Safari 5.0.1 on Windows no longer supports HTML5 audio

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Mark P

Aug 15, 2010, 1:13:53 AM8/15/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin
The Safari 5.0.1 browser on Windows 7 does not support HTML5. Not sure
when this crept in, as Safari 4 on Windows used to support HTML5.

jPlayer checks the <audio> element for a canPlayType() method and on
this browser is it undefined.

Safari 5.0.1 on Mac works with HTML5.

I'll be checking Safari 5 on Windows Vista and XP tomorrow, but I
doubt that this would differ from Windows 7.

Best regards,
Mark P.


Aug 15, 2010, 3:15:51 PM8/15/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin fails for
me with Safari 5.0.1 on Windows XP and all jPlayer demos fallback to

However there are reports that Safari 5.0.1 on Windows 7 does not
fail. Very strange - more testing required it seems.




Aug 15, 2010, 3:25:23 PM8/15/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin
On Windows 7 :

On Aug 15, 5:15 pm, Maboa <> wrote:
> for
> me with Safari 5.0.1 on Windows XP and all jPlayer demos fallback to
> Flash.

Mark P

Aug 15, 2010, 4:51:59 PM8/15/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin
I was reviewing this again today and tried it out on my Windows XP
machine. I found that Safari 5.0.1 worked on Windows XP. That is the
HTML5 worked in jPlayer and on that audio support checker.

I double checked my Windows 7 machine and again found no support at
all for audio. I also checked some other websites that demo this sort
of thing and found no support at all in HTML5 on my browser.

@Maboa: Your last screen grab was on Windows 7 according to the note.
My Safari 5.0.1 versions and build numbers are identical, but
everything shows as undefined for me.

I know the reason.. That audio checker I wrote checks the
HTMLAudioElement.canPlayType method to see if ti exists. I am finding
that my Win7 Saf 5.0.1 browser does not have this method defined.

Mark P

Aug 15, 2010, 6:46:32 PM8/15/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin
Since it appears to be just me that has this problem, I've asked it on
the apple dev forums:

Just in case anyone wants to follow the discussion there.

Best regards,
Mark P

Trygve Lie

Aug 16, 2010, 8:04:49 AM8/16/10
> The Safari 5.0.1 browser on Windows 7 does not support HTML5. Not sure
> when this crept in, as Safari 4 on Windows used to support HTML5.

I've not tested this yet but I had the same problem with Safari 4 some
time ago. Safari rely on Quick Time so Quick Time must be installed for
audio / video to work with Safari. On Windows this is a bit more unclear
than on Mac since Mac come with Quick Time pre-installed.



Aug 16, 2010, 8:27:59 AM8/16/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin

I installed quicktime on my XP box and can confirm that the tests now
pass, where previously they failed. This seems to confirm that
quicktime is indeed required for Safari to use HTML5 media.


Mark B

Mark P

Aug 16, 2010, 11:40:01 PM8/16/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin
Installed Quicktime... Now the HTML5 checker gives the following error
twice in a popup:

The program can't start because QTCF.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling to fix the problem.

I'm going to restart 1st and if that does not fix it, I'll reinstall.

Mark P

Aug 16, 2010, 11:50:30 PM8/16/10
to jPlayer: the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin
Restart fixed it.

Apple make software for the PC that behaves different to other
software during the install. Update anything Apple related and you
need a restart. Even the NVidea video drivers no longer need a restart
after updating. I can't think of anything other than updates to the
Windows operating system that needs it these days. Oh or virus
software. Even then, the updates usually go through without a restart
required. Anywayz... Rant over.

And yeah, I agree with Maboa, Safari 5 is not an HTML5 browser if it
needs quicktime installed to make it work.

Best regards,
Mark P.
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