This weather observation was taken on Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:51:53 AM local time.
Observation location: Key West.
Observation position was not recorded.
The air temperature is 86, and water temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
The forecast is Sunny.
The current weather is dry.
The sky is clear or a few clouds.
The wind is 5 knots from the north.
The visibility is 10 nautical miles.
The wave height is 0 feet with 0 foot swells.
The barometer is 1020 millibars and rising.
Melinda and I spent yesterday in town. It was the day of the big Fantasy Festival and parade. We took the dinghy in around 10:00 and got a day pass at the dinghy dock for $6.00. We spent the day, so the six bucks was probably less expensive than parking a car. To say this festival is off the charts is putting it mildly. A day seeing of tits and ass hanging out, really makes you appreciate clothes. About twenty percent of the women in and around Duval Street, the scene of the parade, were topless with varying degrees of body paint camouflaging, or accentuating their breasts. About ten percent were virtually naked as were the men of all ages. Melinda's favorite exclamation of the day was "ouch" as she hid her eyes. For the most part these are memories you do not want to keep.
Melinda needed a sun hat, so we spent some time shopping for one. We found a nice one in one of the stores on Duval Street that was very fashionable and she got several compliments all afternoon. She really is beautiful. During the parade, many of the men stopped and handed her beads. At first she did not know what that was about, but by the end of the evening she was fully into shouting and jumping for beads! She must have twenty strings that we will be mailing to my granddaughter Marina.
I had heard that the parade was supposed to be comparable to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. It wasn't in terms of investment in gears floats and costumes. But it was three hours of tremendous fun except for the mentally ill guy that tried to befriend Melinda and the woman on his other side. He seemed harmless enough, but I had to keep an eye on him, not knowing what to expect. At around 23:00 the parade was over and the serious drinking and partying began. There were thousands of people in the street and sidewalks and Melinda did not feel safe. So we headed back to the dinghy.
I haven't done much dinghy navigating in the dark, and immediately became disoriented after leaving the basin. UGH. In my defense, I did not have my glasses with me and although I can see fine in the daytime, at night I need them. Melinda tried to correct my misdirection, and I realized I did not know where the boat was. So, I slowed down and started to circle back to the basin to get a fresh start. That's when the Coast Guard stopped us. UGH. After about thirty minutes of going through my registration, flares, horn, life jackets, etc routine, they gave me a warning for not having the Florida registration numbers on the side of the dinghy. So, that job moved up the to-do list.
We slept in this morning. I have been tuning up my holding tank system for Marathon. I have not used it in years, but we will there. The weather is perfect and tomorrow looks like a great day to go. We will send photos when we get an internet connection.
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