[ ANNOUNCEMENT ] jOOQ 3.10.2 patch release with bug fixes

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Lukas Eder

Nov 29, 2017, 8:28:07 AM11/29/17
to jOOQ User Group
Version 3.10.2 - November 29, 2017

This is a 3.10 patch release with bug fixes

Features and Improvements
#6782 - Clarify DSL.currentDate() Javadoc: It creates ANSI SQL DATE values, not Oracle DATE
#6784 - Add explicit unit of time specification to Query.queryTimeout()
#6810 - Provide maven-deploy script to install artifacts on remote repository

Bug Fixes
#6682 - Typo in ResultQuery Javadoc: thorws should be throws
#6685 - Avoid creating a new DefaultConfiguration in DSLContext.select() and similar methods
#6687 - Avoid allocation of CursorImpl.intern array
#6692 - Prevent calling DSL.name() with empty arguments
#6697 - Remove the DATA_LOCALLY_SCOPED_DATA_MAP in SelectQueryImpl
#6700 - DSL.trueCondition() and DSL.falseCondition() should return constants
#6710 - Parser.parse() fails on trailing whitespace
#6711 - Avoid generating code with a redundant (Object) cast
#6713 - Redundant Javadoc generated when deprecation for unknown types is generated
#6716 - PostgreSQL RETURNING <col> AS <alias> is not rendered correctly
#6731 - Typo in Cursor.fetchOne() Javadoc's deprecation hint
#6738 - jooq-runtime-3.10.0 lists wrong version in namespace
#6743 - Oracle OBJECT type declarations inside generated RECORD declarations are not bound correctly, if NULL
#6748 - Avoid allocating a fresh "ExecuteListeners" instance in the absence of actual ExecuteListeners
#6750 - Avoid adding the LoggerListener if the log level is more than DEBUG
#6753 - Avoid various array allocations due to unnecessary varargs
#6756 - Avoid unnecessary UnqualifiedName[] allocations in QualifiedField etc.
#6759 - Avoid allocation of AbstractContext.visitListeners if unneeded
#6775 - Improve MockDataProvider Javadoc about null or empty return values
#6780 - Oracle's quoted string literals start with case-insensitive Q letter
#6786 - Result.format() breaks when there is a tabulator in the content
#6788 - Inefficient ProxyMapper allocates a new MutablePOJOMapper delegate every time
#6791 - ConvertAll inefficiently unboxes and boxes primitive types
#6801 - Optimise internal reflection cache by avoiding cache key arrays where possible
#6805 - Override equals() and hashCode() in org.jooq.impl.Fields
#6808 - Improve DefaultRecordMapper::init MappingException message
#6828 - Error when passing java.util.Date to DSL.year(), month(), day(), hour(), minute(), second()
#6830 - DayToSecond generates nanosecond precision for DAY_MICROSECOND interval
#6842 - MockResultSet.getTimestamp(int, Calendar) ignores Calendar
#6844 - SQLDataType.INTEGER.identity(true) not working for SQLLite
#6846 - <deprecationOnUnknownTypes/> has no effect
#6848 - Code generator doesn't work when Derby database uses non-standard collation
#6858 - SQLiteTableDefinition.toString() prints "." after empty schema
#6869 - Code generator doesn't work in Java 6 build, which calls java.lang.reflect.Method.getParameterCount()
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