$where will not filter dataset where col values are zero

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Cold Gin

May 28, 2016, 5:29:07 AM5/28/16
to Incanter
Hello. I have two rows in my dataset where the column value (mycol) is 0 when I do (i/view dataset). I have tried all of the following $where variations to retrieve the zero rows, but none of these $where queries will return them:

(i/$ 11 (i/$where {:11 {:eq 0.0}} dataset))

(i/$where {:11 {:eq 0.0}} dataset)

(i/$where {:mycol {:eq 0.0}} dataset)

(i/$where {:mycol {:eq 0}} dataset)

(i/$where {:11 {:$fn #(= % 0)}} dataset)

(i/$where {:11 {:$fn #(nil? % )}} dataset)

(i/$where {:mycol {:eq ""}} dataset)

(i/$where {:mycol {:eq " "}} dataset)

(i/$where {:11 {:$eq 0.0}} dataset)

(i/$where {:11 {:$eq 0}} dataset)

Any insights on how I can filter and bring back only the zero rows? The $where clause does work if I explicitly select by another different column string value in the same row. I need to detect the rows that have zero for the mycol column though.

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