Eric, One clarification on my previous note. The load test that
mentioned was performed on Windows Server 2003, which has hardware-
accelerated GDI. So your optimization in alpha improved Fiddler
performance on pre-Vista platforms as well.
Below is the statistics of the same test scenario with Facebook
homepage on Windows 7, using the tweaks that you have suggested. I ran
each test 5 times and compared two parameters: average test run
duration and average requests/sec. Improvement % is shown in
Test run duration:
- Fiddler Prod (baseline): 100.5s
- Fiddler Alpha: 14.3s (703% !)
- Fiddler Alpha, batch update time 2s: 14.0s (715%)
- Fiddler Alpha, all session are hidden: 11.9s (843%)
- Fiddler Prod (baseline): 16.4
- Fiddler Alpha: 68.3 (417%)
- Fiddler Alpha, batch update time 2s: 68.5 (418%)
- Fiddler Alpha, all session are hidden: 80.9 (494%)
Because in this test Fiddler was not the only slowdown factor, the
4-7x times performance increase suggests that Fiddler alpha got faster
by a much greater number. Increasing
fiddler.ui.sessionlist.updateinterval to 2s was negligible, while
hiding sessions altogether was more meaningful. I also noticed that in
alpha performance was much more stable. Relative standard deviation of
measurements was reduced from 49% in prod to fewer than 10% in alpha.
It means that random factors will have much less influence on
performance metrics in the new Fiddler.
Look forward to the next beta cycle.
On Jan 28, 12:34 pm, EricLaw <> wrote:
> Interesting. How much of an improvement do you see if you use the
> Filter in the status bar to Hide All sessions?
> Also, see what happens if you adjust the update interval; in
> QuickExec, type
> about:config
> And edit/add a preference named
> fiddler.ui.sessionlist.updateinterval
> and set it to a value of say, 2000.
> Does this meaningfully increase throughput?
> The update will probably make its way to the beta channel over the
> next week or so.
> On Jan 27, 6:42 pm, Vadim Kleyzit
> <> wrote:
> > Eric, Thanks for explaining the change in thealpha. I load tested it
> > I wonder, when approximately you plan to move thealphato beta or
> > prod?
> > Thanks
> > -Vadim
> > On Jan 26, 9:54 am, EricLaw <> wrote:
> > > Chad-- The summary is that Windows Vista+ do not hardware accelerate
> > > all of GDI, so adding items to the session list view takes
> > > dramatically longer on those platforms. When sessions are coming in
> > > slowly, there's no real difference (GDI isn't *that* slow) but if
> > > they're coming in fast, the UI can hang for a second or more as it
> > > tries to catch up. If I rewroteFiddlerfrom GDI-Winforms into D2D-
> > > > > should find that in this new version,Fiddler'sUI remains far more