IHE QRPH Technical Committee

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IHE Quality, Research and Public Health Domain (QRPH) addresses the infrastructure and content necessary to:

  • share information relevant to quality improvement,
  • improve the liaison between the primary care system and clinical research and
  • provide population base health surveillance.

The three distinct components of the QRPH domain are all reliant on the secondary use of data gathered in clinical care.

The work of QRPH enables the stakeholders to focus on the workflow cycle of queries for data and selection of population cohorts from within the clinical record. In addition, QRPH incorporates the output from the query specification within the clinical system workflow to enable clinical decision support and defines profiles for adverse event reporting, especially with reference to medication-related adverse outcomes.

Please note that you need to sign in to a Google account (or create one) in order to request an invitation to join this group.