[ ANNOUNCEMENT ] jOOQ 3.10 released with Java 9 support, scala cross-builds, stored procedure improvements for Oracle, SQL Server, parser and index support, and much more!

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Lukas Eder

Sep 29, 2017, 9:34:56 AM9/29/17
to jOOQ User Group
Version 3.10.0 - September 29, 2017

Formal Java 9 Support

jOOQ 3.10 is the first release that is formally integration tested with Java 9
along with the existing integration tests for Java 6/7 and for Java 8. To use
jOOQ with Java 9 use the Java 8 distribution which has not yet been modularised,
but contains Automatic-Module-Name specification to be forward compatible with
future, modularised jOOQ distributions.

Cross release for Scala 2.10, 2.11, 2.12

We've been offering cross releases for Java 6/7 and Java 8 in the past and we're
now doing the same for Scala. In jOOQ 3.10, Scala 2.11+ will be supported by the
jOOQ Open Source Edition and Scala 2.10+ by the commercial editions.

More and better stored procedure support for Oracle and SQL Server

We've finally supported SQL Server's table-valued parameters (TVP), which are a
great way of passing data sets to procedures in SQL Server.

In Oracle, we're now supporting a variety of cool PL/SQL features that are not
supported directly by ojdbc, among which:

- Oracle 12c implicit result sets
- PL/SQL RECORD Types passed to and returned from stored procedures
- PL/SQL %ROWTYPE references
- SYS_REFCURSOR IN parameters (we have always supported them as OUT parameters)
- Combinations of PL/SQL BOOLEAN and PL/SQL RECORD types

We believe that those excellent T-SQL and PL/SQL features would be used much
more often by Java developers, if the serialisation was made easier. That's why
jOOQ 3.10 greatly helps here.

New parser now fully supported

In jOOQ 3.9, we've introduced an interesting new feature that will allow jOOQ to
be used in non-classic jOOQ contexts, e.g. as a JDBC proxy to translate SQL from
dialect to dialect, or as a formatting tool.

Users who have been using jOOQ's plain SQL API will be happy to hear that using
the parser, they will be able to validate their plain SQL already in the client,
and possibly normalise / transform it using the entire jOOQ tool chain including
the VisitListener SPI.

One immediate benefit of having a parser is the new DDLDatabase, which can
reverse engineer your DDL scripts to generate jOOQ code out of them, without any
connection to a database!

Support for index types

While we've supported DDL operations to create / drop indexes for a while, we
haven't supported indexes in our meta model. We finally do with jOOQ 3.10. They
can now be used:

- In code generation output
- As plain SQL meta objects
- As InformationSchema import / exports
- And much more

Other great improvements

- We're now supporting MySQL 8.0 and its WITH clause and window functions.
- Support for the SQL Server 2016 dialect
- Better support for PostgreSQL's ON CONFLICT clause
- Support for FETCH .. WITH TIES: Native and emulated using RANK() OVER (...)
- More improvements for JSR-310 type support
- Many improvements to the org.jooq.Name API for manipulating qualified names
- More DDL support and emulations for DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server
- Many improvements to the org.jooq.Queries API (batches of org.jooq.Query)
- A new RecordUnmapper SPI - the inverse of the existing RecordMapper
- Record unstructuring in Kotlin
- Results can now be formatted as ASCII charts

Features and Improvements
#1735 - Add Setting to indicate that bind values should not be cast
#2520 - Add RecordUnmapper<E, R extends Record> to allow for the inverse operations of RecordMapper
#2830 - Add JavaDoc on Settings classes
#3062 - Add support for conversion into Collection types
#3593 - Add support for packages and routines in XMLDatabase
#4111 - Cross-release several jooq-scala deliverables
#4846 - Add <orderProvider/> SPI to allow for injecting meta data ordering
#4900 - Add support for LIMIT .. WITH TIES
#4990 - Deprecate Context.keyword() and Context.literal()
#5149 - Pull up AttachableInternal.configuration() to Attachable. Remove AttachableInternal
#5171 - Support SQL Server table valued parameters
#5189 - Generate synthetic ArrayRecord and UDTs for SQL Server table types
#5191 - Support multi-row UPDATE and DELETE RETURNING for Oracle using PL/SQL RETURNING .. BULK COLLECT INTO
#5231 - Add a subsection to the manual explaining each setting from the Settings.xml
#5361 - Add ResultQuery.fetchStreamInto()
#5411 - Add support for ResultQuery.fetchSingle(), which returns exactly one record
#5493 - [#2123] Combining INSERT..RETURNING and ON DUPLICATE KEY
#5551 - Add support for MySQL 8.0 CTE
#5552 - Add a MySQL 8 SQLDialect version
#5568 - #3062 Work on adding ability to convert between collections and arrays.
#5619 - Add Field.containsIgnoreCase() to support Postgres' ILIKE operator
#5637 - Add support for PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE WHERE
#5638 - Add org.jooq.Index
#5645 - Add DSL.localDateAdd() localDateSub(), localDateDiff()
#5666 - Add support for Oracle 12c implicit result sets returned from procedures
#5667 - Review jOOQ's reflection usage for JDK 9 / Jigsaw compatibility
#5724 - Add support for MySQL's ALTER TABLE .. RENAME INDEX
#5732 - Emulate { ALTER | DROP } .. IF EXISTS in Oracle using a PL/SQL block
#5733 - Add a configuration option for varargs setters
#5738 - Add DSLContext.parsingConnection() to expose the new Parser API through the JDBC API
#5742 - Stop distributing third party dependencies through zip distribution
#5745 - Make JDBC driver configuration optional in code generator configuration
#5746 - The <database/> element in the code generator configuration should be optional
#5747 - Mention JPADatabase in jooq-codegen.xsd
#5750 - Deprecate and undocument the <customTypes/> element
#5754 - Remove copyright (and dates) from file headers
#5762 - Add DataType.getSQLType(Configuration)
#5764 - Add support for inlining SQL Server table valued parameters in SQL
#5767 - Add a comment to the manual's section about MatcherRules regarding unqualified / qualified identifier matching
#5770 - Add Field.notContains()
#5772 - Implement Converter.toString() of Converter.of() and ofNullable() results
#5790 - Add Setting.returnRecordToPojo to disable copying record values back into inserted / updated POJOs
#5791 - Implement DefaultRecordContext.toString()
#5806 - Add support for H2's TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type
#5809 - Add code generation support for %ROWTYPE references in Oracle
#5823 - Add native support for HSQLDB UUID type
#5824 - Add Convert support for converting UUID to byte[] and vice versa
#5826 - Add Settings.delimiter to specify the standard delimiter for batches
#5828 - Add Queries.fetchMany()
#5829 - Enhance jooq-meta.xsd to include INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES and PARAMETERS dictionary views
#5833 - Add support for routines in XMLGenerator
#5834 - Improve formatting of multi-argument named parameter procedure calls
#5850 - Add support for Oracle SYS_REFCURSOR IN parameters
#5853 - Add XMLFormat, an XML export / import formatting configuration
#5854 - Support indented XML output in formatXML()
#5862 - Rename Generator.fluentSetters() to Generator.generateFluentSetters() for API naming consistency
#5877 - Add <enumConverter/> flag in <forcedType/> to auto-generate EnumConverter
#5878 - Add DelegatingConverter<T, U>
#5884 - Allow for specifying Java expressions as Converter / Binding configurations
#5885 - Document the fact that only the first matching <forcedType/> is a applied to a data type definition
#5894 - Add Record.formatXML(), formatJSON()
#5904 - Improve Javadoc on ExecuteContext.rows()
#5920 - Add several Binding.of() convenience constructors
#5924 - Add the Table.fullJoin() and SelectJoinStep.fullJoin() aliases
#5927 - Undeprecate Parser
#5942 - [5619] Add Field.containsIgnoreCase() to support Postgres' ILIKE operator
#5947 - Add TypedElementDefinition.getDefinedType()
#5956 - Add DSL.{rank|denseRank|percentRank|cumeDist}(Collection<? extends Field<?>>)
#5968 - Add JavaGenerator.printPackageComment() to allow for overriding this
#5973 - Allow for formatting / indenting JSON output through JSONFormat
#5987 - Add DSLContext.map(Schema) and map(Table) to expose the schema mapping feature
#5993 - Add Name DSL.quotedName() and unquotedName()
#5995 - Add Context.quote()
#5996 - Add Field.as(Name) and Table.as(Name), Table.as(Name, Name...)
#5997 - Field.as(Field) and Table.as(Table) should retain quotation flag from Name
#5998 - Add DSL.name(Name...) to construct a Name from Name.last() elements
#6000 - Add TableImpl.rename(Name)
#6005 - Add DDLDatabase to reverse engineer DDL files
#6006 - Add DSL.primaryKey(Name...), unique(Name...), foreignKey(Name...)
#6009 - Add support for CREATE INDEX ON with on(Name, Name...) arguments
#6011 - Add better documentation for the JPADatabase
#6012 - Implement specialised Name for unqualified Names
#6013 - Add Name Name.qualifier()
#6014 - Implement QualifiedTable.getSchema() and QualifiedSchema.getCatalog()
#6021 - Add DSLContext.with(Name, Name...)
#6022 - Add Name.fields(Name, ...)
#6035 - Detect third-party JDBC URL plugins in JDBCUtils
#6044 - Add DSLContext.currval(Name) and nextval(Name)
#6052 - Create an internal Keyword cache
#6053 - KeywordImpl should cache the AS_IS, UPPER, LOWER renderings
#6056 - Upgrade optional logger dependencies
#6063 - Use eq / ne / etc in manual, rather than equal / notEqual / etc
#6068 - Add Name { Field | Table | Schema | Catalog }.getQualifiedName()
#6070 - Add Name Name.unqualifiedName()
#6072 - Add code generation flag <recordsImplementingRecordN/> to configure whether generated Records should implement Record[N]
#6073 - Add Name[] Name.parts()
#6074 - Implement QueriesImpl.equals() and hashCode()
#6079 - Add JoinType.qualified()
#6082 - DSL.condition(Field) and field(Condition) should unwrap previously wrapped QueryPart
#6084 - Let { Update | Delete }ReturningStep extend { Update | Delete }FinalStep
#6086 - Add Row Parser.parseRow(String)
#6087 - Make ParserException public
#6088 - InsertSetStep.select() should return InsertOnDuplicateStep
#6093 - Add Field.pow[er](Field)
#6094 - Support Oracle's PARTITION BY prefixed OUTER JOIN
#6099 - Document Parser's BNF
#6104 - Improve VALUES constructor formatting
#6105 - Add Name { Field | Table | Schema | Catalog }.getUnqualifiedName()
#6108 - Add PostgresDSL.arrayOverlap()
#6114 - [#6063] change Field.equal() and Field.notEqual() to Field.eq() and Field.ne() in manual pages
#6120 - Add support for DB2 RENAME INDEX statement
#6121 - Add support for DB2 RENAME TABLE statement
#6123 - Emulate CREATE TABLE AS for DB2 using CREATE TABLE and INSERT
#6125 - Support different DB2 sqlstates when emulating IF NOT EXISTS
#6128 - Add more Javadoc to JPADatabase
#6136 - [#6022] add Name.fields(Name...) method along with the generated ones
#6139 - Put XJC generated sources under version control
#6143 - Rename Queries.stream() to Queries.queryStream()
#6144 - Let Queries extend QueryPart
#6146 - Add DSLContext.queries(Query...)
#6147 - Let Queries extend Attachable
#6148 - Add Queries.executeBatch()
#6154 - Remove test dependencies from OSS distribution
#6155 - Remove unneeded javax.validation dependency
#6156 - Add Configuration.recordUnmapperProvider()
#6162 - Deprecate plain SQL DSL.sequence(String) constructors
#6167 - GenerationTool should debug-log input Configuration as XML
#6169 - Document exception propagation in transaction API Javadoc
#6194 - Add a section to the manual about the Query By Example API
#6195 - Add DSLContext.fetchByExample(TableRecord)
#6196 - Override Iterable.forEach(Consumer) in ResultQuery to provide Javadoc
#6212 - Generate deprecation for all objects referencing DataType<Object> (unknown type)
#6214 - Pull up jOOQ-meta's AbstractDatabase.getProperties() to Database
#6215 - Add localDateAdd() localDateSub(), localDateDiff() support to DSL
#6217 - Add more details to QueryPart.toString() Javadoc
#6218 - Add a section to the manual about the plain SQL templating part
#6219 - Add Parser.parseResultQuery()
#6222 - Generate IDENTITY information on data type
#6239 - Add SQLServer2016 dialect
#6245 - Add Record[N].component[1-N]() methods for better Kotlin interoperability
#6246 - Add Kotlin operators on Field
#6247 - Add more Kotlin examples
#6253 - Add a jOOQ / JPA example to GitHub
#6254 - Deprecate the ResultQuery.intern() and Result.intern() features
#6255 - Add better Enum to Enum conversion support in org.jooq.tools.Convert
#6258 - Emulate MySQL / T-SQL DROP INDEX .. ON for other databases
#6268 - Support DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS for SQL Server
#6269 - Support CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS in SQL Server
#6271 - Improve onKey() join error messages, when join expression is ambiguous
#6273 - Document <configurationFile/> Maven plugin property
#6275 - Add SQL Server support for ALTER VIEW .. RENAME
#6276 - Add SQL Server support for ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS
#6280 - Deprecate DSLContext.bindContext() and renderContext()
#6281 - Add DSL.arrayAggDistinct()
#6285 - Add Javadoc to code generator Configuration classes
#6287 - Upgrade Spring Boot example to version 1.5.3
#6296 - Update Hibernate Dependency in jooq-meta-extensions and examples
#6297 - Add "development versions" link to the manual
#6299 - Remove unneeded config files in spring-boot-example
#6300 - Remove unneeded config files in spring-boot-example
#6304 - Improve internal TableAlias discovery
#6306 - Add org.jooq.True and org.jooq.False
#6307 - Add code generation support for indexes
#6312 - Document DISTINCT predicate emulation using INTERSECT
#6313 - Add List<Index> Table.getIndexes()
#6315 - Add SortField Field.sortDefault()
#6319 - Add INDEXES and INDEX_COLUMN_USAGES views to jooq-meta.xsd
#6320 - Import / Export index information with DSLContext.meta(InformationSchema) / DSLContext.informationSchema()
#6321 - Export indexes using XMLGenerator
#6322 - Import indexes using XMLDatabase
#6323 - Generate javax.persistence.Index annotation
#6325 - Add ResultQuery.fetchGroups(Field[], Field[]) and similar overloads
#6336 - Add another Kotlin example using apply
#6352 - Add Result.formatChart() to produce ASCII text charts
#6355 - Improve Kotlin example in manual
#6362 - Auto-wrap Select as Field in overloaded API like DSL.least()
#6363 - Rename Cursor.fetchXXX() methods to fetchNextXXX()
#6368 - Port Sakila database to DB2
#6372 - Add DSLContext Configuration.dsl()
#6374 - In jOOQ-spring-boot-example, use jooq starter instead of jdbc starter
#6381 - Add Derby support for RENAME { TABLE | COLUMN | INDEX }
#6386 - Add Scope.dsl()
#6391 - Add ResultOrRows.exception() to improve support for SQL Server's RAISERROR
#6410 - Don't generate empty Keys.java or Indexes.java files
#6411 - Code generator should generate VARCHAR(length) and NUMBER(precision, scale) method
#6413 - Add Setting.throwExceptions to define how SQLException should be propagated out of jOOQ
#6416 - Add Name.unquotedName() and Name.quotedName()
#6418 - Change SQLite's VALUES constructor implementation to support standard multi-row VALUES() clause
#6422 - Add support for MySQL 8.0 window functions
#6426 - Add support for MySQL 8.0 FOR UPDATE { NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED }
#6427 - Deprecate partitionByOne() API
#6428 - Add missing overload WindowPartitionByStep.partitionBy(Collection<? extends Field<?>>)
#6430 - Add support for MySQL 8.0 FOR UPDATE OF [ tables ]
#6434 - Enhance "Forcing type" INFO message with the full <forcedType/> specification
#6441 - Improve TableLike.field(Field) Javadoc
#6443 - Explain in TooManyRowsException Javadoc that the exception has no impact on the statement causing it
#6445 - Allow for overriding timestamps used for optimistic locking
#6447 - Add Clock Configuration.clock()
#6451 - Add a JdbcTemplate example to the manual
#6463 - Add bind variable capability to Parser API
#6465 - Add no-args constructor to some exceptions
#6466 - Support fetching HSQLDB arrays from plain SQL results
#6468 - Add DSLContext.fetchSingle() to return exactly one record
#6471 - Improve manual section about LOBs
#6472 - Add support for ALTER TABLE .. ALTER COLUMN .. { SET | DROP } NOT NULL
#6473 - Add DataType.nullable(Nullability) to support a three valued nullable flag
#6487 - Add DSL.groupId()
#6488 - Add support for Oracle's WIDTH_BUCKET() function
#6517 - JPADatabase should map JPA AttributeConverter types to generated jOOQ Converter
#6519 - Improve JPA example by reusing a JPA AttributeConverter in jOOQ
#6522 - Add JPAConverter to bridge between Converter and JPA's AttributeConverter
#6525 - Add Setting for formatting options
#6527 - Support START WITH .. CONNECT BY (reverse syntax order)
#6530 - Add runtime support for procedure calls with top-level %ROWTYPE parameter types in Oracle
#6531 - Add support for Oracle OBJECT types nested in PL/SQL RECORD types
#6532 - Add UDT.isSynthetic() and UDTDefinition.isSynthetic()
#6533 - Add support for PL/SQL BOOLEAN types inside of PL/SQL RECORD types
#6534 - Add Name.append(String) and append(Name)
#6545 - Support formatting of multi dimensional arrays in Result.format()
#6567 - Support using org.jooq.impl.EnumConverter as a <converter> configuration
#6575 - Enhance plain SQL templating language documentation with parsing rules
#6584 - Improve DSLContext.batchStore() Javadoc, indicating that it does not execute MERGE / UPSERT semantics
#6599 - In manual ExecuteListeners example, use ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent
#6611 - Add Automatic-Module-Name to MANIFEST.MF
#6617 - Specify <pluginManagement> in parent pom.xml

Breaking changes
#5734 - Bad type mapping for PostgreSQL TIME[STAMP] WITH TIME ZONE and SQL Server DATETIMEOFFSET types
#5818 - Plain SQL fetch() methods should return update count in Result
#5921 - MockFileDatabase shouldn't trim lines
#5990 - Allow for case-sensitive OWNERs in Oracle's code generation
#6020 - values(RowN...) columns are named c0, c1, ... c[N-1] instead of c1, c2, ... cN
#6051 - Don't include StopWatchListener with Settings.isExecuteLogging()
#6327 - Add OrderField as a common super type of Field and SortField and accept that in ORDER BY clauses
#6342 - No-args call to Field.sortAsc(), sortDesc() and empty Map call to Field.sortMap() should not return null
#6373 - InsertQuery.newRecord() doesn't generate additional record unless values are set
#6388 - Relax type constraints on various set(Map<Field<?>, ?>) to set(Map<?, ?>)
#6440 - Throw TooManyRowsException in { Insert | Update | Delete }ResultStep.fetchOne() and fetchOptional()
#6521 - Upgrade the optional/provided JPA API dependency to 2.2
#6523 - JPADatabase, H2Database, and OracleDatabase should not generate any system sequences
#6529 - Move generated PL/SQL RECORD types in a udt subpackage
#6613 - Add TransactionContext.causeThrowable() to allow for Throwable causes for transaction rollbacks
#6615 - Allow for TransactionRunnable and TransactionCallable to throw Throwable

Bug Fixes
#2123 - Cannot combine INSERT .. RETURNING with INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY .. due to DSL API flaw
#2738 - Bad inlining, setting, and registering of LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime bind values
#3704 - Emit warning on conflict between <customType/> and type rewriting when <forcedType/> name is "Boolean"
#3805 - Emulate ALTER TABLE .. ALTER TYPE .. NULL / NOT NULL with anonymous blocks, where supported
#3823 - Regression: Date <-> Timestamp converter ignored after upgrading from 3.4.2 to 3.5
#4402 - Bulk insert fails when records have different sets of changed columns
#4629 - Support INSERT INTO t VALUES with plain SQL tables
#5213 - NullPointerException when generating code in single-uppercase-named-database setup on MariaDB and MySQL
#5299 - MySQL enum type doesn't generate correct DDL via DSLContext.ddl()
#5344 - SchemaMapping and TableMapping are not applied for table(Name)
#5354 - Add <javaBeansGettersAndSetters/> to the code generator to support JavaBeans
#5403 - IF EXISTS emulation using THROW doesn't work for SQL Server 2008
#5451 - Oracle 12c support for OFFSET .. FETCH causes ORA-00918 regression on queries with ambiguous column names
#5453 - Work around Oracle 12c issue with INSERT .. SELECT into tables with IDENTITY column
#5587 - Oracle's quoted string literals aren't parsed correctly
#5720 - Convert doesn't correctly convert Strings to EnumType
#5735 - jOOQ-checker is not deployed to Maven Central
#5744 - Log WARN if users combine nested catalog configurations with top-level inputSchema configuration
#5755 - Parser cannot parse bind variables
#5763 - Generated TableValuedFunction.call() methods should wrap arguments with DSL.val(T, DataType)
#5765 - Compilation error in generated schema when table-valued function literal clashes with class name
#5771 - MockResultSet should call Converter to transform MockResult's <U> back to <T>
#5776 - DefaultBinding cannot parse +HH timezone offset
#5779 - DataType.getSQLType() doesn't return the right value for java.time types
#5783 - KeepNamesGeneratorStrategy generates wrong Keys.java
#5794 - git push tag
#5804 - Various Javadoc warnings
#5807 - Exception thrown when creating table with SQLDataType.UUID in MySQL
#5812 - InformationSchema export contains wrong column name
#5820 - Missing @Support annotations for PostgreSQL on InsertOnDuplicateSetStep.set()
#5840 - Shouldn't DEBUG log OUT parameters on procedures that don't have any
#5845 - ClassNotFoundException occures when generate codes form JPA entity by maven plugin
#5848 - [#5845] Use the correct ClassLoader to load the jpa entity classes de…
#5855 - Outdated link to jooq-export.xsd in Result.formatXML() Javadoc
#5858 - Data loader unable to decode Base64 encoding binary types
#5872 - <types/> cannot match user-defined types (e.g. PostGIS GEOMETRY)
#5879 - Schema version check does not work with Scala
#5881 - NullPointerException when running Maven code generator plugin without <target/> specification
#5886 - Manual typo: >U> should be <U>
#5888 - <expressions/> deprecation message is logged several times by the code generator
#5890 - H2Database orders tables by ID instead of NAME
#5892 - File does not get renamed on Windows when TABLE_A is renamed to TABLEA
#5901 - Bind variable index should be logged in stack trace when there is a JDBC data type problem
#5922 - Parser doesn't accept FULL JOIN
#5929 - java.util.impl.Contains should check both sides of the expression for array types
#5936 - Ignore strategy/name when strategy/matchers is present, in code generator
#5938 - Fix typo in manual's having example java code
#5940 - Do not return ID on Record.update() when updatablePrimaryKeys is set to false
#5943 - Boolean data type rewrites on Oracle procedures conflict with PL/SQL BOOLEAN data type logic
#5946 - Compilation error in generated code when applying converter to Oracle NUMBER procedure parameter
#5954 - Support JTDS limit of 2000 bind variables also for SQL Server
#5955 - Various parser bugs / missing features
#5967 - Improve performance of Result.formatJSON() by avoiding List and Map allocation
#5971 - Do not throw UnsupportedOperationException in DefaultResultSet etc
#5979 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when generating DSLContext.ddl() for DefaultSchema
#5981 - LIMIT examples in manual are not consistent
#5989 - Case insensitive OWNER search in Oracle code generator causes slow execution for large schemas
#5994 - DSL.name() Javadoc points to wrong DSL.field() methods
#6007 - Bad formatting of CASE WHEN EXISTS expressions
#6019 - Wrong SQL generated on Query.toString() on SELECT .. OFFSET (no LIMIT)
#6025 - Unstable alias generation for derived tables
#6031 - DefaultBinding.pgFromString() doesn't support TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type
#6033 - Manual documents incorrect restriction on ConnectionProvider.acquire() method
#6034 - Param.equals() doesn't work for binary data
#6038 - Possible leaking JDBC Arrays in DefaultExecuteContext.ARRAYS
#6042 - DefaultBinding should register java.sql.Array for later freeing
#6048 - UDTRecordImpl.readSQL(SQLInput) and writeSQL(SQLOutput) optimisations
#6055 - NullPointerException thrown when calling Oracle Function with BOOLEAN parameter
#6058 - StackOverflowError when DefaultBinding.pgFromString() encounters unknown type
#6064 - SQL Server doesn't generate any code when top-level inputSchema is specified, but not inputCatalog
#6065 - JOIN .. USING emulation doesn't work with plain SQL
#6069 - Bad Javadoc on Catalog.getName()
#6077 - Replace usage of String.split() by Pattern.split()
#6078 - NullPointerException in GenerationUtil with Postgres CITEXT extension applied
#6081 - Jsr310 LocalDateTime fail on batch insert queries but works in standard queries
#6085 - Bad Javadoc on DeleteResultStep
#6103 - Excess whitespace in formatted MySQL WITH ROLLUP clause
#6106 - Bad formatting when combining constraints in CREATE TABLE statement
#6109 - Prefer Java 8 syntax (method references, lambda expressions) in manual example
#6110 - Broken code in docs
#6117 - DB2 doesn't support qualified column references in FOR UPDATE OF
#6118 - RESTRICT is a mandatory keyword in DB2's DROP SCHEMA command
#6122 - Fix DDL Support annotations for DB2
#6127 - DELETE RETURNING must be emulated on DB2 with OLD TABLE() not FINAL TABLE()
#6129 - ConstraintForeignKeyReferencesStepN.references() should return ConstraintForeignKeyOnStep
#6130 - Cannot combine ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions on foreign key specifications
#6141 - Add identity column support to XMLGenerator
#6150 - Oracle LocalDate bind variables aren't cast to DATE
#6163 - XMLGenerator doesn't export <is_nullable/> for columns
#6165 - XMLDatabase doesn't correctly load UNIQUE keys
#6171 - DefaultTransactionProvider should not roll back to savepoint in top transaction
#6173 - Dead link in Oracle examples
#6189 - JPADatabase doesn't correctly generate tables for multi-schema entities
#6191 - Compilation error in generated code when column is called RESULT or PRIME
#6198 - Manual incorrectly refers to term "paging" rather than "pagination"
#6204 - PL/SQL Records not generated depending on the order of procedures in a package
#6207 - Compatibility issues in Sakila database for SQL Server 2016
#6213 - Document XMLGenerator
#6221 - DSLContext.ddl() doesn't generate identity correctly
#6223 - Field.contains(T) doesn't delegate to Field.contains(Field<T>) when using plain SQL
#6226 - NoSuchFieldError when using commercial dialect with open source edition in Maven code generation
#6235 - Manual does not correctly order versions > 3.9
#6236 - Improve inListPadding implementation
#6238 - Typo in AlterTableRenameConstraintToStep Javadoc
#6249 - Null batchSQL when running a batch with a single query
#6251 - XMLGenerator: UniqueConstraintCatalog set to referenced key instead of catalog
#6267 - Missing SQLDialect.SQLSERVER annotation on CREATE SCHEMA and DROP SCHEMA
#6274 - Configuration.dialect() should return SQLDialect.DEFAULT when null
#6289 - Don't generate type length modifier for PostgreSQL bytea types in DDL
#6292 - Improve support for SQL Server date time literals
#6303 - Oracle flashback query for aliased table results in invalid sql
#6316 - ALTER TABLE .. ADD COLUMN ignores column type's DEFAULT clause
#6329 - Clarify in the manual that INSERT .. SET is emulated for all dialects
#6330 - Exception thrown when creating table with converted VARCHAR type
#6331 - DataType.hasLength(), hasPrecision(), hasScale(), and others should depend on Binding's <T> type
#6332 - JPADatabase with GeneratedValue does not account for dialect
#6333 - Error when passing java.util.Date to DSL.timestamp()
#6357 - Remove outdated section about Oracle not supporting IDENTITY columns
#6367 - PostgreSQL enums aren't linked correctly from generated tables when <outputSchemaToDefault/> is true
#6370 - Improve misleading MockDataProvider example in the manual
#6375 - INSERT .. SELECT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY emulations using MERGE don't work
#6377 - Remove outdated jOOQ-codegen-gradle example
#6383 - Derby requires RESTRICT on DROP SCHEMA statement
#6390 - SQL Server multiple errors are not propagated if an update count precedes them
#6394 - SQL Server Sequence.currval() regression
#6395 - Definition.getQualifiedName() is wrong when <outputSchemaToDefault/> is set to true
#6399 - Spring Boot example should use official documentation recommendation to configure dialect
#6401 - Don't generate javax.validation.NotNull for identity columns
#6404 - NullPointerException when fetching unnamed nested records in plain SQL with PostgreSQL
#6406 - NullPointerException when trying to get mvn help on goal generate
#6423 - Compilation error in generated code when both SchemaVersionProvider and CatalogVersionProvider are applied
#6444 - Fix some slightly out of date links in README.md
#6453 - Code generation regression for <dateAsTimestamp>
#6467 - Manual erroneously claims that routine / udt / table / sequence generation cannot be deactivated
#6478 - Typo in DSLContext.fetchCount() and error in DSLContext.fetchExists() Javadoc
#6491 - Add support for Oracle SYS_REFCURSOR IN OUT parameters
#6493 - XMLDatabase doesn't work when dialect is not a SQLDialect.family()
#6495 - Update manual's list of supported databases
#6498 - "Invalid column index" on Oracle stored procedure call when return type is converted to boolean and argument type is defaulted
#6513 - ClobBinding and BlobBinding don't correctly inline their bind values
#6536 - Generated deprecation doesn't work on function / procedure convenience methods
#6537 - NullPointerException in AbstractRecord.intern0()
#6540 - Oracle IDENTITY columns aren't recognised correctly by code generator
#6557 - Error in Record.compareTo(...) Javadoc
#6561 - Manual section about optimistic locking has invalid code
#6563 - Result.formatJSON() does not correctly format array types
#6571 - Trigger generated errors are not fetched through jOOQ's plain SQL API
#6574 - "A constant expression was encountered in the ORDER BY list" when calling Field.sortAsc() with empty parameter list on SQL Server
#6593 - Incorrect handling of Oracle quoted string literals in plain SQL
#6602 - Code generation for routines fails on MySQL 8
#6608 - Transaction API does not roll back on Throwable, but Exception only
#6609 - Manual section about ForcedTypes uses <converter> instead of <binding>
#6614 - Typo in manual section about dynamic SQL

Daniel Einspanjer

Oct 7, 2017, 4:41:04 PM10/7/17
to jOOQ User Group

I downloaded the pro version of 3.10.0 and ran the maven installer script.  The last step of the script was supposed to install the scala package, but it threw an error on that.  I'm not using Scala at the moment so it didn't impair my installation, but I didn't see that issue mentioned anywhere so I wanted to see if it was reproducible for someone else.


Lukas Eder

Oct 9, 2017, 7:13:21 AM10/9/17
to jooq...@googlegroups.com
Hi Daniel,

Thank you very much for taking the time to report all these issues. I have created and already fixed an issue for this particular one:


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