Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: VERBENACEAE Trees UD 7 10 2011 TECTONA 1

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ushadi Micromini

9 Jul 2011, 6:42:16 pm09/07/11
to efloraofindia

Dear all:



Species: * Tectona Grandis *

Family:   Verbenaceae

Photographed in July 2007

Site: Kolkata Botanical Garden, Shibpur

Tree ID: Identified and labeled by Bot Garden Botanists

There are several majestic Tectona grandis trees in South Calcutta

in Public and some in private lands...and they are flowering now,

will photograph  some and post later next week...

Usha di

Tectona grandis KBotG F 707 (2) small.jpg
Tectona grandis KBotG F 707 (4) small.jpg
Tectona grandis KBotG F 707 (5) small.jpg

Ushadi micromini

12 Jul 2011, 12:45:55 am12/07/11
to efloraofindia
I just discovered that (upon careful reading) ,
( prompted by Gurucharanji's write up in one of the threads)

that Tectona group/genus is now in Family: Lamiaceae

so an changing my database and annointating as many of my botany/
trees books as possible

Thanks for the education, Gurucharanji...
Usha di

On Jul 10, 3:42 am, ushadi Micromini <>
>  Tectona grandis KBotG F 707 (2) small.jpg
> 435KViewDownload
>  Tectona grandis KBotG F 707 (4) small.jpg
> 376KViewDownload
>  Tectona grandis KBotG F 707 (5) small.jpg
> 214KViewDownload

Ushadi micromini

12 Jul 2011, 12:47:34 am12/07/11
to efloraofindia
this is tectona 1 not two , I made a mistake in the previous post...
usha di

On Jul 10, 3:42 am, ushadi Micromini <>
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