Key Events

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Heaven soon

Sep 15, 2011, 4:50:22 PM9/15/11
to Heavensoon

Key Events

I. As the Palestinians prepare to go to the United Nations to gain an announcement of a Palestinian State, Jordan is reportedly "hanging by a thread"!

The Palestinians would have a much larger state than anyone had thought if they get the West Bank, The Gaza Strip and the country of Jordan as their new state!

NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli officials: Jordan hanging by a thread", YNET News, 9.14.11

"State officials warn of precarious state of Israel's eastern neighbor ... There is ... growing concern in Israel over the situation in Jordan. Senior Israeli officials define the Hashemite kingdom's situation as 'hanging by a thread'. The officials claim that 'the situation in Jordan is precarious' and it is possible that it is heading for a major jolt which should be taken with the utmost seriousness.

" The situation in the Middle East does not allow for irresponsible moves from the Palestinians, steps that will fail to bring security, peace and a Palestinian state, what they will bring is lack of stability."

What kind of Palestinian action is King Abdullah afraid? This next news story tells us what his concerns are.

NEWS BRIEF: "Jordan's Abdullah: Israel's situation today more difficult than ever", YNET News, 9.12.11

"Abdullah reiterated that his country would not serve as an 'alternative homeland to the Palestinians'. According to the Jordanian leader, 'Jordan is Jordan and Palestine is Palestine. We support all Palestinian rights and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state – our policy hasn’t changed. The subject of an alternative homeland must not be part of the discussion. It is unacceptable'."

History's ugly head is rising in the Middle East concerning the historical homeland of the Palestinians. The true Palestinian homeland are the Jordanian provinces of Edom and Moab, not the West Bank of Israel. If the Palestinians really want to reclaim their homeland, they will set their sights on Jordan. In fact, they already have done so.

Do you remember the Palestinian terrorist leader, Yassir Arafat? He decided to overthrow the Hashemite Kingdom called Jordan and ordered his Palestinian Liberation Force to defeat the Jordanian Army. The key battle is now called "Black September" in 1970. King Hussein's more modern army soundly defeated Arafat's forces and kicked him out of the country. Arafat fled to the West Bank where he began a struggle with Israel over the establishment of a Palestinian State.

Meanwhile, King Hussein of Jordan reasserted control over the Palestinians, even though they were the majority. The Hashemite Kingdom thus set up rulership over the Palestinian minority. Ever since then, Israeli right-wing has repeatedly urged the Israeli government and the United Nations to recognize the reality of history and grant the Palestinians their own natural homeland in the provinces of Edom and Moab in Jordan.

Of course, that line of reasoning has gone nowhere, as one can only expect. After the war of 1948 ended with Israel the victor, trapping about 400,000 Palestinians in the West Bank area, Arab leadership throughout the Middle East refused to allow these Palestinians to emigrate back to Jordan; they felt that the continued presence of this bitter enemy of Israel would serve as the proverbial "thorn under the saddle" against Israel. One day, the continued opposition of this bitter enemy of the Jew would result in the demise of the new nation, Israel.

The modern Jordanian government has always looked with horror on the idea that their control over Jordan might some day end because the majority population -- the Palestinians -- had taken control. If the Palestinian leadership has set their eyes upon both the West Bank and Jordan as the land which their Palestinian State would occupy, then they have taken on formidable enemies. Israel and Jordan would both be fighting against the Palestinian Authority.

Now can you see how Isaiah 34:12 can literally be fulfilled?

"They shall call its nobles to proclaim the kingdom, but nothing shall be there, and all its princes shall be no more." (Isaiah 34:12; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

After the United Nations General Assembly declares a Palestinian State, the combined opposition of Israel, Jordan and possibly the United States will result in this declaration being a totally empty proclamation! At this point, the first part of the prophecy will have been fulfilled, setting up the annihilation of the Palestinian people and her leaders as foretold in Obadiah 15-18 and in Isaiah 34.

When we watch the UN proclaiming a Palestinian State, we shall be watching the beginning of the death rattle of the entire people today known as the Palestinian.

II. The Palestinian Authority finally tells the world what they will accept in a new nation.

NEWS BRIEF: "PLO official: Palestinians, Israelis must be totally separated ", Haaretz News, September 14, 2011

"The future independent Palestinian state will not include a Jewish minority, a top Palestinian official told USA Today on Wednesday, adding that it was in the best interest of both peoples to 'be separated'. Maen Areikat, PLO Ambassador to the United States, made the comment just as the Palestinian Authority, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, was preparing to offer up Palestinian statehood to a vote in the United Nations General Assembly later this month. "

This ambassador then elaborated.

" 'After the experience of the last 44 years, of military occupation and all the conflict and friction, I think it will be in the best interest that the two peoples should be separated', Areikat added. "

I concur. The Palestinians have proven since 1948 to be unworthy neighbors. They have infiltrated suicide bombers on to civilian buses, into civilian restaurants and have invaded Jewish homes to kill entire families, including newly born babies in a crib! When Israel responded by building a physical fence to keep the suicide bombers from reaching the Jewish population, the Palestinians responded with rocket attacks!

At the same time, Palestinians school text books have constantly taught their youngsters to completely hate their Jewish neighbors and to want them dead.

Palestinian politicians have likewise kept up a barrage of anti-Israeli propaganda, threatening the Jewish state with annihilation.

Therefore, I agree that the Palestinian and Jewish populations should be physically separated: the Jews get their God-given homeland while the Palestinians get to move back to Jordan!


An American official -- and a member of the Council of Foreign Relations -- reacted to this comment harshly.

"Former U.S. National Security Council official Elliot Abrams responded to the Palestinian official's comment, saying to USA Today that the Palestinian demand was 'a despicable form of anti-Semitism', adding: 'No civilized country would act this way'."

At least, Abrams acknowledges that the Palestinians are not "civilized". Events since modern Israel was reborn in one day on May 14, 1948, have proven that the Palestinians are not a civilized people, and are hated throughout the region, even by other Arabs. In fact, the Pentagon reported this fact in a report to Congress in December, 1996. We researched this report in early, 1997, in NEWS1056 and NEWS1057, entitled "The Next Arab - Israeli War".

In NEWS1057, we quote this Jewish Press, as it reports the details of the Pentagon report to the Congress:

"... The Arab war plan does, indeed, call for the annihilation of the Jewish State, but there is another target. The Palestinian Arabs have been a hated thorn to most of the Arab world. While the Arab dictators used the Palestinian Arabs as a terrorist front to recover Arab pride for past battlefield defeats, they never allowed them to settle as citizens in their nations. They know that once these clever, hostile people have an operating state, they can and will cause havoc in the Arab world. They will constantly demand money, using the 'or else' blackmail, as in the past. Therefore, during this coming war, the two targets are both the Jews and the Palestinian Arabs."

Note the two very important statements:

1) "... the Arab dictators ... never allowed them to settle as citizens in their nations".

2) "They know that once these clever, hostile people have an operating state, they can and will cause havoc in the Arab world. "

Therefore, the Palestinian people are feared and hated by other Arabs. the last thing they want is for the Palestinians to get their own "operating state"! Is this one more reason why a UN proclamation will be an empty one, just as Isaiah 34:12 foretells?

And, when this new Palestinian state is destroyed, along with her leaders, from whom will the attack come? Will it be from Israel or the other Arab states as they act to prevent these "clever, hostile people" from threatening them from their new nation?


III. The 2012 presidential election seems to be fundamentally shifting, in both the Democrat and Republican camps!

Let us examine the campaign of President Obama first.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama 2012 & The Jews - the ground just shifted", The Jerusalem Post, September 14, 2011

"... for the past several elections, Democrats have taken the Jewish vote for granted. Behind the scenes, JStreet, the leftwing lobbying organization, has been overly influential on the Obama administration and has shaped and influenced its policy vis-à-vis Israel ... For the Obama administration however and their advisors on the Middle East, they are out of sync with the electorate. In fact, the Obama Administration has created more distance with Israel than any other President in history."

"But even with issues over Reverend Wright and a middle name, 'Hussein', in 2008, Obama won 78% of the Jewish vote (the same as Senator John Kerry) as opposed to Senator John McCain’s 22%."

I was aghast at the apparent blindness of Jewish voters to Barack Hussein Obama. After working for a Liberal Jewish businessman for over 15 years in the toy business, I could not believe that Liberal Jewish voters would turn a blind eye toward the one candidate whose name, whose life and whose political affiliations would make him the prime candidate to finally break America away from Israel - a move which might set Israel up for military defeat at the hands of hateful Arabs' thank God He is the ultimate protector of Israel!

I knew that the Jewish man for whom I worked would never, ever support Obama in 2008, specifically because of these reasons. But, true to form, Jewish voters cast their ballot for the Democrat candidate, even if his name was "Hussein" and even if his pastor was stubbornly anti-semitic.

However, Jewish voters in 2012 might be shifting in their thinking.

"1.) Prior to yesterday’s win in the Brooklyn-Queens district where Anthony Weiner had been the Democratic Representative to Congress, a Democratic polling firm (Public Policy Polling) found that 54% of all voters in the Weiner district—and 68% of Jewish voters—disapproved of Mr. Obama’s position on Israel. Additionally, 37% of all voters—and 58% of Jewish voters—said Mr. Obama’s Israel position was “very important” in deciding their vote."

"2. In the midst of the upcoming U.N. vote on Palestinian statehood, the Obama Administration has only recently publicly said they plan to veto it in the Security Council. Why the long wait in making a public statement and elongating the mystery? Meanwhile, he has sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton off in a last minute attempt to beg and cajole the PA not to go through with it. By not understanding that the PA is now one-half Hamas, due to their alliance, he’s dealing with a terrorist organization and one that does not and will not recognize Israel."

"3. And if that’s not enough, former Democratic President Jimmy Carter has come out in support of the PA’s effort to secure statehood in the U.N. How ironic that the man who equated Israel with Apartheid, is now supporting the first country since Nazi Germany to officially want to ban Jews."

"Republicans see Obama as vulnerable on Israel and it makes for an effective wedge issue. They will be sure to hammer it hard in the 2012 election. Weiner’s seat could simply be the canary in the coalmine."

If President Obama loses the support of the Jewish vote, he may be in electoral trouble.

Mitt Romney, meanwhile, is enjoying some relatively good news.

NEWS BRIEF: "Poll: Romney leads Perry in California", Miami Herald, 9-15-2011

"Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is maintaining his edge over a surging Texas Gov. Rick Perry among Republicans looking to California's June 2012 presidential primary ... Romney still holds an eight-point lead. 'Perry really hasn't taken it out of the hide of Romney, and that's good news for Romney', said Poll Director Mark DiCamillo. "

Rick Perry is making Mitt Romney seem more Conservative than he did before the Texas governor entered the race. Furthermore, once Christians digest Perry's strange "Dominionist" religious beliefs, they might decide that it would be better to vote for the Mormon after all!

This twist of events is not only probable, but is working out just like this. We created "Mormonism's Temple of Doom" DVD to expressly defeat the idea that a genuine Christian could support a Mormon for President, even showing Bible verses which forbid us to have anything whatsoever to do with a person holding to a false religion.

If you do not know how to answer a person who is trying to convince you to support a Mormon for President, this DVD will prove to be invaluable.

IV. Truth has scored a small but significant victory over the lies of David Barton!

We exposed Barton's twisting the truth into a pretzel lie in a segment of "Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" DVD, but this victory is over his support of the Mormon, Glenn Beck.

NEWS BRIEF: "Moody Network station drops David Barton's Wallbuiders Live Over Defense of Glenn Beck", World View Weekend, September 14, 2011

"The Moody Broadcast Network station in East Texas, KBJS-FM canceled David Barton's Wallbuilders Live radio show during the show yesterday while Barton was discussing Glenn Beck's religious beliefs. Randy Featherstone, KBJS manager, said the show was dropped due to Barton's failure to distinguish between Mormon theology and Christianity."

" 'When David Barton said it doesn't matter whether you are a Mormon or a Baptist or a Methodist, we felt we had to do something', Featherstone explained."

Moody is to be commended for this action! Few Christians in this world today know enough about Mormon theology to understand the monstrous lie which David Barton is propagating. Most people only know a couple of things about Mormonism: 1) Some practice polygamy; 2) They have a great choir.

Therefore, when a respected Evangelical person like David Barton steps forward to say that thee is no difference between a Mormon or a Baptist or a Methodist, we must complain! The difference is huge and startling. For example:

1) The Mormon Jesus is not eternal God, Who has pre-existed in eternity past and Who created this universe; rather, he is flesh-and-blood man.

2) The Mormon Jesus is a spiritual brother to Lucifer

3) The Mormon Jesus is identical, but opposite, to Lucifer

4) The Mormon God Who is the Father of Jesus is a flesh-and-blood man who came to earth to have physical sex with the Virgin Mary to conceive Jesus. Can you imagine any doctrine more unholy and insidious? With this act, the Mormon god deflowered a virgin who was devoutly devoted to Judaism, which strongly forbids this kind of sex outside marriage. But, the Mormon god also was unfaithful to Joseph, who was equally devoted to the Jewish faith.

And there is more and more and more! Former Mormon / Mason Bill Schnoebelen describes the intricacies of Mormonism so that we can all know how unchristian and unholy this religion truly is, in his DVD, "Mormonism's Temple of Doom"!

Evangelical leaders like David Barton, Governor Tim Pawlenty, and Bob Jones III of Bob Jones University are unleashing a campaign to genuine Christians, trying to persuade us that Mormonism is just another type of Christianity and, therefore, genuine Christians can support a Mormon for President. These type of men are showing their true spiritual colors when they attempt to lie to us about how "harmless" Mormonism is.


Heaven soon

Sep 19, 2011, 5:39:39 PM9/19/11
to Heavensoon

Key Events


I. The California legislature has now passed a bill which the public school system is now empowered to force children as young as 12 years of age to accept vaccination for Sexually Transmitted Diseases!

Parents, wake up! It is high time to get your children out of Public Schools!

NEWS BRIEF: "A Parent's Horrid Nightmare: Coming Soon to YOUR State?"., September 16 2011

"The state of California has just passed bill AB499, which will permit minor children as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated with sexually transmitted disease vaccines like Gardasil without parental knowledge or parental consent. This means that if you live in California, school or medical personnel would be allowed to vaccinate your child against an STD without your ever knowing it."

What a nightmare!!

A few decades ago, parents were protesting that public schools were teaching sex education to children as young as 12 years of age,. without parental approval. Now, the state of California has passed a bill which will empower educators to give vaccinations to their 12-year-old girls without parental consent or knowledge! However, come to think about it, I suppose this action is needed to stem the dramatic increase in STD's which have occurred because schools are teaching sex education to youngsters as young as 12!

In fact, American public schools have reached this point only after "The Kinsey Syndrome" has percolated through society since he released his studies in 1948 and in 1953. These publications created an immediate uproar because they discussed subjects openly which had heretofore been taboo and because it was revealed that Kinsey had collaborated with child molesters to obtain his data. His studies also challenged traditional Judeo-christian sexual values, and set in motion a morality change that created the "sex and drug" era when hippies boldly flaunted both their sexual activities and their drug use.

Now, this Kinsey syndrome has produced a dramatic change in California public schools, where 12-year-old children can be vaccinated without parental knowledge or consent.

Do parents have any options?

"As Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has stated, informed consent is a human right. 'The right to voluntary, informed consent to a medical intervention, including use of a pharmaceutical product such as a vaccine that can injure or kill you or your child, is a human right. While the State may have the legal authority to mandate use of vaccines, nobody has the moral authority to FORCE you to get vaccinated or vaccinate your child without your voluntary, informed consent', she says."

Californians need to act now, before the governor signs this bill into law. It has long been said that, "as California goes, so goes the nation"!

However, Christian parents should simply "bite the bullet" and yank their precious children out of Public Schools, for the following reasons:

1) Public Schools have textbooks now that have been systematically "dumbed down" since World War II.

2) These textbooks no longer teach a child academically; but, history, social studies and even English textbooks do a really good job in indoctrinating our children so that, one day, they will be good, obedient New World Order citizens. Public School Education creates a mental box in each child within which they are expected to act and believe for the rest of their lives. Please take a moment to read our archived Headline News article, NEWS1558, entitled, "BREAKING OUT OF THE MENTAL BOX -- LEARNING TO THINK IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF PROPAGANDA TO FIND THE TRUTH "

3) Public Schools have not physically disciplined student for over 30 years now. As a result, the children run the school system and officials have had to call in the police to crack heads to try to maintain order.

4) Public Schools are hotbeds of sexual activity, as many students mate like animals. Biblical values are forbidden to be taught and are laughed out of the classroom.

The time is late, but we must act to protect our precious children. Private schools and home schooling are viable options for Christian parents. Take action now!


II. The Obama Administration continues to old Bush doctrine of unilateral assassinations of any "terrorist" suspect anywhere in the world at any time.

Since the attacks of 9/11, we have been warning that this unilateral assassination policy will one day be turned against American citizens whom the government will one day call "terrorist".

NEWS BRIEF: "U.S. defends unilateral capture or kill doctrine", Miami Herald, 9.17.11

"WASHINGTON -- The U.S. will keep targeting al-Qaida anywhere in the world, including in countries unable or unwilling to do it themselves, the top U.S. counter terror official said Friday. White House counter terror chief John Brennan laid out what could be called the Osama bin Laden raid doctrine, in remarks at Harvard Law School. He says under international law, the U.S. can protect itself with pre-emptive action against suspects the U.S. believes present an imminent threat, wherever they are."

Average American citizens should be very upset and concerned over this defense of murdering "terrorist suspects" for three reasons:

1) Like the Phoenix assassination program in the Vietnam War, many of these murdered suspects are probably innocent.

2) One day, this program is going to be turned inward, against American citizens. We have always been the ultimate target -- not the supposed terrorists who bombed us on 9/11. You see, we are the final target because the Constitution which provides us with our freedoms and rights and liberties is the final target; once the Constitution is destroyed, then the planned "Absolute Dictatorship" can be brutally imposed.

3) These assassinations further anger average Arab citizens in the countries in which they are carried out, thus further destabilizing the entire region. The governments which allow these strikes are also weakened, thus preparing them for the fall which will allow Regional Government #7 to be established.

Now, let us return to this featured article:

"That amounts to a legal defense of the unilateral Navy SEAL raid into Pakistan that killed al-Qaida mastermind bin Laden in May, angering Pakistan. It also explains the thinking behind other covert counterterrorist action, like the CIA’s armed drone campaign that only this week killed a top al-Qaida operative in Pakistan’s tribal areas. The Obama administration has quadrupled drone strikes against al-Qaida targets since taking office. The Obama administration has more recently expanded drone strikes and the occasional special-operations raid into areas like Somalia, where the weak government may be willing to fight al-Qaida but lacks the resources."

Many people find it incredible that Barack Obama would continue this assassination / drone attack policy which he vigorously attacked during the 2008 election. He promised his followers that he would stop the drone attacks; however, he immediately betrayed his followers on this issue as soon as he entered the White House. Why would Obama so blatantly go against his promise?

He is not so much a Democrat as he is an Illuminati. Since this assassination program has always been a part of the Illuminati Plan -- as our DVD above proves -- Obama had no trouble violating his campaign promise. This incident further proves our basic contention that there is no real difference between Republican and Democrat, as the leaders of both parties are equally committed to the New World Order.

III. Europe continues to be wracked with economic troubles as she attempts to finally bring all E.U. countries into submission to E.U. policies.

NEWS BRIEF: "EU debt crisis being used to consolidate political control", Activist Post, Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Fear is being laid on thick as another "crisis" is being used in an attempt to consolidate political power. This time-honored tactic looks like it is now getting the final push in Europe as financial leaders and presidents alike call for a United States of Europe to avert collapse. The message is clear coming from the establishment: form a more centrally-controlled political and economic union or you will suffer."

For nearly 250 years, the Illuminati has firmly followed the premise that "Conflict brings about change and controlled conflict brings about controlled change". This premise has been called the "Dialectic Struggle".

The premise is that, in order to bring about the change you desire, you simply have to create a severe crisis. Once the people are frightened by this contrived "crisis", they will allow the change to be made which the Illuminati wanted from the beginning. Following this doctrine, the Global Elite has now initiated a global and a regional series of economic crises, out of which can come the desired economic changes, i.e., a Regional and a Global Economy in which nations surrender their sovereignty.

Let us return to our featured article:

"It's become obvious that this has been the plan all along. 'If you have a currency union, you certainly also need more elements of a political and of an economic union. That was clear from the outset when we started this project some 10, 15 years ago', said the Luxembourg finance minister Frieden. However, many nations have not been so quick to give up their sovereignty and economic independence. Therefore, a good crisis is needed, followed by a coordinated chorus of experts to sway public opinion and policy."

Therefore, the European debt crisis has been created so that the Illuminati can finally have their European Union, Supernation #2 in the Club of Rome plan. Remember, this plan for a supernation involves both economics and political control. And, as this paragraph, above, indicates, this was the plan of 15 years ago. However, the overall plan for a European supernation goes back to the days of Adolf Hitler, when he tried to unite Europe militarily so that it could be a supernation in his New World Order.

"So, the perpetrators of the so-called crisis are speaking in one voice to avoid disaster; Give us more control over taxation and policy and we'll maintain the misery at current levels. Even though the financial crisis was manufactured specifically for this power grab, the threat of collapse remains very real as the banks can turn out the lights anytime they want. If threats fail to bring all dissenting nations into the fold, they'll simply make good on their promise to tighten the debt/austerity screws until the tortured submit to their demands."

These principles of a contrived crisis are also being followed in the current recession in the United States. Our leaders wanted to overthrow Capitalism so they could institute Fascism. Starting in September, 2008, they initiated what many thought was imminent disaster; however, their "bailout" monies created a Fascist economy, just as the Plan foresaw.

Now, the crisis has to be continued at a lower crisis level until all aspects of this transition to a Fascist economy can be implemented.

IV. In a switch in tactics, the Palestinians have decided to take their unilateral statehood proposal to the U.N. Security Council, not the General Assembly!

Has President Obama privately assured them that he will not cast an American veto?

NEWS BRIEF: "Erdogan to Abbas: The time has come to wave the Palestinian flag at UN ", The New York Times, September 17, 2011

"The Palestinian decision to apply for full United Nations membership at the Security Council, announced Friday by President Mahmoud Abbas, was the most viable of the only options possible: surrender, return to violence or appeal to the international community, a senior Palestinian official said Saturday ... The official, Nabil Shaath ... said that the appeal would change the ground rules of the conflict, and that although the Obama administration had vowed to veto the request and Israel had threatened punitive countermeasures, the Arab uprisings should make them reconsider."

I cannot imagine why the Palestinians would decide not to take their demand for statehood to the Security Council, not the General Assembly. In the Assembly, they would be guaranteed a pro-Palestinian majority and they would not face a veto from the Americans. The only way in which this change in tactics makes any sense whatsoever is that they have been privately assured that President Obama would not cast a veto.

Going to the Security Council also puts each of its members under real scrutiny. Pro-Palestinian supporters throughout the world would clearly see which Security Council member had voted to deny the Palestinians their nation.

Remember, this prophecy is now being fulfilled, in our Daily News.

"They shall call its nobles to proclaim the kingdom, but nothing shall be there, and all its princes shall be no more." (Isaiah 34:12; Parallel Bible, KJV/amplified Bible Commentary)

The Palestinians may very well win their bid at the United Nations to be declared a nation, but nothing shall ever come of it. And, soon after people realize that a Palestinian Nation will never occur, war will erupt which shall fulfill the third part of this prophecy -- "all its princes shall be no more."

Please take a few moments to read our Archived Headline News article which describe this final result perfectly:



Heaven soon

Sep 22, 2011, 4:09:44 PM9/22/11
to Heavensoon

Key Events

I. Now that the "Arab Spring Revolt" is five months old, it is clear that selected governments have been weakened, just as we predicted.

Strong, Entrenched Dictators which have fallen have been replaced by very weak governments, which will not present any kind of obstacle to surrendering soverignty to Regional Government #7!

NEWS BRIEF: "The first scene of a five-act play: the Arab Spring as it stands today", Washington Times, September 22, 2011

"The Arab Spring has ravaged the Arab states and shaken Iran..."

Deposing entrenched dictators is the #1 priority of the so-called "arab Spring Revolt". Dictators from Tunisia, Egypt and now Libya are gone, and dictators from Syria, Yemen and Somalia are under severe pressure to resign.

Dictators in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are not resisting being incorporated in Regional Government #7 as long as the money keeps flowing. Therefore, this regional government is preparing to take shape, awaiting only the last of the recalcitrant dictators to either leave or surrender their opposition to joining this regional government.

Now, let us return to our featured story, for a very surprising remark from Henry Kissinger, possibly the greatest single Illuminati alive today.

"From the very beginning, when Ben Ali fell and Mubarak fell, I believed that we were only in the beginning stage of what would be a long and drawn-out process – 'The first scene of a five-act play' according to Henry Kissinger."


Thank you, Mr. Kissinger, for correctly labeling this "Arab Spring Revolt" as a "five-act play". Since all plays are thoroughly scripted ahead of time, we know that this "revolt" in Northern Africa and the Middle East (Regional Government #7 ) is as scripted as we have stated from the beginning! Listen to how completely scripted all major events are:

"When, we come into our kingdom our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it at the end under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect then that ALL THESE PEOPLES WERE STAGE-MANAGED BY US ACCORDING TO A POLITICAL PLAN WHICH NO ONE HAS SO MUCH AS GUESSED AT IN THE COURSE OF MANY CENTURIES?" (Protocol #13, Paragraphs 5 and 6)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were written about out 200 years ago. Listen to a New Age author, writing in 1981.

"Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions ... The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors ... have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come." [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 252]

But do not worry, for God is so completely in control that He is forcing these ungodly men to create a plan which will fulfill all His prophecies precisely!

"16And the ten horns that you saw ... God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:16-17; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Amen! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

II. Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stripped of his legal immunity for torture crimes he committed while in office!

Is it possible that Justice will finally be done against one of the most horrid examples of Illuminati leadership ever in office?

NEWS BRIEF: "Donald Rumsfeld Stripped Of Immunity In Torture Case ", Neon Tommy Digital News, September 20, 2011

"Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was stripped of immunity in a case involving the torture of two United States citizens. Two FBI informants, Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel, were detained and tortured by United States military personnel in Iraq in 2006. They filed suit against Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for violations of their constitutional rights ... Rumsfeld and the United States government moved to dismiss the charges, and were denied. The plaintiffs relayed 'in sufficient detail facts supporting Secretary Rumsfeld’s personal responsibility for the alleged torture'.”

We can only wait to see how this case proceeds and to see if one of the very top echelon of the Global Elite will ever be held responsible for the torturing of American citizens. Can these men prove that the trail of control over torture reached as high as the Pentagon? When the Abu Grieb trials began, the general controlling the prison facility boldly stated that the trail of control led all the way to the White House and the Pentagon!

We reported in our Newsletter of August 7, 2004:

NEWS BRIEF: "White House linked to abuse 'cover-up': Abu Ghraib chief says conspiracy may have gone right to top", The Scotsman, 3 Aug 2004

"ABUSE of Iraq prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad was hidden from the US general in charge, in a high-level conspiracy which may have involved the White House, the jail chief said today. Brigadier General Janice Karpinsky, who oversaw all the military prisons, rejected claims that she had personally witnessed beatings. And, speaking as one of the soldiers at the centre of the scandal prepared to face a military court, she said the cover-up could reach as high as the White House or the Pentagon."

General Karpinsky might be called upon as an expert witness to prove that Donald Rumsfeld is responsible for ordering these tortures.

Remember, the outcome of this litigation is supremely important to us average citizens, for the ultimate plan of the Illuminati is to torture dissident prisoners as a matter of course once the Constitution is overthrown and the New World Order established.

III. President Obama made quite a spectacle of himself yesterday at the United Nations!

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama: U.N. can’t impose Mideast peace", By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times, September 21, 2011

"Struggling to head off a divisive showdown on Palestinian statehood at the U.N. later this week, President Obama on Wednesday told the world body there can be “no shortcut” to peace in the Middle East and called on other countries to insist both sides negotiate a solution rather than have it imposed by the international community."

"The target of the plea was Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who on Friday is scheduled to ask the U.N. Security Council to declare a Palestinian state. Mr. Abbas faced furious lobbying by the U.S. and other countries, who were begging him not to push the issue at a delicate time for the region."

The problem with "negotiating" any kind of a settlement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is that Israel wants an agreement which will allow her to survive as a nation, while the Palestinians simply want to annihilate all Jews and will use any kind of "negotiated settlement" as the means by which they can accomplish their mission.

If any of you doubt that this is the Palestinian goal, please examine this Palestinian United Nations badge.

"The logo of 'the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations'– on their website and on top of their official statements at the U.N. – shows the Palestinian Authority’s claim to a Palestine that stretches throughout the entire historical entity of the former Palestine mandate. Absent from the logo is any hint that Palestine consists of anything other than Arab territory. No nod is given even to the U.N.’s 1948 decision to divide the region into Jewish and Arab sectors. As for the shape of Israel by the time it was forced into waging the defensive Six Day war in 1967: irrelevant. The logo illustrates that the Palestinian bid before the U.N. for support of a unilateral declaration of statehood is disingenuous and dangerous.

"There is not too much left to the imagination here: Israel is 'wiped off the map'.” ("Palestine Logo Suggests Elimination of Israel", The Weekly Standard, September 21, 2011)

Now can you see how useless it is for President Obama and other leaders to try to insist that Israel and the Palestinians "negotiate" a settlement? The Palestinians want their own country, all right, but they want it at the complete annihilation of Israel!

Do not be deceived: God is watching and taking names.

"I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. " (Joel 3:2; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

"In that day, says the Lord, I will smite every horse [of the armies that contend against Jerusalem] with terror and panic and his rider with madness; and I will open My eyes and regard with favor the house of Judah and will smite every horse of the opposing nations with blindness ... I will make it My aim to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." (Zechariah 12:4, 9)

But, Israel is prophesied to come close to being defeated:

"AND AT that time [of the end] Michael shall arise, the great [angelic] prince who defends and has charge of your [Daniel's] people. And there shall be a time of trouble, straitness, and distress such as never was since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the Book of God's plan for His own." (Daniel 12:1; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Again, I can only say, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus"!


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