Utah IGDA Members

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Welcome to the mailing list for the IGDA Salt Lake City Chapter! This is a casual place for those who work full time making games to share information (including industry news, techniques, and events), participate in a cohesive network of developers, and have fun! 

This mailing list is formed for the purpose of bringing together professional game developers in Utah. It is not Independent Game Developers, it is International and it is meant to be a professional association to support game studios as well as full time game developers. Here there will be announcements about local IGDA chapter developments, meetings, events, and speakers. Spamming is not allowed. Advertising for jobs is not allowed except for jobs for studios physically located in Utah. If you're looking for a job, do a search for the "Looking for Starting Opportunities" thread and read all the messages in it first. Then if you still have questions or just want to introduce yourself, go ahead and post. Make it count though; repeated spam will result in a warning and then a ban. Just ask yourself, "If I made games full time, would this post or question be interesting for me?"

However, you should go to your settings for the group and change email delivery to an abridged version if you get mobile alerts for emails, since sometimes a hot news topic will get many posts here. 

Professional discussion among members is welcomed, but more social topics should be taken to the Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/IGDASLC/ ), and non-full-time game development discussion topics should be taken to the Utah Indie Games group ( http://www.utahindiegames.org ). If you prefer real-time chat, there is a utahgamedev slack channel and you can ask for an invite by filling out this form: ( https://goo.gl/forms/zWttKmJyoDRFOdvk2 ), and a discord channel in the utahgamedev discord here: ( https://discord.gg/CX6QeD8 ). You may also be interested in the community jobs board over at UDEN: ( https://www.utahden.org/jobs_board ).

The official chapter page is at: https://igda.org/chapters/utah-salt-lake-city/