[Heaven] Key News Events

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Heaven soon

Apr 26, 2010, 10:42:41 PM4/26/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events

I. The only way in which a Palestinian State is going to be declared is if a stronger outside nation or group of nations forces a settlement upon both Israel and the Palestinian leadership.

Interestingly, this turn of events would fulfill Bible prophecy precisely!

NEWS BRIEF: "Israel-Palestine conflict: Imposing solutions", Editorial, The Guardian, Monday 26 April 2010

"... what will the proximity talks be about if they go ahead this week? It will not be the first time that Mr Netanyahu has miscalculated US politics, but he could be thinking that if only he strings this out to November when he hopes the Republicans will gain control of the House of Representatives, then the pressure will be off him. He will have defanged the Democratic president. Mr Obama could just as easily think that the harder he pushes, the greater the chance of forcing Ehud Barak to leave the coalition. Mr Barak has said it is in Israel's interest to build a Palestinian state."

"Either way Mr Obama could be clearing away any last hope in the viability of the peace process, before coming up with his own plan. That would be based on the guidelines for a permanent status agreement which were offered by Bill Clinton in 2000, known as the Clinton Parameters. It would then be endorsed by the EU, UN and Russia, who would then have to implement it. Having declared the solution of the conflict vital to US interests, Mr Obama can hardly walk away. Mr Netanyahu would kick and scream against an imposed plan, but that is the consequence of rejecting lesser demands now."

This scenario of the Quartet of Nations imposing a settlement upon reluctant Israel and the Palestinians would fulfill two (2) important Bible prophecies:

1) "They shall call its nobles to proclaim the kingdom, but nothing shall be there, and all its princes shall be no more." (Isaiah 34:12; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

The word, "they" refers to the princes of Edom, who are the Palestinians today. Therefore, all that Scripture requires is that a Palestinian State be "proclaimed" by her leaders. This new Palestinian state does not have to actually take shape and begin functioning before the state and its leaders "shall be no more", i.e., shall vanish away.

2) "Then I lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, four horns ... And I said to the angel who talked with me, What are these? And he answered me, These are the horns or powers which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem." (Zechariah 1:18-19; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

In a groundbreaking discovery, David Brennan of "The Israel Omen" demonstrates that the "four horns" are the Quartet of Nations -- United States, Great Britain, the European Union, and Russia. And, what is their stated aim, stated from the beginning of their existence?

To divide Israel and to scatter Judah, Israel and Jerusalem! I consider this prophetic understanding to be vital in our understanding of events as they are unfolding in front of our eyes, in the Daily News. We decided to carry "The Israel Omen" because it reveals several startling prophecies which no one else has discovered!

This book is a must-read for all Christians who love Israel.


II. Will the true nature of the West's threat over Iran's supposed nuclear weapons program please reveal itself?

Several days ago, Vice President Biden stated that Israel had pledged to the White House that she would not attack Iran in 2010.

But, over the weekend, the United States threatens Iran with "all available options" -- a threat which includes the use of nuclear weapons against Iran's facilities.

Let us begin with the earliest news, that Israel would not strike Iran this year.

NEWS BRIEF: "Israel pledged to Obama: No 2010 attack on Iran", World Tribune, April 23, 2010

"WASHINGTON — Israel was said to have pledged not to conduct an air strike against Iran in 2010. Officials said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu relayed this pledge during meetings with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden in March and April 2010. They said the prime minister agreed to wait until the imposition and evaluation of U.S.-led sanctions on the Teheran regime.

" 'They've agreed the next step is the step we — the president of the United States — have initiated in conjunction with European powers, the NATO powers', Biden said. "

" 'Military force [against Iran] is an option of last resort', U.S. Defense Undersecretary Michele Flournoy said. 'It's off the table in the near term'."

But, then, just three days later, Washington is threatening Iran by using the words "all options", which means conventional and nuclear weapons.

NEWS BRIEF: "US threatens Iran with all options", Press TV, 26 April 2010

"Washington says 'all options are on the table' in dealing with Tehran, in a veiled threat, which refers to a new US nuclear policy ... Washington officials, notably those in the White House, are driven by the notion that Iran is attempting to build nuclear weapons. Tehran has rejected the claims, saying that its uranium enrichment is intended solely for peaceful civilian applications such as the production of electricity and radio medicines."

Cutting Edge has long maintained that this entire wars of threatening words against Iran -- which started in Summer, 2003 -- is nothing more than a major fulfillment of the "Rumors of Wars" prophecy from Jesus. Since Iran is Ancient Persia, she is protected by Ezekiel 38-39 and the reputation of the Russian military is equally protected by the same prophecy.

You can take this statement to the bank: There will be NO devastating attack on Iran before the Russian-led invasion of Ezekiel 38-39!

DVD Combo

III. Nuclear war fearmongering from North Korea has again raised its ugly head!

NEWS BRIEF: "Sec/State Clinton warns N. Korea against provocations leading to conflict", YONHAP News Agency, 4/24/2010

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Friday warned North Korea against any provocations or miscalculation that could lead to conflict on the Korean Peninsula amid rising tensions after the sinking of a South Korean warship last month. 'I hope that there is no talk of war, there is no action or miscalculation that could provoke a response that might lead to conflict', Clinton said at a NATO foreign ministers' meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, according to a transcript released by the State Department."

"In a news conference, she was responding to a question about North Korea's seizing of South Korean assets in a mountain resort in North Korea and threats of a war that cited South Korea's efforts to link the sinking to North Korea ... Clinton called on North Korea to return to the six-party talks to discuss its denuclearization. North Korea said recently that the Obama administration's new nuclear policy has chilled the atmosphere for the resumption of the six-nation negotiations, threatening to bolster its nuclear weapons and modernize them as a deterrent."

"The U.S. earlier this month officially renounced for the first time the use of nuclear weapons against nonnuclear weapons states that are in compliance with international nonproliferation obligations, but leaves open a nuclear strike on North Korea and Iran."

The Illuminati Plan does envision a major role for North Korea to play during the planned World War III, a global conflict designed to produce the Masonic Christ (Antichrist) on the world scene. Listen to the wording of this Plan:

"A hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival." [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223]

Therefore, as we look for signs that the start of World War III might be closer rather than later, we can carefully consider the wording of this part of the Illuminati Plan. This major -- and very frightening -- nuclear confrontation with North Korea against the rest of the world is to occur "towards the end of the period".

We are here as these news stories indicate: "towards the end of the period".


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Heaven soon

Apr 29, 2010, 2:21:45 PM4/29/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events

I. As Israel's "Conservative" Likud Party goes to the polls today, one of its key leaders warns that Prime Minister Netanyahu will, indeed, divide Jerusalem!

Just as "The Israel Omen" warns, God's Protective Omen which He placed over the Abrahamic people in the book of Genesis returned to modern Israel in May, 1948. Destructive events have already overtaken nations who have attempted to divide Israel's land, so the Quartet of Nations, which includes the United States, are doomed to suffer Divine Judgment.

NEWS BRIEF: "Likud's Feiglin: 'The story is Jerusalem' - PM will divide Jerusalem", The Jerusalem Post, April 29, 2010

"On the day of an election to change the Likud's constitution ... Moshe Feiglin, head of the Jewish Leadership faction within the Likud, accused Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of planning a second disengagement..."

However, unlike PM Sharon's disengagement from The Gaza Strip, the current PM, Netanyahu, has a much bigger disengagement in mind -- Jerusalem!

"Feiglin was particularly concerned that pushing off Likud internal elections would give Netanyahu unlimited power to disengage from Jerusalem without approval from the Likud. 'If, G-d forbid, his proposal will pass', Feiglin said, 'there is nothing to stop Netanyahu from doing what Sharon did, only not in Gush Katif, but in Jerusalem'.”

This is shocking news to most people, but Cutting Edge readers and subscribers have known since August, 1991, that the Illuminati does, indeed, plan to split Jerusalem and make the city and the Temple Mount an international domain! Please take a few moments to read our articles:

NEWS1052 - "House of Theosophy Meeting Notes - August 18, 1991"

Quoting pertinent excerpts:

"New Jerusalem Covenant Project - "Sometime between 1985-2010, the following scenario will unfold, depending only on the right set of circumstances: Moslem and Jewish areas in Jerusalem will be combined with Christian to create the New Jerusalem Covenant ... Then, and only then, will it be possible to build a combination Temple/Church/Mosque in Jerusalem."

"Bill Lambert refused to say that this combination church building would be built on the Temple Mount, as I directly questioned him. But, note that the specific part of the New World Order Plan, called the New Jerusalem Covenant Project, envisions the establishment of a combination religious Jerusalem -- Islam, Christianity, Judaism."

Jerusalem is to be turned over to International Control and adherents of all three Monotheistic religions will be given a "Combination Religious Jerusalem"!

That is the Plan. The Likud leader who is sounding the alarm that Netanyahu is going to divide Jerusalem is entirely correct.


II. Has the tough new immigration law turned the state of Arizona into a Police State?

NEWS BRIEF: "New immigration law turns Arizona into police state", The New York Daily News, April 29, 2010

"Guilty until proven innocent. Or more to the point: illegal until proven innocent."

"That's what the racist immigration law signed by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer last Friday does to the people of that state. Now, anyone can be stopped by the police at any time and for no reason other than the color of their skin. They can be questioned about their immigration status and forced to carry papers 24 hours a day."

If forcing citizens to carry papers proving their legal states 24 hours a day sounds like a Communist dictatorship, that is exactly what Arizona has become for Hispanic citizens. They must prove they are in the state legally; in other words, police will now consider them illegal until they prove that they are legal residents, with all the proper papers.

"It 'sounds a lot like the old 'driving while black' law', Smith correctly pointed out, referring to a time when African-American drivers were allegedly stopped by New Jersey State Police in inordinate numbers. It seems that in Arizona - rapidly making a name for itself as the Alabama of the West - brown is the new black."

Obviously, in Arizona some are willing to go as far as ignoring the Constitution, trampling human rights and becoming a police state. The new law forces the local police to question people about their immigration status if they suspect they are in the U.S. illegally. That's the same as saying if you 'look foreign," you can be asked for "your papers, please'.You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that SB1070 makes racial profiling and discrimination the law of the land in the state of the former maverick, John McCain."

What is going on in Arizona? Have local and state leaders suddenly "gone bonkers" over the immigration status if Hispanic workers? This new law has certainly thrown the entire debate of how to solve the illegal immigration problem for the entire country into a state of utter Chaos.


In my opinion, Illuminati leaders are exercising their old tried and true formula:

"Order out of Chaos".

Americans have argued how to solve the tremendous problem of illegal Hispanic workers in this country for decades now, to no avail. All sorts of proposals have been floated, but nothing concrete has ever been proposed. Proposed solutions have ranged from throwing them all back into Mexico to granting everyone absolute immunity and American citizenship.

I believe that the most likely "solution" proposed to solve this chaotic law in Arizona is to finish the formation of the North American Union and then make everyone a North American citizen! The North American Union is the goal, the coveted secret agenda of the Global Elite.

This Arizona law will likely prove to be the catalyst to finally force the North American Union.

Behold A Pale Horse

III. Pakistan is urgently attempting to reach a peace accord with her old enemy, India!

Such an agreement will allow Pakistan to shift 100,000 troops from the India border to the areas where she is locked in desperate battle with Pakistani radical insurgents -- the force loosely called 'al-Qaeda" by the Western press.

NEWS BRIEF: "India, Pakistan leaders meet, seek diplomatic thaw", Reuter's News, April 29, 2010

"The prime ministers of India and Pakistan had "very good talks" Thursday and have asked their officials to take steps as soon as possible to normalize relations, India's top diplomat said. The meeting signaled some improvement in ties between the two rivals that have been in a diplomatic freeze since the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Stability between the two nuclear powers is seen as key to helping U.S. led efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan."

Indeed, the United States looks upon the pro-Western government of Pakistan as a key partner in successfully prosecuting the Afghan War.

Toward this end, the next article demonstrates the importance of Pakistan being at peace with India.

NEWS BRIEF: ""Pentagon sees Pakistan troop shift of 100,000 soldiers, downplays Afghan war impact", Reuter's News, April 29, 2010

"Pakistan has shifted 100,000 of its troops from its Indian frontier to spearhead an unprecedented crackdown on militants along the Afghan border, but the offensives are unlikely to have an immediate impact on the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, the Pentagon said. In a report to Congress released on Wednesday, the Pentagon estimated that about 140,000 Pakistani troops were taking part in offensives against militants in the semi-autonomous tribal regions, known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, or FATA, and the Northwest Frontier Province, near Afghanistan."

"The Pentagon, which had long pressed the Pakistanis to take on Taliban and al Qaeda leaders on their territory, said the recent military deployments were the biggest in the country's history on the western border. To carry it out, Pakistan has shifted more than 100,000 troops from the eastern border with India..."

We shall have to wait to see if this dramatic redeployment of troops will result in the defeat of Pakistani Islamic radicals and if India will be content to sit on a weakened Pakistani border without launching her own invasion.

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