The "God Particle" - Higgs Boson

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DK Matai

Feb 21, 2009, 5:28:26 AM2/21/09
to Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)
Dear Friends

It is wonderful to read about the race to find the "God Particle" -
Higgs Boson - between Fermi labs & CERN!

One wonders if the "God particle" discovery will reinforce "matter is
an illusion", the realisation of Great Spiritual Masters!

Higgs Bosons' proof revolutionises spiritual understanding in the
context of Holistic Quantum Relativity!


DK and Family


Feb 21, 2009, 7:29:01 AM2/21/09
to Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)
Hello DK,

Yeah, wouldn´t that be something!

Well, the next news is that scientists are not able to startup Hadron
Collider in June but had to postpone it to September of this year.
Still it is an exciting perspective.

I just finished a Thriller on the very subject, written in 2007 by
Douglas Preston called ´Blasphemy´. Very well written and makes one
keep standing with two feet firmly on the ground.

I wonder if God will reveal Itself so soon, isn´t it a matter of
evolution? And evolution takes eons, we are only at the very
beginning. The awakening has just begun :)

But perhaps Science is well on the verge to become the New Religion of
the 21st Century.

Love from Me :)

On 21 Feb, 11:28, DK Matai <> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> It is wonderful to read about the race to find the "God Particle" -
> Higgs Boson - Fermi labs & CERN!
> One wonders if the "God particle" discovery will reinforce "matter is
> an illusion", the realisation of Great Spiritual Masters!
> Higgs Bosons' proof revolutionises spiritual understanding in the
> context of Holistic Quantum Relativity!
> Love
> DK and Family

Seven Star Hand

Feb 21, 2009, 12:59:52 PM2/21/09
to Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)
Hi DK, very good subject you posed,

Now some questions for the group merging Socrates mindset and
Einstein's thought experimentation.

If particles are merely one perception of the underlying waveforms
that give rise to space-time realities, which themselves are merely
manifestations of underlying data and rules, what is most important;
understanding the underlying rules or spending billions to smash apart
atomic components to find something that is little more than a limited
perception of reality, which is based on underlying rules, patterns of
data, and the resulting waveforms?

Once the so-called God Particle is found, how much will be wasted to
smash it apart? Wouldn't such effort be better directed towards
understanding the rules of the waveforms and the patterns they give
rise to and why we see them as particles only when we "take a mental
snapshot"? What is it that is effected by directed thought and causes
"particles" to temporarily manifest from waveforms within a plenum of
harmonic "strings" ? How does this relate to the flow of time and
change and the perceptions of "present time" and real-time? If you
take a wave-form representation and turn it 90 degrees so you perceive
it head-on instead of sideways, and then intersect it with a membrane,
notice how it becomes a moving dot or particle? Likewise, if you
intersect it with two membranes that are a only one particle width
apart and watch the flowing waveform from between them, what might you

Where does the God particle fit into the hierarchy of space-time
reality, which is described by String/M theory. What gives rise to
this theoretical "particle"? What does the M in string/m theory refer

What underlies the "strings" and how do they give rise to reality in
space-time? What is the nature and function the M "branes" and don't
they seem more like holo-screens that could be used mimic flows that
give rise to space and time? How does that relate to frequency and
harmonics in an ever active plenum characterized as the "holo-

How did the ancient Egyptians and Nubians know about 11-dimensions,
which they modeled, and which was passed on to Hebrew sages and
modeled in multiple places using ancient symbology? Doesn't this
evidence other paths to and sources of wisdom and cosmological
knowledge that don't require such huge wastes of energy and resources
to simply "smash rocks" together to understand that they break into
ever smaller particles as long as we keep looking for them and re-
smashing the remnants?

Could this merely be an exercise in futility? Could it nonetheless
lead to a greater understanding of the infinite nature of perception
in manufacturing space-time realities based on our desire to perceive
something? How does that relate to self-delusion, faith, mass
hypnosis, and shared realities based on reinforced agreements? If
there is no end to what we can imagine is there no end to what we can
perceive as the result of our directed imaginings? Could humanity be
seeking in the wrong direction to find the simple truths (wisdom) that
space-time is manifested from? If so, what then is the nature of space-
time? Does it arise from simplicity first or complexity? Could these
scientists be delving deeper into complexity while thinking they are
exploring simplicity? What if reality works more like 3D-modeling
software and starts off with less detail (mass), stitched together by
"points of agreement" like frameworks and connect the dot drawings? If
so, should we calling this the God particle or the "moving further
away from God particle"?

Doesn't seeking union with matter seem more like a trap with no bottom
than a path to oneness with the source(s) of all truth? Isn't truth
something other than matter, energy, space, or time...? If truth and
wisdom are not us, but something that we can perceive, and we are not
of space-time, but it is something we can perceive, then what and
where are we in relation to both?

One last muse. How would you model simple non-space-time realities,
which are best explained through philosophy, using space-time
concepts? Wouldn't a system of advanced inter-functional symbols,
hence a symbolic modeling language, be very useful and effective to
bridge space-time and non-space-time patterns and realities? Wouldn't
it also be more useful if it were created by those who actually
understood something about the nature and structure of reality,
instead of those who were trying to profit from the ignorance of
everyone else? Wouldn't it be helpful to humanity if someone were
expert in this field and could help bridge cosmology and philosophy in
a way more likely to succeed than the troglodyte approach of forever
blowing things up and smashing them together?

You'd think that some people would finally wake-up and realize that
the behaviors created during the long ice-age have no place in a
global community with limited resources and the need for wisdom and
cooperation, instead of boneheaded stubbornness and the constant use
of force to forge solutions, that are clearly not wise.

If the so-called God Particle is found, what new weapon system is
planned from that? See what was done with relativity and E=MC2 and
everything afterwards? Will some among us ever stop their headlong
rush to destroy everything, before they finally succeed? What must be
done to break this self-destructive patterning? I can assure you, that
there are surprises awaiting that are best left alone. Those with such
bad karma should not push their luck. Remember Murphy's law and the
Doctrine of Two Spirits. The close proximity of LHC to Swiss banking
centers and the great harm done to so many by money is a very bad
mix. Remember that I warned you to watch from a far distance. Though
the future is fluid, its inertia is very strong in certain directions.
Perhaps we can burn off some bad karma in other ways before the LHC
manages to do so in a most unfortunate manner...

Here is Wisdom...

On Feb 21, 2:28 am, DK Matai <> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> It is wonderful to read about the race to find the "God Particle" -
> Higgs Boson - Fermi labs & CERN!
> One wonders if the "God particle" discovery will reinforce "matter is
> an illusion", the realisation of Great Spiritual Masters!
> Higgs Bosons' proof revolutionises spiritual understanding in the
> context of Holistic Quantum Relativity!
> Love
> DK and Family


Feb 21, 2009, 4:08:51 PM2/21/09
to Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)
Dear Buddy,

Would like to reply to a few of your questions, just for the sake of
the discussion:

"How did the ancient Egyptians and Nubians know about 11-dimensions,
which they modeled, and which was passed on to Hebrew sages and
modeled in multiple places using ancient symbology?"

Because they knew their body, inside and outside. This is an intuitive
reply to your question.

"Could it nonetheless
lead to a greater understanding of the infinite nature of perception
in manufacturing space-time realities based on our desire to perceive

Yes of course, it is all in the collective consciousness, meaning at
this moment more than 6 billion perceptions :)

"What if reality works more like 3D-modeling
software and starts off with less detail (mass), stitched together by
"points of agreement" like frameworks and connect the dot drawings?
so, should we calling this the God particle or the "moving further
away from God particle"?"

Well, I have been dabbling in 3D modelling software and even in
creating whole Virtual 3D worlds from scratch. I can tell you that
one is able to create anything from scratch and even bypass all laws
in Nature in those virtual 3D worlds.

It does not matter if we see it simple or complicated, we start the
simple way, at least we believe it is simple, after being born. During
our life we develop the complicated way in our third phase in life
(the strong force). It all has to do with the 4 dominant forces in
Nature. And I speak from experience and became very acquainted with
this Matter after translating Harb´s book ´Self Designed Universe´.
And it made me fully aware that both Matter and Mind can be seen
either from a deductional side (analysing it all) or from a (w)
holistic side (understanding that it is All One). So it is more an
And And case than an either or.

And if one becomes aware of that, after serious reflection, we are
travelling back to the simple way. It is all good, it cannot be wrong
because this is Nature in all its myriads of possibilities. And at a
certain age in ones life, one stops the questioning and just goes with
That What Is or With The Flow.

I remember three words from Deepak Chopra: acceptance, appreciation
and non-resistance.
And whoops, our whole karma turns into a positive NOW: the Natural
Own Way for every One.

And Every One is ones own teacher and pupil. No moving away from
anything, but creating that thing that is necessary for ones growth at
that specific moment in Time.

Have a look at his latest entry at

Quote: “”If we learn to act from Self-awareness, every action is an
act of creativity and freedom””

Self-awareness means nothing more or less than “sweet nothingness” and
sweet nothingness is the mother of creativity :)
> > Higgs Boson - labs & CERN!

Surendra Gupta

Feb 21, 2009, 10:50:40 PM2/21/09

Dear DK,


Thank you for this reminder. Would you know what is the current ‘status’ on these experiments?

I could not find the ‘actuality report’ of findings so far.


As regards your insightful wondering: >>>“One wonders if the "God particle" discovery will reinforce "matter is an illusion", the realisation of Great Spiritual Masters!” <<<:

I was wondering if there could be another probability possible and admissible for consideration - “maybe, this discovery will reinforce ‘matter is indeed an ‘extension’”,

an illusion to some (nihilists) and not so to others (transformationists)”; this too was the realisation of some Great Spiritual Masters.


This was an opportunity for me to obtain enlightenment from you and friends here on this subject, which happens to be of great significance and interest to me; am hoping to receive some…


Love and regards to you and all,


Yasuhiko Genku Kimura

Feb 22, 2009, 11:20:51 AM2/22/09

Dear DK, Buddy, Harb, Surendra, and others:


Reading through your online dialogue, I am reminded of max Planck’s following statement from his Where is Science Going?


“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”


Also, Carlos Castaneda begins his last and (I think) best book The Active Side of Infinity with the following:




“A man staring at his equations said that the universe had a beginning.  There had been an explosion, he said.  A bang of bangs, and the universe was born.  And it is expanding, he said.  He had even calculated the length of its life: ten billion revolutions of the earth around the sun.


“The entire globe cheered; they found his calculations to be science.  None thought that by proposing that the universe began, the man had merely mirrored the syntax of his mother tongue; a syntax which demands beginnings, like birth, and developments, like maturation, and ends, like death, as statements of facts.


“The universe began, and it is getting old, the man assured us, and it will die, like all things die, like he himself died after confirming mathematically the syntax of his mother tongue.


“The Other Syntax


“Did the universe really begin?  Is the theory of the big bang true?  These are not questions, though they sound like they are.  Is the syntax that requires beginnings, developments and ends as statements of fact the only syntax that exists?  That’s the real question.


“There are other syntaxes.  There is one, for example, which demands that varieties of intensity be taken as facts.  In that syntax nothing begins and nothing ends; thus birth is not a clean, clear-cut event, but a specific type of intensity, and so is maturation, and so is death.


“A man of that syntax, looking over his equations, finds that he has calculated enough varieties of intensity to say with authority that the universe never began and will never end, but that it has gone, and is going now, and will go through endless fluctuations of intensity.


“That man could very well conclude that the universe itself is the chariot of intensity and that one can board it to journey through changes without end.  He will conclude all that, and much more, perhaps without ever realizing that he is merely confirming the syntax of his mother tongue.”


Thank you for the gift of your conversation,


From Rio de Janeiro with love and warm regards,


Yasuhiko Genku Kimura


Vision without action is empty.

Action without vision is blind.


Opinion and ideology divide.

Quest and commitment unite.

Yasuhiko Genku Kimura

Feb 22, 2009, 11:21:01 AM2/22/09
Dear Buddy:

Very good! I trust that the other people also appreciate the profundity of
your thought and understanding posed in the form of questions.

With warm regards from hot Rio de Janeiro,

Yasuhiko Genku Kimura

Vision without action is empty.
Action without vision is blind.

Opinion and ideology divide.
Quest and commitment unite.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Seven
Star Hand
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 1:00 PM
To: Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)


Feb 22, 2009, 4:08:46 PM2/22/09
to Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)
Hi DK,

There are many things that one could proffer only to have them
rejected. From time to time new knowing occurs that would open those
minds to entertain something that would have rejected something
previously. So I wait until those events occur. One such event is the
data from the GEO600, designed to detect gravity waves. Something
unexpected was discovered, although not all that unexpected to me it
now opens the minds of some.

As for the God Particle is a place where a
great revelation will be made a new understanding to explain the

The world’s current systems have collapsed in part due to entropy. We
have failed to maintain, invest, and evolve them. With the
implementation and transformation of the old we can re-establish
order. I have outlined most of what is required for most of the
systems on the planet.

"All processes manifest a tendency toward decay and disintegration,
with a net increase in what is called the entropy, or state of
randomness or disorder, of the system. This is called the Second Law
of Thermodynamics." (Morris, 1972, p. 14)

"There is a universal tendency for all systems to go from order to
disorder, as stated in the Second Law." (Morris, 1972, p. 19)

"The Second Law (Law of Energy Decay) states that every system left to
its own devices always tends to move from order to disorder, its
energy tending to be transformed into lower levels of availability,
finally reaching the state of complete randomness and unavailability
for further work." (Morris, Scientific Creationism, 1974, p. 25)

Intelligence can manipulate the application of the Second Law of
Thermodynamics (Gerber 2009)

Intelligent being can create form or order, from a substrate of total
chaos without the flow of any energy being required. (Gerber 2009)

Shifting the state, polarity of the Higgs Boson one can change an
organization of properties into one that is without mass and then back
again allowing a change of coordinates respective to the singularity,
with no energy other than that to change the state required to move
the object. (Gerber 2009)

On 21 Feb, 05:28, DK Matai <> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> It is wonderful to read about the race to find the "God Particle" -
> Higgs Boson - Fermi labs & CERN!
> One wonders if the "God particle" discovery will reinforce "matter is
> an illusion", the realisation of Great Spiritual Masters!
> Higgs Bosons' proof revolutionises spiritual understanding in the
> context of Holistic Quantum Relativity!
> Love
> DK and Family


Feb 22, 2009, 4:16:03 PM2/22/09
to Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)
I have provided a lot of clues in the Socratic dialog.

Some are in the videos for Infinite Play the Movie

The complete work where they are presented together in their entirety
is soon coming.
> > > Higgs Boson - & CERN!
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