Dynamically creating controller bindings/listeners/subscribers

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Thomas Reynolds

Jun 4, 2010, 3:09:20 PM6/4/10
to JavaScriptMVC
Hi guys,

With JavascriptMVC 2, I used to dynamically add new bindings like so:

this["somethingCustom subscribe"] = function() { /* do something */ };

However, with 3.0, it seems the logic for subscribing to events has
moved to earlier in the controller evaluation and has been hidden away
inside a local _bindings variable.

Can I/we get a documented api for adding new listeners to an already
instantiated controller? Please :)


-Thomas Reynolds

Brian Moschel

Jun 4, 2010, 3:21:18 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
Hi Thomas,

In 3.0 this openajax publish/suscribe functionality is part of the jquery/controller/subscribe plugin.

so do:


Then you can do stuff like:

                onDocument: false
                "#subscribe1 click": function(el, ev){
                    this.publish("oaSubscribe1", {"params":"Hola Mundo"});
                "oaSubscribe1 subscribe": function(called, data){
                    alert("subscribe1 " + data.params + " : " + this.Class.shortName);

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Brian Moschel

Jupiter Consulting

Justin Meyer

Jun 4, 2010, 3:54:26 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
There's delegate and bind. We probably need a subscribe.

Sent from my iPhone

Justin Meyer

Jun 4, 2010, 3:55:01 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
He's talking about dynamically adding them I think?

Sent from my iPhone

Thomas Reynolds

Jun 4, 2010, 3:55:42 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
Yes, but I need to dynamically add them. Say I want "#subscribe1" in your example to have that #1 be dynamic. A variable that I pass in during instantiation.

I suppose this could work:

OpenAjax.hub.subscribe("someevent, this.callback(function() {


May I suggest a round of code cleanup/commenting before 3.0 is released. The end-user documentation is getting very nice, but trying to understand/read something like jquery/controller/controller.js is still pretty rough.

I fully understand javascript, but some better variable names or splitting things out into well-named methods would help. I'd love to contribute, but some of this stuff is pretty dense:

var funcName, 
c = this.Class, 
b = c.breaker, 

//adds bindings
this._bindings = [];
for(funcName in c.actions){
var ready = c.actions[funcName]
cb = this.callback(funcName)
this._bindings.push( ready.action(element, ready.parts[2], ready.parts[1], cb, this) )

Thomas Reynolds

Jun 4, 2010, 3:58:16 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
Actually, the following won't work because it won't listen for strings like "#elem click"

OpenAjax.hub.subscribe("someevent, this.callback(function() {



Justin Meyer

Jun 4, 2010, 4:21:13 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
I'm not sure what you mean. :-(

Sent from my iPhone

Justin Meyer

Jun 4, 2010, 4:51:00 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
I think I understand ...

You want something like what we do with menu, where we can change the type of event that opens a menu (mouseenter, click, hoverenter, etc), but you want that on a selector.  Well, you are in luck :).

You can have parameterized action names like:

"#todo{todoId} click" : function(){ 


But this only works with the ad-hoc classes.  I can probably change that so something like this would work:

  "#alertable{alertId} click" : function(el){

$("#container').alertable({alertId: 5});

Would that work for you?
Justin Meyer

Jupiter Consulting

Justin Meyer

Jun 4, 2010, 4:51:35 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
It is dense ... let me see what I can do.

Justin Meyer

Jupiter Consulting

Justin Meyer

Jun 4, 2010, 6:49:42 PM6/4/10
to javasc...@googlegroups.com
Ok, done.  Let me know if controller makes any more sense to you.  Here's how it basically works:

Create the jQuery plugin
Go through the list of methods, check if they are an action
If they are an action, save the processor and the parts

Set up the controller in data, it's element, so it can be destroyed, etc
Go through the cached actions, use the processor to bind a callback to the action's method.

Processors are something that takes a selector / event pair, an element, a controller, and a callback, and binds that callback appropriately.  It returns a function that when called, unbinds the callback.

It's quite simple in concept.  However, there a lot of weird logic to make controllers easy to add new processors and run fast.
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