Fwd: [birdsofbombay] An Incredible mass-flowering Year

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J.M. Garg

Aug 10, 2008, 11:08:03 AM8/10/08
to indiantreepix
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From: Sunjoy Monga <mumbai...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 6:19 PM
Subject: [birdsofbombay] An Incredible mass-flowering Year
To: Mumbainaturalists <mumbaina...@yahoogroups.com>, Birds of Bombay <birdso...@yahoogroups.com>

Hi there,

I was just wondering if there is gonna be a similar year in the lives of
many of us in Mumbai.

Would you believe it, there may never be for quite some time, in any
localised area, the mass flowering of two of the most peculiar flowering
species during the same year.

I am talking of Bamboo that mass-flowered earlier this year after several
decades, and of Karvi that is entering its most spectacular phase this week,
after seven years.

Truly a first in my life for sure!

And then, earlier this morning, was out towards the southern end (CEC, South
Gate) of the National Park (SGNP) with Salil Choksi, Bob Roberts and his
friend, whence we came across several bee-hives of some (Apus ??) species.
In a very long time I do not recollect seeing as many hives in such a short
distance and it could be possible that the bees may have appeared and set up
'home' in preparation for the mass-flowering of the Karvi.

Also found an active nest of Grey-breasted Prinia and another that appeared
to have been given-up mid-way thru construction stage.

In two other mass-flowering years of Karvi (1992 and 2000) I have noticed an
upsurge in numbers of Grey-breasted Prinia, and to a lesser extent of
Tailor-bird here.

And yes, lots and lots of snails have appeared, feasting on Karvi buds and
the foremost flowerings in all their blazing purplery!

After a bamboo-flush, here's to some great Karvi-times in NatureMumbai!

Cheers -- sunjoy monga

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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With regards,
"We often ignore the beauty around us"
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