libre et format ouvert : essayez la suite bureautique OpenOffice

Matt Rasmussen

Aug 22, 2009, 3:07:25 PM8/22/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

Can you try downloading the deb package again and installing. I have
uploaded a new build with reduced version dependencies (they were
unnecessarily high).



Aug 22, 2009, 10:54:11 PM8/22/09
to keepnote
I'm having a problem getting this running, too. Following error in

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "keepnote", line 259, in <module>
File "keepnote", line 232, in main
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 272, in get_command_executor
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 206, in setup
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 44, in get_lock_file
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "keepnote", line 259, in <module>
File "keepnote", line 232, in main
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 272, in get_command_executor
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 206, in setup
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 44, in get_lock_file
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "keepnote", line 259, in <module>
File "keepnote", line 232, in main
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 272, in get_command_executor
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 206, in setup
File "keepnote\commands.pyc", line 44, in get_lock_file
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> > 2009/8/21 stefan <stefan.reinsb...@gmail.com>

Matt Rasmussen

Aug 23, 2009, 1:41:56 AM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
What is your OS and what is the location of the your user application
data? I am guessing you use Windows. For example, my application
data is stored at
C:\Documents and Settings\rasmus\ApplicationData\takenote


thibaut bethune

Aug 23, 2009, 4:59:01 AM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
still not working on my ubuntu 8.04 lpia

2009/8/22 Matt Rasmussen <ras...@mit.edu>

Matt Rasmussen

Aug 23, 2009, 1:31:40 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Is it the same error message or a different one?

Also what does
dpkg --info keepnote_0.6-1_all.deb


On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 4:59 AM, thibaut

thibaut bethune

Aug 23, 2009, 2:51:32 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
yes, the same message

$ dpkg --info keepnote_0.6-1_all.deb
 nouveau paquet Debian, version 2.0.
 taille 304842 octets : archive de contrôle = 5596 octets.
     793 octets,    17 lignes      control             
   12785 octets,   151 lignes      md5sums             
     333 octets,    11 lignes   *  postinst             #!/bin/sh
     276 octets,    10 lignes   *  preinst              #!/bin/sh
    1203 octets,    47 lignes   *  prerm                #!/bin/sh
 Package: keepnote
 Version: 0.6-1
 Architecture: all
 Maintainer: Matt Rasmussen <ras...@mit.edu>
 Installed-Size: 1724
 Depends: python (>= 2.5), debhelper (>= 5.0.38), python-central (>= 0.5.6), cdbs (>= 0.4.49), python-gtk2, python-glade2, libgtk2.0-dev
 Suggests: python-gnome2-extras
 Section: utils
 Priority: optional
 Homepage: http://rasm.ods.org/keepnote
 Description: cross-platform note-taking and organization application
  KeepNote is a note taking application that works on Windows, Linux, and
  MacOS X. With TakeNote, you can store your class notes, TODO lists, research
  notes, journal entries, paper outlines, etc in a simple notebook hierarchy
  with rich-text formatting, images, and more. Using full-text search, you
  can retrieve any note for later reference.
 Python-Version: >= 2.5

2009/8/23 Matt Rasmussen <ras...@mit.edu>

Matt Rasmussen

Aug 23, 2009, 3:09:12 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Is it true that dpkg doesn't auto install dependencies, just check
them for you (I could be wrong). If so, then you just need to do
apt-get install debhelper cdbs libgtk2.0-dev
first and then
dpkg -i keepnote_0.6-1_all.deb

Let me know if this works.


On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:12 AM, thibaut
bethune<thibaut...@gmail.com> wrote:

thibaut bethune

Aug 23, 2009, 4:35:27 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
i've got :

t$ keepnote

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/keepnote", line 259, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/keepnote", line 232, in main
    lambda app, argv: gobject.timeout_add(
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/keepnote/commands.py", line 272, in get_command_executor
    main_proc = cmd_exec.setup(execfunc)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/keepnote/commands.py", line 206, in setup
    aquire, fd = get_lock_file()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/keepnote/commands.py", line 44, in get_lock_file
    fd = os.open(lockfile, os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL|os.O_RDWR, 0600)
OSError: [Errno 2] Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type: '/home/tb/.config/takenote/lockfile'

2009/8/23 Matt Rasmussen <ras...@mit.edu>

Matt Rasmussen

Aug 23, 2009, 4:52:33 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Good catch! I will fix this bug and post an update soon. I'll email
again when I have fix. Thanks for your testing. It really helps me a


Matt Rasmussen

Aug 23, 2009, 6:17:38 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Ok. I have updated the test versions. Please try redownloading and
installing. You patience is much appreciated.


thibaut bethune

Aug 23, 2009, 6:32:34 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
all is fine now, thanks

any plan to follow that mockup ?

2009/8/24 Matt Rasmussen <ras...@mit.edu>

thibaut bethune

Aug 23, 2009, 6:43:42 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
2 things on Ubuntu 8.04 :
- i don't have any icon in GNOME Applications menu for KeepNote
- when starting keepnote without using system tray icon, i see some activity in the notificatiopn area though (icon moving slightly)

2009/8/24 thibaut bethune <thibaut...@gmail.com>


Aug 23, 2009, 9:10:40 PM8/23/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
I got same error message.
OS is Windows 7 RC(Japanese) and I save my data on my desktop.

I didn't see this message when I'm using Ver.0.5.3.


Matt Rasmussen

Aug 24, 2009, 1:03:07 AM8/24/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Can you redownload and install from the testing webpage. I have
updated the program.


Matthias Tuma

Aug 24, 2009, 12:07:34 PM8/24/09
to keepnote

I just downloaded 0.6 and first off tried to run without installing
from the download directory, as proposed in INSTALL. This however
doesnt work unless I do the
python setup.py install prefix thingy. Not being a python installation
expert, I figured that this install command must have provided another
executable (so that I could delete the extracted folder), but couldnt
find it. So now I have the extracted folder, the folder I installed to
(with only share in it) and the lib/python... path with some 0.6 info
in it. Additionaly, the old 0.53. has a similar set of folders, and
since there are some "share"s, I am reluctant
to delete too much stuff. So all in all, running out of the extracted
doesnt work and I would love it if updating were a bit more of a
transparent process.
I am on Fedora 10 with custom prefix and no root access.

Best, Matthias

thibaut bethune

Aug 24, 2009, 4:14:16 PM8/24/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Actually i do have an icon in GNOME Applications menu for KeepNote

Still several bugs :

1°) when starting keepnote without using system tray icon, i see some
activity in the notificatiopn area though (icon moving slightly)

2°) Notes linking UI needs some polish
In the 1st place, since the way to link a note is to copy a note,
"copy" entry should sit in notes contextual menu.

3°) Create a notebook. Now if i set KeepNote options to "Open last
notebook", close KeepNote and reopen it : the setting is still on "No
Default Notebook".

4°) Still these very very very annoying bugs on my french ubuntu
system (both 8.04 and 9.04) : by default the space key doesn't add any
space (only KeepNote behaves that way) (issue 1 with its workaround) &
Paste doesn't work if i close KeepNote between copy and paste
operations (Issue 96 and incidentaly Issue 78 - no workaround) .
These 2 bugs make KeepNote almost unusable for me.
They really should be adressed in priority.

5°) GUI is not fully translated into french

2009/8/24 thibaut bethune <thibaut...@gmail.com>
Message has been deleted

Matt Rasmussen

Aug 24, 2009, 11:26:56 PM8/24/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:14 PM, thibaut
bethune<thibaut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually i do have an icon in GNOME Applications menu for KeepNote
> Still several bugs :
> 1°) when starting keepnote without using system tray icon, i see some
> activity in the notificatiopn area though (icon moving slightly)
> 2°) Notes linking UI needs some polish
> In the 1st place, since the way to link a note is to copy a note,
> "copy" entry should sit in notes contextual menu.

This is a good idea.

> 3°) Create a notebook. Now if i set KeepNote options to "Open last
> notebook", close KeepNote and reopen it : the setting is still on "No
> Default Notebook".

I can't reproduce this. Works for me.

> 4°) Still these very very very annoying bugs on my french ubuntu
> system (both 8.04 and 9.04) : by default the space key doesn't add any
> space (only KeepNote behaves that way) (issue 1 with its workaround) &
> Paste doesn't work if i close KeepNote between copy and paste
> operations (Issue 96 and incidentaly Issue 78 - no workaround) .
> These 2 bugs make KeepNote almost unusable for me.
> They really should be adressed in priority.

Looks like your other post found a better solution for this. I do not
consider this a bug in KeepNote.

> 5°) GUI is not fully translated into french

I will be posting a polished version of the translations soon (I will
post a note in the mail list when this happens). New menus will not
have translations though (contributions will be welcomed).

Thanks again for all your feedback,


thibaut bethune

Aug 25, 2009, 5:32:05 AM8/25/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
2009/8/25 Matt Rasmussen <ras...@mit.edu>:
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:14 PM, thibaut
> bethune<thibaut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Actually i do have an icon in GNOME Applications menu for KeepNote
>> Still several bugs :
>> 1°) when starting keepnote without using system tray icon, i see some
>> activity in the notificatiopn area though (icon moving slightly)
>> 2°) Notes linking UI needs some polish
>> In the 1st place, since the way to link a note is to copy a note,
>> "copy" entry should sit in notes contextual menu.
> This is a good idea.
>> 3°) Create a notebook. Now if i set KeepNote options to "Open last
>> notebook", close KeepNote and reopen it : the setting is still on "No
>> Default Notebook".
> I can't reproduce this.  Works for me.

me neither ! sorry maybe i was tired and cliked on cancel instead of ok...

>> 4°) Still these very very very annoying bugs on my french ubuntu
>> system (both 8.04 and 9.04) : by default the space key doesn't add any
>> space (only KeepNote behaves that way) (issue 1 with its workaround) &
>> Paste doesn't work if i close KeepNote between copy and paste
>> operations (Issue 96 and incidentaly Issue 78 - no workaround) .
>> These 2 bugs make KeepNote almost unusable for me.
>> They really should be adressed in priority.
> Looks like your other post found a better solution for this.  I do not
> consider this a bug in KeepNote.

At least the copy/paste thing is a keepnote bug i think
Copying should be persistent even after closing KeepNote

>> 5°) GUI is not fully translated into french
> I will be posting a polished version of the translations soon (I will
> post a note in the mail list when this happens).  New menus will not
> have translations though (contributions will be welcomed).

I can help you with new menus in french. How should i proceed ?


Aug 25, 2009, 6:51:05 AM8/25/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
I redownload and install it.
now, I got a new message.

Unable to execute file:

C:\Program Files\KeepNote\keepnote.exe

CreateProcess failed; code 740.


It says 'The requested operation requires administrative privileges.'

I execute keepnote as an administrator, it works.
Thank you for updating!


Matt Rasmussen

Aug 25, 2009, 11:04:58 AM8/25/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
The copy and paste issue is KeepNote's fault. I need to look up how
to you the "store" feature so that the clipboard has contents after
KeepNote closes.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 5:32 AM, thibaut


Sep 9, 2009, 3:42:13 PM9/9/09
to keepnote
Hi testers,

I am nearing a public release for KeepNote 0.6. Please try the latest
version (09-Sep-2009 06:27) available here:

Hopefully, the latest version should be fairly stable for everyone now
(but I just want to make sure). Thanks again to everyone who sent in
bug reports.


thibaut bethune

Sep 9, 2009, 5:56:22 PM9/9/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
with Ubuntu Karmic alpha 5, it needs to download 65 packages !

it seems to work for me except the translation
and the about box only says "GPL version 2" for the licence without
its content or a link or naming the Free Software Foundation
(You can look to GNOME applications for an exemple : Totem, Rhythmbox...)

The new "Use minimal toolbar" option is nice

2009/9/9 rasmus <matt....@gmail.com>:

Matt Rasmussen

Sep 9, 2009, 6:48:09 PM9/9/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 5:56 PM, thibaut
bethune<thibaut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> it seems to work for me except the translation
> and the about box only says "GPL version 2" for the licence without
> its content or a link or naming the Free Software Foundation
> (You can look to GNOME applications for an exemple : Totem, Rhythmbox...)

Ah... these are related to finding the location of extra data. I can
fix this soon. Thanks.



Sep 12, 2009, 1:48:24 PM9/12/09
to keepnote
I have now updated the testing version. The full text of the license
should now appear and the french translation should also appear.

current version is now "12-Sep-2009 10:19"


On Sep 9, 6:48 pm, Matt Rasmussen <ras...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 5:56 PM, thibaut

thibaut bethune

Sep 12, 2009, 9:11:41 PM9/12/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
i tried the .deb package on my french system :

Concerning the french translation :

1°) I've made some mistakes when i've decided which caracter had to be
underlined in menus (there are some duplicates) :
"_Aller à" should be replaced with "A_ller à"
"Ouvrir un carnet _récent" with "Ouvrir un carnet réce_nt"
"Nouvelle page aff_iliée" with "Nou_velle page aff_iliée"
"_Copier" with "Co_pier"
"_Modifier" with "_Edition"
"Appliquer la couleur d'arrière-_plan" with "Appliquer la couleur
"Choi_sir la police" with "Choisir la polic_e"
"Aller à la note _parente" with "Aller à la note pa_rente"
"Aller à la note _suivante" with "Aller à la note sui_vante"
"Aller à la note _précédente" with "Aller à la note pré_cédente"

2°) Some entries are not translated :
"_Backup Notebook..." ("_Sauvegarder le carnet...") and "R_estore
Notebook..." ("Res_taurer le carnet...") are not translated
"_Underline" is not translated (should be "Souligné")
"<b>General KeepNote Options</b>" is not translated (should be
"<b>Options générales de KeepNote</b>")
"<b>Startup</b>" is not translated (should be "<b>Au démarrage :</b>")
"No Default Notebook" is not translated (should be "Aucun carnet par défaut")
"Default Notebook:" is not translated (should be "Carnet par défaut :")
"Open Last Notebook" is not translated (should be "Ouvrir le dernier
carnet utilisé")
"Autosave:" is not translated (should be "Sauvegarde automatique :")
"seconds" is not translated (should be "secondes")
"Use sysem tray icon" is not translated (should be "Utiliser la zone
de notification")
"Hide from taskbar" is not translated (should be "Ne pas afficher dans
la liste des fenêtres")
"<b>Look and Feel</b>" is not translated (should be "<b>Apparence</b>")
"show lines in treeview" is not translated (should be "afficher les
pointillés dans l'arborescence")
"use ruler hints in listview" is not translated (should be "teinter
les lignes en alternance dans la liste des notes")
"use GTK stock icons in toolbar (requires restart)" is not translated
(should be
"utiliser la collection d'icônes GTK dans la barre d'icônes "
"(redémarrage requis)")
"use minimal toolbar (requires restart)" is not translated (should be
"Utiliser la barre d'outils réduite (redémarrage requis)")
"<b>Helper Applications</b>" is not translated (should be
"<b>Applications associées</b>")

All the "Helper Applications", "Date and Time" & "This Notebook"panels
are not translated

in "General KeepNote Options" and "This Notebook" panels, the
"Browse..." button is not translated (whereas it is in "Helper
Applications" panel)

5°) I haven't seen anything new concerning the licence

Thank you for credits


2009/9/12 rasmus <matt....@gmail.com>:

thibaut bethune

Sep 13, 2009, 8:09:30 PM9/13/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Also "Paste As Plain Text" is not translated ("Coller comme texte pur")

2009/9/13 thibaut bethune <thibaut...@gmail.com>:

Mr antback

Sep 14, 2009, 3:56:48 AM9/14/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com

I'm testing the latest version of keepnote on Ubuntu 9.04 and it's crashing with a Segmentation Fault. 
Maybe it only occurs on my system, but I have attached the gdb traces if you want to take a look. 
The 0.5.3 version works perfect. If you need more information or whatever, please ask. 

Thanks a lot for your work!

Best regards.

Matt Rasmussen

Sep 16, 2009, 10:34:24 AM9/16/09
to keep...@googlegroups.com
Hmm, this looks like a crash inside gtk. Even if I misuse pygtk, gtk
should not crash, it should return an exception to my python code.
Thanks for this report, but I am unsure what to ask you to try to
figure out what is going on.

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