Example Of A Subversive Group - Understanding 'Scientology' Excellently, In Fresh, Easy Words 22 September 2004 {HRI 20040922-V3.9.6} (Version 3.9.6 on 17 July 2005) (Suitable for foreign language students) ' ' I will not repeat the usual lies that Tom Cruise, John Travolta and his wife, and David Miscavige *(0) - and all other 'Scientologists' - give to the press: *(1) All 'Scientologists' are strictly forbidden to say anything else to the press, or to any government official, than lies - all 'Scientologists' are demanded ONLY TO LIE, about anything inside 'Scientology,' and THEY ARE ALSO DEMANDED TO FULLY LIE TO EACH OTHER, as Criminal Minds not only have everything in reverse, but also DEMAND from others to believe and to follow that "the truth would hurt others and would hurt 'Scientology'," (*) which is supported by another reversal that Criminal Minds promote and want accepted and followed, of "truth being relative and truth being subjective," as also the Criminal Mind who is called l. ron hubbard states and writes, and then - as all Criminal Minds - is contradicting himself in, by demanding, that "he is 'the ONLY one' who DOES speak truth" for which he uses the Satanic term 'Source' - he demands of his devotees, to see him as 'Source of Existence,' and thus, by the simplicity of "logic" based on that lie - "he does speak truth ONLY" - finding it not even necessary to call it "Noble Truth," or "Cosmic Truth," or "Divine Truth," this time, as Criminal Minds have created a time period now, in which they, with some success, can pretend to be "scientific," and gain some acceptance even - and, like all other Criminal Minds of the same or greater fame or infamy, they demand of their devotees or followers, that these, the devotees of l. ron hubbard must hide what they know or found out, or felt at times about the actual nature of l. ron hubbard, "because they would hurt 'Scientology'," if they told about the actual - and therefore entirely hidden - intentions and the wincing-ly repulsive spiritual activities of l. ron hubbard, and the followers are demanded wholly to hide what ACTUALLY goes on inside 'Scientology' "because if they told other 'Scientologists,' it would hurt the 'therapy' and the 'courses' the other customers take, or it would make these not want to take any of the 'Scientology' 'services' altogether," and they would make the customers angry about the 'Scientology' staff - about the constant and heavy betrayal of their customers, that takes place hiddenly - and so it is, that the more honest and caring and more responsible people, if they do not shut up, if they do not stop BEING honest and caring and responsible people, are very soon branded "Suppressive Persons" that are "spreading rumors to undermine higher management," which, as you know, is standard procedure in any dictatorship; and thus all followers, 'Scientology' staff members too, must hide all - not only hide everything from the press and from government institutions, but they must hide all - their true feelings and their observations FROM EACH OTHER ALSO - on penalty NOT ONLY of being denied any and all communication and contact by any and all 'Scientologists,' being cut off from all family and friends, and from any other social relations - whether these are emotional or business relations or other relations of trust - that you were stupid enough to engage in and to maintain with 'Scientologists,' resulting in not only having your social life and your financial dependencies ruined and lost, and being declared "an enemy of 'Mankind'" in the eyes and in the words of the "Mafia" itself - that is, the "Mafia" that 'Scientology' has been found by many governments to be, and that it indeed is, by any even faintly closer look at the actual life of l. ron hubbard - but should 'Scientologists' talk, then ADDITIONALLY they are subjected very much like in the Mafia, when members of it talk - and they are oblivious of the fact that 'being a member of that mob' IN ITSELF is already the action of ruining their lives totally and permanently, but they may not see or feel it like that, or 'they do not want to endanger their career or fame' - the lies these are built on - and they know, that when they talk and want to become free - they are subjected to the penalty of having their lives 'ruined utterly' by 'Scientology' members who are specially trained and financed by 'Scientology' for that purpose, to bring emotional, financial and social ruin to the most honest and most responsible people - not only to ruin these totally INSIDE their group by means of the social and economic structures of 'Scientology' itself, but ALSO TO 'GET OTHERS DESTROYED' IN THE SOCIETY at large, to try and get people defamed or 'lynched' in the regular society too - to try and get people harassed and hated, most typically, to get friends to hate and destroy each other, and more generally, to try and get you to hate (and to get you to destroy or deny your support to) the very persons who deserve and need your support most, *(2)(9) all in order to protect the "Mafia" (meaning, here, the 'Scientology' practices and racketeering) from being exposed by the government, and of course to "protect" their business, their 'pyramid-scheme' of selling, which includes their recruiting for cheap labor to obtain people that they manage to keep more or less like slaves, whose recruitment AND use as slaves is accomplished by means of the 'Scientology' techniques of extreme lying and of inducing entirely false hopes, as well as liberally spreading and enforcing Hate for the society, acting always out of a hidden Hate for anything and anybody that is not-'Scientology,' and by combining that then with blind and total Admiration of anything and anybody that is or stands for or promotes or aids 'Scientology,' which creates and maintains a 'cocoon' of feelings and thoughts and "perceptions," also called 'group- hypnosis,' which I described most recently for you in {HRI 20031124-V3.1}, 'When God Has Left You...' (***) a mental condition that you should be very familiar with and understand well, from various episodes of dictatorial history - for instance those episodes that I listed recently. *(19) ' ' That they try to protect their "Mafia"-type business, is self-understood, but they cloak it to their customers in terms of "being the only practice that helps people." *(0) Tremendous fights and numerous legal battles are waged by them to prevent the enormous amount of their dissatisfied and disaffected customers from talking to anyone, or to prevent their customers from getting their money back, despite their advertised "money- back guarantee," which is solely a sales-trick that omits to mention the details, the conditions, and the practices that are designed to intimidate, and to offer the customer only a small part or only his (pre-paid, unused, anyway legally still his own) money back, and only IF the customer agrees (if you agree) to be ILLEGALLY pressured into 'giving up' all constitutional and consumer and civil rights, and also of course the right to press for criminal charges against the 'Scientologists,' when you 'sign away' and 'give up' not only the right but the CIVIL DUTY to inform the institutions of the government and the press. So much for 'Scientologists' "defending" the Constitution of the USA. ' ' In simple words: "You sign that you agree to forever keep your mouth shut - that you will NOT warn others who are going to be ruined too." "Else you get no money back at all, but they will spend the money to get you harassed legally and otherwise." And so you keep your mouth shut to everyone, and about everything; so that you get YOUR OWN money back from them - and they won't tell you, that that, what THEY say 'is a "normal" demand on you' (that 'you must agree to be silent or else get none of your money back') in itself is already as illegal as hell, that it has no validity, other than that they use YOUR customary decency and YOUR personal conscience, because they expect from YOU, that YOU keep to YOUR written agreements, (Criminal Minds always and in all areas try to mis-use your good intentions and your decency, they very deliberately and always use and will always try to use your very good intentions to then force you or trick you into assisting or executing THEIR evil - that's WHAT CRIMINAL MINDS DO, and that is, strangely enough, what THEY ENJOY DOING, and) which they do with success, when they already have discouraged you from defending yourself against them: "If you use a lawyer against 'Scientology' then they will 'ruin you utterly'" - because THEY - 'Scientologists' - are trained, and forced by their 'ethics,' and also mentally conditioned, in their 'cocoon' of false ideas and false "perceptions" and false feelings and false purposes, to have NO CONSCIENCE; which is ' ' all highly reprehensible and very anti-social, and which is added to other, camouflaged or hidden activities of the 'Scientologists,' even the activity of framing people with (fabricated, false) "evidence," and not only that, but also impersonating others - even impersonating public authorities or private institutions - by phone or by means of forged letters, and not enough with that, they also train each other to commit perjury in court, etc. etc., ' and - for 'Scientologists' very typical, of course, as they give "therapy" - there is their use of private data demanded, and obtained from you with the prolonged and obligatory and highly inquisitive use of lie-detectors, (they don't just use it to verify, but they use it to point at and so to dig up anything you don't even remember anymore - which, however, does not work on Criminal Minds at all, it does not detect lies of Criminal Minds - but on you it does dig up data) again playing on your good intentions that YOU desire to be honest - but THEY are hiding that THEY are not in the least honest nor open to you at all, so they use data obtained from you in trust and obtained from you with their very express and written (but - it is 'Scientology,' remember - false, worthless ) "obligation of 'total' confidentiality," ALL available private data, demanded and obtained in their "therapy" sessions - the data are all recorded, mostly verbatim or word for word on significant or sensitive issues, and these records are, on top of that, very strictly kept away from your view (no Freedom of Information Act inside 'Scientology') with the very treacherous and treasonous motivation, that "The Truth will hurt your soul" "it would be for your own good" NOT to see YOUR personal records - used by them for ' ' blackmail or for the emotional manipulation of the customer, or for manipulating others near the customer, like colleagues or friends who are mentioned in "therapy" sessions, even family members, and the 'Scientology' staff members that are designated to do such dirty tricks, have confidential courses and instructions about these subversive tactics, on how to use the data obtained in order best to destroy someone emotionally, and socially and financially, on how to manipulate and undermine and infiltrate the victims - who are wholly unsuspecting of such 'techniques' being used against them - and then I am not even talking about their activities of much, much greater evil still, much worse than merely murder, which they commit in a wholly hidden manner and which you are socially conditioned and educated NOT to be aware *(6) of at all, and of which the licensed, highly insane medical profession tells you, that "your body does it to you," *(22)(17)(18) which - IF perceived and also understood - is commonly known as 'Black Magic,' etc., but which you can observe each and every Criminal Mind doing and attempting at all times, and which is done with greater vehemence and with more trickery by the Criminal Minds in 'Scientology,' guided and supported as they are in it by l. ron hubbard - the 'father' of all Criminal Minds - *(21) should you look much more deeply, and in detail at them, at him and at other Criminal Minds, and at 'Scientology' ' ' activities that are highly criminal, that are wholly premeditated and that are fully organized, and for which they maintain a whole, separate organization of 'Scientology' staff members, and for which they use hired professionals and also volunteer members of 'Scientology' - trained and briefed and funded separately and secretly - for such activities done - obviously, and primarily - in order not to lose all potential, paying customers for their "therapy" and their "courses." *(3) ' ' Those are very basic 'Scientology' policies and practices of l. ron hubbard, laid down, amongst other things, in his - even publicly available - "Code of a Scientologist," and "Scientology Ethics" booklet, that reads pretty much like a 'Mafia handbook for the very naive.' ' ' It is a reversal of ethics, and A DESTRUCTION OF ANY AND ALL HUMAN RIGHTS, no matter how much they publicly as other and previous dictatorships we know, also do claim and shout and "show the public" (by hiding the relevant data and their actual motives, by manipulating the press and even, by perjury and extremely mean and evil lies, manipulating courts of law, to "show the public") that "they do nothing except the very opposite" of what they actually direct and actually hide. But even when they ARE fully exposed and convicted in court, and have been sentenced to pay millions of dollars with the purpose to deter them from the very activities for which they were convicted, ALSO THEN - just like the Mafia - they showed no shame whatsoever, and instead they only attacked the very responsible and the very decent and the very caring, exactly those very decent and very honest and caring people were - very noisily - branded by the 'Scientologists,' as "being evil," and as "bent on destroying Mankind," a forceful reversal of truth, entirely as one can expect it from Criminal Minds of course, for they will never stop their evil by themselves, because THEY ENJOY BEING MALICIOUS, AND THEY ENJOY DECEIVING PEOPLE WHOLLY AND COMPLETELY, and with a continuous barrage of forceful and intelligent and fully convincing lies, because THAT is their art and craft, and their pride. Really... ' ' ' ' Should you want to correct the numbers, that 'Scientologists' provide to the press - and to each other too - that they print in their reports to the public, and in their glossy brochures and that they give on their web sites of course, and where it is difficult to determine, whether it is the photos shown or whether it is the text provided, that is most instrumental in giving the viewer a false picture, a very false impression, not merely by deliberately leaving out most of the truth, but they even change or manipulate(d) the photos, for instance in order to show others, that the hall for their annual convention was "packed with people," while in actual fact it was more than half empty - all the empty seats were "filled with people" that already sat some rows further away, filled in after the event by means of computer-graphics - yes, such is indeed the nature of 'Scientology' and of l. ron hubbard, and such is the contempt they hold also for their OWN followers or devotees; they actually DO enjoy to TRICK people, to trick also each other, as 'Scientology' teaches them to do, and as 'Scientology' teaches them also HOW to do - anyway, should you desire to correct those numbers that are provided to you, or are stated publicly, or are given to the media, or even stated in court by 'Scientologists' - then DIVIDE most of them (the numbers) by about one hundred. There are various web sites of people who closely monitor and examine these things, and who then publish the actual figures, based on thorough research over many years. ' I think the result was, that the 'Scientologists' have about 50,000 somewhat active members world wide, and when you count Tom Cruise as "7,950,000 active members," then 'voila!' you get the "total," the lie that is given since 1975 or so unchanged, to the press - and also to the 'Scientology' devotees (or 'sheep' if we want to be religious about it). ' ' And, on the other hand, you MULTIPLY the prices that the 'Scientologists' state for "courses," and for selling their psychological or psychiatric therapy, *(3) by about one hundred, as the actual amount of money that they will manage to trick you into giving to them, because all 'Scientologists' are demanded ONLY TO LIE TO YOU, they don't call it lying, of course, but they justify it with the following manipulation-, or "communication"-technique from l. ron hubbard, who teaches them, as "The 'A.R.C.' Triangle," (as three things that work together) that, "to make you like them or to have (A.) Affinity for them," they are just "matching your (R.) Reality" "by which to make you desire to (C.) Communicate to them," from which he coins the 'word' 'A.R.C.' which he, entirely Criminal as he is, then says, is the same as "Understanding" - "when you know what lies to tell people that they will accept so that they will talk to you and so that they like you, then you understand them," which is indeed "true" ...to a Criminal Mind, to the con man, it is his "definition of understanding others," and indeed it is the basic mechanism 'Scientologists' use to manipulate and deceive and thus control others, and also each other - (note, that l. ron hubbard has to MAKE others like him, he has to trick others into liking and admiring him - by means of lies and indeed the most insidious and studied use of Black Magic, or hypnotism as you call it) and so his devotees liked to hear the lie, that "he received no money for what he had written for them," so he did not tell them about the millions of dollars he personally got per week while THEY, his staff, got nothing but rice and beans to eat and a bunk to sleep in, nor did he tell them how he was hiding that from them, but instead he "matched their reality," he was matching all the lies he had told them before, and that he printed, while even people who have merely a rudimentary sense of right and wrong (who have something called a conscience) will (unless they are hypnotized) see it, as what it IS - because people do not like to be lied to too much when it costs them money - and about ninety nine percent of the population of Earth thus considers - and even correctly at that - that what the 'Scientologists' say and claim and do to "Match Someone's Reality" is the action and activity of LYING; not only about anything bad and actual that is going on inside, and that IS 'Scientology,' but 'Scientologists' are lying to you AND to each other ALSO about the "results," lying "in order not to discourage other customers who are full of expectations," and they are lying also (and heavily) in their written promises and brochures and books, ' ' all in all, constituting methods of selling that are illegal by any law, no matter how many papers ('disclaimers,' 'waivers' and 'release forms,' as such papers are called) you have to sign, and did sign, "to protect 'Scientology' from the law" and "to protect all the 'Scientology' staff from the law," from consumer law, from privacy law, from safety law, from labor law, from civil law, from criminal law, from administrative law, from accountancy law, from real estate law and regulations, from laws about association, incorporation, and notary instruments, even from tax law, etc., while you will find out (now, at the latest) that those papers that you signed your rights away with, are actually in themselves ALSO illegal, and thus not ever used in court by 'Scientology,' and you will find out, about such 'signed agreements,' that if these are not outright criminal by law, then they are certainly Criminal in intent, and thus laws can be found and used, and laws have been found and used that cover these things so, that you can ask your rights back in court, plus compensations and also what are called 'punitive' damages (such large sums of money that they are sentenced to pay to you, that it should deter them from future criminality to others as well); but nevertheless the papers 'Scientology' gave you to sign, and that you signed personally, because you were made to believe, that you will get services that 'handle all your problems,' services promised, that generally would provide anything 'far beyond any heaven,' their promising to give you services that will give you 'total freedom' if you keep paying and doing anything that they say, and believe anything they say, confirmed by you with papers that were signed by you BECAUSE indeed you do anything they say you should do, to sign forms saying in writing and then also signed by you to confirm, also on paper, that "you were NOT given those promises," the very promises that you WERE given, which are the promises that are written in all the 'Scientology' books and in its sales brochures and charts pretending to map "increased abilities" - and should you naturally already have any of the abilities that they pretend to desire to increase or stabilize in you, then know that the whole practice and doctrine of 'Scientology' is solely designed and also executed to ERADICATE ANY SPIRITUAL QUALITY AND ABILITIES you may have acquired or still possess, and which you had hoped to regain, or had hoped to stabilize or to rediscover, by in good faith believing their promises - which are the actual and the only reason you DO buy - and the only reason that you agree to the demand to pay even in advance - for "services," and so you are made to put your signature at the bottom of ' ' forms (papers) that are signed by you in good faith, because YOU are not a person of ill will anyway, you tend to trust people who with a straight and concerned face promise to help you in exchange for large amounts of your money ("matching your reality" all the way and as long as your bank account can keep up with it) but if you look from the other side of the fence, from the side of the 'Scientology' staff, then you would see, that the fact is conveniently omitted by them, that - while YOU may not have any ill will towards people - THEY certainly do have such ill will towards you - and towards your bank-account and not stopping there either, but also wanting anything you might still be able to get a loan on, or steal, beg or borrow, which is always amazing, how they always manage to ruin a customer already beforehand by destroying his finances and his morality completely, by convincing him, that "it is for his very own best," and "vital for Mankind" too, ' ' while it is they who DO have and practice ill will in ample amount, in unrestrained abundance, with considerable refinement and in highly organized ways, with the larger number of 'Scientology' staff members and "Field Staff Members" (FSM's) trained and conditioned and given commission (a good percentage of the loot) to do just that which manifests itself as tight and well-organized ill will not only towards all fellow 'Scientologists' (towards all customers) but most vehemently ill, against anyone who even faintly complains about anything being wrong and being not at all delivered as promised, let alone wanting his (advance payment of) money back - wanting it back and needing it back too, for lack of promised services or results delivered, or for bad, unwanted "services" enforced that were obviously not part of the promise he paid for, his money used up by them for entirely unwanted "services" which he is told "he needs now" - told only AFTER he has paid in a large amount in advance, deceived by high "discounts" offered for large advance payments, 'if you pay now for two cars we won't deliver, then the second one is half price for you,' when he has duly accepted the lie also, that "they are more aware and more able and more ethical and more responsible than he is" "because 'Scientology' says so," that "they know much more about life, know much more about HIS life, about him, than he does himself" (and he is not ever allowed to see his lie-detector tests, or what his "therapists" wrote about him) *(3) ' ' so with THEIR papers signed by you, and with YOUR money tightly in THEIR bank, and already in their bank in advance, fully paid BEFORE any delivery of any of their promised "services," and the more "services" or "courses" paid in one batch, like for years ahead, the bigger the discount, in simple words, 'all paid and no delivery ever,' and no matter how illegal their demand is to have you sign such papers, which IS in preparation of exerting THEIR ill will on YOU and to "secure" their very anti-consumer practices or their racketeering, reversing the truth and stating to themselves the lie that "it is the possibility of YOUR ill will - that THEY have to protect themselves against," but meaning, that they want to be free to be as criminal as they please and see fit, "to aid the group," where no individual counts, except l. ron hubbard, and of course, when YOU have then NO money left to defend yourself against them even if you wanted to, then the more easily it is, that they intend to instill the basis of fear - which the legally in-experienced victim or customer is likely to be imbued with, and he already knows the Mafia 'Code of a Scientologist' and other 'Codes of Scientology "Ethics",' and he is also therefore in fear of defending himself against 'Scientology,' and because of those 'Mafia' Codes, he is also in fear of informing others about 'Scientology' - so that thereby all the lies remain hidden or untold, hidden for FEAR of the mind control from the admittedly very repulsive monstrosity called l. ron hubbard, should you care one day actually to look at him and sense him as he is, *(20) ' ' and further on the subject of how they make their victims buy "therapy" and "courses" and books and tapes containing more lies about life - and of course about 'Scientology' and about l. ron hubbard - more lies than you can at all imagine anyone could and would want - not only to invent - but also to print AND sell to people, then you might like to consider, now with more understanding, that ' ' ALL 'SCIENTOLOGISTS' DO LIE TO EACH OTHER AS WELL, and are justifying that they are doing so, and that "they must do so" in order "not to discourage any member, or any potential member" (to not prevent any customer) from buying the "courses" and the "therapy:" An eternal and very strong chain of lies, plus the actual enforcement of these lies by a system of total control of the mind and of the body of the victim, nowadays first controlling the victim's body (demanding you keep your body for weeks, each day about half a day, in the heat of a sauna, with the pretense, that "that is for your own good"), then controlling the victim's reasoning by means of "basic 'Scientology' courses," that make him "study" entirely false "definitions" about study itself, and then entirely false "definitions" about life, further entirely false "definitions" about people, about oneself, and of course, the most harmfully false and inverted "data" about the most repulsively malicious person of l. ron hubbard, and they are then controlling the victim's way of communicating, and start to control more and more of his perception, teaching and making him do exercises in pretended, machine-like "communication," and exercises to make the victim believe he is "perceiving" while in fact - without that he knows it - he is highly unaware and very un-feeling of people, very un-perceptive of people's feelings and of the thoughts of people, even including his own, pretending to himself that "he has no feelings and no thoughts," *(9) so they are making you into a mechanical, well-functioning, un-feeling automaton, "who is not influenced by feelings of others, nor by his own," made so by means of "Training Routines," and further, they select subjects and methods of "therapy," that KEEP THE VICTIM WHOLLY UNAWARE OF THE VERY THINGS HE SHOULD BE OR BECOME AWARE OF MOST - according to me or any somewhat sane and caring person - but not according to l. ron hubbard's instructions and prescribed techniques, of course, which have the proven effect of more and more limiting any and all 'un-allowed' or 'forbidden' perception, by very actively, on his "Road to Total Freedom," DESTROYING one's ability to feel people as they are, DESTROYING the ability and desire to feel the soul of people and to feel and connect more deeply to your own soul, making forever impossible the perception of the very many things about others and about oneself, and about life, that the 'Scientologists' are NOT allowed to be aware of, not allowed to sense, not allowed to perceive, and that THEY ARE PREVENTED OR STOPPED OR BLOCKED FROM PERCEIVING, FROM BECOMING OR FROM REMAINING AWARE OF AND FROM COMMUNICATING ABOUT, should they inadvertently get to feel *(3) things that YOU still are aware of, that you still are capable of feeling, usually, because YOU still can and do look at people and see them AS PEOPLE, and NOT as "machines that must always be manipulated and controlled and therefore can only be deceived," which is the viewpoint, that 'Scientologists' have taken over from l. ron hubbard, they are looking from l. ron hubbard's viewpoint at people, meaning, they do not see you as you actually are, but as 'a thing that obeys or that does not obey,' they are looking from a detached viewpoint at you, at others, and they look also at themselves from a detached viewpoint, just as a Criminal Mind does, with very intelligent lies about life, they look from those lies about life and about people, and about themselves and also about l. ron hubbard, that make up all of 'Scientology,' summed up quite correctly as 'a constant stream of hateful lies about anyone, and about life itself,' and the hidden feeling of that Hate is "relieved" by spells of Admiration - received and given in their "therapy" as well - in order NOT TO FEEL those lies - and the forceful Energy of those lies, which is the Energy of Ugliness - resulting for 'Scientologists' in more and more destruction of their ability to perceive and to sense themselves and other people as they themselves and as other people actually are, and resulting in more and more enforcement of false feelings that are 'wanted from and demanded by' 'Scientologists,' in short, it is the hidden or open Hate for others and for life, that is coming from and that 'IS' l. ron hubbard, with more and more suppression of any natural feelings of honesty and of any natural compassion and of any innate honor, and most harmfully, a system of the full and lasting DENIAL of the most vital and the most valuable memories that you do have - that anyone does have - SUPPRESSING THOSE VERY MEMORIES, (***) ' ' WHILE the 'Scientology' staff are given the money for doing the very opposite exactly... while they are promising their victims, and while they are claiming to do, and pretend very elaborately with never-ending "therapy" and fancy terminology that would make a fellow psychiatrist jealous, (the difference between a psychiatrist or 'Scientology' "therapist" being, that the psychiatrist KNOWS that he does not know anything, even though he professionally will not admit it *(17) and the 'Scientology' "therapists" do NOT know, that they do not know at all, because they have been given 'The Certainty' by l. ron hubbard, that they "do know everything" - only that "everything" that the 'Scientology' "therapist" "knows" about life, happens to be all deception and camouflaged Hate of life, designed by l. ron hubbard) while they pretend with an endless amount of ever 'fancier' courses, but in reality, related to actual life, and to people as people actually are, ' they are doing the very opposite of what they state and promise and of what they sold with their glossy brochures and 'Charts Of "Awareness" Levels' - designed, mind you, by l. ron hubbard himself, and thus WHOLLY and intentionally false, as Criminal Minds have everything in reverse - sold to the victims who are made to agree, by being hypnotized, by being controlled in their thinking and in their actions and in their "awareness," are given the feeling, that "they ARE engaged in and getting" what they paid for, that "they are on the path to getting what they are promised," *(10) - hypnotized much like you see it in the documentaries that I am mentioning just below - and who are made to agree and feel and to state in 'Success Stories' they must write, that "they ARE doing what is sold to them, doing it in their 'own own universe'," and that they ARE "becoming free" in "the agreed-upon universe" which is composed of the thoughts of l. ron hubbard "about life" and "about oneself," "about people," and of course also "about l. ron hubbard," ' and they agree, that "they are becoming aware" - again, I refer to the documentaries mentioned below, that show the kind of "awareness," actually 'Negative Awareness,' as I have called it elsewhere, 'The Certainty' that is induced in 'Scientologists' to REPLACE AWARENESS, to replace actual perception or feeling, and instead, to create 'Negative Awareness' and in fact, they are becoming more and more UNAWARE, the more their 'Scientology' "therapy" and their 'Scientology' "training" advances, agreeing to be aware only of what 'is allowed by l. ron hubbard,' and becoming "aware" of what they must find to "exist" 'because l. ron hubbard says it exists' *(23) but which does not exist at all, and which disappears indeed, when one becomes free from the hypnotism of "how things and people and the society are," and "how l. ron hubbard is," and "what you yourself are," not unlike the victims of another dictatorship felt and showed and acted upon - their "awareness" of "how things and how people are," their ideas of "what is ethical" and of "what is survival to do," then slowly disappeared from their mind - they were given back some command over their own soul again, after the 'de-Nazification' had started in Germany, which you may have read or heard about, or even might remember. ' But do not ever take any Hollywood movie to "educate" yourself on these matters, because the Hollywood way of thinking, their way of making money, and their way of 'handling' life, is TO HIDE PRETENSES, to protect and make a living from, and to pay huge amounts of money to those who most forcefully and most convincingly PRETEND: THEY want pretense to be impossible to distinguish from sincerity, and THEY do admire and pay those who do so pretend best. They PRETEND to want 'peace on Earth,' they PRETEND to want to 'end hunger or poverty on Earth,' they PRETEND to want to 'end diseases on Earth,' etc., etc.. And so they get their 'Life Time Achievements Awards,' and want to be 'knighted' by the Queen of England. That, what they PRETEND to want for others, never will happen by their actions, nor by their money nor by the connections they have, because THEY want to be admired and get fame, and lots in THEIR bank account, and they do not at all want to find out about, let alone to face those causes that must be exposed and remedied - because THAT would need SINCERITY, in very, very large amounts too. And facing those causes needs large amounts of courage, which they also can only PRETEND, in front of or behind a camera, pretend. ' You see, I give two hundred percent of my life to find and remedy the causes - that's because I love PEOPLE - *(26)(11) the first part of my life to study the causes, the present part to make you understand the causes, and my next life to implement what I have given you to understand and expose the causes. ' And those in Hollywood who do have some sincerity, they adapt to the Hollywood way "of making dreams 'work'" - sorry, I mean of course that they adapt to the Hollywood way of making money, and they close their eyes to evil and pretense, and some read in secret what I write. ' To look through pretenses, you need of course SINCERITY, and you can see the German or the British documentaries - for instance by Guido Knopp - about World War Two, about PEOPLE, real, live people, and these documentaries do specifically EXPOSE the lies: In those documentaries you see - supposing you are not intentionally blind as Steven Spielberg is, unwilling to show the soul of PEOPLE, or to show his own - what you can not see in any Hollywood movie at all, that I know of, about any war or any war time at all, but in real-life (and not enacted) documentaries, you do see the REAL emotions and the REAL thoughts of PEOPLE, those truths which Steven Spielberg thinks would "hurt his soul" if he actually felt these, the souls of PEOPLE, *(25) and you see that the Nazis used exactly the same ideas and slogans and blind euphoria, the 'Certainty without any actual Awareness,' that l. ron hubbard uses in 'Scientology.' *(10) ' ' What they ARE doing, strangely enough - but a Criminal Mind has everything in reverse, in such a way, that Euphoria becomes "awareness," Blindness becomes "certainty," Pretense becomes "care," and Total Control becomes "freedom," so, that what they actually do deliver and do bring about in their victims - is the very opposite of all that they promise, (***) (well, what else can you expect of a Criminal Mind, of l. ron hubbard) and they are doing it in such an insidious way, as the victims don't know anything about the actual nature of life to begin with - which is not even taught in schools or universities, quite the contrary, so people are ALREADY very vulnerable through their total lack of knowledge *(9) - and further, as 'Scientology' - that is, l. ron hubbard - is not going to tell them any actual truth about the nature of life either; l. ron hubbard does carefully hide that what he himself DOES know about the nature of life, he hides that also from his devotees, from all the 'Scientologists,' he hides it in order to be able himself freely and unhindered and unsuspectedly to manipulate people, to manipulate 'Scientologists' too, to manipulate entirely his devotees, without that they even know or will ever find out how it is done, let alone that they would know how to defend themselves against him, and so people can be told and can be made to accept anything to be "true" about life and about their problems, which is done so insidiously, by 'Scientologists' - by l. ron hubbard that is - and done so forcefully, so Energetically, that it is very difficult, and very time- consuming, and given only to the very strong, to get out of, again, and not only physically, but also emotionally and rationally to disentangle from. ' ' And indeed they are forbidden to read or write anything that is "not Scientology" and 'not written by l. ron hubbard' (but) that IS truth about the spiritual nature of life, and that is therefore also truth ABOUT 'Scientology' - they are not allowed to read it or write about it, neither on the Internet, nor elsewhere, unless they are especially authorized "to deal with 'opposing truths' that undermine 'Scientology'" - because "reading the actual truth might hurt their soul" and "might cause their body to die from pneumonia." Really... ' ' ' ' Now get this correctly: The LIE is, that 'truth "would hurt their soul".' Criminal Minds promote that lie, and I am sure, that they have made you accept that lie in one form or another, about some situations in your life at some time. And in order to make the lie obeyed even more, he added to the lie: "The truth will hurt your body and make you die (of pneumonia)." You would say, NOT KNOWING the truth makes you vulnerable. But Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, and they reverse everything: The Vietnamese communists would booby- trap the bodies of villagers they had murdered, so that, when the American soldiers moved in and wanted to clean up the mess, these American soldiers got hurt or even died from the absolute truth, which was, that the dead bodies were booby-trapped, were rigged with explosives and ignitions. (The story continues below, in Textnote (a).) You would say, they got hurt or even died, because of NOT KNOWING the truth. ' ' The LIE is that 'truth "would hurt your soul".' THEN, in order for you and others not to see THAT (the first) lie (that is presented as "unquestionable, self-evident truth") ANOTHER LIE is wrapped around it (and presented as an even more "unquestionable truth") the lie that "explains" WHAT "would hurt your soul" but "which is 'kindly' hidden from you and from everyone, 'in order not to hurt your or anybody's soul or body'" - that's what Criminal Minds like best to pretend and to make you be convinced of, that "THEY ARE KIND and caring and responsible for you" - *(16)(3)(12)(0)(6)(17)(18) and it makes you unaware of the first lie - it "kindly" and "caring-ly" and "wisely" assumes for you to have accepted the first lie - that "truth will hurt your soul and even your body," it 'buries' the first lie, it 'drowns it out,' it 'knocks out your awareness of it,' you won't anymore have sufficient attention on that first lie, and thus you will not examine it anymore - and I have again to remind you here, that truth is absolute (what happened did happen also when you are not aware of it, and also when it is not reported) so *(9) even if you do not consciously know anything about it, like, you might not be aware consciously of who I am, but also then and even then, it still dazes you when you are given lies about whatever 'it' is (or about me) that you do - consciously - not know about; thus, telling someone in the 17th century, that "the sun revolves around the earth," was then also a lie, and it would have dazed you then, it would have diminished your awareness, even though the truth was not consciously known; or telling someone now, that "space and time are created by photons," is also lie, which is not recognized yet as being a lie, but it still dazes you now, because it IS a lie; ' ' and, no matter how much the Criminal Minds would like you to believe otherwise - that "everyone is a functioning organism made up of chemicals, and thus a machine" - you nevertheless are a soul, and you CAN FEEL what is true, you can FEEL the past, (and you can FEEL also who I am) and therefore, lies are dazing you, are stunning your awareness (also lies about me, or lies about history are STUNNING you) because they violate your FEELING - ' and the people in this example are dazed by the completely idiotic lie that is given to them by the Criminal Mind l. ron hubbard, presented as "the very, very significant, the most vital and the most basic truth for restoring your life," that is to say - it's simple stage magic, but then for a spiritual purpose and done not for show or as entertainment, but done by a Criminal Mind (done by l. ron hubbard) with the sole intention to destroy your soul - l. ron hubbard created a second lie, by means of putting himself severely under drugs in order to be unhindered by reality (as it is his, and any Criminal Mind's true desire, to be so "unhindered" by anything that is true *(10)) and he said to his devotees, in 1968 on a tape recording that he sent to them from his yacht and that he called 'Ron's Journal,' (on that recording) he said, that THAT "what he had 'seen' and felt now" - but he was not revealing what, on this tape to his followers, because "revealing it would of course hurt their soul and body," - nor did he ever reveal, about his "true stories" to his followers, that "the truth he saw" (which now, in the year 2005 - and correctly by the way - is ridiculed on the Internet and in the media - in fact) was the result of his being fully under the influence of drugs taken or injected by himself, - and he never revealed publicly, that these were his INTENTIONALLY false "observations" and false "conclusions," intentionally to create a "Reality" for himself presented as "truth," for instance in his 'History of Man' booklet, and in his 'Whole Track' fantasies, sold as recorded "lectures of truth," *(23) *(b) of course, you can tell anything to a blind and confused, unaware and hypnotized audience - also that "you can see" and that "you see and know everything that they do not know;" you can say that "the sun is purple and was created by Charles Darwin," and you can tell such an audience (you, that is) that "Darwin created the sun by the simple method of making others agree - with him and with each other - that it exists," co-creating an illusion that "there is a purple sun in the sky" - or in 'Scientology' terms (in l. ron hubbard's mind that is) "explaining" to you, that it exists now, because "you were 'postulating it into existence in your own mind' (in your 'own Universe' as he calls it)" and "then you were making others agree that 'it exists,' 'to see it also' - also creating the same illusion with you" - which is "how l. ron hubbard created the Universe;" that is, according to himself, he was creating 'his Reality' that "he created life and the Universe by making others agree, that the illusions he created in his own mind (about himself, about others, about the past) ARE 'Reality'" (***) *(b) so that, what l. ron hubbard now claimed "he had seen and felt on his yacht," while drugging himself so as the more easily to maintain, to himself, that what he wanted others to agree with, "exists," and thus was "THE truth" - he of course being "the first and only one capable of discovering it," seeing his own 'dream' that consisted of all the lies that he created and "it gave him great physical pain to look at, but he was still surviving it" "...as the only one in 'the whole Universe' who managed," he added; "others had tried to see it too," but "each and every one who tried, had died in the process," he went on to impregnate his future audience with the lie, presenting it as how "courageous" and "caring" and "capable" he was "to find 'that one truth that would finally liberate Mankind from its spiritual bonds and shackles'" (rather than the truth, which is, that Mankind should find out about HIM and be liberated from HIS psychopathy) - so he gave the second lie, the one that he wanted everyone to believe "would hurt their and anyone's soul, if found out" - "the 'truth' that one must be protected from finding out" and must never look at UNLESS one is a true and completely dedicated devotee to l. ron hubbard's other lies too and has given him already all of one's Life Energy and money. ' ' You can, by the way, study the actual life "achievements" of l. ron hubbard, those that ACTUALLY took place what he ACTUALLY did, outside of "his own universe that he made his devote 'Scientologists' agree to create with him, 'as the truth about him'," and you can compare the actuality with all his lies about it, and already from that you see, that he is not only a pathological liar, but also a completely malicious liar - to his own "friends" as well! *(16) A Criminal Mind has no "friends" - only people he deceived and hypnotized into "liking him" - as you know it very well from other and earlier dictators who were 'praised and liked and even adored.' They like to be "loved" by people who would, if NOT hypnotized, find a Criminal Mind indeed extremely repulsive, but who have been hypnotized into "loving a Criminal Mind." That's maybe one of the most repulsive, most ugly things you can imagine, but Criminal Minds LIKE to receive such very Ugly "love." ' ' The truth is, that Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, and so, l. ron hubbard claiming that "truth would hurt the soul of people," is actually how Criminal Minds think: It seemingly "would 'hurt' THEIR soul" (they would like you to assume it would "hurt their soul") if the truth about THEIR lies and THEIR crimes is found out and is exposed, *(5) but it would of course protect your soul and my soul, as well as our possessions and our social life. And it is a KIND thing to do to a Criminal Mind, to expose and to end the malice he is engaged in. *(5) But Criminal Minds have all in reverse, and so also their ideas of what they consider to be "others caring for them," and also their ideas of "caring about others," are peculiarly in reverse as well: To make you UNAWARE of the truth, is "caring for you," which happens also to be the ACTUAL, true purpose and activity of l. ron hubbard's 'Scientology,' and which is, of course, best done by PRETENDING to create and increase your awareness. *(10) ' ' While they mouth the lies, that "people are basically good," and that "when they do evil, they destroy themselves and so eventually their evil will stop by itself," and more of such insidious lies, like "the Sun and the Moon and Truth can never remain invisible for long," lies which are 'pleasant' for you to accept and believe, by the Criminal Minds passed off as "Noble Truths" to you, as their "gift," presented "freely" to you, from the deepest of the "endless wisdom" and "Enlightenment" they want you to assume they possess, already by the fact, THAT they manage to deceive you, they are, in THEIR way of estimating people, "vastly superior to you," and Criminal Minds ACTUALLY like to think, and to "feel as true" (what however also they know very well is a lie - but they like to FEEL "as true") the lie, that "anyone is a Criminal Mind in disguise," only that "some people are more clever than others in disguising it" and that "they are very much more clever than you are, in disguising it." And so they attack decent people also with the "accusation," that "decent people only PRETEND to be decent," *(12) "and therefore, decent people are even WORSE than Criminal Minds." ' You see that for instance in their public hatred for president Bush: They DON'T publicly express their hate for the ACTUAL Criminal Minds, like Castro or Hu Jintao or Arafat or Gaddafi, or Kim Jong Il, etc. ...not even for Saddam Hussein. And that gives you still another way of detecting Criminal Minds: You can detect Criminal Minds as well by their intentional omission of vital actions, and by their intentional misdirection of actions and their misdirection of people's existing emotions. *(11)(27) ' ' ' The method described above, to hide lies as "truth that is harmful to find out," is l. ron hubbard's way of 'Creating A Cult By Means Of "The Power Of Mystery"' - so he says in a "lecture" he gave and recorded around December 1952 in Philadelphia, USA - a method he learned from reading a story about 'The Day The Monastery Fell,' written by Lord Dunsany, if I remember correctly. The monastery fell, when someone found out the 'closely guarded, highest secret' of the cult, which 'secret knowledge' enforced the claim by the members, of "being the wisest of all" - because they had the secret that no one else had, and which the cult's members had to, at all cost prevent anybody, including their own members, from finding out the fact, the truth, that THERE WAS NO SECRET, and thus no wisdom to be found. Really... ' ' So you see in the 'Scientology' cult, a very dramatic and for the society very costly - and for those being forced to accept it - an emotionally extremely damaging lie INTENDED by l. ron hubbard, an example of a Criminal Mind using the mechanism (not of 'just a lie,' but using the whole mechanism) of what I have called their method of the 'Double-Lie,' *(12) a lie stated 'as a truth' (in this case the lie, that "knowing the truth hurts your soul and makes your body sick") the lie that however intends to and does cover up, and successfully hides, that the second lie (is ALSO an intentional lie) which "is 'truth so powerful' that it would, if you heard or read it, damage your soul and make your body sick" UNLESS you were trusting, and wholly believing, and doing exactly what l. ron hubbard says or writes, a practice known and accepted by some as "unconditional and unquestioning belief of and trust in and also obedience to any orders of the guru," *(10) who "discovered 'the secret data' that 'you vitally need' to 'ensure the safety of your soul, for all eternity'," that data, "which has to be kept secret at all cost," is ALSO an intentional lie resulting in financial damage of many millions of dollars to its victims (quite apart from the - very much bigger - emotional damage caused to the victims) by l. ron hubbard making it appear so, that 'the second lie "is also a truth",' but a "truth" that "must not be revealed" "out of responsibility for the health and the well-being of Mankind," must not be revealed "unless one is fully devoted to supporting l. ron hubbard, and is Admiring him and believing his lies unconditionally and permanently," and after one, by this fraudulently induced "motivation," has given his organization all one's money or Life Energy or time (or all three) and when one thus has also sold the lies to others, (with ten percent commission on the money paid by any other victim or customer, who then must also "work his or her way up 'The Bridge' of 'Scientology'" - of course - else the new victim will not ever get to know those "Upper Level 'Scientology'" lies from l. ron hubbard, and will not 'obtain the "secret" that "will set him free for eternity"' - not ever obtaining "the secret" ...unless) "unless one unquestioningly believes all the other lies of l. ron hubbard too, and is ALSO letting oneself be made forever spiritually blind without even knowing it." *(12) ' ' To become aware of and to understand and then be able to detect those practices and mechanisms, I observed many Criminal Minds - I observed them with the purpose of detecting and looking through their practice of intelligent and forceful, 'very severe lying' {Definition of 'severe lying'} - very forcefully or very elaborately presenting complete lies AS IF these are giving a "full and also accurate presentation of 'the truth'" - a means and method which is used most liberally by Criminal Minds on everyone and in any situation, and at all times, even if already about their very own, actual condition and activities. *(12) The result of these observations and of gaining an understanding of them - which is of the utmost importance for you, I would think - properly relating the observations and feelings, to the reality of life and people, you find in the Human Rights Issues, to help you recognize Criminal intentions and to properly act towards Criminal Minds and towards what they do to you and to others. *(5)(7) ' ' ' ' Should you want to assess the 'Scientology' "contribution to the community," while considering, that also 'Scientologists' themselves know very well, that it is all a pretense by the 'Scientology' organizations, that it is a tactic of 'Scientology,' of l. ron hubbard, to 'take on the colors and even use the terminology of the enemy and to pretend to be "the same as" or "similar to" the enemy' "the enemy" being the society, in the eyes of 'Scientologists,' and in the mind of l. ron hubbard - "the enemy" being caring and responsible and honest people - and indeed, by order of l. ron hubbard it was, that all these honest and caring and responsible people, you and me, and indeed, ANYONE who is NOT a 'Scientologist' (which must mean then, to them, the whole population of Earth, really, practically) by order of l. ron hubbard all ARE indeed labeled "E for Enemy" - as in the extensive files that they, the public affairs subversion branches and staff (by them called 'OSA' or 'Office of Special Affairs') of 'Scientology' keep on people, and that they do maintain illegally, in violation of the various Privacy, Freedom of Information, Corporate, and various Professional and other Laws and Codes, which they violate as part of the infiltration and insurgence that 'Scientology' is, ' ' while you may consider, that also 'Scientologists' themselves know very well, that their fronts to the public are all pretense by the 'Scientology' organizations, that it is a tactic of 'if you want to defeat the "enemy", then BE like the "enemy"' - the society indeed and truly being to them "the enemy," as the society is to all Criminal Minds, indeed, "an enemy," that is, to l. ron hubbard's mind because l. ron hubbard is indeed and truly a Criminal Mind, the society is "an enemy" that has to be fought with insurgent tactics - that, as he writes in his staff policies too, his followers must PRETEND to "be part of the society," not unlike a virus does penetrate, IN ORDER TO UNDERMINE THE SOCIETY AND TO REPLACE IT WITH 'Scientology' and thus to place the society under the dictatorial command of 'Scientology,' and so to destroy it, WITHOUT any Human Rights whatsoever - l. ron hubbard makes no secret of that, in his published 'policy letters' which you can find easily on the Internet, and it is no secret at all to 'Scientologists' - knowing, that INSIDE the 'Scientology' organizations there are very clearly and demonstrably NO Human Rights and NO Religious Freedom, and NO Civil Rights and NO Privacy Rights, NO Labor Rights and NO Legal Rights, NO Economic Rights and NO Free Market, NO Freedom of Information, NO compassion, and even NO Freedom of Thought of any kind whatsoever, which you may find hard to imagine, but the 'Scientologists' give each other, at regular intervals, very elaborate, for days on end, often week-long lie-detector examinations of their THOUGHTS, their THOUGHTS about l. ron hubbard and about the 'Scientology' organization, and about many more and most personal things, that all directly and very precisely mean 'NO freedom of thought,' and NO critical thinking, no unaligned thinking, ONLY 'Freedom of thought' for Criminal Minds, because their lies do not respond as lies on any type of lie-detector, but THEIR lies register fully and completely as "truth," *(16) because - as you might formulate it without going into Fine Particle Physics - Criminal Minds "ARE living lies;" *(16) ' ' while you might further like to consider, that any and all of the "contribution-to-the-community" programs promoted by 'Scientologists,' - their internal code name for that type of program is 'Social Coordination' and they use these activities (the various front groups) "to safe-point," to create 'safe points' or 'a well-accepted and publicly supported cover' and nowadays they like to cloak also as 'Volunteer Ministers,' for in actual fact introducing 'Scientology,' paving the way for active 'Scientologists' who, by definition and according to their own desire - intend to subvert the WHOLE society (which includes you, of course), and who thereby do intend to destroy ALL freedom also in the society, and who, in order to achieve that, do intend to PREVENT true perception of 'Scientology' and of l. ron hubbard not only inside 'Scientology' but also in the society; ' ' while you might further like to consider that their "Social Coordination" programs are ALWAYS given with, and motivated by, a destructive, hidden and subversive intention, and never to actually help people, because people "can be helped ONLY by their becoming 'Scientologists'," and "ONLY by buying (ALL of) the 'Scientology' psychological or psychiatric therapy," and "ONLY by doing (ALL of) the 'Scientology' psychological or psychiatric courses," "People can ONLY be helped by 'going up the Bridge'" - as 'Scientologists' call it, because the Criminal Mind l. ron hubbard tells them to see it so; ' ' ' ' while you might further like to consider in particular, that any of the 'Scientology' concepts or practices - such as their animal-survival type "ethics" rules and the equally immoral enforcement of these; or other practices - such as their administrative "technology" which enforces on people, that one and everyone is seen as, and treated as, a disposable machine, treated without morality or conscience or compassion, while 'power' is "defined" by them as "Speed Of Particle Flow" (people are also treated as 'particles' by various Scientology management doctrines), and while 'power' is "defined" by these also as "the amount of black-mail you have on others," and while 'power' is "defined" more in detail by these as "condoning any Criminal support, and hiding any Criminal Acts" "as long as these are 'adding to the the power' of the boss" (in their case, of l. ron hubbard, of course); or other practices - such as their "students-are-criminals" type of "study" methods and "course room" methods, of total control of thought, and of enforcing, that whatever is offered, "is true" and that "if you do not understand, that 'it is true' whatever is said or written, then YOU are stupid and YOU must be corrected and adjusted;" or other practices - such as their psychological or psychiatric therapy of enforcing an euphoric unawareness (a pretended "awareness" or Negative Awareness), enforced as an "enthusiastic" (or "High-Toned" as they call it) irresponsibility, enforcing the inability to look at and actually to see people, enforcing the inability to see whom you have in front of you, enforcing the inability to see who is doing what with what intentions to you or to others; AND I HAPPEN TO KNOW ALL THEIR CONCEPTS AND ALL THEIR PRACTICES AND HAVE TESTED THEM ALL VERY THOROUGHLY, and I wholly independently tested them, with the conclusion, that their activities ' ' in their entirety, are based on concepts from and practices in A SOCIETY (A COMMUNITY OR A CLASSROOM OR A COMPANY) THAT CONSISTS ONLY OF CRIMINALS, - and their practices would thus in some aspect seem to have some validity even though only temporarily, seeming so either to the onlooker or to someone subjected to 'Scientology' practices and concepts - in a society where neither Love nor Compassion exist, or where these are not desired (and where these are, as in any Criminal group, replaced by Admiration as an expression of "Love") and where independent and investigative thinking and correct understanding is strictly denied and most severely opposed, and stamped out as if it is the very venom that will destroy (the concepts and practices of 'Scientology' in) such a society, where (as it indeed is, in a Criminal society) truth is the least desired, and where there is a constant demand on anyone, that knowledge required for true understanding of what actually did happen, and of who actually caused what, and of how things happened, is SUBSTITUTED by a publicly acceptable and (in 'Scientology') internally enforced and in that way accepted PRETENSE of "truth," (the strength and thus acceptance or "validity" of which, is) based solely on Admiring someone as "the Source of Truth" ('Our Dear Leader,' and so on, as you know these words from the present, or from history); so, should you still want to assess the 'Scientology' "contribution to the community" further, ' ' ' ' then you may like to know, that the only reason 'Scientology' started to do any such things as "community programs," in the mid 1970's, was, to pretend and create a Public Relations image of "caring about the society" - about 'Non-Scientologists,' about "those stupid and treacherous people" who are NOT buying books full of 'Scientology' concepts, and who are NOT buying the 'Scientology' "therapy," and who are NOT just believing everything because they are told 'it is true' by "The Source of Truth," by the Criminal Mind l. ron hubbard - and l. ron hubbard does not care anything whatsoever about anyone who does not totally and blindly Admire him (which is 'care' "defined" by a Criminal Mind, because making someone totally and blindly Admire you, is of course ALREADY the very opposite of caring for someone, and is in fact the act of destroying someone; so on both counts l. ron hubbard is destroying people and intending to destroy all people) (***) when l. ron hubbard and his wife, Mary Sue, suddenly ordered 'Scientologists' "to be interested in the society," - and that function was (hilariously enough) not on his "Organization Chart" ('Org Board' as they say internally), and nobody cared anything about the society "because that was not created by l. ron hubbard," you see, and so a special 'Bureau of Social Coordination' had to be squeezed in, and get a room and have a staff member or two who "did not make people 'do Scientology'" but who "followed strange, 'non-Scientology' purposes" to handle people in the society, to make people who were not 'Scientologists,' think well of 'Scientology' - to pretend "to care for Non-Scientologists" or to pretend "to be interested in the society," with orders for instance, to do anything that would make 'Scientology' seem in the eyes of the society "'indispensable'," "something the society can not do without", really... ' ' the society, which l. ron hubbard curses and ridicules in about every "lecture" he gave, the society which l. ron hubbard Hates in about every book and so-called 'Bulletin' and so-called 'Policy' he wrote, even in his rather autobiographic science-fiction character called Soltan Gris, that portrays the nature and mind and emotions of l. ron hubbard quite accurately, ' ' and so indeed 'Scientologists' HAD TO BE ORDERED to pretend to "care" for a society ...that they are taught continuously to despise - they are demanded constantly to feel themselves, and also to consider 'Scientology' organizations to be "far above the society" in any and all respects, which leads to very bizarre assessments and even more bizarre goals formulated by them - for the society that consists, in the feelings and ideas of the 'Scientology' staff members - completely immersed in the Energy (ideas and intentions and feelings) of l. ron hubbard as his staff members are - they are sensing (***) you and the rest of society to consist of "unworthy vermin that one is forced to live with, or that one does rather not live together with," entirely as a Criminal Mind "sees" the society, "sees" you, in their own terminology, they call you a "wog," "the society consists of 'wogs'" - of "'raw meat'," as as they also call you - because (and you guessed it right) l. ron hubbard does use those derogatory terms when he talks about 'Non-Scientologists,' and, 'Scientology' staff members being constantly kept in that frame of mind, they had to be ORDERED, they had to be ordered to PRETEND to the society, that "they do think otherwise" about people and about the society, and that "they want to help the society." Really... ' ' They were ordered to PRETEND TO BE PART OF THE SOCIETY, and they did so complete with a hastily made up and suddenly appearing "Creed" - and then all their companies, their Organizations, suddenly were supposed to be called "churches" in the 'outside' world; - and all their franchised companies, or Franchises, suddenly had to be called "missions;" and they did so pretend further, with large amounts of money spent on "expert opinions" "experts" were paid to formulate and to write down and to sign with their name the now dictated and mandatory opinion - even though most books by l. ron hubbard flatly deny it and demand of the reader to believe 'Scientology' is "scientific," a "Modern Science of Mental Health," "scientific" in all respects where selling its books and "courses" and its "therapy" to individuals is concerned; demanding, that it is the "science of knowing" as l. ron hubbard writes, (while in actual practice and intent hidden by l. ron hubbard also from his devotees, it is the practice of NOT knowing the truth anymore), *(28) for which pretense he actually stole from someone else the word 'Scientology' (or 'Scientologie') and also the particular design and use of the lie-detector, stolen and then used NOT for what the inventor, Volney Matheson, intended and invented it, but for exactly the opposite - as one can expect of a Criminal Mind - to HIDE the actual truth BY pretending to "have found it," and to make others stop looking as soon as they have found a "truth" that agrees with l. ron hubbard and that "feels good enough to not want to look BEHIND it," and then to ENFORCE those lies as "awareness" pretended, which he then calls "certainty," "certainty being senior to data, senior to truth," as he states, and as we can expect of a Criminal Mind, and as is all very typical of l. ron hubbard, who now ordered 'Scientologists' to PRETEND - that 'Scientology' "is a religion" - as far as the society is concerned; and l. ron hubbard's 'Scientology' symbol (an 'S' with two triangles) had to be replaced - toward the society, that is - with the symbol of a cross, or precisely, a double cross - that is, a crossed-out Christian cross - as the 'symbol' of their indeed quite Satanic "religion." *(4) They are required to believe, for instance, that "Christ did not exist;" and indeed all basic concepts of life itself, are "defined" - that is, according to the basic 'Scientology' books - by l. ron hubbard with "definitions" - NOT as the basic concepts of life actually ARE - but "defined" as a Criminal Mind would like to have others falsely "define" the basic concepts of life, including his "definition" of soul, and of the purpose of life, etc. etc. which are "defined" by him exactly as a Criminal would want you to have it "defined;" and then these "definitions" are labeled by l. ron hubbard to be "self-evident truths," labeled "Axioms" by him. *(24) Really, that's what he did - I am not joking. And the only thing you ever get offered by a Criminal Mind as "self-evident," are lies. ' ' Such things are "normal" in America: You can call anything a "church," or a "religion." (**) So their idea of "Freedom of Religion" is a bit awkward. They even have a 'First Church of Satan' there, which is duly registered and incorporated and recognized, as far as I know. And indeed, also THEY have as their goal 'destroying the sacred truth.' 'The destruction of actual truth,' they say, 'makes it (makes someone who holds truth) lose and thus release its Energy (the truthful person's Energy) for holding truth,' and then 'gives a Satanist the strength or force for maintaining lies.' (***) So you can imagine what they mean then, when they want to be "protected by religious freedom;" *(8) and you can imagine how 'Scientologists' indeed use the concept of religious freedom *(8) - much like a dictator would (and did) use the rights granted and ensured by Democracy: As a TOOL to subvert and destroy it. Thus I would advise you, to study, and to have others study and to have everyone study and understand, the nature and motives of Criminal Minds. Criminal Minds already know their own nature, and they can find out, that, for the first time in history, they are actually understood now, even though they do not want to be understood. ' ' In some countries it was too heavily frowned upon, to pretend to be a religion, and, to even use the Christian symbols and terminology by which 'Scientologists' cloak their "Goebbelian" (as from a well-known Criminal Mind by the name of Goebbels, who had a certain way of thinking and acting as currently embodied in the present 'owner' or 'highest priest' of 'Scientology,' who reminds of Goebbels in his public shows and his tastes and his choice of words and various other things, in his) practices of 'how to make friends and influence people.' *(0) ' ' You can see a whole collection of Christian terms, that 'Scientology' started more and more to "use," and that 'Scientologists' were indeed ORDERED to use, by l. ron hubbard and by his wife, since the mid 1970's, with which he started to enforce, that 'Scientologists' to the outside, towards anything that is visible to the society, must 'take on the color of the enemy,' in order to give the society the impression - much like a virus does use its host - must pretend to the host to be "acceptable" and "normal," in order not anymore to be rejected by it, *(0) giving the impression to the society, of "being like Christianity," because that tactic was now "necessary for the survival" of 'Scientology.' As if you would want anything like that to survive... ' ' ' ' You may consider, that in actual fact, 'Scientology' only thrives - the more confusion there exists about the nature of life; and - the less people are able to recognize Criminal Minds; and - the graver the lack of information-exchange is between people, not just inside 'Scientology,' but in the society itself. And of course, 'Scientology' thrives, the less understood are their repulsively Ugly and Criminal 'Scientology'-techniques of manipulating and lying in a most nauseating manner to journalists, or of actively and viciously lying in court rooms, and of course they thrive also the better their assumed blackmail - for instance on some Criminal Minds inside the American tax authorities - continues to hold, and remains un-exposed still. ' ' I always thought, that the books about the various political insurgencies, and about spying and about burglary, that 'Scientology' staff members had to (and have to study) were to teach that staff, how to PREVENT it - how to protect the 'Scientology' organization FROM being subverted, and its buildings FROM being burglarized, as l. ron hubbard always had endless (but as I realized later, entirely false) stories about his organization BEING subverted and his place BEING burglarized. Regrettably it is the other way around, as I had to learn from others. ' ' ' ' 'Scientologists' are not at all interested in the society doing well: They, on the outside only, PRETEND support, in order - sickly enough - NOT TO SUPPORT IT BUT to be able to subvert it by means of creating a 'safe' cover or a 'safe' location or position for themselves - and to then take over more and more: ' ' They ARE interested in the society NOT doing well and in the society NOT functioning, so that people are that confused, and remain that un-educated or falsely "educated" in spiritual matters and about life, so much un-educated and unable to understand each other and even themselves, that people would easily believe and even cling to the lies and the very forceful and very intelligently thought-out PRETENSES of 'Scientology,' invented by pathological liar and Criminal Mind l. ron hubbard, who ENJOYS lying to and deceiving people so well, that they not only do believe him, but also act upon his lies. ' The only way he can be accepted by anyone at all, is by most convincingly LYING - about himself, and about his purposes. And so, being his followers, 'Scientologists' ARE very interested in making people NOT look - so much, for their claiming that 'Scientology' is "The Science Of Knowing How To Know" - they work and have always worked VERY hard to try and make people NOT look, and they are guided in that by the Criminal Mind l. ron hubbard, making it into a fine art, to try and bring about, that government officials and politicians, and journalists and judges and public prosecutors are tricked and blinded, and generally to make others NOT see crimes; *(28) and thus 'Scientologists' ARE interested in journalists and in judges who are NOT capable of looking, NOT desirous to look at evil, NOT able to look through evil and through pretenses, and thus UNABLE to detect their being manipulated by 'Scientologists' trained and motivated to exert that manipulation, *(16) because in reality, not in pretense but in reality, in actuality, the goal of the 'Scientologists' - that is, the actual goal, of the devotees and the followers and the believers of the Criminal Mind, of their "Mafia-boss" called l. ron hubbard - is truly very much opposed to that of the society, is very much against you and me. *(28) But that you knew already. ' ' You and I are interested in the society doing WELL, and therefore we have some interest, in 'Scientology' NOT doing well, in it and other evils being exposed, and being properly - that is, deeply enough - understood. *(5) ' ' As always, these things would not have been uncovered without the 'Trinity of Science.' Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity" human rights philosopher and poet 'God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore.' 1 Kings 4:29 _____________________________________________________ This article was originally written as an addition to: (0) 'Example of a Criminal Mind - Tom Cruise is "friends" with 'Scientology'-owner David Miscavige' {HRI 20040920-V2.1} (22 September 2004 - Version 2.1 on 7 July 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.rights.human/msg/1846e1eaea247142?fwc=1 ' _____________________________ General reference about cults: (***) 'The Feeling "When God Has Left You..." - Introduction to 'What is Hell' ' {HRI 20031124-V3.1} (24 November 2003 - Version 3.1 on 22 Feb 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.religion/msg/23195f139766162f?fwc=1 ' _________ Footnotes: (*) 'Scientology Doctrine Number One Is "Truth Destroys Everything"' (5 August 2004 - Version 2.8 on 12 Aug 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.religion.christian/msg/5978bdc050e232f2?fwc=1 (**) 'The Sanity Of Lindsay Lohan (And Other "Celebrities")' (16 September 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.gossip.celebrities/msg/d73b394c9e2da9e6?fwc=1 (***) See just above, under 'General reference about cults.' ' (0) 'Example of a Criminal Mind - Tom Cruise is "friends" with 'Scientology'-owner David Miscavige' {HRI 20040920-V2.1} (22 September 2004 - Version 2.1 on 7 July 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.rights.human/msg/1846e1eaea247142?fwc=1 (1) 'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence - Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds' {HRI 20041230-V2.4} (30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.politics/msg/131abeb764cd8d31?fwc=1 (2) 'How A 'Scientologist' (or One Who Left 'Scientology') Can Get Into Good Standing With The Society Again' (10 Nov 2004 - Version 2.1 on 24 Nov 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.italian/msg/1a22b9a233c85cb7?fwc=1 (3) 'Spiritual Condition of Scientology Psychological Therapists - Who Caused The Death Of Young And Beautiful Lisa McPherson' (18 January 2005 - Version 2.0.1 on 31 Jan 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.med/msg/7965cdaea57cad71?fwc=1 (4) 'Actor Tom Cruise, A Jesus-Hater, Sends Christmas Cards... That Are Promoting The Pretenses Of Satan' (22 December 2004 - Version 1.2 on 23 Dec 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.jewish/msg/dfa8a4bbdeaa3d53?fwc=1 (5) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/3f9790039517ef77?fwc=1 (6) 'What IS Depression or Lethargy' {HRI 20041107-V2.2} (7 November 2004 - Version 2.2 on 14 Dec 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.med/msg/e3f79cb2f78d2145?fwc=1 (7) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis' {HRI 20030227-V2.2} (27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.med/msg/a3940363702cebcf?fwc=1 (8) 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)' {HRI 20030407-3-V1.0} (7 April 2003 - Issue 3) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/eae554cbb7bed58?fwc=1 (9) '"Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive Them'' {HRI 20040422-V2.1} (22 April 2004 - Version 2.1 on 24 June 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/24db454a4c09b59e?fwc=1 (10) 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and New-Age Cults' {HRI 20050514-V3.1} (14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/45bcb24061d2d69c?fwc=1 (11) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3} (19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/talk.politics.misc/msg/53a97b173ef36240?fwc=1 (12) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie' {HRI 20050527-V3.5} (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/ecc4b12aaae92dcf?fwc=1 (13) 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' {HRI 20040619-V3.4} (19 June 2004) (Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.education/msg/7ee775b1a7d5b10f?fwc=1 (14) 'The First International Law' {HRI 20021124-V2.0} (24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/e6fd1197b1678b70?fwc=1 (15) 'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil - A Short Course In Human Rights Philosophy' {HRI 20041225-V1.02} (25 December 2004 - Christmas Day) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.rights.human/msg/34578c4c3a9f0b22?fwc=1 (16) Book: 'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the psychopathic personality' By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA. (St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982) (New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1) From the back cover of the book: 'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial, superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous, remorseless, charming, irresponsible:' 'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the psychopathic personality. [...]' 'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as directors of companies or institutions,] or function as scientists or physicians [medical doctors,] or in any number of respectable capacities [holding respected jobs or positions].' 'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense, they are not insane, because they can talk and think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their purposes.]' 'None of them "hears voices" or displays any psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].' 'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long string of [causing] disasters [for others], that could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]: From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.' 'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of this disorder [and they can not and do not want to define 'disorder' either, and they have been working and will continue to work very hard to hide the cause of any 'disorder,'] which evades [their] established definitions of either sanity or insanity; [So, I have defined all these terms, for you, in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none indeed existed. So it is for the first time in history, that correct definitions exist and have been published.]' 'indeed, psychiatrists themselves [and any persons who try to help and to understand Criminal Minds - any people who try to help them] 'are at times as helplessly manipulated by the psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.' (17) 'Current Understanding of Mental Illness - Consequences' {HRI 20021209} (9 Dec 2002) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.med/msg/56d421daafd7bd8c?fwc=1 (18) 'Prices of Medical Drugs Compared To Manufacturing Costs And To Country Of Sale - The "Bill Gates Factor"' (5 February 2005 - Version 2.3.1 on 8 Feb 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.canada/msg/938b775172500428?fwc=1 (19) 'The Bush Effect' (5 March 2003) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/talk.politics.mideast/msg/70f2e2330880df2e?fwc=1 (20) 'A Way Spiritually To Handle A Criminal Mind Or A Criminal Spirit' (short research note) (27 June 2005) (FPP Version) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/Fine-Particle-Physics/msg/e940c6c58d5ca7bf?fwc=1 (21) 'Understanding The Origin Of Evil' {HRI 20031025-V1.1} (25 October 2003 - V1.1 on 3 Nov 2003) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/4e38785914c23869?fwc=1 (22) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' {HRI 20030205} (5 Feb 2003) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.politics/msg/071e75dd7a3d4e56?fwc=1 (23) See 'Scientology and science fiction' - a collection of such lies from l. ron hubbard, indeed baffling, dazing and stunning your awareness exactly as the Criminal Mind intends you and his followers to be dazed - into unaware, blind morons - by 'filling up' "no data" (by replacing unawareness of, or unconsciousness of the past) with entirely, completely and utterly false "data," that are forcefully presented as "truth." http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.religion.scientology/msg/8beaf92e5cf05354?fwc=1 Which is the art and craft and pride of the Criminal Mind, and which is part of their operation of MAKING you unaware and of KEEPING you (and everyone) unaware of the past. (24) Some "Axioms" are listed, with 'The Scientology Connection,' by David C. Lane in his book 'The Making Of A Spiritual Movement: The Untold Story Of Paul Twitchell And Eckankar' (1983) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.support.ex-cult/msg/428ebad05bd8330a?fwc=1 (25) 'Steven Spielberg Betraying Mankind In Exchange For Being Admired by Criminal Minds' (21 June 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.rights.human/msg/a0847a2d7d004c86?fwc=1 (26) 'About Loving people - Basic education by example - An hour of my life recorded for you' {HRI 20050625} (25 June 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/misc.writing/msg/2936f7feb2b3b329?fwc=1 (27) 'Famous European Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20040729-V1.1} (29 July 2004 - Version 1.1 on 27 Aug 2004) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/01ae9af4767aa656?fwc=1 (28) 'Criminal Minds Who Say 'Scientology Is Bad' ' (15 July 2005) (short note) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.journalism/msg/1933e0d9a0206f1e?fwc=1 (29) 'The Spiritual Hitter Tom Cruise - And Cruelty Explained By Example' (16 July 2005) http://www.googlegroups.com/group/alt.military/msg/f78fd0a1a6eabae7?fwc=1 ' _________ Textnotes: (a) Anyway, then an American soldier got the idea to attach a long rope when such a dead body was found, and to have the body towed away by an armored vehicle, so that the truth - the possibility of an explosion - would NOT hurt anyone. This was then photographed by a journalist, and he "earned" with it the 'World Press Photo' award, in Amsterdam - for "showing how the American 'occupiers' were 'dragging Vietnamese victims' on the ground through the dust," or so it seemed on the photo, which you may have seen too. This story was told to me by a Dutch Army general, and it felt true then and it feels true now. *(1) Of course, the Americans, led by TWO Criminal Minds (Nixon and Kissinger) and ridiculed by another one from Hollywood (Jane Fonda), could not stand up to the overwhelming force and complexity of the lies, the mind control, and no matter how many weapons and good, well-intentioned people they had, they still lost, because they were constantly and heavily betrayed - by the communists themselves who PRETENDED to fight for a cause - but who just wanted (as all Destructive Cowards do want) to have as many people as possible dominated by Criminal Minds - and the Americans were betrayed also by the two mentioned American politicians, and by all those who are Destructive Cowards who reverse all truth and destroy all feeling and love for people - while claiming to "want peace and love," and while claiming to "hold demonstrations for peace and love." Really... very, very mean to those who are being enslaved. "Violence and torture and crime and betrayal is fine as long as it is hidden," is how these, the Destructive Cowards, the "peace demonstrators" feel "the truth." ' You see that now also in Iraq, only this time, this American president is capable of and does stand up to all the hatred and lies that are thrown at him by Criminal Minds and by Destructive Cowards world wide, and he is capable reasonably well, of standing up to the various Criminal heads of state of those countries who refuse or refused to help the people of Iraq - some of those heads of state even being Criminal Minds - "united" in a "Security" Council of the "United Nations Organization." Really... *(1)(14)(15) ' Knowing this, will of course "hurt the souls" of those who did believe the lies of those Criminal Minds, maybe you did believe their lies also, at some time, and that points to another, very harmful, very vicious lie that is enforced by Criminal Minds, which is the lie, that "it hurts your soul, to find out about times when you were made stupid by a Criminal Mind." *(13) It is of course exactly the opposite, but Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, and they want you to think it is YOUR stupidity, when it is THEY who INTEND to make you stupid by telling you lies and by making you unaware. *(29) ' (b) See 'Scientology and science fiction' - a collection of such lies from l. ron hubbard, indeed baffling, dazing and stunning your awareness exactly as the Criminal Mind intends that you (and his followers) are dazed - into unaware, blind morons - by 'filling up' "no data" (by replacing unawareness of, or unconsciousness of the past) with entirely, completely and utterly false "data," that are forcefully presented as "truth." *(23) Which is the art and craft and pride of the Criminal Mind, and which is part of their operation of MAKING you unaware and of KEEPING you (and everyone) unaware of the past. *(10) ' __________ Issue Note: Versions prior to Version 3.0 had the subject title: ' Addition to 'The Criminal Mind Tom Cruise "friends" publicly now with 'Scientology'-owner David Miscavige' ' ' ____________ Verification: http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld ' Copyright 2004, 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher and poet This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it) who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to others who might be able to learn from it. None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves, about any organizations or individuals. Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to: PlatoWorld at Lycos.com (address unreadable for Internet robots - replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)