Bach Pulling People out of Hell - {HRI 20051021-V2.1} (Version 2.1 on 27 Oct 2005)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 27, 2005, 5:19:35 PM10/27/05
to Human Rights Issues
Bach Pulling People out of Hell

21 October 2005
{HRI 20051021-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
on 27 Oct 2005)


As there was nobody on Earth or beyond, able or willing to face and
understand the matter, I had to do so.

'Being in Hell' - as you certainly know and have experienced - is a
condition of being immersed in certain thoughts and feelings, that
block the truthful connection to one's own and to other's genuine
feelings and thoughts, and that distort or invert perception and
awareness of life and of people.

This I have described in the (most important) Human Rights
Issue 'The Feeling "When God Has Left You..." - Introduction
to 'What is Hell' ' {HRI 20031124-V3.2}. *(1)



So there are two actions that apply to normal people:

1. one can be compelled *(a) to want to go into those feelings
and false perceptions of Hell, to 'enjoy' the feeling of
"total freedom"

- of not restraining destruction and disruption of life,

the "total freedom" of seeking a distortion or reversal
of awareness of who is who and of what is what, of
"reality is whatever you make yourself and others think
it is."

(You can read the history books on that.)

2. one can - entirely without one's will or doing, much like
a fog descending - be surrounded by and pulled into and be
overwhelmed by such feelings and perceptions. *(1)

Such a 'fog' can even distort one's perceptions so strongly,
and prevent so much correct awareness, that it makes one
believe "it is normal," or even "right." *(1)

(You can read the history books on that, too.)



The music of Bach, and the music of Mozart *(b)

(Mozart is the same person or soul, as I have explained to you
earlier, in the Human Rights Issue 'Who Feels Bach Correctly -
The Soul Of Music' {HRI 20040704-V3.1} *(2))

literally pulls normal people out of Hell, out of those false
perceptions and false feelings of Hell:

When you have a normal person getting in a psychotic break,
you can play a record of some music of Bach or of Mozart, and
he or she may come right out of it, and connect back to actual
perception and to actual awareness of life, of people and
feelings and the surroundings as these actually are.



Then there are people to whom this does not apply

- about one percent of any population, regardless of race,
gender or age, education or profession, social position, and
also regardless of religion -

because, not only are these wholly immersed in the feelings and
"perceptions" and awareness dictated as Hell

- ALSO their soul has been most severely damaged, in the very
distant past,

mutilated to such an extent, that they not only want to
stay in that condition,

in those feelings and false perceptions and in the
false, inverted awareness of others and of life and
of themselves,

they, on top of that, will try and do everything they can, to pull
others into Hell, to enforce those feelings and "perceptions" - that
broken connection to life - onto others, to invert the awareness of
others too,

and they will try to do so as permanently as possible:

To make others "equal to them" - as various attempts and
revolutions and dictatorships in history have shown you.


Also they may certainly love to experience the feelings and the
beauty of the music of Bach and Mozart - however, those about one
percent will not change in their "perception" of people, nor in
their intention towards people *(3)(4) (and you can read about that,
too, in the history books)

- their soul has been so intensely damaged, that it is
irreparable. Which is a very bitter truth, but if you do
not know it, or if you reject that truth, then your
(intentional or unintentional) ignorance will lead to
you and others being destroyed:

If you regard them as normal, that is; or if you try to
help them to become normal, as I described for instance
in 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds.' *(5)


Normal people can however move out of or be pulled out of the
dominating effects, ideas, feelings and compulsions that are created
and inflicted continuously by such mutilated souls onto you, onto
everyone - as a dense fog indeed, or as very directed attempts
(as directed, aimed attacks). *(a)

These things had to be and indeed have been described extensively
in the Human Rights Issues:

It is very nice to grant people "rights" of course, but
if you don't even know how to detect their absence, or to
protect these from being taken away, you will never
establish them in the first place.

So the Human Rights Issues had to be developed first.


And now you know what the music of Bach does, without my going into
why and how it does so, which is very advanced physics that had to
be developed to protect and to restore life, and which is and
becomes further available in the Human Rights Issues.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
Human Rights Philosopher and Poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(a) A compulsion is an intention (a Life Energy) inflicted on you
by a Criminal Mind, and it is inflicted so as to make you feel
it as if it is your own intention (as if it is a Life Energy of
your "own" creation), inflicted "as your own" in that way, in
order that you execute it, of course:

You are supposed to feel and believe, that it is "your own
desire and based on your own conclusions"

- so that "You can't say 'No'," or, so that "You do not
want to say 'No'," because "it is your own desire,"

which it is not...

The matter has been defined in various Human Rights
Issues, and the definition applies apparently to all
compulsions - which one can expect of course from a
correct definition.


As long as you believe the part of the compulsion that intends
to make you believe "it is your own intention," or your "own
subconscious," etc. etc.,

as long as you believe that lie

- which is also enforced on you by current medical
"science," and by all medical doctors, and by others
who get paid for "treating you" -

then you won't get anywhere, *(7)

because it is NOT YOUR OWN - the compulsion is or has in the
past been inflicted ONTO your soul and ONTO your body.


The definition is proven - also by various successful
methods to control compulsions - to be correct.

Jack Trimpey's 'Rational Recovery' method for instance,
totally masters and makes you forever END any compulsion
('addiction,' you are educated to call it) to take drugs,
and that includes alcoholism

(and even when they do not know the definition,
and even when - to "explain" their correct
method - they replace 'Criminal Mind' and say
"it comes from some part of the body's brain,"

they merely fit but do not act upon the
"thinking" and "science" that they and others
have grown up with in school). *(6)(7)

Trimpey, together with his marvelous wife, has faced
very many compulsions typical to drug and alcohol
abusers and those enforced by the 'Drug Rehabilitation
Trade' and he labeled the compulsions correctly, and
he has acted accordingly, and correctly - for which he
has my greatest respect.

The 'Bob Linden-method' to handle the compulsion of
fear, seems to also understand the first part of the
Definition of Compulsion - at a first glance by me,
from his advertising (he does not provide a copy of
his texts on the Internet for review and free use, as
Trimpey does) and he seems successfully to apply it, too.


You have in real life to recognize and thus to actually learn
to differentiate things - regarding what you feel and perceive,
and regarding the ideas you have,

and that you have when you are "alone," (you are never
alone, as you know, because you are a soul, and although
you are somewhat immersed inside your brain, you are
not an object, not a machine)

and you can differentiate ideas and feelings that you
have because of social demands on you,

you have to differentiate the compelled ideas and feelings and
intentions, from your actual OWN,

so that you start to recognize

and act accordingly - that is, according to the exposure
of the lies, and thus bringing to light the facts -

the facts, which are, that

are inflicted, projected, enforced or educated onto you
by external sources, and with Energies that compel,

that are inflicted or insinuated "as your own," but that
ARE NOT your own. *(7)


The trick is, to find out which ARE your own and which
are not your own, and to have some practical approach to

That the methods mentioned, do theoretically assign
that external source to some part of your body's
brain, is a 'gimmick' to make it easy on you (with
the present society's lack of knowledge) so that
you can say it is 'NOT YOUR OWN IDEAS OR FEELINGS'

- and these teachers are not, in contrast to
what the unimaginably insane and highly
dangerous medical trade DOES, however,
cutting into or removing or drugging parts
of the brain. *(6)(7)


The gimmick is only, to get across to you, that
'it is an external source which is NOT YOU,'

and the use of that gimmick does achieve
- does have the result - to not set you, or
those who teach the method, wondering

- or wandering onto the very difficult
path of finding out by whom and how
the compulsion is or has been
inflicted -

which can be understood in Fine Particle Physics,
and which, once understood, makes the subject
very, very easy indeed - like "how could I have
possibly survived without it" (well, you did not
survive, actually, without it): *(1)

While it may be possible to build a cathedral
without knowing or without using any
mathematics or physics,

it becomes immensely easier to do so when
one understands and uses mathematics and
physics - yes, one could even build a
satellite and put it in orbit.


The subject, as the more intelligent reader will
notice, has also very much to do with warfare
and all that is connected to it,

as you are basically fighting enemies who
are Criminal Minds, or people who are
COMPELLED by Criminal Minds into being
enemies too.

And so it has always been, and so it always
will be, but none of the books on warfare
mention it at all...

Yet that is THE strategy by which you have
to fight any war, because THAT IS the nature
of war.

(b) The effect of breaking destructive connection and of restoring
the normal connection to life, has been mentioned by various
people - from the viewpoint of enhancing connection to life -
as the 'Mozart Effect.'


(1) 'The Feeling "When God Has Left You..."
- Introduction to 'What is Hell' ' {HRI 20031124-V3.2}
(24 November 2003 - Version 3.2 on 16 May 2005)

(2) 'Who Feels Bach Correctly - The Soul Of Music'
{HRI 20040704-V3.1} (4 July 2004 - Version 3.1 on 12 June 2005)

(3) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(4) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5} (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)

(5) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' (16 July 2003)

(6) 'Issue Note V3.0 on 'The Hippocrates Syndrome - Current State of
Mental Health Care And Understanding - Consequences For
Decision Makers, Caretakers And Caregivers' '
(27 September 2005)

(7) 'Current State of Mental Health Care And Understanding
- Consequences For Decision Makers, Caretakers And Caregivers'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1} - (9 Dec 2002 - Version 3.1 on 27 Sept 2005)
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Copyright 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
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who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
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encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
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