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J.M. Garg

Jul 22, 2008, 11:36:32 AM7/22/08
to indiantreepix
See the link of Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh (Flora by R.D. Reddy): 
Just select Botanical/ Telugu/ Hindi/ Tamil/ Kannada/ Trade/ Popular names from the check list & you find the Botanical names & names in other stated languages. 
Similarly is the Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh (Flora by Mohd Sharfuddin Khan) at
Just select Telugu /Hindi /English /Marathi/ Botanical name, you get the details of the plant.
I learnt this about Mohd Sharfuddin Khan from Chandra Mohan Reddy ji, IFS, AP Govt.
"Mr. M.S. Khan was Silviculturist in erstwhile Hyderabad Govt. (during the regime of Nizams). He was entrusted by the then Chief Conservator of Forests of Hyderabad State, with the job of revising the "Hyderabad Forest Flora" (which was prepared by Mr. E.A. Partridge, again a Forest Officer, during 1911). Mr. Khan has completed the job of revision of the above flora during 1953 and the flora has served as handy book to the forest officers of Hyderabad region. Even though it is a revision of earlier flora (of Mr. Partridge), it has become popular as M.S. Khan's flora. Mr.Khan is no more. Recently Andhra Forest Department has put the entire flora in the Department's website ( and hence you are able to find links to different forest species."
I don't know about Mr. R.D. Reddy. May be somebody on the forum enlighten us.
Kudos to the A.P. Govt. for having done this good work!!! 
With regards,
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