Chopra for Virginia Seeking Petition Organizers for Northern Virginia

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Tristen Pegram

Jan 8, 2013, 4:01:51 PM1/8/13
A Democratic statewide campaign in Virginia is seeking petition organizers to assist with signature collection across the Commonwealth.

 Responsibilities of this position include but are not limited to:

Collect and validate signatures of registered Virginia voters across the 11 Congressional Districts
Create and maintain a list of all local and regional events (both political and community related)
Attend local and regional events to collect signatures and talk to potential supporters
Develop and implement a plan for collecting signatures outside of public events (locations etc)
Recruit supporters for candidate (via supporter cards)
Meet and build relationships with local Democratic leaders and activists
Develop a list of supporters and volunteers for designated area
Requirements: Applicants should have at least one election cycle of experience, ideally in field. Applicants should have strong organizational, communication and interpersonal skills and be familiar with the Virginia political landscape /process and Virginia geography.

This will be a monthly contract position beginning as soon as possible. Interested individuals should send their resume to  

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