Final issue of HW soon to be mailed

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Hidden Wisdom Magazine

2008/10/18 18:03:052008/10/18
To: HW Magazine e-news、
Dear friends of HW,

We have finally finished up Volume 80 of Hidden Wisdom! Thank you all
for your patience as we've been getting it together. The issue is
currently at the printers', and we hope to get the issues off in the
mail to subscribers over the next week. Meanwhile, check out a list of
the contents, found online here:

The Lord has been bringing along new opportunities for our family over
the past year, making it clear that our season of publishing HW has
come to a this issue (Vol. 80) will be the final one. This
has been a difficult decision for us to make, and we will miss you all
greatly, but we're looking forward to seeing where God leads next.

Sarah Bryant, editor of The King's Blooming Rose, has graciously
agreed to take on HW's subscribers -— we'll handle the transition
process here on our end, and you'll receive the same number of issues
remaining in your current HW subscription. We've been excited to see
God’s hand of blessing on KBR over the past few years, and are sure
you all will be very blessed and encouraged by each issue. For more
information about KBR, visit:

If any of you would prefer to receive the remaining issues of your
subscription as HW back issues, please get in touch with Abigail by
November 15, 2008, with a list of the issues you're interested in
receiving. All back issues will be available on a first-come, first-
serve basis. If you'd like to request additional back issues, a
donation of $2 each ($1.50/ea. for 5+) is appreciated ($3/ea. outside

We want to keep in touch with all of you, so here are a few ways you
can help us do that:

First, head over to HW's website and join the email update list. We
don’t plan to write often, but will let you know of major news in our
family and such.

For those of you who will now be receiving KBR, I’ll be keeping in
touch a bit through the column I plan to start writing for that

And thirdly, check us out on Facebook! That's an extra fun way to keep
in touch. :-)

Thank you so much for all the prayers, help, support, and
encouragement over the years. It's been an incredible journey, and
we've been privileged to share it with you. God bless you all!

Pressing onward,
Abigail Paul
HW Editress
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