Possibility of having 2 urls to a single page

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Alexander Obuhovich

Sep 3, 2012, 8:59:50 AM9/3/12
to Bugs In-Portal
In https://groups.google.com/d/topic/in-portal-bugs/xwFIs71lt38/discussion discussion I've talked about physical and virtual sections and fact, that 2 urls exists to a single physical section.

At first this might not seem a big problem, especially if across a theme "use_section" parameter of m_Link tag is used, which forces url from "Structure & Data" section to be used.
However if user manually guesses url to a TPL file, which is behind "Structure & Data" section url, then page will be shown too.

If google spider guess that url, then website could be banned because 2 different urls result in showing same page at all times.

I propose to automatically redirect (with 301 Moved Permanently http code) visitor to page url equivalent from "Structure & Data" section and put a notice into "System Log".
This way developers would know that somebody still accesses old page url. And using HTTP_REFERER header they would know exactly who that might be.


Sep 3, 2012, 9:38:15 AM9/3/12
to in-port...@googlegroups.com
using 301 is a professional way to do so, +1.

Envoyé avec Sparrow

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Dmitry A.

Oct 19, 2012, 12:17:19 AM10/19/12
to in-port...@googlegroups.com
Hi Alex,

Let's do this, but add I vote to setting to enable/disable this redirect - at least for now to see how it will workout in real live.

What do you think?


Alexander Obuhovich

Nov 5, 2012, 12:09:48 PM11/5/12
to Bugs In-Portal

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