What's Up With Chain Of Unnatural Disasters

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Heaven soon

Aug 23, 2010, 5:23:09 PM8/23/10
to Heavensoon

What's Up With Chain Of Unnatural Disasters
Rain. Floods. Earthquakes. We have recently seen a barrage of suffering at the hands of natural disasters. A recent New York Times article explored the relationships between these extreme weather patterns and climate change. A changing global climate is having more immediate detrimental consequences for both human communities and the countless animals upon which humans depend for sustenance, economic growth and stability, and social and quality of life development. Whether we rely on them for companionship, food, revenue, or to help balance our ecosystems, or whether we appreciate them for their inherent value to our planet, animals play an important role in our lives. Unfortunately, in the aftermath of floods, earthquakes, weather-related oil spills and other catastrophes, animals are often left to fend for themselves, resulting in extreme suffering or death.

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