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Heaven soon

Apr 5, 2010, 9:08:38 PM4/5/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. President Obama's radical platform was again clearly visible as he used the Senate recess to appoint two people who are so very radical that not even this Democrat-controlled Senate would have confirmed them!

During the late 1980's, as I was researching the New World Order Plan through New Age authors, I was struck repeatedly with the thought that I was certainly glad none of these radicals occupied any political office which would give them political power to carry out these horrific ideas.

President Obama is appointing just exactly these types of radicals to political office.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama's radical recess appointments", by Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 4/1/2010

"A grassroots non-denominational church lobby is blasting President Barack Obama for using recess appointments for two individuals who are so radical they couldn't even be confirmed by a Democratic-controlled Senate. Since Congress adjourned on Friday (March 26), President Obama has appointed no less than 15 of his languishing nominees. The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) is concerned about two in particular, including radical professor Chai Feldblum, who is to serve as a commissioner on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission."

"TVC executive director Andrea Lafferty says Feldblum is way out of the mainstream. 'She has stated that sexual liberty trumps religious liberty, she's opposed the Boy Scouts being able to determine who should be Scout leaders, and she also is the author of ENDA (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act), which is a bill that will force Christians and everybody to have to hire transgendered people', Lafferty explains. In addition, while speaking at a forum in 2004, Feldblum stated that 'gay sex is morally good'."

At this moment in our history, gay sex is coming more out in the open nearly every day. But, Bible scholars knew this was going to happen at the End of the Age, for Jesus stated:

"So also it was the same as it was in the days of Lot. People ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But on the [very] day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. That is the way it will be on the day that the Son of Man is revealed." (Luke 17:28-30; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

I wonder if anyone in the Obama Administration realizes they are fulfilling End of the Age Bible prophecy by their appointment of such people to high office? Truly, America is rapidly becoming the type of society that Sodom was. In that doomed city, all official organs of city government, all public schools, and most families, taught that homosexuality was just as valid and worthy of protection as was heterosexuality.

Doesn't this sound like America today? This development should alert anyone who knows their Bible prophecy that we are living in the End of the Age!

Now, let us turn our attention to the second radical recess appointment.

"Lafferty also notes her outrage that Obama chose during the congressional recess to appoint Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board, which is supposed to be an impartial arbitrator. 'They're supposed to be fair', Lafferty says of the NLRB. '[But] there is nothing moderate about Becker's point of view. He has done nothing but work for union thugs and push unionism all across the country, so it's an outrage that this man was put in a position where he's supposed to be fair and balanced, and it's not possible'."

Indeed, appointing a radical union thug to a national labor board, members of which are supposed to be fair and balanced so they can moderate disputes between unions and companies, is turly an outrage. The President has just appointed a hungry wolf to guard the hen house door!

Do you remember when CFR's Henry Kissinger stated that President Obama was poised to bring in the New World Order (NEWS2336)? We should expect these kinds of radical actions from the President who will finally lead America through the portals of the Kingdom of Antichrist!

However, President Obama is also acting out his role in following the script which the Illuminati hands him, even if that means he contradicts some of his earlier most extreme positions, dismaying his most ardent supporters in the process. In this regard, Obama is acting as one of the "Frontmen of the Illuminati"!


II. President Obama shocked people all around as he authorized large-scale off-shore oil drilling!

Liberals are reacting in shocked horror, while Conservatives gloat.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama clears way for oil drilling off US coasts", The San Francisco Chronicle, March 31, 2010

"Reversing a ban on oil drilling off most U.S. shores, President Barack Obama on Wednesday announced an expansive new policy that could put oil and natural gas platforms in waters along the southern Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and part of Alaska. Speaking at Andrews air base outside Washington, Obama said, 'This is not a decision that I've made lightly'. He addressed the expected outcry from disappointed environmentalists by saying he had studied the issue for more than a year and concluded it was the right call given the nation's voracious thirst for energy and the need to produce jobs and keep American businesses competitive.

President Obama admitted that one of the factors in making this dramatic decision was to court Republican votes for another of his measures.

"Obama made no secret of the fact that one factor in his decision was securing Republican support for a sweeping climate change bill that has languished in Congress. But Obama has long stated his support in favor of the "tough decision" to expand offshore drilling."

Republicans and/or Conservatives should be mightily pleased. I remember the past 40 years, as Conservatives urged that America dramatically reduce her dependence upon foreign oil by maximizing the oil reserves under our own soil and off our own shores. Therefore, Conservatives should be very pleased with Obama's decision.

Map of the areas in question

Liberals were predictably outraged.

NEWS BRIEF: "Strong opposition to ocean-drilling proposal", By Sandy Bauers, The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 1, 2010

"Environmental groups of every stripe ... voiced strong opposition Wednesday to President Obama's plan to expand oil and gas drilling on the outer continental shelf ... The new national strategy also would expand drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and protect one area of Alaska ... Doug O'Malley, field director for Environment New Jersey, was not pleased. 'It's not a good day when all of New Jersey has to stand up to a bad idea from the president', he said. 'This proposal will gamble with one of the largest industries in the state, and that's tourism'."

Environmentalists always hold up the threat of an oil spill, even though such spills are rare. Conservatives have always countered with the argument that job creation is much more important to America's economic health that tourism. Since President Obama is literally "on the hook" to create jobs with his new economic plan, he is siding with the Conservatives on this issue. He simply needs to pursue a jobs-first policy.

Another major issue is inflation. With the Federal Government throwing money around like a madman, economists are starting to raise the issue of possible massive inflation; some are even warning of hyperinflation. Listen to this segment from our featured article.

"The Chemistry Council of New Jersey, an industry group, supports the plan. Executive director Hal Bozarth said its members pay some of the highest electricity rates in the nation. 'We have to do everything we can to get the cost of electricity down', he said. 'Unless we want to rely on oil from the Middle East, we need to do something here at home'."

President Obama has clearly chosen a path which is most likely to create jobs in the long-run, rather than bowing meekly and submissively before the idol of Liberal ideas. Perhaps the President has been listening to former President Bill Clinton, whose favorite personal expression was "It's the economy, stupid"!

III. Israel is warning that terrorist rocket attacks coming from The Gaza Strip might cause her to invade once more.

This time, Israel might just listen to the pleas of the Palestinian President to topple Hamas from power in Gaza! Such an event would clear away a mighty obstacle to a Palestinian State proclamation!

NEWS BRIEF: "Top Egypt official warns: Israel-Hamas tensions could lead to another Gaza war ", By Haaretz Service, April 5, 2010

"A senior Egyptian official said Egypt is concerned that the recent escalation of tensions on the Gaza border could lead to another Israeli invasion ... The official said Egypt was reaching out to both Israel and Palestinian factions in an effort to prevent the tensions from escalating any further ... The situation in Gaza is extremely worrisome to Egypt, the official was reported to have said. He added that it was in Egypt's best interest for the situation in Gaza to remain stable."

"Tensions have run high along the Gaza frontier this month and last, with Israel launching repeated air strikes in response to Palestinian rocket attacks. Israel will retaliate against any attack on its citizens or soldiers, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said following the death of the two IDF soldiers in Gaza clashes."

An Israeli minister added fuel to this fire!

NEWS BRIEF: "Israel minister vows to 'liquidate' Gaza Hamas rulers", AFP News, March 27, 2010

"JERUSALEM — A senior minister on Sunday warned that Israel would 'liquidate' the Islamist Hamas-run government in Gaza following deadly weekend clashes that killed two Israeli soldiers. 'Sooner or later we will liquidate the military regime of the pro-Iranian Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip," Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, from the governing rightwing Likud party, told public radio.

" 'I am not setting a timetable, but we will not tolerate this regime continuing to strengthen itself militarily and providing itself with an arsenal of rockets that threaten our territory', he added."

Palestinian President Abbas has made no bones of the fact that he would like very much for the Israeli Defense Force to wipe out the radical Hamas party so he can rule all of the Palestinians.

NEWS BRIEF: "Abbas wanted Hamas toppled in Gaza war: Israel", by Dan Williams, The National Post, March 29, 2010

"JERUSALEM -- Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Monday Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas urged Israel to topple Hamas in the Gaza war last year, then turned around and blamed Israel for war crimes ... An aide to Abbas vehemently denied the allegation, accusing the right-leaning Israeli government of trying to deepen the deadlock over U.S.-sponsored efforts to revive negotiations."

Of course, Abbas' side would deny Israel's accusation, for Lieberman's comments would be taken by the average Palestinian as proof that only Hamas truly represents their interest. Since Abbas is a high-ranking Arabic Freemason (Page 152 and 509 of "Codex Magica Book"), he is working closely behind the scenes with America and Israel to establish the Palestinian State which the Global Illuminati wants.

Hamas and Iran and Hezbullah leaders understand this reality, which is the reason they are so adamantly opposing Abbas. Before a Palestinian State can be announced, Hamas' rule in The Gaza Strip will have to be neutralized.

We shall look with interest to see how Israel finally does remove Hamas from the picture.


Heaven soon

Apr 8, 2010, 7:39:31 PM4/8/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. President Obama and Russian President Medvedev sign nuclear arms reduction treaty in Prague.

While this treaty promises a 'nuclear-free' world, the reality is that a much more terrible weapon has now been deployed on both sides, rendering nuclear weapons obsolete and ripe for disposal.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama, Medvedev Sign Treaty to Cut Nuclear Arms", The Wall Street Journal, April 8, 2010

"PRAGUE—President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a treaty Thursday to cut both nations' nuclear arsenals by nearly one-third. A year after coming here to herald 'a world without nuclear weapons', Mr. Obama has paired modest advances in arms control with bold rhetoric, hoping that the spirit of his message will move the world away from atomic weapons."

" 'It is just one step on a longer journey', Mr. Obama said after Thursday's signing. 'As I said last year in Prague, this treaty will set the stage for further cuts. And going forward, we hope to pursue discussions with Russia on reducing both our strategic and tactical weapons, including non-deployed weapons'."

This goal seems extremely laudable; after all, who can argue that the world would be safer without nuclear weapons? How much of an immediate reduction does this treaty provide?

"The pact between the two former Cold War foes would shrink arsenals to 1,550 warheads over seven years. That's about a third less than the 2,200 currently permitted. The treaty must be now be ratified by Russia's parliament and by the U.S. Senate, where the White House lobbying effort is under way."

Before anyone gets too overly excited about the nations of the world achieving a 'nuclear free' status, we urge you to consider a somber reality: both the United States and Russia have developed and fully deployed, a far more sinister and powerful weapons system which renders both nuclear warheads and the missiles which carry them completely useless. Whatever is rendered obsolete is ready to be eliminated altogether and that is what this Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty is all about.

We explain this most interesting turn of events in our newest Headline News article:

President Obama Seemingly Makes World History As He Negotiates A Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty With The Russians - A Goal Which Eluded His Predecessors For The Past 40 Years!

However, our enthusiasm should be tempered by the realization that missiles and atomic warheads are completely obsolete and are ready to be phased out anyway!


II. President Obama also moved to change American policy regarding our use of nuclear weapons.

However, this issue is best understood in light of the revelation, above, that nukes are obsolete and will be phased out completely.

NEWS BRIEF: "For Obama, Nuclear Weapons Are a Last Resort", Daily Finance, April 6, 2010

"President Barack Obama released an updated version of the Nuclear Posture Review on Tuesday, which suggests a major shift in U.S. nuclear policy. The President, who has openly discussed his goal of making nuclear weapons obsolete, calls for preventing nuclear proliferation at the top of the U.S. nuclear agenda."

" '"We are going to make sure that we can continue to move toward less emphasis on nuclear weapons . . . and to make sure that our conventional weapons capability is an effective deterrent in all but the most extreme circumstances," he said. The White House is expected to release the document, called the Nuclear Posture Review, for review on Tuesday. In the revised document, the president vowed the U.S. would not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that abide by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)."

Therefore, this new policy seems to say that the United States would not use nuclear weapons or threaten to use them against nations who have no nuclear weapons in their arsenal and who are abiding by the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. That is very kind of the United States, but Obama raised the specter of attacking the two nations which President Bush branded in 2001 as "Rogue States" -- North Korea and Iran.

To fully understand how President Obama could dramatically change our Nuclear Posture policy, you have to go back to the understanding of our Headline News article, above: nuclear weapons and the missiles which deliver them have been rendered obsolete by America's electromagnetic system called HAARP, while the Russians and the Israelis have an even more powerful electromagnetic weapons system known as Scalar.

When both sides of a conflict have more weapons at their disposal more powerful than nuclear weapons and a delivery system which travels at the speed of light, the old system of missile - borne nuclear warheads is quite useless. Both Russia and America might as well gain as much worldwide goodwill as possible while they start getting rid of the old weapons, don't you think?


III. President Obama provided fresh evidence of his Islamic leanings when he prohibited certain words which Muslims find offensive.

In issuing this change, President Obama reverses the policy statement of President Bush issued shortly after the attacks of 9/11.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama bans words 'Islam', 'jihad' from US security strategy", YNET News, April 7, 2010

"President Barack Obama's advisers will remove religious terms such as "Islamic extremism" from the central document outlining the US national security strategy and will use the rewritten document to emphasize that the United States does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror, counterterrorism officials said."

"The change is a significant shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventative war and currently states: 'The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century'."

"The revisions are part of a larger effort about which the White House talks openly, one that seeks to change not just how the United States talks to Muslim nations, but also what it talks to them about, from health care and science to business startups and education. That shift away from terrorism has been building for a year, since Obama went to Cairo, Egypt, and promised a "new beginning" in the relationship between the United States and the Muslim world. The White House believes the previous administration based that relationship entirely on fighting terror and winning the war of ideas."

But, the reality is that the Illuminati declared war against Islam a long time ago. In 1989, I was studying the plan to produce the New World Order when I read Constance Cumbey's "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow", in which she stated that the Illuminati had decided that all adherents of all three religions who are Monotheistic had to be eradicated.

These three global Monotheistic religions are: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Because of their sheer numbers, Muslims were targeted first.

And, the Global Elite started waging war -- nuclear war -- against Iraq in 1991, did they not? Coalition Troops, led by American forces, used Depleted Uranium weapons for the first time against the Iraqi Armed Forces. Then, in 2001, President Bush ordered Depleted Uranium forces to invade Afghanistan. Finally, in March, 2003, Bush ordered American Forces across the border to attack Iraq, and they were equipped with D.U. weapons.

The result: Iraq is dying, as is Afghanistan.

But, beyond these two countries, about one billion people are daily breathing in uranium dust as the contamination is spreading over 1,000 miles from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. I truly believe that the main reason President Bush ordered these invasions was to start spreading uranium dust throughout most of the "Non-Integrating States" of the Middle East.

There is no doubt about the reality that we have declared war on Muslims. Despite this proclamation, President Obama is still the Commander-In-Chief of the American Armed Forces, who are still exploding Depleted Uranium weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama has killed significant numbers of Islamic people through D.U. weapons since he ascended to the White House.

Even he is making war against Islam!

Behold A Pale Horse

IV. Russia may be bringing yet another Central Asian nation back into her fold, as she is reported to have fomented the rebellion in Kyrgyzstan.

Russia and her former USSR nations form Nation #5 in the Illuminati plan to reorganize the world into exactly 10 supernations. After bringing The Ukraine back into her orbit, Russia looks as though she is bringing Kyrgyzstan as well.

NEWS BRIEF: "Kyrgyzstan opposition seizes power in unrest ", Los Angeles Times, April 8, 2010

"Reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan - Opposition leaders in the small, mountainous Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan seized power in the capital early Thursday after thousands of protesters ransacked government buildings and riot police fired on crowds, killing dozens of people. The unrest appeared to have unseated the government of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, who reportedly fled to the southern city of Osh. Bakiyev has led the country since 2005, when he headed the so-called Tulip Revolution that deposed autocratic leader Askar A. Akayev."

America has a vital stake in keeping this small country in the pro-West camp. Without the massive Manas Airbase, operations in Afghanistan would become really very difficult.

"State television reported that the new government is led by opposition leader Roza Otunbayeva, a lawmaker and former foreign minister under Bakiyev. Otunbayeva was expected to address parliament Thursday morning. The situation was being watched closely by Washington, which uses the Manas base at the airport in the capital, Bishkek, to ferry supplies in and out of Afghanistan. Manas is the only remaining American base in Central Asia and is considered vital to the Afghanistan war effort ... Kyrgyz opposition leaders have called for closure of Manas because, they say, the base could put the country at risk if the U.S. becomes involved in a military conflict with Iran. And at least twice in recent years Bakiyev has threatened to end U.S. use of the airport, but reconsidered after negotiating larger payments."

The new premier of Kyrgyzstan wasted no time in calling Russia's PM, Putin.

NEWS BRIEF: "Putin speaks on phone with Kyrgyz opposition-nominated premier", RIA Novosti News, April 8, 2010

"Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with Kyrgyz opposition-nominated premier Roza Otunbayeva on Thursday ... Dmitry Peskov said Otunbayeva had told Putin that her country needs economic assistance to deal with 'the difficult situation' in the country, and that Putin said Russia is ready to offer humanitarian aid ... 'It is important to note that the conversation was held with Otunbayeva in her capacity as the head of a national confidence government', Peskov said."

I searched the news wires and could not find where the new premier had called President Obama. The very fact that the new premier called Putin first is a strong indication that her new government will be pro-Russian. This next news story takes this probability a step further.

NEWS BRIEF: "Kyrgyzstan: Did Moscow Subvert a U.S. Central Asian Ally?", Time/CNN News, April 8, 2010

"Members of the besieged government of Kyrgyzstan suspect that Moscow precipitated the violent upheaval that has swept the former Soviet republic in Central Asia ... troops opened fire on protesters, who in turn overpowered the police, stormed and looted government buildings and forced President Kurmanbek Bakiev to flee the country. On Wednesday, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin denied any involvement by his country in the turmoil after his Kyrgyz counterpart said that Putin gave the go-ahead to the revolt. But whether or not the Kremlin urged the Kyrgyz opposition to call its supporters into the streets, Moscow has a lot to gain and Washington a lot to lose from the bloody upheaval that has ensued."

The major advantage Washington may lose is the major airforce base known as Manas.

"The struggle came to a head in February of last year, when the Kyrgyz handed the U.S. military base an eviction notice just weeks after Russia provided the impoverished country with a $2 billion loan and $150 million in aid ... Washington soon reached a deal with Kyrgyz leaders to keep the base open — in exchange for a tripling of the yearly rental to $60 million ... In a March 5 interview with TIME, an Obama Administration senior official said it had been a close call for the U.S. 'That we have the Manas base in Kyrgyzstan is a great achievement', he said. 'Russia didn't want to allow us to have that. They put down $2 billion to get us out'."

" 'Had we lost that, it would have been a major blow. It is a major hub for getting our soldiers in and out of there'."

Now, apparently, Russia has overthrown Kyrgyzstan and is now pulling that strategic nation back into her Sphere of Influence. Such a development is absolutely necessary if Russia is to form Supernation #5 in the Illuminati 10-Nation Reorganization Plan, a plan which is fulfilling Daniel 7:7-8.

Watch Russia as she now is moving rather rapidly to form her supernation. The wording of Daniel 7:7-8 is such that Antichrist cannot arise until all ten of these supernations is completely formed. Read full details in NEWS2363, entitled, "There Is Only ONE Sequential Prophecy Which Shall Provide Us A Clear Gauge By Which We Can Know The Approximate Time That Antichrist Will Arise!"


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Heaven soon

Apr 12, 2010, 7:41:36 PM4/12/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events

I. President Obama opens a Nuclear Terrorist Summit today in Washington, D.C.

Leaders of 47 countries gather to hear the President warn that nuclear terrorism is the most serious threat we face, even though our new Headline News article, below, demonstrates that our military capability makes it impossible for terrorists to move a nuclear device into place.

NEWS BRIEF: "President opens nuclear summit", The Associated Press, April 12, 2010

"WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama plays host to leaders of more than 40 countries as the Nuclear Security Summit opens in the nation's capital. The two-day summit opening Monday aims to find ways to secure the world's nuclear stockpile."

"Securing the world's nuclear stockpile" is one way of saying that nuclear devices might be used by terrorists to carry out nuclear terror strikes against major cities throughout the world. This year's TV series "24" features the threat of a nuclear "dirty bomb" against New York City. Thus, "24" is conditioning people to the very "threat" which this summit is said to be facing.

President Obama spells out the supposed threat very clearly.

NEWS BRIEF: "President Obama Warns: Al Qaeda Is Seeking a Nuke -- and They Will Use It", ABC News, April 11, 2010

"On the eve of his Nuclear Security Summit, President Obama issued a dire warning: terrorist groups are trying to obtain nuclear weapons -- and they will use it. 'We know that organizations like al Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure a nuclear weapon -- a weapon of mass destruction that they have no compunction at using', the president said."

To the average citizen, the thought of a terrorist organization setting off a nuclear device in a crowded modern city is one of the most frightening thoughts they will ever have. After all, everyone is aware of the utter destruction which a nuclear weapon can wreak upon a city. Further, everyone can imagine themselves caught in the city under attack, suffering death and/or severe radiation.

In Spring, 1991, while I was studying the New World Order Plan to stage Antichrist on the world scene, William Cooper unleashed his monumentally important book, "Behold A Pale Horse", through the New Age bookstore retail system. New Age adherents were very excited about the revelations contained within this book because it revealed the depth of the horror that Black Magick Illuminists are planning to loose upon the world so they may successfully stage their "Masonic Christ". You see, most White Magic practitioners are very horrified by the realization that the current drive to the New World Order is being driven by Black Magick Illuminists, and not White Magic. The difference between these two belief structures is that a White Magic person will commit themselves to using the power of the occult for the "good of mankind", while the Black Magick practitioners make no bones about the fact that they are going to use that same occult power for the hurt of mankind. Of course, as Anton LaVey says in his "Satanic Bible", there is really no difference between White and Black Magic, except that the Black Magick person is honest enough to admit whom it is he serves!

One of the revelations William Cooper published was the general plan by which Antichrist is going to be staged on the world scene. In one single paragraph, Cooper captures many different parts of this plan; unfortunately, one of the parts is the atomic destruction of New York City. Even though we have quoted this paragraph on numerous occasions, we must do so again, for this News Alert. Listen to Cooper:

"It is true that without the population or the bomb problem, the elect would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, extraterrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make ... sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered ... Can you imagine what would happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the shelves, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time?" [William Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", Page 177]

However, if a nuclear device wielded by terrorists does destroy New York City or any city on earth, discerning people the world over must instantly demand to know why American and/or Russian authorities allowed it to happen, for as we state in NEWS2414, below, American and Russian satellites have the capability of detecting any nuclear device -- even nuclear rods -- at any location on the earth!

Therefore, satellites can detect when one of the nuclear devices begins to be moved and can track it in real time. For this reason, no terrorist group can take control of a nuclear device and begin moving it into location for a nuclear terrorist attack, without the cooperation of American and Russian authorities.

Please take a few moments to read this exciting news, below, plus the reality that both missiles and atomic warheads are obsolete and are ready to be destroyed, with or without the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty signed between Russia and the United States last week.

President Obama Seemingly Makes World History As He Negotiates A Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty With The Russians - A Goal Which Eluded His Predecessors For The Past 40 Years!

However, our enthusiasm should be tempered by the realization that missiles and atomic warheads are completely obsolete and are ready to be phased out anyway!



II. This nuclear summit opening today in Washington, D.C., may turn into a worldwide platform from which the nations of the world will demand that Israel give up her nuclear weapons.

Is this threat the reason that Israel's Prime Minister cancelled his planned participation in this nuclear terrorism summit?

NEWS BRIEF: "Israel must denuclearize: Turkey's PM Erdogan", Press TV News, April 12, 2010

"The Turkish premier says the international community should take action to disarm Israel as part of the efforts to make the Middle East a nuclear weapons-free zone."

On several occasions, President Obama has held up the concept of a "nuclear free" world as a utopian dream. Using this idea, Turkey's President is voicing the view of many of Israel's enemies, i.e., that the Jewish state be forced to give up her nuclear weapons to the international community, at the identical moment when leaders of the international community are meeting in Washington, D.C., to discuss making the world free of nuclear weapons.

In fact, Israel's enemies have been sounding this refrain for years, so this call is nothing new in and of itself. What is new is that the Turkish Prime Minister is voicing his strident opinion at the very moment the nuclear terror conference opens in America's capital.


III. The Polish President and 95 other people, mostly within his government, were killed in an airplane crash in western Russia.

This crash virtually wipes out the entire pro-western and pro-Israeli Polish government!

NEWS BRIEF: "Israel grieves over death of Polish president: Israel considered the Kaczynski-led Poland to be among its staunchest European allies", The Associated Press, April 11, 2010

"JERUSALEM — Israel's leaders on Sunday expressed deep sorrow over the death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, calling him a true friend of the Jewish people and praising his efforts to heal the scars of the Holocaust ... In recent years, ties improved dramatically and Israel considered the Kaczynski-led Poland to be among its staunchest European allies. Kaczynski, who died in plane crash in Russia Saturday, developed strong ties with Israel ... His death had special resonance in Israel as it came on the eve of its annual Holocaust Memorial Day."

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened his weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday by eulogizing Kaczynski and calling him 'a great friend of the state of Israel'."

"Kaczynski was leading a delegation headed to Russia to honor Polish officers killed there in World War II. Many of Poland's elite died in the crash, including its military chief. Israel's military chief Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi called his Polish counterpart, Gen. Franciszek Gagor, 'an amazing military man'."

The death of virtually the entire Polish government comes at a time when Russia is beginning her move to form Supernation #5 of the 10-Nation Reorganization Plan of the Illuminati. This planned supernation is listed as "Eastern Europe, including Russia". As Russia begins her move to create Supernation #5, it looks as though the planned superstate will be a recreation of the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).

End of the Age prophecy is being fulfilled in your Daily News!

Phoenix Bird Pin

IV. Sarah Palin wore an Illuminati "Phoenix Bird" pin as she addressed the Republican Southern Leadership Conference on Saturday, April 10!

Cutting Edge has always maintained a healthy skeptism toward anyone whom the Illuminati allows on the national stage, as anyone on a major stage will have had to agree to be completely supportive of the Illuminati Global Plan.

Thus, when Sarah Palin was brought on by Senator McCain as his vice presidential candidate, I was suspicious that Palin had sold out to the Illuminati Plan.

During the campaign, we posted an article which showed that Todd Palin had flashed a well-known Masonic hand signal (NEWS2314), but now we see that Sarah is flashing a very well known symbol of the American Elite, the Phoenix Bird Pin. You can see this pin on her left lapel.

Hillary Clinton first started wearing this pin in early 1999, and was soon followed by every other female serving on President Bill Clinton's Cabinet. Then, in February, 2000, Mrs. John McCain wore the Phoenix Bird Pin during her husband's celebration in the 2000 New Hampshire Presidential Primary victory. Since then, a number of women, both Republican and Democrat, have been occassionally observed wearing this pin.

Please read our archived Headline News articles detailing the usage and the meaning of this pin, the wearing of which unmistakably identifies one as a member of the Illuminati. Once you understand the meaning of the Phoenix Bird, and its awful agenda for mankind, you will be able to understand the full depth of the meaning behind her wearing the Illuminati Pin.

This development is a major event in proving that Sarah Palin is willingly being used by the Illuminati!

Now, here are the archived Headline News Articles about which we spoke:

"Hillary Wears Illuminist Pin" -- NEWS1259

"Senator John McCain Signals His Illuminist Membership and Backing As His Wife Boldly Wears the Phoenix Bird Pin During His Celebration of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Win", NEWS1354.



V. RFID implantable chips are causing cancers in pets!

We have long maintained that the RFID Chip is the precursor to the Mark of the Beast which the False Prophet will force all peoples of the world to take as a sign of loyalty to Antichrist!

NEWS BRIEF: "CHIPPED PETS DEVELOP FAST-GROWING, LETHAL TUMORS: Owners, Medical Reports Point to Link Between RFID Chips and Cancers in Canines", AntiChips. com

"Highly aggressive tumors developed around the microchip implants of two American dogs, killing one of the pets and leaving the other terminally ill. Their owners --- and pathology and autopsy reports --- have suggested a link between the chips and the formation of the fast-growing cancers ... In the town of Paeonian Springs, Va., a five-year-old male Bullmastiff named Seamus died in February, nine months after developing a "hemangio-sarcoma" --- a rare, malignant form of cancer that strikes connective tissues and can kill even humans in three to six months. The tumor appeared last May between the dog's shoulder blades where a microchip had been implanted; by September, a 'large mass' had grown with the potential to spread to the lungs, liver and spleen, according a pathology report from the Blue Ridge Veterinary Clinic in Purcellville, Va."

"Originally scheduled to receive just a biopsy, Seamus underwent emergency surgery. A foot-long incision was opened to extract the 4-pound-3-ounce tumor, and four drains were needed to remove fluid where the tumor had developed."

The conclusion of this matter is simple but revealing:

"In 2007, The Associated Press reported on a series of veterinary and toxicology studies that found that microchip implants had 'induced' malignant tumors in some lab animals. Published in veterinary and toxicology journals between 1996 and 2006, the studies found that between 1 and 10 percent of lab mice and rats injected with microchips developed malignant tumors, most of them encasing the implants."

Notice the wording here: the microchip implants had "inuduced malignant turmors" in some lab animals. If this RFID chip technology is the precursor to the final Mark of the Beast implant, we should expect many humans to develop painful and fatal cancers as well. What does Bible Prophecy state will happen to many people who receive a Mark of the Beast microchip?

"And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image." (Revelation 16:2; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

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