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Heaven soon

Sep 7, 2011, 8:07:41 PM9/7/11
to Heavensoon
------ This Week's Hot News -------

I. An IDF general warns that a regional war between Israel and her Arab neighbors grows more and more likely, especially since the Palestinians are discovered with a new, radically more powerful weapon!

Israel lies geographically within Regional Government #7 of the Club of Rome Plan; how is it going to be possible to fully form Regional Government #7 without a war to eradicate Israel?

NEWS BRIEF: "IDF general: Likelihood of regional war growing", by Yoav Zitun, YNET News, 9.05.11

"Recent revolutions in the Arab world and the deteriorating ties with Turkey are raising the likelihood of a regional war in the Middle East, IDF Home Front Command Chief, Major General Eyal Eisenberg warned Monday. 'It looks like the Arab Spring, but it can also be a radical Islamic winter', he said in a speech at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv."

Since the beginning of the "Arab Spring" movement which was really designed to remove recalcitrant dictators within Regional Government #7 of the Club of Rome Plan (Read NEWS2436), we have been warning that, once these dictators have been overthrown, they are going to be replaced by a more radical Islamic government.

This new type of government may not resist being amalgamated into a regional government, but they are going to be strongly anti-West and anti-Israel, and may prompt that all-out regional war which is designed to trigger World War III.

Now, this IDF general seems to be sounding the very same warning! This scenario seems to be worrying this IDF Major General very much, as these next remarks indicate.

" 'This leads us to the conclusion that through a long-term process, the likelihood of an all-out war is increasingly growing', the IDF general said."

At this point, the general listed Israel's enemies one by one:

1) "Iran has not abandoned its nuclear program. The opposite it true; it continues full steam ahead', he said."

2) "In Egypt, the army is collapsing under the burden of regular security operations, and this is reflected in the loss of control in the Sinai and the turning of the border with Israel into a terror border, with the possibility that Sinai will fall under the control of an Islamic entity."

This development is far more serious to Israel's security than any nuclear weapon Iran might or might not possess. Under the peace agreement between Israel and Sadat's Egypt, the Egyptian Army would undertake to prevent any Islamic radical terrorist group from establishing a military position along Israel's border of Gaza.

Now, with Egypt under the control of the radical Egyptian Brotherhood and with Egyptian citizens assuming a more radical view of Israel, Jihadist radicals are smuggling heavy weaponry through the Sinai and bringing it right up to the border of Gaza. At this point, numerous Israeli cities have come under the gun of these radicals. And, the radicals have been firing such weaponry into Israel on a more daily basis.

3) "In Lebanon, Hezbollah is growing stronger within government arms, but it has not lost its desire to harm Israel, and the ties with Turkey aren't at their best," Major General Eisenberg added. "

Now, the Major General drops a huge bomb in this discussion.

4) "... the senior IDF official revealed that new, more lethal arms surfaced in the hands of Gaza terror groups during the latest round of fighting in the area. As result of the disturbing development, Israeli civilians were instructed to adopt greater precautions, he said."

"We discovered a new weapon, and as result of this we instructed the public to hide under two roofs, rather than only one," he said. "

I am not sure what the general meant by this statement, unless he is urging Israeli citizens to double their preparedness against this new weapon. However, it intrigues me greatly that the general aimed his remarks about dramatically increasing their preparedness to the Israeli citizen.

Shouldn't Major General Eisenberg be aiming his remarks at the Israeli Defense Force? Wouldn't the true solution lie in Israel's militaryh preparedness?

From the beginning of the Intifadas lead by Yassir Arafat (early 1980's), Jewish citizens have always been worried about the Palestinians someday getting their hands on a new weapon which might annihilate Israel. But, always, the IDF and Israeli politicians assurred their people that such a development could never, ever happen.

Is this the kind of "WMD New Weapon" which could annihilate Israel? A couple of verses stand out to me.

"AND AT that time of the end Michael shall arise, the great angelic prince who defends and has charge of your [Daniel's] people. And there shall be a time of trouble, straitness, and distress such as never was since there was a nation till that time. " (Daniel 12:1; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

"And [when you, Gog, are no longer] they who dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth and shall set on fire and burn the battle gear, the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, the handspikes or riding whips and the spears; and they shall burn them as fuel for seven years, So that My people shall take no firewood out of the field or cut down any out of the forests, for they shall make their fires of the weapons." (Ezkiel 39:9-10a; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Does this latter quote mean that, at the time Russia attacks Israel, the Jewish people are reduced to depending upon firewood for daily cooking and heat? Will Israel suffer this kind of devastation? Remember that, while God promises that Israel will not be defeated and thrown out of her land once they are restored, He never promises that the restored Israel will be immune from devastating times.

For Israel, this is the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" and the "Seven-Year Tribulation" foretold in Daniel and Revelation. I believe it highly likely that Israel will suffer much devastation, but God will keep her from being destroyed as a nation.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as terrible trouble is coming.


II. Israel has lost a valuable ally, Turkey!

Now, Turkey truly is free to join the Russian-led invasion of Israel as foretold in Ezekiel 38 - 39.

NEWS BRIEF: "Turkey suspends Israel defense and trade ties", Aljazeera News, September 6, 2011

"Turkey is 'totally suspending' all trade, military and defence industry ties with Israel, the Turkish prime minister said. 'Trade ties, military ties, regarding defence industry ties, we are completely suspending them', Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said in Ankara on Tuesday."

This development is not surprising, given the reality that Prime Minister Erdogan is a radical, fundamental Muslim. When he won election in 2002, we posted an article predicting that, one day, he would maneuver Turkey away from her friendship and alliance with Israel. Please take a few moments to read this article, which we posted in November, 2002. It is NEWS1733 and is entitled, "Turkey Takes Abrupt Turn To Militant Islam In Elections just Concluded! Are We Witnessing Ezekiel 38-39 (Russian-led Invasion of Israel) Prophecy Being Fulfilled In Our Daily News?")

The slow, gradual process of separating Turkey from Israel has taken nine long years, but now we are at the point where the Turkish Prime Minister can defy the Turkish generals and sever "all trade, military and defence industry ties with Israel" -- totally.

Now, Israel has one more enemy in the region whose armed forces can be turned against her. Turkey can now join the Russian-led invasion foretold in Ezekiel 38-39!

III. Libya -- also in Regional Government #7 of the Club of Rome Plan -- shows dramatic signs that the war to oust Gaddafi is almost over.

NEWS BRIEF: "Loyalists enter Niger but no sign of Qaddafi", CBS News, September 6, 2011

"Armed loyalists of Muammar Qaddafi, including his security chief, fled into neighboring Niger in multiple convoys across hundreds of miles of desert on Tuesday. Libya's former rebels — now the country's de facto rulers — claimed the convoys were a major flight by Qaddafi's most hardcore backers from his final strongholds."

If this should be true, then the fight for Libya is all but over. But, can this news be true?

"The claims could not immediately be confirmed. Information on the size of the convoys and who was in them was scarce as they made their way across the vast swath of Sahara — over 1,000 miles — between any populated areas on the two sides of the border."

Niger's officials did confirm that some Libyan officials were aboard army vehicles which pulled into the capital, Niamey.

"But as the first group of a dozen vehicles pulled into Niger's capital Niamey on Tuesday, a customs official confirmed that it included Mansour Dao, Qaddafi's security chief and a key member of his inner circle, as well as around 12 other Qaddafi regime officials. The official, Harouna Ide, told The Associated Press that other Libyan convoys had passed through Agadez, a town about halfway between Niger's border with Libya and its capital in the far southwest."

Gaddafi was not in this vehicle convoy, as news reports indicated he had taken flight to Algers.

Soon, it seems, we shall hear the announcement that Gaddafi has been officially deposed and that the new Libyan transitional government was now excercising power.

As of today, this scripted Libyan war has been going on for 6 months, 22 days. February 15 was the day this conflict began.


IV. As the Texas wildfires roared out of control, you must look at a map of Texas to see that these fires and these droughts are in areas which are planned to be set off limits to human activity.

This United Nations Bio-Diversity Plan is also known as "re-wilding", i.e, returning nature back to her original wild state.

NEWS BRIEF: ""No containment" of Texas wildfire", CBS News, September 6, 2011

"BASTROP, Texas - Firefighters trying to control a wind-fueled wildfire that has destroyed nearly 600 homes in Central Texas were looking for a few overnight hours of diminished winds as thousands of evacuees spent the night away from their threatened homes. There's been no significant rainfall over central Texas for a year, said CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds, and today the consequences of that are being seen in Bastrop and other areas. "

The first indication that these droughts and the inevitable wildfires are being deliberately carried out is the words, "There's been no significant rainfall over central Texas for a year". This prolonged type of drought is unusual and can quickly add up to the "altering of climate". Remember what Defense Secretary William Cohen warned?

"Others (foreign scientists) are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." ("COHEN ADDRESS 4/28 AT CONFERENCE ON TERRORISM', Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, Sam Nunn Policy Forum, April 28, 1997 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.)

Former NBC Weather Anchorman, Scott Stevens, published in April, 2004, that scalar electromagnetic waves were being used to control the world's weather and the Russian scientists were the controllers. This magnificient DVD, "Russia's Secret Weapon", details how scalar waves are being used to control the weather and how they threaten the United States with military capacity we cannot hope to match.

See a map of Texas from the Texas University Map Site.

Now, examine this wildfire map to the U.N. Re-wilding map of Texas - NEWS2207, you will discover that the great majority of Texas is either Red or Yellow. The red area designates land set aside from any human habitation; in other words, no humans can live there.

The yellow designates "Buffer Zones" which are going to be so highly regulated that virtually no human will ever be allowed in the zone. And, those activities which will be tolerated in the Buffer Zone are temporary, like a truck delivering supplies having to pass through. However, no human settlements will ever be allowed in the yellow buffer zone.

Therefore, rainfall has been withheld long enough now that the climate is being altered and now wildfires are running rampant.

Did you know that a 1976 United Nations treaty exists which forbids governments from using "Weather Modification Techniques" to alter the climate? Read all about this exciting news by reading NEWS1694, published in 1998.

Humans are being forced off their land by these extreme climate change measures. Little by little, the Re-wilding Map of America is taken shape. One day, a master superman -- the Antichrist -- is going to captivate the hearts and minds of citizens in every land. He will issue an edict ordering the forced change to this Re-wilding map.

No one will be able to argue or to protest.

Antichrist will point to the many natural disasters in America as "proof" that Mother Gaia is being ruined by our current Industrial Civilization. We can save our planet only be moving into certain safe areas, those areas designated by the light blue on the map.

Doubt it not. Re-wilding is the reason for these many disasters in the United States of America -- from drought, to wildfires, to hurricanes, to tornados and to flooding. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction!


Heaven soon

Sep 13, 2011, 7:03:59 PM9/13/11
to Heavensoon
------ This Week's Hot News -------


I. As President Obama continues Bush's planned withdrawal from Iraq by December 31, Iraqi militants are "greasing the skids"!

Cleric al-Sadr has ordered his Mehdi Army to cease all attacks on American forces.

NEWS BRIEF: "Iraq's Sadr says to halt attacks on U.S. troops", Reuter's News, September 11, 2011

"Iraq's fiercely anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Sunday called on his followers to suspend attacks against U.S. troops to ensure they leave Iraq by a year-end deadline ... 'Because of my eagerness to accomplish the independence of Iraq and have the invader forces withdraw from our holy land, it has become imperative for me to stop military operations ... until the invader forces complete their withdrawal', Sadr said in a statement read out by his spokesman Salah al-Ubaidi."

In other words, Sadr does not want to give President Obama any excuse whatsoever to stall or to reverse the American withdrawal which is gaining steam and which will be complete by December 31, this year.

Remember that Sadr is thoroughly controlled by Shi'ite Iran; therefore, this statement of a unilateral cessation of attacks on American forces carries the support of Iran. After fighting American and Coalition Forces in Iraq for eight long years through proxy forces like the Mehdi Army, Iran feels she is very close to victory over the "Great Satan". Now is the time to lay low so the Americans can safely leave on schedule.

How badly do the Shi'ite forces want American forces to leave? they are offering to secure the roads they need to complete their physical withdrawal!

"Ubaidi said if the Iraqi government wanted, Sadrists were ready to secure the roads for U.S. troops as they depart Iraq."

Remember, also, that the civilian government of Iraq is controlled by Shi'ite Iran. Therefore, when American forces turn Camp Victory over to the official Iraqi Government, they are turning this HQ Camp over to Iranian control.

Once American fighting forces are completely withdrawn, what will Iran do to Iraq? She will turn her guns against the Sunni forces, thereby plunging Iraq into the "Mother" of all Civil Wars! She intends to carry out a genocide against all Sunni people.

President George W. Bush carried out the premise of "The Pentagon's New Map", in overthrowing the entrenched dictator, Saddam Hussein. But, he has now unleashed the forces of genocidal hatred between Shi'ite and Sunni, a force which Saddam kept under leash all the time he was in power.

II. Immediately after severing all ties with Israel, Turkey steps boldly on the Middle Eastern stage on behalf of her Islamic brethren!

Turkey is throwing her considerable military and diplomatic power behind Islamic militants all accross the region!

The key issue is the PKK, which is the militant arm of the Kurds of northern Iraq - everyone hates them - Turkey, Iran, Iraq.

NEWS BRIEF: "Turkey eyes intel cooperation with Iran, Iraq", Hurriyet News, September 12, 2011

"Turkey has increased its pressure on administrators in Iraq over the presence and activities of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, in the country with demands that they share intelligence and cut the group’s logistic channels. Turkey has also demanded human and technical intelligence from Iran on the PKK’s hideouts in the Kandil Mountains in light of Tehran’s recent incursions into the region."

Turkey is even considering an armed attack against Kurd positions in northern Iraq!

NEWS BRIEF: "Turkey May Launch Ground Strikes Against Kurdish Rebels in Iraq", Voice of America News, September 13, 2011

"Turkey says it is considering a cross-border ground offensive against Kurdish rebels operating in northern Iraq. Turkish Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin said Tuesday that discussions with Iraq are underway regarding a land operation against the rebels, saying an offensive could be launched at 'any time'.”

If Turkey launched its attack into northern Iraq against Kurdish positions, might that complicate or even stall the American withdrawal plans" It might, especially when you consider that American foreign policy has always been tilted toward the Kurds.

However, since everyone in the region hates the Kurds, American reaction might be muted, if the operation is limited in scope and in duration.

Turkey is even belligerently forcing herself into the Israel - Palestinian nationhood dispute.

NEWS BRIEF: "Turkish Leader Urges Vote for Palestinian Statehood", The New York Times, September 13, 2011

"Capitalizing on Turkey’s growing stature and influence across the Middle East at a time of regional upheaval, its prime minister ramped up the pressure on Israel and the United States on Tuesday, telling Arab League ministers they must vote for Palestinian statehood at the United Nations this month. 'Recognition of the Palestinian state is the only correct way', the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said in a speech to members of Arab League in Cairo on the second day of his so-called 'Arab Spring' tour.

" 'It is not a choice but an obligation'.”

This last sentence was so bold that it caught the attention of politicians everywhere.

"Mr. Erdogan’s support of Palestinian statehood was certainly no surprise. But the commanding tone of his message, coupled with his increasingly hostile attitude toward Israel — which once considered Turkey its close friend — underscored how Turkey has now cast itself as a leader in the region."

Yes, Turkey does see herself as an Islamic heavyweight in the region, and is now beginning to flex her muscles. In the process, Turkey is realigning herself from the Western Orbit to an Islamic Orbit. This next paragraph captures this move from the two alignments very well.

"His remarks also constituted a new challenge to both Israel and the United States, which has promised to oppose any move at the United Nations General Assembly to grant statehood to the Palestinians on Israeli-occupied lands ... 'Let’s raise the Palestinian flag and let that flag be the symbol of peace and justice in the Middle East' Mr. Erdogan said. 'Let’s contribute to the establishment of peace and stability in the Middle East that it deserves'.”

Turkey is thus contributing to the fulfillment of Isaiah 34:12, one of God's prophecies concerning the End of the Age annihilation of the Palestinian people!

Please take a moment to read this prophecy:

"They shall call its nobles to proclaim the kingdom, but nothing shall be there, and all its princes shall be no more."

This prophecy contains two elements, both of which are to be fulfilled sooner rather than later.

1) Palestinians "nobles" (leaders) shall proclaim that they have a kingdom but it shall prove to be an empty declaration, as there shall be nothing there. No real modern nation will arise from this declaration.

2) It leaders shall suddenly disappear!

In September, 2000, we posted our first article in which we stated our belief that today's Palestinians will be totally annihilated in fulfillment of Obadiah 15-18 - please take a few moments to read our treatise, NEWS2095.

Bill Salus picks up this theme in his DVD, "Isralestine" and expands upon it greatly, pointing out that Isaiah 34 adds much prophetic detail, as it certainly does. However, what Bill Salus does is to enlarge this smaller picture of the prophesied annihilation of the Palestinians to consider the larger picture, with Israel and Egypt and Syria and Iran and Turkey, and of course, Russia.

With this thought in mind, let us return to our featured news article for more information on how Turkey is stepping out on this much larger stage.

"Turkey accelerated its growing stature in the Arab world — and further upended the regional order — when it downgraded diplomatic relations with Israel and expelled its ambassador early this month ... Mr. Erdogan was already lionized across the region for his commitment to Islamist politics, pluralistic constitutional democracy and energetic economic development. In Egypt, aspiring Islamist politicians often try to sell themselves as 'the Egyptian Erdogan'.”

Prime Minister Erdogan also strongly opposed Israel, using words not seen in public from an Islamic leader. Listen:

"Mr. Erdogan seemed to present himself as a spokesman for the backlash against Israel unleashed by the revolts across the region. 'Israel is the West’s spoiled child', he said, 'to this day it has never executed a decision by the international community'.”

Even should this allegation be true, Israel cannot abide by decisions issued against her by the perennial anti-semitic United Nations! The Arab side of any issue has always been supported by the world body; if Israel began obeying the decisions of the International Community, she would be "drinking the waters of the Mediterranean" very soon.

The Turkish Prime Minister concluded his remarks by announcing he was planning to meet with both the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas leaders.

"I told Abbas to come with me so that we can all go together, Mahmoud Abbas, Erdogan and Ismail Haniya', Mr. Erdogan said. 'You know what he said? He said, yes I will come with you. I have hope and I am waiting for this visit'.”

Now, let us consider the issue of the empty Palestinian nation-hood declaration.


III. The Palestinian Authority plans to issue a declaration later this month that a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza is now a reality.

NEWS BRIEF: "Arabs to push for Palestinian statehood bid", Reuter's News, September 12, 2011

"Arab states will push for a fully-fledged Palestinian state at the United Nations next week, the Qatari prime minister said on Monday, despite a U.S. threat to block such a move ... The Palestinians decided to seek United Nations recognition of statehood after years of negotiations with Israel failed to deliver the independent state they want to establish in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem -- areas occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War."

At this point, I feel the need to remind our readers that Israel and the United States offered Palestinian President Yassir Arafat control over about 96% of the West Bank and he turned the offer down cold! Let us review this Barry Chamish news story, which we covered in NEWS1446, posted in late November, 2000.

"Deep, dark pessimism reigns supreme in the hearts and minds of the average Israeli citizen today. They have witnessed their Prime Minister attempt to make the most incredible concessions ever thought possible to the Palestinian leader, Yassir Arafat, at the Camp David summit in late July. These concessions shocked and frightened most of the Jewish population of Israel, as they offered to give Arafat unprecedented control over unprecedented blocks of land within Israel and even within parts of Jerusalem. Many thoughtful Israelis wondered aloud if such concessions might not threaten the very existence of modern Israel. However, instead of accepting the offer of concessions, Arafat arrogantly refused it, and demanded even more. Even as Israelis were debating as to whether these sweeping concessions should have been given in the first place, Arafat rejected them as inadequate; you see, he wants all of Israel, and all of Jerusalem! He wants all the Jews in Israel to "drink seawater", as he is consistently saying. In other words, Arafat wants nothing more, nor less, than the total annihilation of Israel. But, given this known fact, Jews within Israel were shocked when Arafat arrogantly rejected Prime Minister Barak's sweeping concessions!"

It is true, Mr. Erdogan, that Yassir Arafat arrogantly refused the offer from President Bill Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barack, demanding 100%, not the 96% he was offered. If the Palestinians were truly interested in peacefully living side-by-side with Israel, Arafat would have accepted this peace offer.

Instead, Arafat put the entire world on notice that the only peace he was willing to give the Israeli people is the "peace of the grave"!

Adolf Hitler would have been proud, for that was also his peace to the Jewish people.


IV. The Pentagon has confirmed: American soldiers are on the ground in Libya!

NEWS BRIEF: "U.S. Boots on the Ground in Libya, Pentagon Confirms", Fox News, september 12, 2011

"Despite repeated assurances from President Obama and military leaders that the U.S. would not send uniformed military personnel into Libya, four U.S. service members arrived on the ground in Tripoli over the weekend."

The State Department was adamant in rejecting any idea that these four military experts were an adavnce of any sort, preparing the way for larger numbers of troops in the future. 'State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland assured reporters Monday that the four individuals are not in Libya to fight. 'When the president made his commitment to 'no boots on ground' ... obviously that had to do with entering into the fray between the Qaddafi forces and the Libyan freedom fighters, and that's not what these guys are engaged in'," Nuland said. "

"Kirby also made clear these troops are in no way part of a military operation on the ground."

Perhaps this statement is true. We hope it is, but we realize the pressing need for Western powers to inject expertise into the Libyan Provisional Government. As we have stated earlier, Gaddafi was so efficient in physically eliminating his opponents that no one in Libya today had the expertise to rule in a manner in which peace and order prevailed, instead of anarchy.

Is it possible that these four "U.S. service members" were part of an advance team of experts who will assist the new Provisional government in ruling Libya? We can only wait to find out. Events will tell us the reason these four unidentified "service members" have landed in Libya.


V. During the Tampa GOP debate just concluded, candidate Mitt Romney was able to look very Presidential, and very Conservative.

The campaign to convince Evangelical Christians to support a Mormon for President is ratcheting upward!

NEWS BRIEF: "GOP debate: Low-key Romney weathers the storm", Los Angeles Times, September 13, 2011

"It’s easy to poke fun at Mitt Romney. He comes off as a little too stiff, a little too straight, his suit always crisp, his hair in place ... He rarely gets worked up, even when his rivals for the GOP nomination try to bait him. But slowly, surely, it’s possible that low-key style could be his greatest advantage."

"Romney, of course, has been around the track before. And he’s showing it, rarely falling off script or message, and this time around trying to keep to a more even keel on policy ... He sat back and watched Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty tear each other to pieces in Iowa, and then scooped up Pawlenty for his campaign after the dust settled."

"And when Rick Perry showed up and overnight looked like the man to beat, Romney methodically began to try and take him down using a well-worn line of attack over Social Security."

Texas Governor Rick Perry was pilloried by both Romney and Tea Party favorite, Michelle Bachmann. Suddenly, the focus fell off Mitt Romney and on to Rick Perry. Also very suddenly, Mitt Romney looked positively Conservative!

After the debate was finished, some people were wondering aloud if Romney received an unexpected boost from Conservatives!

NEWS BRIEF: "Making Romney better", by Maggie Haberman, Politico News, 9/13/2011

"JMart and Catanese report on the way forward for Mitt Romney, which became clear at last night's debate. Perry was sharply criticized by Michele Bachmann for his support of vaccinating girls against HPV ... he was hit by Rick Santorum for his opposition to a border fence and backing of Texas legislation to give the children of illegal immigrants in-state college tuition; and he was dinged by Ron Paul over whether taxes have gone up in Texas."

Why are these disparate subjects important to Conservatives?

"Taken together, few issues resonate as much with conservative base at the moment as culture, cronyism, American identity and fiscal purity. And Perry was forced on the defensive over each of them in Tampa."

At this point, the political acumen of the writers of Politico on this issue comes into sharp focus.

"That might be the Texan’s chief vulnerability and his main rival’s best hope: that the Republican undercard of Bachmann, Santorum and Paul remains in the race to bloody Perry so much on his right flank that Romney can consolidate enough of the GOP establishment to eke out a plurality victory."

Had you ever thought of this scenario? Had you ever thought that candidates Bachmann, Santorum and Paul might be in the race solely to make serious contenders to Romney look stupid or inept or closet Liberals? People who manage campaigns think in exactly these terms, which is why they seem to be playing chess while the average citizen is playing checkers!

"For Romney, the net plus of a fight with Perry - who, despite last night's weak performance, remains the current favorite for the nomination - is that it is helping him get stronger. Their contest could end up as the parallel to the Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama primary fight - a dragged-out process that made Obama a far better general election candidate."

In a move which will most certainly deliver Christian / Conservative support to Romney, former

Governor Tim Pawlenty announced he was no longer running for President and that he was joining Mitt Romney's campaign.

NEWS BRIEF: "Pawlenty Endorses Romney for President, Cites 'Unmatched' Business Experience", Fox News, September 12, 2011

"Ex-presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty on Monday endorsed Mitt Romney for the GOP presidential nomination, saying the former Massachusetts governor and businessman has what it takes to turn the country around. Pawlenty, speaking on Fox News, cited Romney's 'depth and scope' of experience in the private sector. 'I think he's going to be a transformational and great president for this country', he told Fox News, calling Romney's business resume 'unmatched'."

"... Pawlenty called Romney a 'man of principle', grounded by belief in 'the bedrock conservative

ideals of limited government and free enterprise."

Support along these lines is so typical from Romney supporters that it must be scripted. From Evangelical Christians to major Conservative politicians like Pawlenty, the tone of the message is getting to be very typical: they like Romney's business expertise, so they are going to support him. Nothing else matters, according to this line of thinking.

Evangelical Christian leaders like Bob Jones III, President of Bob Jones University, takes this line of thinking one horrible step further. They are arguing that Romney's business expertise is so needed at this time in American history, we should ignore the fact that he is a high-ranking Mormon and support him. As Bob Jones III said, "We are hiring him as Chief Executive Officer of this country, not Chief Theologian! Therefore, Jones argues that Christians should join him in supporting Romney for President.

Do you know enough about Mormonism and the Bible to refute this unbiblical line of reasoning? In this DVD, above, "Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert", we educate you as to how vile Mormonism truly is and then show you how the Bible forbids genuine Christians from having anything to do with a Mormon!

Returning to this featured article, we see that Pawlenty sounds another popular theme: ObamaCare

"Mitt Romney is 100 percent dedicated and committed to repealing Obamacare," Pawlenty said, citing Romney's pledge to grant the states waivers from the federal law. "

Governor Pawlenty is joining Romney's campaign team and he is getting help retiring campaign debt. The fact that Pawlenty is a member of the Minnesota Baptist Conference is going to sway a lot of voters -- just the kind of Evangelical christians we are attempting to warn in our DVD, "Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert"!

Oh, yes, and Pawlenty's senior pastor is "the president of the National Association of Evangelicals", so this declaration of support for Mitt Romney is going to carry a lot of weight within the Evangelical Christian Community. These tens of millions of Evangelical Christians need to be warned to two things: 1) How evil, unholy and pagan Mormonism is; 2) How the Bible forbids us to have anything to do with this kind of person! Absolutely forbids!!

This next article also goes to the heart of whether a genuine Christian could support a Mormon for any office, but most specifically, for the office of President of the United States.

NEWS BRIEF: "Romney, Huntsman woo Christian voters", Detroit Free Press, September 10, 2011

"Stan Craig, a Vietnam veteran and fundamentalist Baptist preacher, winces at the idea of a female president. Yet he hesitated when he was asked recently to make a hypothetical choice between U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the race for the Republican presidential nomination."

" 'I probably would cast my vote for Michele', Craig said."

The reasoning this Baptist pastor gave for refusing to support a Mormon is interesting. Listen:

"His thinking: Romney is Mormon. Mormons, in Craig's view, are not Christian. 'The devil wrote only one Bible', Craig said, 'and Joseph Smith found it under a rock."

Indeed, the manner in which Joseph Smith "wrote" the books of Mormon falls completely in line with the warning the Apostle Paul gave concerning being wary of false teachers and false bibles.

Paul's warnings are contained in two critically important verses:

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

"... there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:7-9)

Joseph Smith received "another Gospel" from two supernatural beings who looked like angels of light. His Jesus is not the Biblical Jesus; his marriage bonds are not the Biblical bonds; the Mormon father of this world came to earth to sexually rape a young Jewish virgin girl so that "Jesus" could be conceived!

The list of Mormonism's unholy and profane beliefs and practices is huge, but so few people understand what they are. Most people only know two things about Mormonism:

1) Some practice polygamy;

2) They have a fantastic choir

This complete lack of understanding about Mormonism is what makes Evangelical Christians so vulnerable to the propaganda campaign now gushing forth from the Romney campaign, telling us that Christianity and Mormonism are not that terribly different after all!

We address all these issues in our new DVD, "Mormonism's Temple of Doom", pictured above.

This is a "must-see" video! A true "Watchman on the Wall" DVD.


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