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Heaven soon

no leída,
12 ago 2010, 4:47:23 p.m.12/8/2010
para Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. Israel's top military commander brazenly warns that his forces will use snipers to stop the next attempt to breach the Gaza naval blockade!

NEWS BRIEF: "Ashkenazi: Next time, IDF will use snipers to halt Gaza-bound flotillas", Haaretz News, August 12, 2010

"IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi completed his first round of testimony yesterday to the Turkel Committee, the Israeli panel investigating the deadly May raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla ... The flotilla raid, he added, was 'proportionate and appropriate. The troops displayed calm, courage and dedication. I'm proud that these are my soldiers'."

Israel has taken heavy criticism from the Mass Media around the world, even though her soldiers seemed to land on the ships without realizing the kind of deadly force which was going to be turned upon them. They reacted against overwhelming numbers.

Furthermore, the naval blockade which they were enforcing was legal in international law. In fact, the Gaza naval blockade was initially created by Egypt and Israel! Both nations were responsible to maintain this blockade so that Hamas and Hezbullah militants could not smuggle rockets into the Gaza Strip which would then be aimed at innocent Israeli citizens!

This next statement, though, is pure 'chutzpah'! You have to love the ice which runs through this IDF general and he is facing down a huge number of people who want to take Israel down.

"Ashkenazi said that if the IDF is faced with a similar situation in the future, there may be no alternative to deploying snipers to minimize troop casualties. 'When people are looking for a fight, it usually happens', he said. "

Can you imagine the steel nerve of this IDF general? What was that prophecy as to how God will put steel in the hearts and minds of His people at the End of the Age?

"In that day will the Lord guard and defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and he who is spiritually feeble and stumbles among them in that day of persecution shall become strong and noble like David..." (Zechariah 12:8; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

I believe the way in which tiny Israel (7.5 million) stands brazenly up to over 300 million angry Arabs proves that God is at work in the hearts and minds of His people, to make them brazen in the face of terrible numeric odds against them. General Ashkenazi's steely attitude is another proof in my mind that God is fulfilling every single one of His End of the Age prophecies!


II. The top Iraqi military commander warns that Iraqi security forces are not yet ready to take on the enemy without American troops - for at least another decade!

This horrific warning comes amidst a violent backdrop of assassinations and bombings in Iraq.

NEWS BRIEF: "Iraqi army not ready to take over until 2020, says country's top general", The Guardian (London), 12 August 2010

"The Iraqi army is not ready to take over responsibility from the Americans, its most senior general has warned, as the White House insists the US army is on course to end its combat role in the country by the end of this month. Lieutenant General Babakir Zebari told a defence conference in Baghdad that the Iraqi army would be unable to cope without backing from US forces. He suggested the Iraqi army would be incapable of assuming control for another decade."

That news must be somber for the President of the United States, who was meeting with top military and political leaders in Washington, to map out the final withdrawal strategy which will guarantee the drawdown of American forces by August 31. But, of course, Cutting Edge has been predicting that the Iraqi forces could never, ever be strong enough to defeat the enemy by this year, or any year.

In fact, the reality is that the Iraqi Army is filled with soldiers who have a couple of major deficiencies, just as the South Vietnamese Army of 1972-1973.

1) Iraq's soldiers are in the Army only for the pay, and they are facing an enemy fueled by a much more powerful force -- hatred.

2) The United States' war has only served to alienate almost all the Iraqi people. With as much destruction and continuing death from Depleted Uranium poisoning, the battle for the hearts and the minds of the people has been totally and irretrievably lost. The insurgency lives off the anti-American hatred in the minds and hearts of the average Iraqi and that situation will never change.

Meanwhile, the President seems determined to stand on the bridge of the ship, yelling "D**n the torpedoes, full steam ahead!"

"Last night the White House said Obama was satisfied that the US could finish its combat role in Iraq safely this month and meet the deadline for removing troops from the country by the end of 2011."

Shortly before Coalition Forces attacked across the Iraqi border on March 20, 2010, we posted a shocking article in which we demonstrated the strong probability that this attack was going to fulfill the 2,500-year-old prophecy foretelling the final and utter destruction of pagan, Ancient Babylon -- today's Iraq.

Seven long years of warfare later, we believe even more strongly that this prophecy is nearly at the end of its prophetic road.


Please take the time to read this original treatise, as the events of the past seven years have most definitely fulfilled nearly all of its elements. The only prophecy left to be unfilled is the final annihilating attack by the Medes (today's Kurds). We live in most exciting times, do we not?


III. Another corporate / government whistleblower is now dead!

Does anyone remember the sudden and unexplained death of Iraq War critic, Dr. Kelly, before the Iraq invasion?

NEWS BRIEF: "BP Critic Matt Simmons Found Dead", Meta Oceanic Research, August 9, 2010

"Matt Simmons, famous for his controversial criticisms of BP and calls for full disclosure regarding the true nature of the oil disaster in the Gulf, is dead. The Knox County Sheriff's Department says Matthew Simmons, the founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, drowned at his house on North Haven late Sunday night."

Simmons was recently retired as an investment banker for the energy industry and was now turning against them. He became a critic of the oil industry in the days after he retired, even to the point where he began to argue and to agitate for alternative energy.

We believe now, as in the days of Dr. Kelly, that Matt Simmons posed a unique threat to the oil industry because of his unique insider activities all his adult life. He literally "knew where the bodies were buried", just as did Dr. Kelly in 2003. Information has recently surfaced proving that Dr. Kelly was murdered because he was against the Iraq invasion and his unique insider knowledge made him a threat to the planned Bush/Blair invasion of Iraq.

Do you remember Dr. Kelly's death in November, 2003? He was a most active opponent of the upcoming Bush/Blair Iraq war at the time he met his untimely death.

In Daily News Updates on February 13, 2003, we posted this news article - "Kelly believed Iraq threat minimal"

In Daily News Updates on August 17, 2003, we posted this news article - "Kelly: Hoon 'accepts blame' "

In Daily News Updates on August 13, 2003, we posted this news article -- "Kelly: Iraq weapons claims 'spin'

In Daily News Updates on October 20, 2007, we posted this news article - "Why I know weapons expert Dr David Kelly was murdered, by the MP who spent a year investigating his death

The point is, we believed from the beginning that the "suicide" of Dr. David Kelly was a murder, by government authorities intent upon invading Iraq at any cost. Since Dr. Kelly was an insider, he "knew where all the bodies were buried" on this subject and was, therefore, a threat to President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Does Matt Simmons' death fall into the same category? You have to judge this one for yourself, but we have every reason to be suspicious.


IV. A California Congressman has just stared right into a TV camera to tell us all that a person does not need to be born in the United States in order to be President!

This Congressman states that such a belief is a "legend" and needs to be dispelled right away!


"I arose early this morning to start some work I had planned when I stumbled onto a new video on YouTube showing my congressman, Brian Bilbray (CA-50), asserting that 'natural born Citizen' does not mean 'born in the country'. I was so outraged that I immediately wrote an email to some friends on this subject."

"If the Constitutional term 'natural born Citizen' does not mean 'born in the United States', and it does not mean 'born of parents who are both United States citizens', what DOES it mean? I am shocked, stunned, dumbfounded and totally dismayed that a person serving in the U.S. House of Representatives could say such a thing."

I agree with this author. But, since the Elite have long ago discovered that the American people are "sheeple" who can be convinced through slick propaganda to change their minds on just about any issue, they have evidently concluded that the time has come to redefine that part of the Constitution which they have been unable to change!

The question of the hour is simple: is this effort to redefine the wording of the Constitution an effort to keep the questions about Barack Obama's country of birth, or is this an attempt to set the stage for California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to make an eventual run at the Presidency?

Put it another way, is this issue of Barack Obama's birthplace simply an attempt to pave the way for Schwarzenegger to someday be President? Redefining the Constitutional wording in the minds of the average citizen might be the only way in which the Illuminati can get their man, Arnold Schwarzenegger, into the Oval Office.

This featured news article presents an excellent defense of the ironclad requirement of the Constitution that the President be a man who is born in the United States, so we enourage you to read it completely.


Heaven soon

no leída,
16 ago 2010, 5:05:07 p.m.16/8/2010
para Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. A current news report reveals that the Mass Media suffered government censorship as it tried to report the widespread radiation poisoning in Nagasaki, Japan!

The Pentagon knew all about the effects of uranium radiation poisoning in 1945 - why then did it doom her own soldiers by using uranium weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan in 1991, 2001, and 2003?

NEWS BRIEF: "How Press Censorship Hid the Shocking Truth About Nagasaki A-Bomb 65 Years Ago", by Greg Mitchell, Huffington Post, August 9. 2010

"Nagasaki, which lost over 70,000 civilians (and a few military personnel) to a new weapon 65 years ago today, has always been The Forgotten A-Bomb City. No one ever wrote a bestselling book called Nagasaki, or made a film ... when the plutonium bomb exploded above Nagasaki it made the uranium-type bomb dropped on Hiroshima obsolete. In fact, if it had not exploded off-target, the death toll in the city would have easily topped the Hiroshima total."

Until I read this news report, I did not realize that the Nagasaki bomb was different than the Hiroshima bomb. This news is incredible, because it means that, before using its first new technological weapon, the American military had gone on to develop a second-stage weapon!

But, why did the Press suffer government censorship over news reports from Nagasaki?

The answer is simple and yet profound. The Plutonium bomb used over Nagasaki was killing so people with uranium radiation poisoning that the government did not want the average person back home to realize it.

"An early article that George Weller filed, on Sept. 8, 1945 -- two days after he reached the city, before any other journalist -- hailed the 'effectiveness of the bomb as a military device', as his son describes it, and made no mention of the bomb's special, radiation-producing properties. But later that day, after visiting two hospitals and shaken by what he saw, he described a mysterious 'Disease X' that was killing people who had seemed to survive the bombing in relatively good shape. A month after the atomic inferno, they were passing away pitifully, some with legs and arms 'speckled with tiny red spots in patches'."

"Others have suggested that the real reason for the censorship was the United States did not want the world to learn about the morally troubling radiation effects ..."

Does this report mean that the first atomic bomb, released over Hiroshima only a few days earlier, did not release uranium radiation? No, of course, it did; but, the first-stage atomic weapon released a lot less lethal radiation than did its second-stage cousin, the plutonium bomb, used against Nagasaki.

American officials were most anxious to keep a tight lid on this most troubling story. What this current news story does prove is that scientists working on the Manhattan Project knew of the uranium radiation effects immediately after August 9, 1945, if they did not know beforehand.

The American government certainly knew of the radiation properties in early, 1980's, when it began to rebuild the American war machine, replacing conventional weaponry with Depleted Uranium munitions. Remember, the word "depleted" does not mean the uranium was safe; it only means that as much uranium as possible has been taken out by nuclear energy plants. The medical fact is that the nuclear energy industry can take out only 70% of the uranium in the rods, leaving 30% of the original uranium still in that warhead.

The result is already proving catastrophic in Afghanistan and in Iraq, as we have reported on many occasions since the Iraq invasion began on March 20, 2003. Today, the population is dying and the acceleration of the dying is dramatically increasing. I concluded, early in the Iraq War, that the reason the Pentagon invaded with less than one-half of the force which their own studies indicated was needed was that the real objective of the war was NOT to win, but to spread deadly uranium munitions over one billion people living in one of the most populous "Non-Integrating Gap" areas in the underdeveloped world.

Furthermore, the American soldiers who wielded these uranium weapons are now dying.

One of the most important realizations I received came during my tour with Army Intelligence during the Vietnam War era. Because I was stationed at a Pentagon-level facility, and because I had a Top Secret Crypto clearance, I was privy to a lot of insider information. I realized that officials on both sides of the political aisle did not have the best interest of the American soldier in their inner heart. They simply viewed soldiers as dispensable, "throw-away soldiers".

As the death toll mounts rapidly in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American Illuminati does not want her soldiers to still be in the country. When people start to drop dead in the streets and offices and homes of Iraq, and when trucks are needed to haul away the bodies, it will not be seemly for American troops to still be in the country.

Now you know the whole story.


II. President Obama proves that his inner heart beats as a Muslim!

He throws his support to the establishment of an Islamic mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero and he issues a very pro-Islamic Ramadan proclamation.

NEWS BRIEF: "Mosque dispute takes Obama off-message on Gulf Coast", Los Angeles Times, August 15, 2010

"It was meant to be a quick family trip to the Gulf Coast to show that local beaches are safe for swimming and that the Obamas can vacation as humbly as the next family. But President Obama's visit was overshadowed by his foray into the dispute over the mosque planned near the former World Trade Center site, once again drowning out what was supposed to be a sharp, focused message. The night before leaving Washington, the president defended plans to put an Islamic community center two blocks from where Manhattan's twin towers fell."

Even though the idea of allowing an Islamic mosque to be built on the very ground on which Islamic militants supposedly launched their attacks of 9/11/2001, is reprehensible to those who believe that Islamic forces actually carried out the attacks.

[Jim, put in the pictures of the Illuminati Cards of the Twin Towers under attack and of the Pentagon on fire]

But, to Cutting Edge readers, who know that the attacks of 9/11 were really planned years in advance by the Illuminati in order to overthrow this existing civilization so they can employ their New World Order, we view this event somewhat differently. As these 1995 Illuminati Card Game cards, above, prove, the plan to launch these attacks were known by Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson Games, as early as 1990, when he began planning this role-playing game. (Read full details in our Illuminati Card Game section). Each card represents an action the Illuminati is planning to undertake in order to overthrow this current civilization - including the Twin Towers and the Pentagon cards.

The Muslim terrorists were simply the "straw man" set up by the Illuminati to take the fall for the devastating attack!

Therefore, the issue of the Islamic mosque on Ground Zero must be viewed on the same basis as whether a Baptist or a Lutheran Church could be approved for that location. Because we defend Freedom of Religion in this country, we must allow the Islamic religion the same right to build as we want for our Protestant churches.

"Bleeding heart Liberal", Ed Koch, has this fundamental right clearly in mind.

NEWS BRIEF: "Former NYC mayor: Ground Zero mosque 'insensitive' ", World Net Daily, August 15, 2010

"Former New York Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat who campaigned for President Obama in 2008, but who has also publicly blasted his party for failing to support Israel, has chimed in on the controversial plans to build an Islamic mosque near Ground Zero, calling the construction 'insensitive' to victims and survivors of the 9-11 attacks."

"Koch nonetheless agreed with President Obama's recent controversial remarks defending the construction, arguing that, insensitive or not, Muslims have 'a right' to build the mosque. "It's insensitive for the sponsors of the mosque to go forward, but they have an absolute right under our Constitution to build a mosque anywhere you can build a church or a synagogue or a Hindu temple," Koch said in a radio interview. 'Therefore, while it's perfectly understandable that survivors of the 9-11 catastrophe and the families of those who didn't survive are distressed, nevertheless what comes first is the law'."

Now, let us examine President Obama's outrageous promotion of Islam during this Ramadan proclamation.


III. President Obama promotes Islam in a most deceitful way, revealing that his true inner heart beats as any Muslim in the world.

NEWS BRIEF: "Obama's Ramadan blessing", by Joseph Farah, World Net Daily, August 14, 2010

"There's a whole lot of pretending going on in our world today ... in blessing the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, Barack Obama added that Islam 'is a faith known for great diversity and racial equality' and that it 'has always been part of America'."

Farah then lists some of the intolerable aspects of the Quran:

* "Did I overlook a reformation in the religion that has resulted in one genocide after another for the last 1,300 years?"

* Has the Quran been rewritten to excise Muhammad's characterizations of blacks as 'ugly', 'raisin heads' and 'pug-nosed slaves'? "

* "Didn't it also say in that book that when Allah created the white man, he touched his right shoulder and he came out destined for paradise, but when he touched the left shoulder of the black man, he came out destined for hell?"

* "Who does Obama think sold all those millions of black Africans into slavery in Europe and America? Is he not aware that black slavery is still alive in some Muslim countries in the Middle East? "

Now, Farah rightly reports the inherent anti-semitism in Islam's Quran (Koran):

""The Hour [Day of Resurrection] will not arrive until you fight the Jews, [until a Jew will hide behind a rock or tree] and the rock and the tree will say: 'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'"

The "Ancient Hatred" against Israel by the descendents of Esau -- as reported by the DVD, "Isralestine" -- has been entirely picked up by the Koran. This reality means that the followers of Islam have brought upon themselves God's curse of the House of Esau at the End of the Age.

Joe Farah continues his expose' of Islam:

"Dignity of all human beings? In Islam, Muslim males have a higher worth than any others. A Muslim man can have up to four wives, beat them and change them as he pleases. "

"How about Islam always being a part of America?

"Perhaps Obama is referring to the Barbary pirates attacking American commercial ships, capturing their crews and holding them for ransom. Or maybe he's thinking back further to the reason Christopher Columbus journeyed West – to find a safe trade route to the East, one that would mean avoiding the murderous mujahedeen who had blocked the land routes."

"Were any of the founders Muslim?"

Joe Farah is right. President Obama's pretension about Islam to the American people is reprehensible. The truth of Islam is exactly what the DVD, above, "Islam Rising" reports. Radical Islam states that the entire world must be conquered for Allah, by the edge of the sword, or by the threat of the sword.

Muslim conquerors committed genocide in Africa 1,200 years ago, to the point where the vast majority of people in that continent are Islamic. They plan to do the same to the entire world, if they ever get the chance.

That is the true face of Islam, President Obama!


Heaven soon

no leída,
19 ago 2010, 6:19:28 p.m.19/8/2010
para Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. A top advisor to the United Nations Secretary General has just thrown the weight of the World Assembly behind global population control!

Remember, the Illuminati Plan foresees the need to reduce population by 66%, the same level of loss of life recorded in the Book of Revelation after God's judgments have all fallen on the Earth!

NEWS BRIEF: "Ban Ki-moon’s Top Advisor: Scientific Elite Should Spearhead Global Population Control ", by Jurriaan Maessen, Prison Planet, August 17, 2010

"While reading a panel discussion on “achieving the MDGs by 2015: Preparing for the 2010 UN MDG Summit”, I stumbled upon recent remarks made by professor of health policy and management and director of the Columbia University based Earth Institute, Mr. Jeffrey Sachs. He stressed urgent need for population reduction. The person in charge of transcribing the discussion, made the following note:

'“(…) the fertility reduction and stabilization of population is crucial. He (Sachs) concluded by urging for the adoption of a globally agreed action plan at next year’s Summit to achieve the MDGs by 2015, and proposed to form Working Groups with members of the delegations around particular themes. He characterized this effort as not negotiation, but as global problem solving and suggested that the Working Groups would brainstorm on the globally agreed plan.”

" Mr. Sachs, like many of his colleagues, can be considered a prime example of a death-promoting globalist, and one who is not afraid to admit it. Sachs is something of a character, to be sure. Besides being named among the 100 most influential people in the world by Time Magazine, Sachs is also special advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. It wasn’t the first time that Mr. Sachs called for global coordination in regards to population control. In a September 2009 UN press release, Sachs not only lamented human activity on the planet, but argued for scientists and engineers to take the steering-wheel in this process:

" 'We’re in the age of this planet where human activity dominates the earth’s processes. Humanity has become so large in absolute number and in economic activity that we have overtaken earth processes in vital ways to the point of changing the climate, the hydrologic cycle,” he told the UN Conference on Trade and Development.”

Sachs goes on to advocate the implementation of a reduction of fertility rates, a change in everyone's eating lifestyle and the kind of civilization we should change into, a change brought about by wholesale introduction of the "Climate Change" world model now being advocated around the world.

In other words, Sachs is advocating that the nations of the world should submit to a global dictatorship which could force these population control measures down our throats. Listen as we rejoin our featured article:

"... don’t think for a second that their plans are not out in the open and in your face. As Sachs continues:

“ 'This model is likely to understate the true benefits of reduced fertility because the effect of reducing the birth rate is to reduce the flow of susceptibles for all diseases, which is the equivalent of a vaccine for all infectious diseases at the same time'.”

"So speaks the scientific dictatorship, no holds barred. If you eradicate the human, you eradicate the disease, problem solved."

In other words, Sachs is among those arrogant elitists who believe that scientists must be in charge of population reduction.

Do you remember, the Pentagon has redrawn the world into two major blocs, the "Functioning Core" and the "Non-Integrating Gap" countries (NEWS1833). The ""Non-Integrating Gap" countries are those poor countries whose economies will never be able to plug into the modern, cashless economies of the "Functioning Core".

According to Jeffrey Sachs, the true problem of population explosion lies in these "Non-Integrating Gap" countries. While he did not specifically use the term, "Non-Integrating Gap", it is most evident that Sachs was speaking of these poor countries. These are the countries which are the drain on global resources, as people like Sachs see it; these are the countries where families are still having 6 to 8 children -- "useless eaters", as the Illuminati reckons things.

What is the real solution lurking behind the scenes to this burgeoning population? Listen to New Age author, Bill Cooper, as he reveals the true thinking of the Global Elite.

"Of course, a very short but very deadly global war using nuclear weapons upon select population concentrations was contemplated and to tell you the truth, was not ruled out ..." ["Behold A Pale Horse", by William Cooper, p. 167, 177]

In the book, "The Pentagon's New Map", which lays out the thinking of the Pentagon concerning the "Functioning Core" and the "Non-Integrating Gap" countries, the author lists the criteria by which a country would be put on a "Non-Integrating Gap" list.

1. Repressive Dictatorship run by one man

2. Repressive Religions that hold on to "Tradition" with all means, thereby resisting the new paradigm

3. Abject poverty is mentioned as a reason a country is not "connected" to the Global System, but poverty is usually the result of a repressive dictatorship that either siphons huge resources out of the economy or is so repressive he won't allow the individual freedoms necessary to produce wealth in the economy.

4. Civil Wars also keep a country from being able to join the "Functioning Core". Thus, troops from the European Union are already in the Congo to put down that Civil War.

Notice that Reason #3 is the same type of country which Jeffrey Sachs lists as being THE real problem in population control. Of course, many of these "Non-Integrating Gap" countries are also afflicted by a "Repressive Dictatorship run by one man" and is controlled by "Repressive Religions". The most prominent "Repressive Religion" holding sway within the "Non-Integrating Gap" is Islam.

Therefore, the Illuminati has considered Islam to be a religion with whom they are at war -- the public rhetoric notwithstanding! In 1989, I read in Constance Cumbey's books that the Illuminati believed that they needed to eradicate the population of all Monotheistic faiths because the adherents could never accept the polytheistic religion espoused by the New Age Christ (Antichrist). The first Monotheistic faith to be destroyed, according to Cumbey's research, is Islam.

To see evidence that the Illuminati is already at war against the poor, "Non-Integrating Gap" region, most of whom are controlled by Islam, all you have to do is to see the Depleted Uranium War which we started launching against Iraq in 1991, against Afghanistan in 2001 and against Iraq again in 2003. Today, almost one billion people in the "Non-Integrating Gap" region of the Middle East are daily breathing in Depleted Uranium dust.

While keeping our minds focused on such measures as Global Warming, birth control, and diets of these poor countries, the Illuminati has taken silent action against almost one billion poor people in the "Non-Integrating Gap"!

II. The Iraq War is set to begin its Civil War stage as the last American combat brigade heads for home!

Prophecy is being fulfilled in Iraq every single day. Now that the destruction of the country is complete, the stage now needs to be set for the ancient Medes (Today's Kurds) to invade a weakened country to complete God's judgment.

NEWS BRIEF: "Goodbye Iraq: Last US combat brigade heads home", Excite News, August 18, 2010

"KHABARI CROSSING, Kuwait (AP) - As their convoy reached the barbed wire at the border crossing out of Iraq on Wednesday, the soldiers whooped and cheered. Then they scrambled out of their stifling hot armored vehicles, unfurled an American flag and posed for group photos. For these troops of the 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, it was a moment of relief fraught with symbolism. Seven years and five months after the U.S.-led invasion, the last American combat brigade was leaving Iraq, well ahead of President Barack Obama's Aug. 31 deadline for ending U.S. combat operations there."

Before President Bush sent Coalition Forces across the border of Iraq on March 20, 2003, we posted an article in which we stated that it looked to us like this invasion was going to fulfill the End of the Age prophecy of 2,500 years ago, against Ancient Babylon (Iraq). Please take a few moments to read this treatise, NEWS1704, entitled, "Rhetoric Against Iraq Now Taking The Shape of A 2,500A-Year-Old Prophecy, posted September 2002).

For over seven full years, American, British and Coalition Forces have pummeled the land with Depleted Uranium munitions. As American combat forces leave the country, they have destroyed the land they seized in April, 2003. This destruction fulfills precisely God's prophecy against Babylon, in which God foretold:

""They come from a distant country, from the uttermost part of the heavens ... even the Lord and the weapons of His indignation--to seize and destroy the whole land." [Isaiah 13:5; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]]

"And they [of Babylon] shall be dismayed and terrified, pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them ... They will gaze stupefied and aghast at one another, their faces will be aflame [from the effects of the unprecedented warfare]. [Isaiah 13:8; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]

Bush's invasion and seven-year war have combined to fulfill these two prophecies, above.

Now the Civil War can begin in earnest! Shi'ites and Sunnis can begin to bleed each other dry. Once they have bled each other completely dry, then the final phase can begin -- an invasion from the Kurds, who are the modern-day descendents of the ancient Medes. Listen to the this prophecy which is about to unfold in our Daily News.

We cover this phase of the fulfillment of Isaiah 13 in NEWS2150, entitled, "Iraq Now Splitting Into Three Nations -- Is Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled!?", in August, 2006.

If the Kurds are going to be turned at the very end of the age against the now hapless Iraqi citizens after their destruction by American-led forces, then the description of this destruction in the following verses makes a lot of sense.

"Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, who have no regard for silver and do not delight in gold [and thus cannot be bribed]. Their bows will cut down the young men [of Babylon]; and they will have no pity on the fruit of the womb, their eyes will not spare children. And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans' pride, shall be like Sodom and Gomorrah when God overthrew them. [Babylon] shall never be inhabited or dwelt in from generation to generation; neither shall the Arab pitch his tent there, nor shall the shepherds make their sheepfolds there. But wild beasts of the desert will lie down there, and the people's houses will be full of dolefully howling creatures; and ostriches will dwell there, and wild goats [like demons] will dance there. And wolves and howling creatures will cry and answer in the deserted castles, and jackals in the pleasant palaces. And [Babylon's] time has nearly come, and her days will not be prolonged." [Isaiah 13:17-22]

As the world enters into the Tribulation period, the emphasis will be on Israel and Antichrist. Little attention will be paid to the annihilation of the few survivors of Iraq, as the Kurds may finish God's judgment. However, for this type of judgment to occur in Iraq today, at the hands of the Kurds (Medes), that people will have to split from the current nation of Iraq and form their own country, with their own military.

Watch Iraq, as that country prepares to go through her final prophetic death pangs. Once the Shi'ite and Sunni have murdered each other to the point that the entire country is open to an invasion from the north, the Kurds will attack and finish God's prophetic judgment upon Ancient Babylon.


III. Rights groups have filed a lawsuit against the CIA and the FBI because they colluded in the unlawful arrest without charges and long imprisonment without a trial, of an American citizen of Lebanese descent.

We warned many years ago that President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft were initiating programs which were illegally and unconstitutionally imprisoning American citizens. No one listened then. But, eight years later, people are starting to get worried because the concentration camps are being built, aimed only at domestic American citizens.

NEWS BRIEF: "Rights group sues CIA, FBI over American citizen's detention in United Arab Emirates", Fox News, August 19, 2010

"American Civil Liberties Union lawyers filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the FBI, CIA and other federal intelligence agencies, accusing them of detaining and torturing an American citizen later convicted on terrorism charges in the United Arab Emirates. The lawsuit filed by the ACLU of Southern California seeks information about the treatment of Naji Hamdan, an American of Lebanese origin who was arrested in the United Arab Emirates in August 2008."

The ACLU accuses U.S. agencies of colluding with United Arab Emirates security forces, which kept Hamdan in a secret prison in Abu Dhabi without charging him with a crime until an earlier lawsuit by the rights group prompted his transfer to an official prison. Hamdan, 44, who now lives in Lebanon with his family, was released in October 2009 after being convicted and sentenced to time served. The former auto parts dealer and manager of the Hawthorne Islamic Center in Southern California has said he confessed under torture and suspected that U.S. authorities played a role in his detention and prosecution."

We warned all during the Bush years that American authorities were engaging in an illegal operation known as "Rendition", in which they would cooperate with authorities in Middle East countries who had long histories of torturing political prisoners. This operation allowed American citizens to be tortured away from American shores and without the specific involvement of American forces.

President Bush and A/G Ashcroft led the way in implementing these policies on illegal and unconstitutional detention programs under the guise of "fighting terrorism", but the eventual goal was to be able to implement these tortures upon American dissidents. Listen to one of our articles, NEWS1885, posted in January, 2004, entitled, "BUSH - ASHCROFT ARGUING TO 9TH CIRCUIT COURT THAT THEIR GOVERNMENT CAN TORTURE AND SUMMARILY EXECUTE PRISONERS WITHOUT THE COURTS HAVING ANY JURISDICTION WHATSOEVER!"

"After silently and surreptitiously signing Patriot Act II into law [NEWS1878 for full details], President Bush is having his Justice Department argue to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that the government can torture prisoners and even execute them summarily, without the Judicial System having any right to oversee or to regulate whatsoever!"

In NEWS1553 and NEWS1579, we reported that the Bush Administration had redefined 'terrorist' so you and I could be declared 'Domestic Terrorists' and/or 'Enemy Combatants'. The planned dictatorship draws ever closer. "

These actions were some of the evil fruits from President Bush which enabled me to understand that this Skull & Bones Adept could not be Christian. Here we are, six years past the point when the Bush Administration forced horrible dictatorial laws upon all of us, with the obvious ultimate target being the Christian and/or the Patriot.

This poor man will never see Justice, for the judicial system worldwide is set against him.

Pray that God delay the day when all dissident Americans fall under this dictatorial system which Bush set up.

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