[Heaven] Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter

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Apr 29, 2010, 2:23:21 PM4/29/10
to Heavensoon
------- This Week's Hot News --------


I. President Obama continues to demonstrate his unique pro-Muslim bias.

As the President tells Islamic students all that he is doing to reach out to them, he lists the pull-out from Iraq and Afghanistan, making one wonder what his motivation truly is for withdrawing from these conflicts.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama Tells Muslim world: A 'new beginning' has started", USA Today, April 26, 2010

"President Obama said tonight that the U.S. will set up exchange programs with business people throughout the Muslim world as part of the overall outreach program he outlined last year ... The exchange programs will include business opportunities in Silicon Valley, technology, telecommunications, health care, education and infrastructure, Obama told the summit that included delegates from the U.S. and Muslim countries."

In contrasting his Administration's heart toward Muslims, in opposition to President Bush's path of confrontation and invasion, President Obama listed some concrete steps he was taking.

" 'Over the past year the United States has been reaching out and listening', he said. That includes winding down the war in Iraq, working with Afghanistan and Pakistan to 'isolate violent extremists', and seeking a peaceful two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, Obama said."

Many Americans do not feel comfortable thinking that Barack Obama is not making key decisions based upon what is right for America, but that he is making decisions based upon what is right for the global Islamic peoples.

Certainly, President Bush planned for a withdrawal from Iraq before he left office, and Obama seems to be just carrying out that original plan. But, to link the drawdown in Afghanistan to his effort to reach out to Muslims throughout the world is most troubling to discerning and patriotic Americans. Is it right to pull out from an eight-year war just because the new President wants to reach out to Muslims?

Furthermore, as far as I am concerned, President Obama stepped way over the line by linking the forced establishment of a Palestinian State in the heart of Biblical Israel to his desire to reach out to the Islamic faithful throughout the world!

Obama is forging forward with the Illuminati Plan to divide the land of Israel, the land God gave to Abraham forever!

Just as "The Israel Omen" proves, God delivers His solemn Justice upon any nation whose leaders force Israel to divide her land. Now that this talk of division has extended to the holy city of Jerusalem, we are truly in trouble with God.

We have been warning for about two years now that the evidence seems strong to implicate President Obama as a Muslim at heart. His positions and policies during these last two years have powerfully reinforced that belief.

God have mercy upon this once-great Christian nation!


II. Concerned Women of America has just issued a strong warning that the Pentagon is caving in to the Muslims, at the expense of Christians!

This story is just one more example of the pro-Islamic inner heart of this 44th President.

NEWS BRIEF: "Is U.S. military cowering before Muslims?", One News Now, 4/27/2010

"The nation's largest public policy women's organization is appalled at the way the Pentagon appears more committed to appeasing Muslims, than allowing a high-profile Christian leader to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to members of the military. Last week the Pentagon created an uproar when the Army announced that it would rescind an invitation to Franklin Graham to speak at the Pentagon's National Prayer Day event on May 6. The radical Muslim group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations applauded the decision, calling the well-known evangelist "controversial." CAIR had pushed the Pentagon to disinvite Graham because he had told the truth about the violent teachings of Islam."

Franklin Graham did speak out boldly and truthfully several years ago when he called attention to the violent nature of Islam. He was right, but he was castigated severely for his remarks. I have been creating Daily News Updates nearly non-stop since October 9, 2001, and I can testify to the violent nature of Muslims. You see it everyday in the news.

People are killed or threatened with death just by saying something about the Prophet Muhammad to which Muslims take offense. Hostages are beheaded. Women are treated abominably. Time and time again, Muslims in the Middle East call for a "Day of Rage", a day in which Muslims are encouraged to take out their anger, usually toward Israel or the West. Christians do not feel such an continuous rage in our hearts that would cause us to respond so readily to constant calls for a "Day of Rage".

Rather, we are called to love our enemies, to be kind to those who despitefully use us! Genuine Christians are filled with the powerful love of the Holy Spirit.

Concerned Women of America then contrasts this pro-Islamic policy of the Pentagon to the harsh reality that we are at war against Islam.

"And to think that the military -- which is in midst of a war against radical Islam -- is actually kowtowing to some of the most violent elements of that religion makes me fearful for our country."

She is right, more right than most people might believe. This next segment demonstrates the reality that even this seemingly pro-Islamic President is continuing to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan using the Depleted Uranium munitions which shall kill one billion Muslims in the Middle Eastern region over the next 20 years!

Don't you find this fact ironic? Obama is continuing the Bush war of Depleted Uranium! The story unfolds below.


Killing Entire Populations Through Depleted Uranium

One of the first parts of the Illuminati Plan which I learned in the mid-1980's was that the Global Elite had decided a very long time ago that they must eradicate all adherents of Monotheistic Religions. The world has three such religions: 1) Islam; 2) Christianity; 3) Judaism.

Adherents of these Monotheistic Faiths were believed to be most resistant to the Masonic Christ because he shall practice Ancient Polytheism!

The Illuminati decided that they would set about eradicating all Muslims first. Therefore, the West launched a dirty, contaminating Depleted Uranium War against the Muslims in the Middle East during the 1990-1991 Gulf War. We continued this D.U. War with the invasion of Afghanistan in November, 2001, and then really kicked it off with the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.

By the time 2020 rolls around, nearly one billion Muslims in the entire Middle East region will be dead and dying. This is the legacy of Presidents Bush, President Clinton, and now President Obama. (Read full details in our Depleted Uranium Section)

The awful irony is that, at the time President Obama is sounding pro-Muslim, he continues to control the very armies which are annihilating Islamic populations throughout the Middle East! If Obama were truly Muslim instead of being Illuminati, he would have ordered a complete and instant stoppage of all D.U. wars the hour he became Chief Executive. That is the action a genuine, true Muslim President would have taken.

Because he did not order a complete halt to all D.U. War, but has continued it for over one year, his actions prove to all discerning people that President Barack Obama is controlled by the Illuminati.

Period. End of Paragraph!

III. One Jewish editorialist is calling for Jews throughout the world to take action against President Obama, making him "pay" for his hostility to Israel.

NEWS BRIEF: "Make the president pay: We can make President Obama pay a price for his hostility to Israel ", by Michael Fenenbock, YNET News, April 27, 2010

"I am opposed to a two-state solution. I believe there are rational, pragmatic alternatives to the two-state paradigm. I am convinced the imposition of two-state means an end to the Zionist enterprise. And if we fail to stop the rush to two-state we will certainly forfeit the central touchstone of our history our culture and our religion – we will lose Jerusalem."

This viewpoint is certainly passionate, but unbiblical. While End of the Age prophecy foretells that Israel will undergo the most frightful and devastating seven years in all of mankind's history, God will continually step in to protect the national life of Israel, even as he allows Antichrist to murder two-thirds of all Jews (Zechariah 13:8-9)

About nine years ago, Cutting Edge posted a very well-researched Biblical article lisiting God's promises to the nation of Israel, revealing how no concerted Arab force in the world could ever destroy this tiny nation. Please take a few moments to read our expose':


Now, let us return to our featured article, in YNET News.

"First thing's first. President Obama does not like Israel. His sympathies are with Israel’s enemies. Right now President Obama’s strategy to impose a two-state solution on the Jewish state is on the brink of success. The Obama Administration is pursuing a two-pronged international political game plan. Hammer the Jews - and make sure the world knows you’re doing it. Marginalize and demonize the Jewish state."

International Masonic Illuminati is controlling world events -- including Israel -- and is deeply committed by their inner doctrine and legend to keeping Israel alive! Did you know this?


Global Freemasonry Committed To Israel's Survival

This author apparently has not researched the Illuminati Plan to realize that the Global Elite planned to divide the nation of Israel as far back as 1917! Please take a few moments to read: NEWS2250, entitled, "Proofs of A Conspiracy! From 1917 to 1992 to 2007, Israel Has Been Planning To Give The Palestinians A State Carved Out of Biblical Israel!"

Therefore, when President Obama is strenuously attempting to finally establish a Palestinian State carved out of Biblical Israel, he is simply and only following the Illuminati Plan! From the moment the House of Rothschild succeeded in 1917 in passing a resolution through the British Parliament to recognize the right of the Jew to return to his Biblical land, the Global Elite planned to carve the nation up so they could give a significant section to the Arabs.

"The Administration takes every public opportunity to call into question Israel’s borders and its national claim to Jerusalem. They paint Israel – and specifically Prime Minister Netanyahu – as obstacles to peace while simultaneously portraying Fatah as responsible moderates and legitimizing Syria as a regional Arab peacemaker ... The American president has delivered his political message. He intends to apply unrelenting pressure on Israel."

This is the truth. The Obama Administration is following a plan of action which seems to be demonizing tiny Israel at every turn while acquiescing to the Arab. But, as I have stated, Obama is following the plan laid out for him since at least 1917. And, since this is true, you can be assured that this international Freemasonry plan has no intention of allowing Israel to go down to defeat.

Why? Because Masonic legend is so tightly wound around Hiram Abiff and his service to King Solomon in building the Temple that the entire global Masonic Fraternity is committed to seizing control of the Temple Mount, throwing the Muslims off, and rebuilding Solomon's Temple.


Once you understand this Masonic reality, you can see why they will never allow Israel to go down to defeat. Israel has Scalar Electromagnetic Wave Weapons System which can literally annihilate millions of enemy hordes within the city's gates.

Watch tiny Israel. She shall never go down to defeat and when God delivers her by His Omnipotent strength, He will get all the glory.

"Pentacle of Power"

New DVD by Pastor Hoggard

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Pastor Hoggard continues his signature series THE KING JAMES CODE with this latest DVD. You will discover that the Number 5 carries unique meaning for both God's Plan and Satan's counter-plan.

God's Plan - You will see Gods numerical signature in the King James Bible and gain a deeper understanding of the use of the number 5 as it relates to Bible Prophecy. God intended the Number 5 to work for our ultimate good as it speaks to mankind's eternal life and marriage to Jesus in Heaven.

Satan's Plan - In Satanism, the Number 5 carries exceedingly negative connotation, as it speaks to the planned death of all who are Satans enemies. The Pentagram is the most important symbol of the Number 5, symbolizing Elemental Magic, and Lucifer's plan to control world governments and replace Jesus in the Church.

One hour, 20 minutes - http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2208

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We have now begun to use the new medium of communication, Twitter. Whenever we see a story which needs to be disseminated quickly, we shall post it on Twitter. To follow Cutting Edge on Twitter, go to http://twitter.com/cuttingedgenews or you can use the RSS feed by clicking the icon below. Follow us on or RSS feed


IV. Supernations #5 and #9 are in the Daily News this week, as the Illuminati frantically attempts to establish all 10. (Plan fulfills Daniel 7:7-8)

Russia is deepening her ties to The Ukraine under the new government. The Ukraine is one of the former states under the old U.S.S.R. who will be part of Supernation #5.

NEWS BRIEF: "Russia and Ukraine ready to start long-term cooperation - Ukrainian PM", RIA NOVOSTA News, April 28, 2010

"Russia and Ukraine are ready to move ahead with a new stage in long-term cooperation, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said on Wednesday .. Russia will seek to use the momentum created by a deal with Ukraine extending the stay of its naval base in Crimea for a discount on gas prices to forge new long-term partnerships in the air industry, energy and nuclear sectors with Kiev."

"On Friday Russia and Ukraine will hold intergovernmental talks to discuss possible joint projects."

These agreements place The Ukraine clearly within the Russian Sphere of Influence and contributes mightily to Russia essentially rebuilding the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Watch Russia carefully, for she is systematically building her planned Supernation #5.

And you and I are watching this nation-building effort in our Daily News.

Supernation #9 is far down the road to being built, as this next news story amply illustrates.

NEWS BRIEF: "PM Singh's opening statement at the 16th SAARC Summit", The Hindu, April 28, 2010

"At the outset, I wish to congratulate His Excellency the Prime Minister of Bhutan Lyonchhen Jigmi Thinley for his election as Chairperson of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. I assure him of India’s fullest support."

The South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation is going to be part of Supernation #9 of the Illuminati Plan. Right now, this area of the world has two cooperative regions: SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations ).

Once these two major South and Southeast Asian regions are fully developed, they are then likely to combine into Nation #9, which is listed as "South and Southeast Asia".

The Indian Prime Minister alludes to this ultimate master regional plan at the conclusion of his remarks at the SAARC Summit.

"I believe we should challenge ourselves by acknowledging that the glass of regional cooperation, regional development and regional integration is half empty. Intra-regional trade flows have grown and transport and telecommunication links have expanded. Yet, the share of intra-regional trade and investment flows in total trade and investment flows in South Asia is far below what we see in East and South-east Asia (ASEAN)."

Therefore, watch these two Asian regions develop on their own for a while longer, and then combine to form the truly huge Supernation #9, "South and Southeast Asia".


V. In a bold move, Mount Graham Observatory launches the most sophisticated space telescopt which it has dubbed "LUCIFER".

Is this a "Sign of the Times"?

NEWS BRIEF: "Vatican-Tied Mount Graham Observatory Launches LUCIFER Telescope", Raiders News Network, April 25, 2010

"New instrument for the world's largest optical telescope, the Large Binocular Telescope on Mount Graham, allows astronomers to observe the faintest and most distant objects in the universe ... Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) partners in the U.S, Germany and Italy announced April 21 that the first of two new innovative near-infrared cameras/spectrographs for the LBT is now available to astronomers for scientific observations at the telescope on Mount Graham in southeastern Arizona."

"After more than a decade of design, manufacturing and testing, the new instrument – dubbed LUCIFER 1 – provides a powerful tool to gain spectacular insights into the universe – from the Milky Way to extremely distant galaxies. LUCIFER, built by a consortium of German institutes, will be followed by an identical twin instrument that will be delivered to the telescope in early 2011."

What, exactly, do the letters of "L.U.C.I.F.E.R." stand for?

"LUCIFER is an acronym for: Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research".

The Illuminati has always dreamed of finding other planets in the galaxies somewhere which could support human life. Space activity has always secretly sought after such discovery; in New Age literature, this effort is known as "Star Seed".

NASA has always been controlled by Freemasons, so that the silent objective is always to find new planets which could support human life. But, I find it highly significant that, at this moment in world history, scientists would dub their new cutting edge telescope "L.U.C.I.F.E.R."

The Holy Spirit is trying to tell the world how very close we are to the appearance of Antichrist! Doubt it not.


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