David Bay Sees Prophecy Hidden In Obama Nuclear Pact

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Heaven soon

Apr 12, 2010, 7:53:26 PM4/12/10
to Heavensoon

David Bay Sees Prophecy Hidden In Obama Nuclear Pact
President Obama seems as though he has etched his place in modern world history. He has negotiated a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia, a feat which escaped his predecessors. When Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, many said he was given the award because of what he was going to accomplish, not for what he had already accomplished. That caveat was necessary because everyone knew that he had not accomplished anything remotely deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize. But, now the President has overseeen negotiations with the Russians which supposedly will dramatically reduce the number of active warheads deployed by each side. Certainly, one would suppose, the fact that Obama was a Nobel Peace Laureate gave his efforts increased weight. Right? This scenario will probably be bantered around the world by the Mass Media. However, the reality is much different. The reason the Americans and the Russians have now suddenly reached agreement on the reduction of nuclear arms is very simple, and very pragmatic. Both nuclear warheads and the missile delivery systems are obsolete and needed to be scrapped anyway! Let me put this matter in another perspective: since current missile systems cannot deliver their warheads to enemy targets, they are obsolete and so worthless they are not even worth the money to keep them in working order.

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