Johnson 18 One Design -2024

Contact owners and managers
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You've reached the Johnson 18 discussion group! 

         We've got J18 sailors hailing from Texas, SF Bay Area, Michigan, Florida, Nashville, Kentucky and Minnesota!  Be sure to search the previous posts, someone might have already addressed your question (just type your terms into the search for topics bar above).  Even so we'd love to encourage dialogue, stories, and tuning tips.  Plus as these boats age I'm sure we'll have more discourse on repairs and refinements.  Post away, there are a bunch of J18 owners waiting to get your emailed discussions and questions.  They're generally a friendly lot and have some great stories, sailing tips and tricks.  If you are in need of manuals and/or materials there are members here who have electronic copies they will email you. Also, posting "wanted" and/or "for sale" ads here is encouraged (for now), and I encourage any owners who sell to make sure that you pass along the google group's url to the new owner.  If you're a new owner/group member, post who you are and where you sail (or WANT to sail a J18); you might find a(another) J18 is closer than you think!  If you've got slick gopro video of your J18 screaming along, or wiping out - put it up at youtube and share the link here!

May you always sail on the lifted tack and never turtle your boat in following seas under full spin (unless it's warm and you want to practice righting the J18- which can be tricky)!

-Brian Lyman (#125)

Annapolis, Maryland