As many of you know is a great way to drive traffic to
our sites (and find great content as well). If there are more active
members at JapanSoc those numbers will only increase! This action
alert is asking you to add code to the post pages on your blog to
actively encourage your readers to join and then submit our best
content from the week to JapanSoc.
Here's how you can participate the the JapanSoc Membership Drive:
Add code to your single post page that encourages your readers to join Here is a sample of the text your readers would see:
Join JapanSoc Today! - The #1 site for Japan-related blogs, news and
Please customize the anchor test (linked text) on your site so that
thIs action alert is not negatively perceived by Google.
Here's how to do it (for self hosted Wordpress blogs):
First, the code/link: <p><strong><a href=""
target="_blank"> CUSTOMIZE WORDING HERE Join JapanSoc Today!</a> -
The #1 site for Japan-related blogs, news and people.</strong><p>
Go to your dashboard and open the theme editor (I have to click on
design first)
Find the SinglePost Template
Insert the Code below the content
Save your changes
Check to make sure that the text appears correctly on a recent post
and you're done.
Both Nick and I have added the code to our sites and will serve as an
examples for you to refer to:
Long Countdown
(Rikuto is cute, isn't he?)
The Nihon Sun
JapanSoc Blog
It should take you no more than five minutes to add a promo for
JapanSoc to your blog and you will be helping to grow JapanSoc and the
resulting referrals to your site.
Submit Great Articles to JapanSoc
Part two of the action alert is to submit something to JapanSoc. Some
of us submit our own posts sparingly but with the kick-off of the
JapanSoc Membership Drive it's important to ensure we have an active
front page full of great content for potential members to see. So
here's part two:
Submit your best post from this week to JapanSoc
Submit a quality post or news item from your RSS reader to JapanSoc
Vote and comment as usual
Finally, let the group know that you've done your part in the JapanSoc
Membership Drive by replying with a link to your own site after you've
added the code!