Ubuntu Lucid 64-bit .deb

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Marcel Esser

Nov 26, 2010, 7:34:54 PM11/26/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
I got bored, and people at work couldn't get hiphop compiled, so I
made a deb for Ubuntu 64-bit Server (Lucid LTS). I don't know if it
works on 10.10, but give it a shot.


If I am missing any dependencies, or it doesn't work for you, please
ping me back with a terminal dump. I tested it against a fresh 10.04
64-bit install in a Virtualbox instance.

Instructions below.

Cheers, M.

1) Install panda-hiphop-0.1.deb

2) Run apt-get -f install to fix all the dependencies.

3) Add this to your env/profile:

export HPHP_HOME=/opt/hiphop/hiphop-php
export PATH=/opt/hiphop/bin:$PATH
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/hiphop

4) Profit!


root@ubuntu:~/test# dpkg -i panda-hiphop-0.1.deb
... etc etc ...
root@ubuntu:~/test# apt-get -f install
... etc etc ....
root@ubuntu:~/test# export HPHP_HOME=/opt/hiphop/hiphop-php
root@ubuntu:~/test# export PATH=/opt/hiphop/bin:$PATH
root@ubuntu:~/test# export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/hiphop
root@ubuntu:~/test# cat index.php

root@ubuntu:~/test# hphpi index.php
root@ubuntu:~/test# hphp --keep-tempdir=1 --log=3 index.php
running hphp...
creating temporary directory /tmp/hphp_cHBO0J ...
parsing inputs...
parsing inputs took 0'00" (4 ms) wall time
pre-optimizing took 0'00" (0 ms) wall time
inferring types...
inferring types took 0'00" (0 ms) wall time
post-optimizing took 0'00" (0 ms) wall time
creating CPP files...
creating CPP files took 0'00" (173 ms) wall time
compiling and linking CPP files...

compiling and linking CPP files took 1'33" (93782 ms) wall time
running executable /tmp/hphp_cHBO0J/program --file index.php...
all files saved in /tmp/hphp_cHBO0J ...
running hphp took 1'34" (94138 ms) wall time
root@ubuntu:~/test# cd /tmp/hphp_chO0J
bash: cd: /tmp/hphp_chO0J: No such file or directory
root@ubuntu:~/test# cd /tmp/hphp_cHBO0J
root@ubuntu:/tmp/hphp_cHBO0J# ./program
root@ubuntu:/tmp/hphp_cHBO0J# ./program -m server -p 8080 &
[1] 12541
root@ubuntu:/tmp/hphp_cHBO0J# mapping self...
mapping self took 0'00" (20 ms) wall time
loading static content...
loading static content took 0'00" (0 ms) wall time
page server started
admin server started
all servers started

root@ubuntu:/tmp/hphp_cHBO0J# curl -i "
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 19:27:36 GMT
Content-Length: 7

root@ubuntu:/tmp/hphp_cHBO0J# sudo killall program
[1]+ Terminated ./program -m server -p 8080

Karmac Coding

Nov 28, 2010, 12:40:53 AM11/28/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
Thanks for uploading this. It will get me going until I can figure
out why I'm having linking problems with hiphop on ubuntu.

Did you run into any issues with linking from the recent git
repository? I had some problems with c_Exception implementations not
being found.

Marcel Esser

Nov 28, 2010, 6:01:33 AM11/28/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
If there is any interest at all, I wouldn't mind maintaining a weekly
build for this.

Adriaan Pelzer

Nov 28, 2010, 11:39:51 AM11/28/10
to hiphop-...@googlegroups.com
I've literally just joined the list, and haven't even attempted a compile yet - this will enable me to check it out before compiling it, and then, if I like it, start building on my system of choice (or just continue using it as is).

It will allow more people to join the community by lowering the barrier to entry (merely by saving time).

So - If you have the time, my vote is YES, please!

Adriaan Pelzer
putting you in touch with your crowds
skype: adriaan_pelzer
+4478 7978 1743

Nayan Shah

Nov 28, 2010, 3:34:34 PM11/28/10
to hiphop-...@googlegroups.com

This is a great idea. Even I hadn't got a chance to compile it on my pc. This is good for a quick start in testing it out. I'd appreciate a weekly build for this even though this is good enough as it is.

Thanks for sharing. 

Nayan Shah
Institute of Technology, BHU.

Marcel Esser

Nov 28, 2010, 4:37:42 PM11/28/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
Alright. I'll setup some repositories that track Debian stable and
Ubuntu LTS, and then post them to this list when they are ready.

On Nov 28, 10:34 am, Nayan Shah <nayanma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> This is a great idea. Even I hadn't got a chance to compile it on my pc.
> This is good for a quick start in testing it out. I'd appreciate a weekly
> build for this even though this is good enough as it is.
> Thanks for sharing.
> Regards
> --
> Nayan Shah
> Institute of Technology, BHU.
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Adriaan Pelzer
> <adri...@wewillraakyou.com>wrote:

Marcel Esser

Nov 28, 2010, 5:45:30 PM11/28/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
Repo for Ubuntu is ready. Debian is coming next week (little bit short
on time this week):



If you're going to install on many machines, please mirror locally. I
have a finite amount of bandwidth. Also, if you want to offer a public
mirror, please let me know.

- M.

Karmac Coding

Dec 1, 2010, 4:56:42 PM12/1/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
Hi Marcel,

Just curious which version of third party libraries you used for
the .deb build?

I used icu 4.2. I wasn't sure if 4.4 would work.
I also used curl 7.21.2, libevent 1.4.14b, libmemcached .44

The rest were standard ubuntu libs.

I personally think instead of doing weekly builds, it might be a
better idea to strive to go for stable builds. If there was a decent
base of users, we could submit bug reports on particular builds.

The fact that the mainline trunk was broken from building for a few
days just recently is a perfect example of the need for a stable

I plan on putting code into production and I don't feel great doing it
on a system that is moving so fast that there isn't adequate qa.

I know this is bleeding edge stuff, but I'm sure facebook has some
sort of management of this as well. I'd be curious as to how facebook
handles this problem with hiphop.


Marcel Esser

Dec 1, 2010, 5:09:56 PM12/1/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
My chain is:
curl-7.20.0.tar.gz libevent-1.4.13-stable.tar.gz libevent-1.4.14b-
stable.tar.gz libmemcached-0.44.tar.gz onig-5.9.2.tar.gz

plus lucid 64-bit latest packages.

I do like the idea of pushing only stable builds, but I think we
should briefly discuss how we define stable. I doubt that 'it compiles
and runs phpinfo()' is a sufficient measure for that. I suppose a
basic definition would be "passes all the php tests that the previous
build passed, or more".

Would anyone care to add anything to that?

Karmac Coding

Dec 1, 2010, 6:43:06 PM12/1/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
Which version of icu did you use? Also, I noticed that you've got two
versions of libevent. Which one did you settle on?

I define stable as in production and tested by people that use it for
more than trivial purposes. While I believe unit tests serve a
purpose, I don't think passing unit tests will show memory leaks, high
cpu, or generally bad behavior that works, but doesn't scale.

I'd be interested in getting a small group of people that are using
hiphop for production to work towards a stable build that is tested in
the real world.

Can anyone on the list respond if they are using hiphop for
production. If so, what environment and builds are you using?


Marcel Esser

Dec 1, 2010, 6:54:28 PM12/1/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
Well, the branch of HipHop that's in github, is already in production
at facebook before we get it, which is a pretty serious level of

The cmake issue was a configuration anomaly, not anything to do with
the stability of the code. So, frankly, I am quite satisfied with
what's in the repo at any given point in time. The only issue is the
things that are added to the repo that facebok doesn't actually use in

- M.

Karmac Coding

Dec 2, 2010, 4:38:14 AM12/2/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
While I agree that the general codebase seems pretty stable, code is
very easy to screw up. All it takes is one bad line of code and the
whole thing blows up in production. I prefer more traditional release

A stable branch and a branch for new features with testers trying out
the new features before merging it into stable.

It seems like the git hub is the branch for testing, but I'd like a
branch that has more stringent requirements before pulling in
patches. i.e. bug fixes only or very well tested patch sets for

Duncan McQueen

Dec 14, 2010, 6:09:28 PM12/14/10
to hiphop-...@googlegroups.com
Are there any Ubuntu repositories anymore - I noticed
http://www.seriouspanda.org/ doesn't seem to have them.

Marcel Esser

Dec 14, 2010, 7:05:20 PM12/14/10
to hiphop-...@googlegroups.com
There are, I just broke them.

Check back tomorrow; I will try to get around to fixing them tonight.

- M.

Maxime Raoust

Dec 15, 2010, 10:49:21 AM12/15/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev

We are using hiphop for production.

* Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 bits (running on VMWare server, soon to be
converted to ESXI)
* HipHop compiler is built a couple of times a week.
* Nginx acts as front web server

We are running a REST Web Services API and a couple of Web apps.

Duncan McQueen

Dec 15, 2010, 3:00:06 PM12/15/10
to hiphop-...@googlegroups.com
Do you manually build the compiler or have you developed a script to
do so? In your set-up, did you follow what is in the wiki or any
other changes?

Duncan McQueen

Dec 15, 2010, 3:01:12 PM12/15/10
to hiphop-...@googlegroups.com
I guess my point was it is just a blog - didn't see a link to the packages..

Maxime Raoust

Dec 15, 2010, 3:28:53 PM12/15/10
to HipHop for PHP Dev
To set everything up, I followed the exact Wiki instructions for
Ubuntu 9.10.

To build the compiler, I do it manually from time to time (pull from
git, cmake and then make).

To build our applications, we have build+deployment scripts but we run
them manually so we can check that nothing has been broken.

Duncan McQueen

Jan 1, 2011, 3:20:02 PM1/1/11
to hiphop-...@googlegroups.com
Marcel - any chance of getting those repositories back up?

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Marcel Esser <marcel...@gmail.com> wrote:

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