[Heaven] Key News Events

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Heaven soon

May 13, 2010, 5:54:33 PM5/13/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. Now the ugly truth emerges concerning the BP oil rig disaster: the ultimate aim is "More Regulation"!

As we turn into global Fascism, the long arm of the governments of the world is to slip their long regulatory arm deeply into every aspect of the economy -- including the Oil Industry.

Congress is quickly planning to solve that lack of regulation problem -- so typical of a Fascist Economy. Remember, heavy government regulation plus private ownership of the Means of Production are the two twin pillars upon which a Fascist Economy rests.

NEWS BRIEF: "Emerging oil rig evidence shows lack of regulation", Excite News, May 13, 2010

"WASHINGTON (AP) - The first firm evidence of what likely caused the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil blowout - a devastating sequence of equipment failures - drives home a central unsettling point about America's oil industry: key safety features at tens of thousands of U.S. offshore rigs are barely regulated."

No Fascist Federal Government can stand a vacuum caused by a lack of regulation, so Congress is wasting no time.

"Wednesday's hearings by congressional and administration panels - in Washington and in Louisiana - laid out a checklist of unseen breakdowns on largely unregulated aspects of well safety that appear to have contributed to the April 20 blowout: a leaky cement job, a loose hydraulic fitting, a dead battery. The trail of problems highlights the reality that, even as the U.S. does more deepwater offshore drilling in a quest for domestic oil, some key safety components are left almost entirely to the discretion of the companies doing the work. It remains unclear what, if anything, Congress or the Obama administration may do to address these regulatory deficiencies."

You can bet your bottom dollar that Washington will devise a wicked set of regulations to which all oil companies must adhere if they want to continue doing business. Then, all Western governments will quickly follow suit. That is global Fascism and that is the goal.


II. European Central Banks are taking advantage of the Greek bailout crises to gobble up smaller, independent banks.

The REAL reason for the deliberately caused financial crisis over the Greek national debt is coming clearly into focus -- more government control over the European banking industry.

This 'New Order' in Europe's finances sounds suspiciously like the American crisis of September-December, 2008, when the Bush Administration engineered the bailout system which gave the government regulatory control over the entire banking industry.

NEWS BRIEF: "Here Comes The Bailout Bailout: European Cental Banks Gobbling Up Portuguese, Irish And Greek Government Bonds", by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, 5/12/2010

"Reuters reports that overnight CBs have been aggressive buyers of Greek, Portuguese and Irish Sovereign (if there is such a laughable concept as sovereign any more) bonds, which in turn has forced a quick short covering spree in the EURUSD and the EURJPY ... In other words, Central Banks now are fighting tooth and nail to prevent the market from going down ever again ... The only way to play this is through gold, which is now the only flight from Central Bank lunacy."

Central Banks throughout Europe are buying bonds of the various individual governments comprising the European Union. This action will force these semi-sovereign countries to come under the tight control of the European Central Bank. All developed countries are heading quickly into a Fascist Economy where the ownership of companies remains in private hands, but the government steps in with heavy regulatory powers.

Europe is going through their contrived crisis now. America went through ours from Septemberm 2008 through most of 2009.

"Order Out of Chaos" works every single time it is implemented! Amazing, but true.


III. "It is easier today to to kill one million people than to control them" (Zbigniew Brzezinski)

New Age author: ""Of course, a very short but very deadly global war using nuclear weapons upon select population concentrations was contemplated and to tell you the truth, was not ruled out ... " (Bill Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", p. 167)

NEWS BRIEF: "Council On Foreign Relations Propaganda Video: "It is easier today to kill one million people than to control them" (Zbigniew Brzezinski), by Cassandra Anderson, InfoWars.com, May 12, 2010

"The truth about the CFR is that it is a global agenda organizationfilled with collectivists who advocatedepopulation and covert controlover America and the world. An example of this is the quote by Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and former US National Security Advisor): '“I once put it rather pungently, and I was flattered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this, as follows: … namely, in early times, it was easier to to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”

Cutting Edge has long warned that the Illuminati is so possessed by demonic spirits out of the Pit of Hell that they long for human blood sacrifice. A quote like this one should convince a lot of people that these global leaders plan to murder a great many people. In fact, they believe that rivers and rivers of human sacrifice must flow if their Masonic Christ (Antichrist) can appear. (Read this important explanation at "Seminar 2 Passouts", by Former Satanist, Doc Marquis)


Returning to our featured article, above, we see which other organizations exist in the same world with the same goals of the Council on Foreign Relations. Doc Marquis called these organizations "The Frontmen of the Illuminati".

"Some of its members include bankers (Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson, Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and World Bank President Robert Zoellick), Secretaries of State (Henry Kissinger, Condoleeza Rice, Hillary Clinton), Supreme Court Justices (Bader-Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer), corporate titans (George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Dick Cheney), mainstream media (mainstream media is manipulated by the CFR- Katie Couric, Bill Moyers, Diane Sawyer, Tom Brokaw), foreign heads of state (Mikhail Gorbachev, Benyamin Netanyahu and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe), religious leader (the Dalai Lama)and entertainers (Shirley Temple, Angelina Jolie, Fred Thompson)."

"Some of the more notable corporations that enjoy CFR membership include AIG, BP, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Google, Merck, NASDAQ, Pfizer and VISA."

Since all Mass Media is owned and/or tightly controlled by these men running these organizations, the average American citizen has no earthly idea what is happening to him and to his family. But, more importantly, the average person has no idea how afraid they should be, for the Pit of Hell is about to be opened and these men are going to descend upon a helpless humanity, to destroy 66% of them.

The "worst case scenario" as foretold in the Books of Revelation and Daniel and the Major and Minor Prophets is completely embraced by these "Frontmen of the Illuminati"!


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Heaven soon

May 22, 2010, 1:41:56 PM5/22/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events

I. As War saber-rattling suddenly intensifies in the Middle East, people are on edge, believing the region might finally explode into war. Can this be?

No. All-out war between Israel and her immediate Arab neighbors is planned to be the trigger for the World War III which is intended to stage Antichrist on the world scene. But, Antichrist cannot arise until the world is completely reorganized into 10 Supernations. (Read full details in NEWS2363, entitled, "There Is Only ONE Sequential Prophecy Which Shall Provide Us A Clear Gauge By Which We Can Know The Approximate Time That Antichrist Will Arise!")

Let us review some of these stories which are unsettling people.

NEWS BRIEF: Obama starts massive US Air-Sea-Marine build-up opposite Iran", DEBKAfile, May 20, 2010

"debkafile's military sources report a decision by the Obama administration to boost US military strength in the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf regions in the short term with an extra air and naval strike forces and 6,000 Marine and sea combatants ... On arrival, it will raise the number of US carriers off Iranian shores to two. Up until now, President Barack Obama kept just one aircraft carrier stationed off the coast of Iran...."

What is the Administration's purpose in beefing up our naval might in the waters off Iran?

The real purpose of this build-up is to thwart Iran's continual attempt to extend hegemony over the entire Middle East. In other words, Iran is attempting to use the American withdrawal from Iraq as the means by which her forces can pour into the power vacuum left by the withdrawing American forces. Did you know that Iran had developed this policy before the first Coalition Forces soldier set foot on Iraqi soil on March 20, 2003?

We alerted our readership to this reality in the last of March, 2003. Please take a few moments to read NEWS1910, "Has Iran Ignited Many Fires To Set Off Middle East Regional War?".

You will discover that, before President Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq, Iranian leaders had formulated a plan by which her diplomatic and military forces would sidestep the American thrust into Iraq and emerge victorious. But, Iran not only wanted to defeat the Coalition Forces in Iraq, she wanted to extend her hegemony over the entire Middle East -- including over Israel!

To this point, Iran has achieved her objectives, while President Bush's stated plan lies in the dust.

This massive American naval build-up is designed to persuade America's allies in the Middle East that they have nothing to fear from a very aggressive Iran. Even after American troops are withdrawn, Washington wants her allies in the region to believe that she will prevent Iran from becoming the region's superpower.

What other Middle East war threat is raising its ugly head right now?

II. Hezbollah is mobilizing forces before the Israel IDF begins its scheduled war games along the Lebanese border.

Syria and Iran are also reportedly continuing to move missiles to Lebanon for Hezbollah to use.

NEWS BRIEF: "Hezbollah reportedly mobilizing in Lebanon before large IDF drill", Haaretz News, May 21, 2010

"Hezbollah has mobilized thousands of its militants in southern Lebanon ahead of a major Israel Defense Forces drill planned for next week ... 'The Hezbollah fighters have [been instructed] to be completely ready to confront Israeli maneuvers on Sunday', Hezbollah official Nabil Qaouk told the French agency. 'Thousands of our fighters will not go to the polls [for municipal elections Sunday] and will be prepared from today'."

"Israel believes that Hezbollah has since built its cache to more than 40,000 rockets since the Second Lebanon War, and that the militant group has developed the capability to reach the center of the country with its weapons ... Syria also began to call up reserves troops, including nationals residing in Lebanon."

The situation is said to be deteriorating so rapidly that the Lebanese Prime Minister is flying to Washington for consultations.

NEWS BRIEF: "Lebanese PM heads for US amid Mideast jitters", Khaleez Times, 21 May 2010

"BEIRUT - Prime Minister Saad Hariri heads to Washington on Sunday for his first official visit to the United States where he will meet President Barack Obama amid fears of a new conflict between Lebanon and Israel. Analysts said that during his five-day visit, Hariri will probably seek assurances that the US administration will use its influence with Israel to ease mounting regional tensions over claims that the militant group Hezbollah is stockpiling sophisticated weaponry in anticipation of war."

Lebanon's government is officially pro-West, but her leaders are under constant threats from Hezbollah and Syria. Under President Assad, Syria has been attempting to increase her influence in Lebanon without overtly provoking either Israel or the United States into action. It is with this understanding that we view the next news story.

NEWS BRIEF: "Syria, Hezbollah are building a massive fortified wall in eastern Lebanon", DEBKAfile, 21 May 2010

"Hezbollah and Syria are building a massive fortified wall, running from Rashaya Al-Wadi on the western, Lebanese slopes of Mt. Hermon (85 kilometers southeast of Beirut) in the south, to the Lebanese Beqaa Valley town of Aita el-Foukhar, in the north ... he structure, 22 kilometers long in parallel to the Lebanese-Syrian border promises to be one of the biggest fortified structures in the Middle East. It is designed as an obstacle against any Israeli tank forces heading through Lebanon toward the Syrian capital, Damascus. When it is finished, the barrier will isolate a key Lebanese border region - 14 kilometers wide and 22 kilometers long - from the rest of the country and place it under Hizballah-Syrian military control."

As Syria continues to act in coordination with Iran in her drive for Middle East hegemony, she moves closer to the complete destruction of her capital, Damascus, as foretold in Isaiah 17:1:

"The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. " (Isaiah 17:1)

Still, this End of the Age fulfillment of Bible prophecy will not jump out ahead of others in the same time period. Israel will destroy Damascus as part of the planned Arab assault on Israel; both the Illuminati Plan and the Bible foretell this scenario. However, since this type of coordinated war against Israel is designed to ignite the World War II which shall produce Antichrist, the 10-nation reorganization of all the world's nations must occur first.

The world is some years away from seeing all 10 nations formed. Therefore, this current Middle East crisis is simply and only a "Rumors of War".


III. Is the European Union's financial crisis going to trigger a worldwide depression?

Is the American Dollar about to collapse soon?

The answer to both questions is a resounding "NO"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Germany's Lower house supports German share of EU aid bill", Market Watch, May 21, 2010

"FRANKFURT (MarketWatch) -- The lower house of parliament in Berlin approved on Friday Germany's contribution to the 750 billion-euro bailout plan put together by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for euro-zone nations facing debt problems. Now, the upper house of the German parliament will hold a vote on the same legislation."

With Germany's official backing, the European Union's plan to "bail-out" various nations within the Euro-Zone -- including Greece -- should move rather quickly to completion. Chancellor Merkel last week ended her opposition to bailing out Greece.

Many people are fearful that this turmoil will collapse the European markets and currencies and will then spread to the United States.

To understand what this current debt crisis is intended to produce, you only have to realize the real agenda behind this crisis.

The European Union is passing through the same transition to Fascism with her member nations as the United States passed through with key companies in her economy, starting in September, 2008. (Please read full details of the American transition from Capitalism to Fascism in NEWS2317, entitled, "Financial Coup Completed: American Economy Now A Tightly Controlled, Severely Regulated Economy").

Cutting Edge has long taught that the planned economy of the New World Order is Fascism, not Capitalism.

Under Fascism, the companies in the economy are allowed to remain in private ownership, but the government steps in with heavy regulation. During the American "bail-out" phase, each government bail-out amount gave the government that much stock ownership of the company being bailed out. Even if the private company paid back the money, the government would still have regulatory powers over that company.

The same ploy is being used right now in Europe, on a national level rather than a financial one. The European Union is attempting to bring all her nations under tight centralized control, a political Fascism, rather than a financial Fascism. And, the tactic being employed is the same as in the American financial model. German and other European countries, are in such deep financial trouble that the centralized European Union government is stepping in with "bail-out" monies!

Each country accepting such bail-out funds will immediately come under the regulatory thumb of the centralized European Union government.

Substitute Greece for General Motors and you will understand what this crisis is intended to produce.

Once political Fascism is in place in the European Union, the financial scare will be over.

There will be NO collapse of the world's economies before the onset of World War III.

There will be NO war against Iran before that country marches with Russia at the very End of the Age as foretold in Ezekiel 38-39.

Now you know the truth. Ignore all the people saying otherwise. They will be proven to be as wrong as they have been repeatedly since June, 1998! You must ignore even the financial experts, because they have no idea of the Illuminati Plan; they are simply reading financial reports, which look dire. But, financial data has looked dire every year since June, 1998.

Similarly, financial experts have no idea that the agenda behind the American Dollar is to move it gradually into a level of decline that would allow it to be transitioned into the coming currency of the North American Union. The currencies of Mexico, the United States and Canada are all earmarked for eventual extinction, being replaced by the AMERO.

Such transition is planned to be modeled after the European transition of the individual currencies to the EURO. This transition was relatively smooth, took several years to complete, and prevented any person holding their own currency from loss and they moved their assets to the new EURO.

Few people understand this part of the Illuminati Plan, especially not financial experts.

The Illuminati Plan parallels Bible Scripture and will, therefore, hold sway.

NOTE: We featured Dave Wegener's "Freedom to Fascism" DVD, above, for this News Alert segment, because the changeover from Freedom To Fascism, which he predicted 10 years ago is now occurring in front of our very eyes, in your Daily News! Dave Wegener was right on in his analysis!


IV. When Senate leaders were ready yesterday morning to pass the historic Wall Street regulation bill, they were reportedly a few votes short.

But, a 350-point drop in the Dow completely changed the minds of enough Senators that the bill was passed easily! Now, Fascism is the rule of the day in Wall Street, just as it has been in other major segments of the economy.

NEWS BRIEF: "Senate Passes Financial Reforms Designed to Prevent Worst U.S. Collapse ", Bloomberg Financial News, May 21, 2010

"The U.S. Senate, bringing Congress to the brink of passing the most comprehensive regulation of the financial industry since the Great Depression, approved a bill that imposes restrictions on proprietary trading by banks and creates a consumer protection agency designed to prevent lending abuses that triggered the housing collapse and the worst unemployment in almost three decades ... The legislation, approved by a 59-39 vote yesterday and requiring reconciliation with a bill passed by the House of Representatives in December, provides a mechanism for liquidating financial institutions, until recently considered too big to fail, a council of regulators monitoring threats to the economy and specific restraints on the trading of so-called derivatives..."

How important is this bill purported to be to the health of the American economy?

" 'When this bill becomes law, the joyride on Wall Street will come to a screeching halt', Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said after the vote."

Now, the planned Fascist Economy is reaching its insidious tentacles deeply into the heart and soul of the entire American economy.

What a difference a crisis can make!

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